Original air date: November 15, 2012
We're starting to get into the weeds a bit as, while New York is back, the episode is a bit weak. It's one of those ones where you can see that they really wished they didn't have to use the new characters for this musical and I understand that but at the same time, it's their job to commit to their choices. They graduated the kids and introduced us to new ones and like them or hate them, they should really be working to endear us to the new kids but they constantly have to take a back seat because obviously people care more about the original cast still. Having a split show would have done them wonders but here we are.
We open the episode with Will breaking the news to the students that he's been selected to do some activism for the arts in Washington. The remaining original cast are aghast that he's abandoning them but the new kids are like, what's the big deal? Will assures them that it's only temporary and that he's appointed Finn to be his replacement while he's gone. Tina is not on board and says that Finn doesn't know what he's doing which is honestly legit. Like, I know I said that this worked because they want something for Finn to do but in reality, he doesn't know how to teach music and he certainly doesn't know how to dance. He's essentially just a babysitter. Finn tries to be optimistic by saying he's got lots of ideas for Sectionals. Tina is not having it but their concerns are interrupted by Sue calling Finn and Will to Figgins' office.
Sue says that Finn is not legally allowed to teach but Figgins points out that glee club is not a class but an extracurricular activity. Finn promises that he can do it and assures them he'll win Sectionals. He also offers to do everything Will does but for free. Everyone is pleased with this free labour except for Sue. She says she's shown the glee club mercy for a while now but if Finn takes over their truce is off. She storms out of the room, assaulting children as she goes which should be grounds for firing but Figgins just yells that she's a menace so, I guess his hands are tied in this regard?
Side note, I abbreviated Sue's displeasure up there but I just want to touch on something that really irks me in media. I'm also going to have to defend Finn so I'm mad at her for that too but this needs to be addressed. Sue calls Finn "Bloaty the Gravy Clown" insinuating that Finn is fat. This isn't the first or last time she's done this to him and I may have addressed this before but it feels really egregious right now. I want you to see what Finn looks like.
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Finn? More like Thinn. |
In what world could you ever conceivably think of this person as fat? Now, you could tell me that the joke is that she's calling him this when he obviously isn't but it's still really fucking damaging. I worry for any teens that watched this. Hell, even I'm not immune to this incessant messaging that Hollywood throws at us. It starts with "you're too fat" then it's "LOL they have an eating disorder, so vain" then moves to "eat a cheeseburger!" and right back to "oh my god do you have the tiniest bit of jiggle? YOU'RE FAT!!!" You can never fucking win with these people. The worst part is everyone using that word to describe decidedly not fat people and it really fucking pisses me off. I think it pisses me off more this episode because of what happens with Marley too and previously with Mercedes. This show wants to mock people for being "fat" and then try to wring out emotional points for exploring eating disorders while not doing any of it justice. On top of the ick factor, I believe this is an insecurity Cory actively had about his body and I think he's in the throes of engaging in his addictions again here. Ryan knew that Cory had this issue and he had this line written in anyway. I know a lot of the actors still seem to be on good terms with him but as a viewer, I just find Ryan to be the worst of the worst. He's about on par with Joss Whedon in terms of how he treats his cast as his little play things. I know this is a long tangent but I couldn't let the fat joke slide because it's actively damaging to way too many people. Cory deserved better and hell Finn as a character didn't even deserve that abuse.
We're in New York again, finally and Rachel is once again in Cassie's class. She's brought in some upperclassmen to help and wants everyone to team up. This gives Rachel a chance to talk to Brody again and they both seem excited about this. He asks her how she's been and Rachel mentions that she's finally broken up with Finn for good and that she can finally focus on her work. She then says that she got an off-Broadway audition. Brody is super excited for her. She gushes about how it's an avant-garde production of The Glass Menagerie which is a book I never read so I understand none of this. It's supposedly going to be set in a zoo?? Someone tell me if this would work or if this is a joke. She's going for the role of Laura Wingfield and Brody thinks that's a great role but that she's too hot to play her. Cassie has been listening in and goes up to tell Rachel (who she's still calling Schwimmer) some advice that she's not ready for this particular director yet. She thinks he'll eat her alive and that she's not ready for it yet. I know this is further proof that Cassie has it out for Rachel and is like, just jealous or whatever but it actually seems like she's trying to warn Rachel off of working for an abusive director given the story she tells about how he made her audition in a slip, standing on one foot, while pouring tomato juice over herself. Rachel says she can take it though. She also suggests that Cassie should get back in the game and audition for Amanda Wingfield. Cassie doesn't seem to thrilled about this and tells everyone to take five. She calls Brody for a sidebar though and offers him a TA position. He's excited to take it but when she says he starts this weekend he asks if they can start Monday since he promised to help Rachel out. She smiles sweetly and says they can start next week then.
Back in Lima and ok, I know I already had a rant in this recap but there's probably going to be another one and, my Dear Readers, I'm also going to have to issue a content warning. If you have issues with gaslighting, eating disorders, just general body issues, skip this next bit. Tina is putting Marley into her skirt but it won't fit. Marley is confused because it fit yesterday. Tina thinks it could be stress bloating since she gets it all the time. Brittany loves her outfit and promises she won't pee in it. Kitty saunters in and says that she's ready for her fitting. Sugar thinks she quit but Kitty says there are no small parts, only fat actresses and then looks pointedly at Marley and says she was distracted by her very noticeable weight gain. Marley says she isn't eating any differently and wonders how this could be happening. We are then treated to a montage of Kitty purposefully taking in the skirt to be too small. I want to be real clear here, this is absolutely fucked up. I remember the writers talking about this plot line and thinking it was hilarious that Kitty was doing this but no, it's not funny. What she's doing here isn't a bit and it isn't a mean girl thing, it's psychopathically evil. Right after the montage, she tells Marley that her genes are probably grinding to a halt because she's going to get the body she was destined to have. This is disgustingly fucked up. The fact that the writers conceived of this as a comedic bit is making me question their own morals. I can't fully blame this one on Ryan or Ian or even Bryan as this is written by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa but it has their fingerprints all over it. Hell, in a writers room, everyone is involved in the writing of each episode, usually, there is just one main writer. I put this on all of the men listed above because holy shit this is horrid. Also, being that Tina is sewing the costumes, if I were her I would immediately pull out the measuring tape to see if I got the number wrong or if her waistline has actually changed. Had she done this, all of the manipulation could have been avoided because girl, if your waistline hasn't changed then you are not gaining. Tina, MEASURE! Anyway, Kitty mentions how she's always alone because everyone assumes she's always busy but judging by the way she treats everyone, I just think she's not as popular as she thinks she is. She wants to do the musical to make some real friends and invites the girls to a sleepover. Unique asks if she can come too and Marley, ever the good ally and friend, says that she won't go if Unique can't. Kitty begrudgingly allows her to attend too but not without making an off-colour Silence of the Lambs (the Buffalo Bill mirror scene) joke at her expense. God, I remember liking Kitty but so far, her character has been a bit garbage. I think I took pity on her in a later episode.
We are now in the cafeteria where, apparently, Marley can just hang out? Her mom asks why she's down and Marley asks her when she started to gain weight. Her mom is such a trooper because she just sighs and frankly tells her that she battled with her weight all throughout high school and then when she had Marley and thought it would fix her marriage but it failed, she kept eating and didn't stop. This is a very baseline understanding of how people gain weight and I don't begrudge the actress this. She's doing what she can with the material she's given and she seems like a sweetheart. However, I really wish they hadn't explained it this way, like it was something she did wrong. It sounds to me like she had weight issues all her life and that the struggle to lose it while not understanding how maybe hindered her in some way. Then it kind of sounds like she had post partum depression and yes, I'm inferring a lot from the little bit of info given but she was probably struggling with depression before having a baby and the hormones of pregnancy and birth made the depression worsen. Couple that with lack of sleep, and lack of being able to get help (her husband clearly left her) probably made getting a handle on her own health that much harder. People assume that overweight people are actively choosing to eat too much. Often times, people may not even realize how much they've eaten and you tend to eat more when you're over tired because your body is desperately trying to fuel itself to help you stay awake despite being very tired. It's such a complex issue why someone might gain weight and are we really trusting Glee to handle this with any semblance of sympathy or empathy? Hell no. I also really hate the way this mom handles her daughter's insecurities. So, Marley admits that she's asking because her dress isn't fitting and it just keeps getting tighter no matter what she does. As a mom, my reaction would be to say you don't look any different to the way you looked before, and you're beautiful. I would then offer her some suggestions to help her if she wants to feel more confident, maybe run, weightlift but if her diet has been good then definitely do not change it. This mom? She says that she didn't raise a victim or quitter, she raised a star. Inspirational music tinkles away in the background as she tells her that she has control over her life and body and she's THIN and beautiful. She's equating thinness with beauty and that's a huge part of the problem. Marley came to her with this huge worry about gaining weight and all the mom did was affirm that thinness is good and beautiful and she should fight to keep herself that way. I will commend her for trying to set an example by offering to diet with her but I do not like that she says that they are both going on a strict diet. Her mom is actively encouraging Marley to engage in behaviour that will actively promote an eating disorder. She does not need to change her eating habits, Marley could maybe incorporate exercise into her daily routine because that's just good for your health both physically and mentally. A crash diet is just going to make them both gain the weight back and then some. This is horrid. Do not do this. Especially since, Marley isn't even fat. WHY WOULD SHE ENCOURAGE HER TEEN DAUGHTER TO GO ON A STRICT DIET WHEN SHE'S STICK THIN?? What the fucking fuck is this? She could maybe say, lets do a walk after dinner together? But no, this has to be about making a thin girl go on a starvation diet because her mom is desperate for her daughter to stay "thin and beautiful" and live vicariously through her. This episode is going to break me, I swear. I'm barely 15 minutes into this episode and I think I've got at least 1 or 2 more rants in me so lets just move on.
Finn goes into the teacher's lounge and Sue is immediately outraged and telling him he can't be there and honestly, I understand. He's not really a teacher and was a former student and that space is for them to relax. Finn says he only came to see her and apologize for calling her baby the r-word and for all the apologies, he's still saying the word. I'm the one censoring it but this show keeps using the word and like, don't? We established it's not good when Finn slipped up the first time, he could apologize without saying the word again so easily to show he's changed. Sue does not buy his apology which is fair and she has also taken the opportunity to book up the auditorium for her Cheerio's practice so he can't use it for the musical. This confuses me because wouldn't it have already been booked for musical rehearsals? Also, how is an auditorium an ideal place for cheerleading practice. I would assume a gym with mats would be better and more open. Doing those stunts up on a stage seems dangerous but what do I know?
The guys show up at Burt's auto shop and are confused that Finn asked them to meet them here. The guys are confused about how they can rehearse here but Finn thinks it's perfect because he has to fix up an old car and they need to learn how to be convincing grease monkeys. Ryder hasn't ever changed the oil in his car and wonders how he can fix one and Jake can't believe he got the part over him. To be honest? Neither can I. Finn asks them to visualize the car as their stage and the bay doors as where the audience would be then he asks Ryder to look at the car and tell him what he sees. This leads us into Greased Lightning and woof it's not good until Sam sings and then I get sad because Sam should be Danny and should have sung the whole song. He's way better at it. I cringed listening to Ryder try to pull of the Travolta "Hyyyyyydromatic!" part. Yikes. Finn likes their performance but asks them to try again with double the energy. Maybe he should give them some Vitamin D?
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We were robbed of Sam as Danny |
Back in New York, Kurt is hanging out with Rachel in the dance studio as she prepares for her Glass Menagerie audition. Kurt tells her about an update he received from Tina about the Grease production. My brain combusts into flames of eternal anger because the update is that the "girl who plays Sandy has gained so much weight she can't fit into her costume" and like...FUCK YOU, TINA! Do none of them have eyes?? Can no one tell that the skirt is way too fucking small? DID SHE NOT DO MEASUREMENTS????? I hate everyone right now. I hate all of this. Rachel says it's unfortunate but it's not really their problem. Rachel and Kurt are debating whether or not they're going when Cassie comes in. She asks what they're doing here and if it has to do with her big audition. Rachel confirms and introduces Kurt who is star struck by Cassie. Cassie demands the bar and then asks them what they were talking about. Kurt, not understanding the whole issue between Cassie and Rachel, dishes the whole scoop about how her ex is directing his ex in a high school musical. Rachel mentions it's this weekend and Cassie urges them to go. Kurt is definitely going and wants Rachel to come so he's not alone. Rachel can't afford it because she blew all her cash on the last trip to break up with Finn. Cassie then offers them her flyer's reward points and if I were Rachel, I'd be very suspicious of such a generous offer from a teacher that clearly hates her. Put a pin in this, is what I'm saying.
At the slumber party, Kitty is showing everyone her creepy awards and her non-creepy awards that she makes creepy by giving up way too much information. I gotta blow past this because a rant is incoming. The other girls bring up a whole bunch of awesome but indulgent foods to eat and obviously, Marley is feeling self-conscious about her weight and just decided to do a strict diet with her mom. Her mom who did not tell her daughter that she is not gaining weight but is so scared that her daughter who she's living through will end up like her that she's convinced her to do a dangerous crash diet that will end badly for both of them. Wow, sorry for that massive sentence but I'm just really upset right now. Anyway, Marley asks for healthy snacks which is honestly fine and should be an option but Kitty pulls her off to the bathroom for a talk. CONTENT WARNING. Her "talk" is telling Marley that she should become bulimic so that she can eat what she wants but stay skinny. Please, for the love of god, do not do this to yourself. It's intensely unhealthy and does extensive damage to your body and your throat and teeth. It's not good to be constantly vomiting. The fact that this is played for laughs is honestly gross and I enjoy and love dark comedies like Drop Dead Gorgeous where one of the jokes is about this whole thing but I feel like that kept up the correct tone to pull it off while THIS show purports to be "heartwarming" and "feel good". This show fails on every level at balancing out it's actual messages with dark humour. It can't pull it off so it should really stop. And what even are they saying about this? They want it to be funny but they also want us to take this seriously and I just can't because the jokes aren't funny and they're not properly addressing any of this. She leaves Marley to think about doing this to herself while she goes out to the rest of the sleepover party and launches into Sandra Dee from Grease. They had them do this sleepover for this part. I'll admit, I did laugh when Kitty said that she was Marley and called out her "Newsies cap" because yeah, that hat she always wears is really distracting. Marley comes out as the song is finishing and asks if Kitty is making fun of her, just like in Grease and Kitty says people are touchy. Fin.
Next we have Finn entering Figgins' office where Unique and her parents are waiting. Figgins introduces them and Sue informs us that she took the liberty of calling them to inform them of Unique being cast as Rizzo. They...they know that their daughter performs as Unique, right? They were presumably at some of her shows? They heard about Nationals? Why is this weird? Of course she'd be playing Rizzo. The parents apparently are aware and are proud of her but are worried for her safety since she's apparently getting bullied. I mean, I can understand that Chicago is more liberal than Ohio and that they're more worried about her being herself here but if Unique wants to be in the play, what's the problem? Maybe she is willing to put up with the bullying (though she shouldn't have to) if it means playing her dream role. Why aren't they asking her? Instead, they're telling her that she can't be in the play she wants to be in and that she has to dress as a boy in school hours. They say she can be who she wants to be at home but...I don't feel like they're being all that supportive. This should have been Unique's choice. Finn is mad that Sue would do this but Sue points out this is classic Sue behaviour and says that they can't have a show now.
We cut to Santana saying she'll do it. Uhhh, why? Look, Naya is amazing and is a perfect Rizzo and she's going to slay the song but like, in the context of the show...why? Why invite back a graduate when there are capable current students at their disposal? I mean my thought was immediately Kitty who we just saw perform a Rizzo song, is clearly talented and wants a bigger part. She also hated being cast as the less challenging Patty Simcox. There is also Tina right here who, after Santana has already agreed and everyone is happy comes in and says she's mostly off book. They tell her, thanks but no thanks and Tina, justifiably, asks if they're kidding her. Sorry, Tina, if you still had hope that you were the new Rachel that dream has surely died now. You are and forever will be, the Tina.
Speaking of Rachel, she and Kurt have arrived back at McKinley high and are reminiscing about the time he pretended to have a crush on her so that Mercedes would back off. Did Rachel know about that? I guess maybe Kurt could've told her. Mercedes comes out and says it still bugs her but in a joking way and they all hug each other. She drags them backstage to see the rest of the group.
Backstage, Marley rushes to Tina and tells her that she's been starving herself all week but still can't fit in her costume. Tina is aghast that she's gained two inches in a day and yeah, Tina maybe you should, I don't know MEASURE HER AND THE SKIRT!?!? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. This is just gross. Tina thinks she could sew an elastic band in there but like...why can't she visually see that the dress is ridiculously small? Or been stitched? Kitty pulls Marley aside and tells her that she can lose her two inches in no time and then uses her fingers to do the Scouts' salute while also implying you know. I'm sorry, this show is awful to women and girls.
Blaine and Finn see that Rachel and Kurt are there and they all awkward for a bit before deciding that it's extremely uncomfortable and Rachel drags Kurt to their seats. She says they'll never let them see they're hurt.
We cut to Blaine singing Beauty School Dropout which he does a pretty good job of. I think he was definitely better suited to this than Danny. Side note: when I was young I totally missed how mean this song actually is. I thought it was an encouraging song about even though she's not good at beauty school, she should really finish high school. Um, nah it's kind of cruel. This is the point, my much smarter Broadway afficionado friend, Zelda tells me. The songs are all pastiches of 50s musical styles and they're taking something that sounds pleasant and poppy but making it cruel. I still don't know if I get the point but even though it's pretty mean, it's still a bop. The other thing is, I never understood how Frenchie supposedly fucked up her hair. Everyone was aghast and little me was like "WHAT? COOL! I WANT PINK HAIR!!!" And now older me has had every colour hair you could imagine. Dreams do come true. I also still think Frenchie looks awesome with pink hair.
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The embodiment of a Pink Lady, such a look |
Ryder is looking for Marley and hears vomiting noises in the bathroom. He goes in and asks why she's making herself sick. Marley thinks it's obvious but like...no it's not. This is no shade to Marley, this is a huge issue that all of us women and girls have been conditioned to believe about ourselves whether we're skinny or bigger. We are all made to feel fat because that's what makes industries money. I felt exactly the same way about my body as a teen that Marley does now, this is a realistic portrayal in that sense and believe me, you will be so pissed when you look at pictures of yourself as a teen when you're an adult. Like, so beyond pissed that the media and world around you made you feel fat when you so clearly weren't and that fat is some shameful thing when it isn't. It's maddening. Anyway, Ryder says she shouldn't do it but Marley says she doesn't want a lecture. So Ryder tells her a story about his cousin who was made to drop weight constantly for wrestling. He says he tried all the crash diets and eventually got to laxatives. Marley is worried that he died in the middle of a fight but nope, he shit himself. This makes Marley laugh and honestly, this is not a bad scene. Judging from how Ryder has treated Marley versus how Jake has, Ryder seems the better choice. Too bad he's actually played by an alleged raging abuser. I'm confused, if they wanted a love triangle, why they wrote it so lopsided? I know that Melissa said they talked to Ryan about this but it seemed to be happening right from the beginning which seems a bit fast considering she'd held him as a good friend only at first. I don't know, and I really shouldn't speculate. I can only say that I believe her and I hope she's found peace from all of this. From a viewer's perspective of the show only, they make it really hard to want Jake and Marley together unless you're a girl that likes a guy that plays games with you, I guess? Ryder says he doesn't want to kiss a girl with puke on her breath, either on stage or off and this makes Marley smile. He leaves and she sings the Sandra Dee reprieve to herself, signifying that she's going to change and not have an eating disorder maybe? Super easy, barely an inconvenience. Eating disorders are so rarely this easily gotten over but this is Glee so never expect quality here.
Are you guys ready? Because I think I've got another rant in me. Brittany talks to Santana about being happy she's here playing Rizzo. She asks if Santana is nervous but she's very confident she'll rock it like she did with America which is super accurate. Brittany mentions that this is a sad song and that she'll have to think of something sad to get the feeling across, like their not being together anymore. Brittany says it's ok but still hurts, especially on Fridays which were their date nights. Santana then goes out to sing There Are Worse Things I Could Do which she, of course nails. She is joined by Unique, watching sadly from the sidelines as her dream number is performed by someone else. Then we also get Cassie singing it while she is dancing with Brody. She is clearly seducing him and arrrrghhh! Why with all the student/teacher relationships?? Why must they continue to haunt me?? Look, I know, they're both adults. She's pretty young, he's likely at least 20 or 21 but there's still a power dynamic here. His TA position being on the line, for instance. His grades. Any referrals for auditions. She holds all the power and could make or break his career. Not to mention that it's fucked up that she's doing this specifically to mess with a student who is still a teenager. Ethically wrong. Morally wrong. And, I'd wager, cause for her termination. I know that it's supposed to be titillating drama but I hate this type of thing. It's a little too over the top for me and a bit unhinged.
Mike finds Tina and tells her she was an incredible Jan and no one could play her but Tina. Um...is Jan a challenging or memorable part? Like literally the only memory that comes to mind of her for me is the "brusha brusha brusha" scene. That's...not that impressive. But Mike is all gushy and is now regretting their break up. Tina says that they did though and it tested who she is. She likes who she is but offers him a chance to talk about maybe getting back together. It's sweet. Not much will come from this. I wish we'd gotten more Mike on the show when he was on it more.
Marley comes out as "sexy Sandy" and Ryder is all whoa! She's embarrassed and thinks she looks ridiculous but it's not the word he'd use. She's still super self-conscious about how she looks because the costume is tight and she's worried she'll bust out her seams. This is concerning. I wish that Marley had better role models and I'm sorry but, as nice as her mom is, she's not one of them. NOT because she's overweight but because she's reinforcing the idea that a) her daughter needs to lose weight and b) her daughter's worth is tied to her thinness. I don't like it. Ryder tells her she's going to crush it but Kitty comes in and tells them that a critic is in the audience who hates everything and is going to trash the entire thing online for everyone to see all year. Marley starts freaking out and Ryder manages to calm her down and encourage her that she'll be great. Ugh, I hate that his character is likable when the actor is so hate-able.
They go out and start singing You're the One That I Want. Rachel watches from the audience, smiling fondly and then we're transported into her memories of singing the song with Finn in the pilot where he's terrified of her. We then see her performing with Finn in the current show in her imagination. Blaine and Kurt are together singing, Brittany and Santana are together, Mike and Tina, and Mercedes and Artie. It's a sweet little moment and suddenly Rachel needs to leave for a moment. She retreats to the bathroom to call Brody but oops, Cassie answers. She gleefully tells Rachel that she totally boned Brody and that it's because she told her she needed to get back in the game. Cassie is the game and she thinks Rachel is a whiny, and privileged but Rachel hangs up before she can continue her onslaught. Listen, this is harassment. This is over the top gross. I don't even care that she and Brody slept together, much as I hate the power imbalance, but the fact that she did it specifically to hurt Rachel is fucked up beyond all measure. She's an adult and Rachel is 18. I don't care how insecure or damaged Cassie is, this is gross. How do you hate your student so much that you sleep with someone she's friends with to hurt her? Yikes. Yikes on bikes.
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Love Kate but wow, Cassie is unhinged |
Rachel goes out of the bathroom only to run into Finn. He asks why she's been crying and this asshole has the gall to ask if it's about him with a little smile on his face like he's happy he made her cry?? WTF, man? He tries to make her smile before this and he was almost going to get a point from me but then he pulls this crap and all goodwill went out the window. He is also mad that she moved on so fast? My guy, you ditched her for 4 months without a word to her. You were effectively broken up for that period of time. That's not moving quickly. You just made her sit in limbo for forever until she finally called it quits for real because you were a dingus to her. Also, not to be niggling and Rachel doesn't really deny that she was crying about Brody but I'd argue she's crying because her psychotic dance teacher has a grudge against her so big that she sought out her friend specifically to sleep with and then berated her on the phone for daring to suggest she go to an audition. Finn then tells her that he doesn't want to talk at all anymore and that if she comes to Ohio, he doesn't want to know about it. Someone's butthurt he got dumped. Rachel thinks that will work for her. Finn gets called in to see Will and Rachel goes to Kurt to say she wants to go but they're interrupted by Blaine. Rachel asks Kurt if he's ok and when he gives a nod she gives him space to talk to Blaine. Blaine wants to explain everything but Kurt doesn't want to hear it because none of the context matters to him. The fact is, relationships are about trust and he doesn't trust Blaine anymore. He then peaces out and I cheer. Suck on that, Blaine.
Will has everyone in the choir room where he is already reading the review from that critic? Damn, that guy writes fast. Especially since, I think, he's just a fellow high schooler. The show barely finished. Anyway, there is a lot of overly flowery language to praise their show which sounds a bit ridiculous for a high school production. Like, they're treating this with all the seriousness of a Broadway show looking to stay alive for the sake of all of their jobs. Will is super excited and tells them all he's definitely leaving them in good hands with Finn. He tells them he's going to miss them all while he's away and that he'll be back in a few months.
We then see Will offering for Finn to call day or night if he needs anything. Will tries to offer him some tips and ideas for Sectionals but Finn tells him he has this. They wish each other luck and thus endeth the episode. Well, that was a doozy. Will Marley or anyone else ever find out what Kitty did? Because if Marley doesn't like Kitty now, she's gonna never want to see her again after. There were two very yikes women this episode and it feels really gross. This entire episode actually felt gross. I hated the Cassie stuff, I hated the Kitty/Marley stuff, I hated the way this show is depicting eating disorders, I hate this show making fat jokes at Finn's expense, just everything is bad and not funny. Don't even get me started on Finn and Blaine feeling sorry for themselves when they were the downfall of their relationships. This show is supposed to be a comedy but I feel like they missed the mark on what dark comedy is and what's just fucked up and not funny at all. In any context. Maybe I'll like the next episode better, Dynamic Duets. I really hope we see more Sam soon but it sounds like a newbie-centered ep.
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