Original air date: May 7, 2003
This is it, the end of an era. The last episode of Dawson's Creek within its current timeline. Funny thing is my memory has been playing tricks on me. I remember something more happening with Harley and George, some thing that hinted at him liking her too but maybe I just imagined it? I also thought that the two part finale came way after but nope, it apparently aired just a week after this one. I had thought it was some special that premiered in the fall well after the 6th season wrapped but I guess this ending was in the works for a bit longer than I thought. They might have just kept it a secret that they brought Kevin Williamson back for the finale and I'm glad they did because if this episode was all we got, it would have been fairly disappointing.
We start out the episode with Joey voice overing because, in case you somehow forgot, this show is all about her now. She's telling us that she's going to recap how their summers went even if she doesn't remember exactly how it happened. Is she already in the future? Sort of but not the 5 years later that the finale will take place in. We find out that Jack and Pacey have moved out of their apartment and Pacey has moved back in with a not pleased Dougie. Dawson has to work at his mother's restaurant, oh the horror. Jen and Grams are packing up yet another house together and Audrey is studying in summer school. Joey mentions the fact that they've all resumed their old roles and that she's somehow stuck in the middle of the Dawson/Pacey fight yet again.
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I feel the worst for Pacey, not going to lie Yes, I'm biased. He's my favourite |
She rows up to Dawson's house in the present and climbs the ladder to his window to ask if Dawson needs help. He is taking apart his shrine to his 15 year old self because it reminds him of the money he lost and the fact that he can't film his movie. Joey finds his story boards and jokes about his artistic talents but he tells her that it's the whole movie shot by shot. Joey says that he should just shoot the damn movie but Dawson asks her if she has $18,000 which is the amount, I'm guessing, that Pacey lost him. Joey tries to steer away from that but Dawson is pissy and says that Pacey squandered his money. I'm still mad about that whole set up because you know what? Dawson was stupid too. He was stupid to think that putting everything into the stock market would get him a big return in a few weeks and Pacey was stupid to invest it all in one thing. Everyone was stupid but Dawson did insist Pacey take his money. They both played a part. Joey points out that Pacey screwed up but like, no one ever acknowledges that Dawson was stupid so I'm pointing it out. I'm going to keep pointing it out too because if the show won't hold Dawson responsible, I will. Case in point, Dawson whining about how it's never intentional with Pacey but Dawson ends up getting screwed over. Which times, Dawson? Which times? Because that is not a pattern I see in this show. You know what pattern I do see? You intentionally hurting Pacey. With a basketball to the face because of jealousy, or calling him a loser who you need to be a loser so you can feel good about yourself at your birthday party, forgetting Pacey's birthday party, accusing Pacey of stealing the PSAT test. I could go one but all of that was your very clear disdain for your supposed friend. Dawson wrote Pacey off a long time ago and it wasn't because of anything Pacey did. A lot of that stuff he did before Pacey had the nerve to fall for Joey. Joey tells him that it's fair for him to be angry and pissed (it is) but that she's not letting him give up on his dreams. So, she's letting him sulk for now but she will be back and she will be prepared.
We cut to Joey, Jen, Audrey, and Jack going over their assignments as Joey has planned. Audrey wants to know what her task is and Joey tells her that she's been cursed with portraying Miss Jacobs. Gross. Even grosser because the actors that are playing the teenaged parts look even more teenaged than our original cast did in season 1. Audrey isn't happy so Jen suggests that she could play Eve but we're told by Joey that she didn't make the cut. Audrey wants to know who the hell Eve is but Jack says it's a long story with an ambiguous ending. lol. Sometimes this show can poke fun at itself well but really, what were they thinking with that character? Jen asks where Pacey is and Joey says he probably couldn't make it but that she'll take care of it.
Cut to Doug's house. Joey knocks on the door. Doug tries to tell her that Pacey isn't home but Joey knows better and gets him to let her in. We find Pacey on the couch covered in chips and watching soaps. Joey urges him to help Dawson get his movie made and I'm kind of with Pacey here that why should he bother? It's not like Dawson will ever view him as a worthy friend. He never has. The only thing maybe Pacey owes him is the money he lost but really, that loss is on Dawson too. Other than that, why should Pacey care if Dawson makes his movie? You keep watching those soaps, Pacey. Joey is determined that they will all get along again but Pacey tells her to keep dreaming. She leaves in a huff.
We cut to Harley and Patrick kissing on the bed when Joey and Audrey bust in. Audrey asks if that's him and Joey confirms and I am going to scream if this show keeps saying that this little shit is anything at all like Pacey. Joey says she's going to tell her father but Harley says that he knows they're dating. Joey points out that he wouldn't like them making out on her bed while, I assume, he isn't home and then says that she won't tell but they owe her a favour. Joey really pulled a Will Schuester and blackmailed a couple of teenagers to do prop up her nerdy project.
Jen and Jack are at a video equipment rental store begging to be donated the equipment. Jen argues that the movie is amazing and the world of independent cinema would be at a disservice if they didn't get the equipment. The guy asks to read the script but there's, uh, no time! I'm extremely harsh on Dawson for his movie making abilities and it's not like I don't enjoy me some fluff on the regular but you can't tell me that any of it NEEDS to be made. The world has a plethora of middling coming of age dramas, it's always nice to get more but we're not starving without another one added to the pile. Not to shit on anyone. I love being creative and writing stories but there's a sea of stuff out there. My only point is he isn't special or owed free stuff because he has a dream. Also, where did all the stuff go that he got with the credit cards? Did he return them? If he did then why is he still in crazy debt? I know some stuff wouldn't be returnable but then he'd also have the equipment, no? I don't understand this part. Jen then offers to go out with the guy but literally just like a coffee date with no sex stuff so I don't see how that sweetens the pot. The guy doesn't bite which confuses Jen because she's every film geek's dream. No shade on Jen or Michelle who is gorgeous but not everyone is desperate enough to be bought this way? Just because some good looking person offers a date doesn't mean everyone is going to want to go out with them. The guy does say that she's not his type and looks at Jack. So, the only way a guy wouldn't want to go out with Jen is because they're gay? Again, speaking as a demisexual, an offer like this would just weird me the fuck out. I don't know you. Why would going out with you be a reward?? Pay me money or get out.
Dawson gets home and Gail asks if she can fix him dinner. Dawson says no thanks and that he wants to take a nap before dinner shift. Is it weird that I don't feel bad for him at all for having to work so much? Most people did this stuff at his age. It shouldn't have to be a thing but this show acts like Dawson having to work double shifts is the epitome of unfair because he had dreams. We all have bigger dreams, Dawson but we live in a capitalist hell hole and thus can't afford to pursue them unless we work shitty jobs. It sucks but it's the lot we're all dealt. That he was sheltered from it for so long is a privilege that he takes very much for granted. Dawson goes up to his room to find the whole gang, minus Pacey, waiting for him. He's confused but Joey says she told him she'd be back. Dawson is taken aback and still tries to throw excuses out but Joey shuts them down right away. They ask him if he'll shoot the movie but he has to work. Luckily Gail comes in to fire his ass so he has no excuses left. She then hands him some champagne and tells him to make a toast so Dawson says he'll do it. Everyone is happy.
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Yay, we all exist to make Dawson's dreams come true! |
We cut to Jack working with someone on a bike. Joey walks up and asks if he's ready and Jack says they need to time it perfectly or just have him walk into the store. Joey then checks on Jen and says they have a limited time inside the video store and wants to know if the actors know their lines. Jen confirms they do but not in the right order. I don't know if that's how it works and it occurs to me that Joey is doing a lot of the work at pulling this shoot together which is what Dawson should be doing? Joey then asks Gail about a "special delivery" to which Gail confirms that it's in transit.
Doug walks into the kitchen looking a bit confused and annoyed. Pacey pops in and Doug asks him why breakfast isn't made. Apparently the agreement to letting Pacey crash on his couch is that he would cook for him which is pretty fair. Pacey can't do it today because he's busy. He tells Doug that he left the fixings out and that he should really learn to cook something because chicks dig that kind of thing. Also guys because we can't end this show without the "Dougie is actually gay" joke being wrung out for one last try. I love Pacey but that's the worst thing about his character. Also, I have never understood what motivated him to want to get up and get out there. I feel like we're missing a scene because last we saw, Joey did not get through to him.
Next we get Patrick as Pacey and George, that film kid Dawson chatted with, as Dawson and they're filming that scene in the pilot episode where Miss Jacobs walks in to rent a movie and they talk about Pacey being into her but how she's old enough to be a mother. They cut the scene though because Audrey is in a robe and they can see it. Apparently, Patrick who Joey insultingly refers to as Pacey Jr. walked into her with a jelly doughnut and ruined the dress she was supposed to wear. Patrick suggests they film it with her wearing nothing so Joey threatens violence on him. Dawson tells George to keep doing what he's doing because he's Dawson so he's perfect. Then he tells Audrey to lower the robe to just above her elbows and tells Patrick that he can imagine the rest. They start shooting again.
We go to a dentist's office where Pacey is talking to a dentist about donating some money to the film. He even says she'll have a credit and that she could cameo because she has a beautiful smile. There is another girl there, a dental assistant, who is watching him work his charms on her boss and smiling. I know this is supposed to be Pacey's redemption but he's promising a lot for someone not at all involved with filming and the filming has already started. That's kind of annoying and seems like it would be introducing more roadblocks and stipulations on the project then helping it. Anyway, Pacey notices the girl watching him but continues on his way.
Dawson is setting up the wide shot where Tamara first entered the video store. Joey mentions the fact that they can completely see through Audrey's dress and Dawson totally knows. She's skeeved out but then Audrey asks if the shot will work and Joey realizes she knows. Dawson says that he of course asked her first which is a low bar but I'm glad we cleared up that Dawson has the decency to talk to his actress about getting a shot like that and not just doing it anyway. There are a lot of directors that probably didn't do that at all. The video store guy comes in and is upset that they haven't left because they were supposed to be gone at 2 and it's almost 5 on a Friday night. I'd be pissed too. Joey begs for more time but Doug comes in to save the day and asks to talk to the owner outside. Dawson thanks him but Doug points at his watch like, just get this shit done already. Joey is worried about finishing but Dawson jokes that they have a bunch of hot girls to bribe people with and Joey gets pissed that he's joking at a time like this. Just then we get Todd back in the picture to be sexist and gross. Not here but just wait, it's his whole schtick. Dawson asks him to DP for him and run the cameras and Todd agrees because he thought Dawson's script was brilliant. He asks for a triple espresso and Joey has to be the one to get it so she goes albeit very annoyed to have to. They all start shooting again.
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Audrey does look pretty great. I'm so thankful they didn't recreate any other Ms. Jacobs scenes though |
Todd is asking Joey to get him broccoli but the little tiny kind because he thinks he'll never die if he eats it every day. He says this while smoking on a cigarette, har har. Joey goes off completely annoyed to fulfill the request. We quick cut to Dawson arguing with Harley who is refusing to do the part where Pacey pulls Joey into the water. Patrick laughs and tells Dawson that she can't swim. We cut to Joey who is handing the plate of broccoli to Audrey because she's passing the buck. Audrey is reluctant but agrees and Joey smugly wipes her hands of having to be an assistant. We get a quick scene of Pacey being chased out of a pizza restaurant, presumably failing to charm the owner this time.
We cut back to the pier where they are shooting the scene where Joey/Harley is pulled into the water. She's doing the scene but when we pan out we see that she's not in the water but in a boat as Joey splashes water up. We cut again to Pacey unsuccessfully trying to convince another business to donate money. We cut back to Harley and Joey who are talking before a scene. She's convinced Joey/her character is a lesbian because she hates the neighbour girl so much and hangs out with an asexual film dork. Don't besmirch asexuals by lumping Dawson in with them. They're lovely people and Dawson is not. Harley also wants to know why she didn't go to France and Joey says that maybe she wasn't ready and still had a lot of growing up to do. Harley then wants to know if "the gay guy" was a good kisser, clearly not caring that much about Joey's motivations.
We cut back to Pacey who is chatting with another restaurant owner. They're talking cooking and the guy seems to be interested. He hands an order to the blond dental assistant we saw before who is watching Pacey talk to the owner with an amused expression. The owner goes to get her change and tells Pacey not to go anywhere. The girl asks Pacey if he remembers her but Pacey doesn't, even though he wishes he did. She mentions that he's changed his pitch since this morning and he remembers her as the dental assistant. The girl is amused again and asks if he really doesn't remember her from high school. I'm lost too because no, I don't. Is she some long lost student in the background we never met? Nope. It's Kristy Livingstone who we also didn't recognize because she's no longer played by Ali Larter here. Pacey is shocked and runs after her.
Grams is watching her house from the Leary's porch. Jen comes up and Grams disses the new people's curtain choices. Jen asks Grams if she misses this place and Grams says that she does every day but doesn't regret leaving. She sees moving to New York as entering an exciting new chapter in her life. They hug when Dawson interrupts them. They ask if the cab is here but no, they're in his shot. They laugh and hug again. We cut to a little montage of everyone saying their goodbyes to Jack, Jen, and Grams as they get ready to leave. Jen is leaving the same way she came, in a cab and takes a moment to take everything in, this little town that changed her so much for the better even if it did give her some rough years. She sees Harley, Patrick, and George messing around and smiles, remembering the time when that was her and her friends messing around. She gets in the cab with a tear in her eyes while I have many tears in mine. The end of an era. This is something that hits you only when you're older, how fleeting these carefree days are. How lucky we are to have had them. I love this moment.
Pacey is telling Kristy all about his life in Boston and she can hardly believe it. She's impressed that after all this, he's returned to right back where he started but Pacey thinks he's not entirely back where he started because he's talking to her. She says he was because she has to go but she is clearly still interested and gives him her number. Joey walks past her into the restaurant and asks Pacey if he was really just talking to Kristy Livingstone. Pacey confirms and says she's like a metaphor for how far he's come. Joey points out that she, Jen, Audrey, and Andie all told him he wasn't a loser and is offended their compliments mean less than Kristy's but Pacey tries to backpedal and explain the whole metaphor thing again. Joey gives up talking to him and goes to pick up her take out order. Pacey hands her the envelope and asks her to give it to Dawson and tell him congratulations and that he'll get the rest when he can. Joey smiles but hands it back to him because she's done being their go between. She says he should give it himself. This is completely fair. Good for Joey for sticking up for herself and not playing into the game.
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Hey look, it's Kristy. Her new look makes our memories misty... I forget how the rest of his rhyme about her went but at the end of the night, she probably did want to kiss him this time |
Dawson is shooting the first scene from the pilot where Joey questions whether they should still be having sleepovers on account of hormones and their changing bodies. He calls cut for the day. Todd goes to sit in the director's chair but catches himself when he sees Dawson. He has drank the Dawson kool-aid and now he knows that you must not ever cross him because he's the best at everything ever. Dawson does thank him for bailing him out and asks if it makes Todd want to apologize to all the crew he was mean to but it just makes Todd want to produce. Dawson leaves and Audrey walks in. Todd acts like a creep and we're supposed to believe that Audrey is charmed by it. Like she's at first calling him on it but she laughs when he says it's a numbers game with him and some chick will find it charming eventually. It's gross. He also utters the words "give the geezer a rub" and I shuddered so hard. Gross. Audrey finds it charming and he asks her if she wants to have sex with him and they run off to the guest room giggling. This is Audrey's end, by the way. This is what she gets. A great character derailed by having her paired with Pacey and then spiral into drunkenness and rehab in the last season only to end up with Todd the skeevy director. Like, I don't think it's intended to be an end game couple but having her be with this guy at all is just a sad end for her.
Dawson passes them in the hallway as he goes back to his room to crash on the bed. Joey comes in to tell him how great he was today. She's tired so he invites her to sleep over like old times. He worries that she'll be scared of feeling 15 again but Joey isn't so scared of that anymore because watching everything being filmed felt cathartic. Dawson jokes that it will save him a fortune on therapy. You should still go to therapy, Dawson. Joey says it was a great day and asks how many truly great days you get in a life. She asks him what his movie is about, in his words. Dawson says it's about a girl who wanted more than she had but grew up to realize she already had everything she could have ever wanted. Joey likes that. I find it funny that even in Dawson's movie about his own life, it's still focused on Joey. Why was this show not just called Joey's Creek from the beginning? Dawson doesn't want to close his eyes because he's scared she'll be gone when he opens them again. Joey tells him to close his eyes because she wants to dip. I'm exaggerating, of course, but she does leave before he wakes up and he finds a note beside him where she was.
We see a brief scene of Joey working in a deli. She looks at the clock and smiles. Then we cut to Dawson waiting in the ruins. Pacey walks up too and he knows he's been duped. Dawson asks what he's doing here and Pacey says the same thing Dawson is. Dawson asks where she is and Pacey says he doesn't know but that she's probably not coming. She wants them to work this thing out on their own. They think that they can't go back to how they were because the one issue that remains between them is that they're in love with the same girl. Dawson thinks they both couldn't make it work with Joey because all they wanted was her and all she wanted was for them to be friends again. I mean...Dawson had already fucked up his relationship with her well before the point that Pacey entered the picture as an option but sure, we can rewrite history. Pacey asks if it's possible for them to be friends again and Dawson says that anything is possible. Pacey then hands him the envelope of cash, explaining to him some of the deals he made and that he's working to get the rest for him. Dawson thanks him.
Joey then monologues for us about how she used to be scared of so many things as we see Dawson wrap shooting for his film. We cut to Joey in Paris as she tells us she was scared of growing up. We then see Jack and Jen walking the streets of New York together. Joey tells us she was scared she'd be trapped in the same place for eternity and that her dreams would always be just out of reach. She then says that time has a way of playing tricks on you because pretty quickly, your dreams are reality. Then we get a collection of scenes of Joey walking around Paris. Joey tells us that she wishes she could tell her scared self to relax a bit because everything was going to be ok. She then tells us how much the people in her lives contributed to who she is and that they will be with her always. She says these were the best of times, even if there were problems and hardships and she wonders why we romanticize the past and forget the bad. She thinks maybe it's because we want to believe that it all meant something or was worth it in the end. She can't tell us this is exactly how it happened but it's how she felt. We then end on the worst green screen of all time which is par for the course this season,
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I will say this, her coat is super cute and I wish I had one just like it |
And thus endeth the series. The entire series could have ended like this. Dawson making his dumb movie again. Jack and Jen disappearing to New York with Grams, Pacey working his ass off to pay back Dawson but with no clue where he's going to go beyond that, and Joey in Paris. I am so beyond grateful that they decided to get Kevin back to film a two part finale. There were some nice parts but this really falls flat as a series finale. Sure, it comes full circle with the gang originally coming together to make a movie for Dawson and now they're doing the same thing as a goodbye but it doesn't feel like enough? It doesn't feel like where the characters should be and everything was about Dawson when this season hasn't really been about him much at all. Where does Audrey end up, other than sleeping with Todd which is not an ending? We'll never know that because she doesn't come back and that's sad. It makes sense because she's not a character Kevin Williamson would have been familiar with or cared enough about to explore for a series finale. I get it. But Pacey's arc was just depressing. He crumbled apart and ended up on Dougie's sofa as a lazy schlub and his big triumph was making things up to Dawson who has, I argue, always treated him like shit. Even before he thought he was competition for Joey, he regarded him as a loser that made him feel better by comparison. That's a shitty thing for a friend to do and this show never addresses that. Joey's big thing is that she faced her fears and broke off from Dawson. I actually do like that for her character. She washed her hands of them and actually went and did Paris. Did Paris really matter to her? I know it was a thing that I always harped on because she'd given up a cool opportunity for Dawson of all people but did France itself mean that much to her or just travel? I think I would have liked it more if she actually went last season ending to France and this season she did the thing that Eddie said she was too scared to do with him but on her own. Travelling all over Europe. Yeah, it would suck that she got the idea from that oaf but I think it might have been a better and more current payoff than just France. I will say that the hopefulness and happiness of this ending is waaaaaay better for Jen but we'll get to that later. I have thoughts and I really want to get them down as the season 6 wrap up because these characters as they are now are done. The finale is its own beast that I will tackle after the fact. Until then, keep warm and say goodnight, not goodbye.
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