Original air date: May 22, 2012
We made it, folks. We made it to the end of probably the last good season of Glee. It's all bittersweet and tripping down memory lane right now so I still hold strong that this would have made for a wonderful finale to the series. Everything just feels tied up in a nice little bow.
The show starts right off with the trip down memory lane as the OG glee kids are performing Sit Down You're Rocking the Boat for the rest of the kids as Will hears and watches them. As he watches we see them flash back to their old selves and back again while performing the song.
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I admit, tears were jerked during this scene |
Will is so moved that he gives them one last assignment because that's his only role in this show at this point. It's all he knows how to do, just give him this. He tells them to pick a song that says goodbye to each other. Brittany says she wishes she could lock the doors so that they could stay together forever and suggests subsisting on Joe since he's been there the shortest and they know him less. She misgenders him which is supposed to be funny because of his long hair but I really don't like that as a joke and as much as I mock him for winning a contest and getting the least out of it, I'm not about to misgender him. Will gets out his guitar and Quinn is actually excited for him to rap. Quinn is not any of us. He's not going to rap, thankfully, but he is going to play the most overdone graduation/goodbye song ever Forever Young by Rod Stewart for us. I just need to add something here because this version of Forever Young sucks. I've never much liked it but I was today years old when I discovered that Bob Dylan wrote a song also called Forever Young and I went down a rabbit hole of trying to figure out if Rod Stewart did a cover but the lyrics don't match up. It turns out they're different songs but INSANELY similar. Like the lyric structure is identical and the chorus is pretty much the same. I don't know if Glee was trying to blend the two styles here having Will sing the Rod Stewart version but slowed down like Dylan's is but it doesn't work. That said, the Dylan version is really good. Bob Dylan is like the singer version of the "Simpson's did it" claim from South Park. He wrote so many songs that he was like giving them away at some point and people cover him so much or just plain rip off his style. It's crazy. This was your out of nowhere music lesson of this post. Anything to avoid talking about Will.
Kurt is walking down the halls of McKinley monologuing to us about how far he's come and how much stronger he is, considering he started out being tossed in dumpsters and somewhat in the closet. He then finds Burt waiting for him and asks if his NYADA letter came. It hasn't but Burt has a gift for him in the auditorium. Burt gives him a speech about how he didn't really know how to raise him once he started getting more outspoken with how he was. There's a lot of stuff that makes me a bit uncomfortable to hear, like how Kurt used to be normal and easy to look after but then he became "this" and he became like an alien to him. Don't like the language you're using Burt, very dehumanizing and you're better than that. Still, he brings it back around because he is the best dad and says that he's proud of him. He says that he remembers when they turned a corner and started walking towards each other again, and it was when he caught Kurt in the basement performing the Single Ladies dance. So, Burt's gift to Kurt is that he learned that dance and he slays it for him in the auditorium and I love it.
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Equal parts funny and moving. I'm craughing |
Kurt loves it too and touts it as the best graduation gift. Blaine is hurt because he got him monogramed towels. Blaine is basic and his gift is as mid as him. Of course Burt's gift was better. They finally have the talk about how Kurt is graduating and leaving while Blaine is staying. This still makes no sense to me as Blaine came across older when he was introduced and looks older too. At any rate he's certain that they'll end up together because everyone knows you meet your forever love in high school. Yes, I know it can happen but that is super rare. Blaine asks him if he knows how he's going to say goodbye and we cut to Kurt in the choir room. He's thanking the men specifically in the room for always being there for him and seeing him as one of them. I would beg to differ completely. Arguably, most of the guys in this choir room othered you. They kicked you away from the guy's performance and told you to go to Dalton in the first place. The only one who was cool with you always, was Sam because he's the sweetest. This song should be dedicated solely to him. Kurt sings I'll Remember by Madonna. It's fine. I'm not particularly moved by this. I got more emotional over the flashbacks to season 1 moments then to the songs performed so far but it's nice.
Rachel finds Kurt and Finn and tells them that she found out their acceptance/rejection letters have been sent out. They're all terrified so they make a pact to open them together. I see no drama happening with this at all. None whatsoever.
Mercedes is super pumped because she's got interest from a studio that gave her a recording contract because of the Disco Inferno video Sam posted. Sam is positive she's going to be a superstar by Christmas while Santana is not so pumped by this news. She puts on a fake smile of support though. Mercedes asks if she heard about Mike and Santana is then told by Mike that he got a scholarship to Joffrey in Chicago which google tells me is a ballet school. Neat. Santana is happy but clearly jealous and she monologues to us about how she's embarrassed to just be heading to Louisville when the others are going to amazing opportunities. She is seeing her mom and is hoping she'll have advice for her. We cut to her and Brittany at dinner with Santana's mom who is played by the one and only Gloria Estefan. Santana is happy that her mom is supportive of her coming out, unlike her Abuela. She then tells her mom that she wants to go to New York. Her mom is not so supportive of that idea and tells her to go to college because New York will be there after she gets her degree. She then congratulates Brittany for getting into Purdue. Brittany corrects her that she meant the poultry farm and not the prestigious university but now she can't go to either because she's not graduating. Something that I think should have been a bigger plot for her this season than for Puck but oh well. Brittany is cool with this though because she can do her senior year over but better. Santana thinks that she should stay in Lima too if Brittany has to stay. Neither Brittany or Santana's mom look happy about this though.
We cut to the glee club where the graduating glee club members are performing their song for the remaining members. Finn tells them it's their club now and they should take care of it. They sing You Get What You Give by the New Radicals. This song is very fun to sing together and everyone looks happy. The seniors pull the other members up on stage and end the song with the remaining members up on "stage" and the seniors sitting down watching them to signify the passing of the torch. I am a sucker for stuff like this so it got me.
Rachel and Finn are looking at chairs for their wedding. She wants to go with the fancier chair but Finn points out that they're $20 more each which is a lot of money, especially for high schoolers. I'm just going to come right out and say it, do not spend a fortune on your wedding day. It's the stupidest decision you could ever make. Are you really going to remember your chairs? Really? I'm not anti-wedding but I just think people go way too crazy. Don't put yourself in massive debt for one day of your life. Rachel is sad that she's compromising on everything and doesn't want to compromise on chairs. Finn whines that she's just upset that she's compromising on her husband. She says he's the one thing she's sure of but he insists that she's been giving him weird vibes lately. Rachel says he's projecting because he's nervous but assures him that no matter what, she's marrying him.
We then get Finn monologuing about how his high school career has been pretty great. He's also very certain he's set up for success after too since he is marrying Rachel and nailed his audition for The Actor's Studio. We get a brief aside scene where the judge is commending Finn for his application letter but we don't get to see Finn deliver his dramatic monologue. Finn walks into Will's office who is just finishing up signing Finn's yearbook. He gets a "Great knowing you" and is not satisfied with that. It's a little lame considering how close they're supposed to be but Will said that he tried but fell apart at every attempt. This seems to appease Finn who says he doesn't need a bunch of words in a book to remember him anyway. Will stops him and says that he has to confess something to him. He comes out and admits that the only reason Finn is in glee at all is because Will planted the pot on him that he then blackmailed him with. He apologizes for doing it and says he's hated himself for it even if the results turned out well. Finn is cool with it and says that Will is way cooler than he though. Is he though?
We then get Finn looking at a picture of his father. Carol says that he can keep it for his small New York apartment. He's sad about how he didn't get the status of his dad's discharge amended and feels like he should have tried harder. He thinks his dad is a hero and that becoming an actor doesn't really help his dad at all. Carol says there's nothing that could be done and that his dad made his own choices but Finn seems to think he can do more. He wants to resolve things with his dad's memory.
The underclassmen of glee are giving the seniors their goodbye song. It's mostly dedicated to Finn though which is a bit lame but whatever. This show really thinks he's the glue but eh, no disrespect to Cory though. They sing In My Life by The Beatles and I'll admit I got teary eyed but only because I love this song and the entire album (cassette version) Rubber Soul is my security blanket album. It's the one I've listened to so many times, I can hear one song and immediately, my brain starts to go into the next song on the album. Albums are a lost art these days.
Quinn is now monologuing about how far she's come and how she got into the school of her dreams. She's proud of where her friends are too but she gets concerned when she sees Puck still studying for his geography final. She wants to give back but isn't sure how. She then talks with Rachel in the bathroom and they both can't believe that they're friends now. Quinn gives Rachel a bus ticket from New York to New Haven and says she got one into New York. She says that people say they want to stay in touch but she wants to make sure that they do. #Faberry bait. She didn't get anyone else a bus ticket to visit her, just saying. Quinn says she's still not for teen weddings but is happy that she and Finn are together because they are meant to be. Rachel says she always thought the same thing about Quinn and Puck. Quinn thinks it's ancient history but Rachel says that he was at his best when he was with her and I'm like...when though? When were they actually together?? That time that they babysat together but he was sexting Santana the whole time? That time where he forgot they were dating and started chasing Mercedes? Like when? When were they together?? It doesn't matter because now she's helping Puck study but he's giving up because he just can't remember anything. She tells him she's helping him because she loves him and he's her first. He actually finally apologizes for being really shitty to her about it and fucking it all up and I hope he's talking about more than the pregnancy because oh man did he suck in so many more ways than accidentally getting her pregnant. She tells him that he needs his confidence back and to help him, she goes to kiss him. He thinks he's not good enough too and she tells him all the things he accomplished that make him a badass and they kiss. Puck now has his swagger back and says that a kiss from a great girl can do that. He is ready to take on that test and pass high school. Great, glad this was resolved in the most not interesting way possible.
Roz comes into Sue's office. Sue informs us, through mockery, that Roz has given up going after the Cheerios and is back to being the swim team coach. Roz congratulates her on her wins for Glee club and Cheerios but mocks her for being old and pregnant. She's still not showing at all and she's apparently due in September. I know everyone's body is different but I call shenanigans. Roz says they'll never like each other but they should work together to get rid of Principal Figgins. She leaves Sue to think about it. Quinn enters to return her Cheerios uniform but Sue tells her to keep it because she's retiring it. I would assume that everyone keeps those outfits and thought it was weird she was trying to return it in the first place but what do I know, I was never a cheerleader so maybe they do reuse old uniforms? Sue tells her that she admires her and is proud of who she's become. There's some insults in there but Sue is basically saying that she knows Quinn will do great.
We get a very brief scene where Puck is waiting for his test to be graded. He got a C- which is a Puckerman A+ and somehow also means he is graduating. We then cut to the glee club singing Glory Days by Bruce Springsteen as each kid from Glee who is graduating gets called up for their diplomas. They made this graduation look fun as all heck but I hate to inform you that you will not be singing and dancing at your graduation ceremony. There is a lot of sitting and waiting for names to be called. So many names. I might not mind it so much if it were like this but you'd have to have a whole playlist going for how many people graduate at a time in schools, unless you're a small school.
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Your ceremony will not be this fun, sorry. |
We cut to the auditorium where Rachel, Kurt, and Finn have gathered with their letters to open them together. They're all nervous as hell and Rachel almost wants to wait forever because this is the moment where their lives change forever. Finn goes first because he has a good feeling but oops, he didn't get it. He wants someone else to go so the focus is off him because how embarrassing. This was such a good idea guys, glad it's drama free so far. Kurt goes next but he didn't get in either. Rachel is super sorry for him but he urges her to open hers and, surprising no one, Rachel got in.
Rachel is now monologuing to us about how all her dreams have finally come true but she's sad because her friends can't experience it with her. She doesn't want to go to New York without Kurt or Finn and so she's decided to defer NYADA for a year so they can all go together.
Santana is cleaning out her locker when her mom comes up. She's sad she's throwing out everything but Santana says she doesn't want to look to the past but ahead to the future. Her mom gives her an envelope with a cheque in it, I'm guessing. We don't see but we know it's money because Santana asks her why she's not driving a lexus right now. Her mom says that she's not driving a fancy car because she was saving all her money so she could go to college. Santana thanks her but she got a scholarship so she tries to give the money back so her parents can take a trip together. She also says that she's not going to college anyway. Her mom tells her to keep the money and set herself up in New York or LA or wherever she wants to go because while she'd love for her to go to college, she's an adult now and has to make her own choices. They hug and I'm glad Santana has one supportive family member.
Rachel goes to get ready for her wedding and gets in the car with Finn. She asks him if they have everything and he confirms but has a bit of a serious look on his face. She tells him her dads are still being a bit weird about the wedding and were really quiet today and then asks if Finn is sure he's going the right way. He says he is and then they stop outside a train station. She asks him if he's joking and he tells her she's on the 4:25 to New York. Her dads will meet her there to help her look at dorms, which is why they were quiet about her supposed wedding day. Rachel says she has all year to do that but Finn tells her she's going in the fall because she's not deferring. They're also not getting married. Rachel is devastated and asks him why. He says that he wants to marry her so bad that he can't go through with it and the thought of her delaying New York for him makes him sick. She tells him to come with her though and they can get a little apartment together but Finn says that she has to do this on her own. She quickly cottons on and asks if he's dumping her. He says he's setting her free but like, yeah, you're getting dumped, Rachel. She tries to tell him that she'll go wherever he's going but he tells her he's going to Fort Benning, Georgia. He's joining the army for his father and now Rachel is completely falling apart. Finn tells her that she's going to go to New York and be amazing but they need to do this on their own and grow up apart. Honestly, this is the most I've liked Finn because yes, they absolutely should be doing this apart and experiencing being alone for a bit. He asks her to surrender with him and if they're meant to be together, then the universe will do its thing.
Rachel gets out of the car and sings us our final solo of the OG series as it is. She sings Roots Before Branches which is a song I do not recognize by a group (Room For Two) I don't know. It's not a great song but Lea sounds great, as usual. Apparently the two people who originally performed this song were vocal coaches on The Glee Project so I guess that's why it was chosen. She's walking to the platform, saying goodbye to everyone from Glee who also came to see her off. As she pulls out of the station, Finn runs along beside it for as long as he can as she holds her hand to the window. Then we get her arriving in New York, a young ingenue in the making and we fade out of our Glee for the last time.
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She made it |
This would have also made a great ending to the series. I think I liked last episode better just for all of the great emotional highs and perfect coming full circle moments but this one delivers too and answers some of those loose ends for us. We all knew Rachel was getting into NYADA and they tried to make it dramatic but ultimately, I still wish they hadn't made her choke because it feels a bit unrealistic that she would get in over Kurt when his audition went well. I also had a bit of respect for Finn as a character this episode because he pushed Rachel to do right by herself rather than being selfish about keeping her. I think I could have gotten behind their relationship more if we'd had more of these moments. Stay tuned while I gather my thoughts about season 3 as a whole.
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