Original air date: January 15, 2003
So, our gang had the most depressing Christmas ever and now they're back in the real world for some more heart ache and drama. I really want to plough right through this because I'm so close to Castaways, I can taste it but I'm also still so far away that it's a struggle right now. Soon, Melodie, soon. For now, I must tell you about Day Out of Days.
We're on the film set and Todd is announcing the wrap of principle photography. The crew cheers and Todd makes a grand speech about how hard they all worked. Natasha walks over to Dawson and calls him out on writing the speech but is also super catty. This is a 180 from where they were and where they left things. I thought they left on good terms last episode but here she's just snarking at him about being bitter. She tells him she got a small part in the Spielberg film Max Winter is working on (perpetuating the whole sleep around to get ahead narrative) and Dawson congratulates her and says he's sure it will lead to bigger things for her. She thinks that's attitude and then snarks about how he's gonna need a lot of luck back in Hollywood. Damn, it's like they've decided that NOW they're going to write the Natasha that was in the writers heads way back at the beginning of this season, before we even met her and found out she was only acting awful because Dawson treated her like shit.
We then find Joey at the bar, leaving a desperate message for Eddie. She's still apologizing for how Christmas went and he hasn't called her since that day? It's some time in January and he hasn't called her, after uninviting her to his Christmas thing and saying she'd break his heart. So, Eddie sucks but we knew that already, I just wish Joey would figure it out. She gets off the phone and overhears Harley at the bar trying to pass as 18, even though she's 15 and also, in the States, being 18 shouldn't get you into bars because their laws are weird. Joey tells the bartender that she's 15 and yanks Harley away. She tells us that she's not here on vacation but actually here to stay and oh no. Oh no. That's right, we're going to have to put up with more of her and then her stupid friends because this show seemed to believe that we needed more teens? No. We wanted more of the characters we're attached to. Joey is happy she's here because it means pain for Professor Heston who sucks. Harley wants to know where Eddie is but Joey has to admit she doesn't know and then asks why Harley isn't in school. Harley admits she ditched because her life has been ruined by her mother needing to do research in Bangladesh. Damn. I'm not fond of Harley but both her parents sound very self-absorbed and awful. Joey promises her a root beer float as long as she goes back to school.
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Let's be real though, we all knew what was coming from this very first phone call, right? |
Pacey is wandering around the Boston Aquarium, enjoying the sights when he spots Emma sitting at a bench and drawing. He goes over to her, accidentally startling her. She asks what he's doing here and he tells her he likes to come here at lunch. He asks her the same and she says she's just killing time until 1 but when he asks what happens at 1 she kind of deflects and we don't get to learn what happens then. She asks why he doesn't stay longer and he explains that if he doesn't leave early enough, his lunch hour becomes a lunch hour and a half. Emma points out that it's now 12:46 which means he has to go so he says he'll see her at home.
Jen is talking on the phone about how life sucks because of alienation and despair being the byproducts of a mechanized society and then CJ stops her. She's not really on the phone, she was doing training for the help center that she's apparently decided to join for reasons that honestly elude me. Especially after what happened at the No Doubt concert. The show doesn't bother giving us a reason as to why she'd want to join the group that she was on the fence about joining, or why she'd choose the one with the guy she liked but slept with her friend instead. It just expects us to be amused that they just *had* to work together so they're going to bicker now. Jen wants to quit but he says she can't quit because she's just training on her first day, first hour. She doesn't want to listen to him act like he's superior to her. He says he's been doing this for 2 years and Jen snarks that his expertise will come in handy if they come across a situation involving two blondes and casual sex. CJ tells her that she should go and she can come back tomorrow or not but whatever she does should be for her and not because of him. I hate siding with CJ because he really sucks but he's right. If she can't be around him, how will that help anything?
David and Jack are waiting at a health clinic. Jack is clearly nervous but David is cool as a cucumber because he's done this a million times. The show does not spell out for us what they're doing here or waiting for or nervous about but it's pretty clear that they're getting screened for STI's. Jack is called in by the nurse and he looks terrified because of all his casual sex over the summer.
Todd and Dawson are sitting in a movie executive's office. He's reading out a bunch of cards, presumably from a test audience, that say their film is boring and unwatchable. Todd is not happy at all to hear that they want him to do research and is getting testy. Dawson plants a phone on Todd and says he's going to get him a light for his cigarette. He leaves, calls the phone, and tells Todd to shut up and get his ass out in the hallway to talk. Todd obliges and Dawson argues with him about how he's going to screw things up and they'll bring someone else in to do reshoots which will ruin their movie. He wants it to be good and he thinks Todd does too. They go back in to the conference room with all the movie execs. You think Dawson got through to Todd but nope. He tells them off and leaves, leaving Dawson looking shocked and disappointed.
Joey is in class, it's now Wednesday according to the little title flash. They've been telling us the days of the week, I just didn't think it was important to mention because I don't know that it really adds anything different to this episode other than telling us how much time is passing when normally, you don't really know where you're supposed to be in an episode. So, I guess it's helpful. Anyway, Heston is ending his lecture and Joey is ready to leave but forces herself to go and talk to him. He tells her that she's not able to drop his class without forfeiting her credits from last semester. I don't understand how that works but whatever, it's convenient to keep her with this asshole, I guess. Joey informs him that she's not here to talk about that but about the fact that his daughter is cutting class. He does not take this well and thinks she's telling him he's a terrible father. Look, Heston, she doesn't need to tell you, you are. He tells her that she should stay out of his life and he'll do his best to stay out of hers, note that he doesn't say he'll stay out but that he'll try to. So, he expects her to not have an opinion about his life but he can still comment on hers, this guy. This fucking guy.
At the aquarium, Emma and Pacey are talking about why they like coming so much. Emma is because she used to have tanks of fish back home because it was the only pet she could have and Pacey says it's a window to the person he used to be. Emma is intrigued by the fact that he thinks he was a different person and tells him to stay longer. She urges him to call in sick and Pacey does.
Jen is practicing on a call again but she's being a bit snarky about the person saying they're sleeping with a bunch of hot chicks. We pan out and see she's talking to David. She says he could never be straight because his heart and brain are too big. David says she's hostile and CJ agrees so Jen tells them not to talk about her like she's not in the room. Jack comes in to get David and is a little annoyed to learn that the only reason David had to be here is to act as a buffer between Jen and CJ. Jen protests that she should be able to borrow his boyfriend for an hour and then asks if they are actually boyfriends and if they've even kissed yet. They leave and CJ tells her she's hostile again. I hate this. Why do shows always portray girls this way? Acting like they're irrationally angry and the guys have to deal with their crazy. Like, I don't get why she's here but she has a pretty legitimate reason to be pissed at CJ. Easily avoided by not volunteering at the same place as him but still. The whole "bitches be crazy" thing can just die in a fire.
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I am once again asking for #Justice4Jen |
Dawson is back in the conference room with the executives who are looking impatient. They are asking where Todd is and Dawson finally fesses up that he's not coming and that he doesn't know the meeting is taking place. Heather, the executive we've met the most, is intrigued by this. Dawson says Todd has five alternate endings in his head which are all easily done on a soundstage for no money. I beg to differ on that "no money" statement because you still have to pay your crew and your actors, Dawson. The big exec is not happy that Todd isn't here on his knees and begging for his forgiveness so he's ready to pass. Heather steps in and says she thinks that Dawson could do the reshoots. Dawson thinks it's crazy and realizes he has just usurped his mentor for a job opportunity. Heather and the other execs want to make this happen and have Dawson direct the reshoots.
In LA, Audrey is walking around a beach that has clearly had a party and asks Jack Osborne if they ever found out who's party this was. Oh joy, Jack is back and acting as terribly as ever. He's also still a skeevy little pervert which this show and everywhere in the 2000s thought was the height of comedy. Audrey has called Dawson for a ride home and she makes a deal with Jack not to talk about drugs and she'll sit on his lap the whole way home. Gross.
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I am so done seeing him show up on this show |
Dawson comes up and honestly? I don't think I would have shown up for Audrey after she drove a car through my childhood home so I guess, he's a better person than me? Or a doormat. Audrey admits that she hasn't gone back to school after Christmas break and is lying to her parents to stay longer. Audrey says she's going to face the tribunal of judgement and be good from now on and asks him not to be mad. Dawson just says he hopes she knows how dumb it is to get in a car full of strangers in a parking lot somewhere when drunk. Honestly, I'm starting to dislike Audrey. I know she's got problems but it's a bit rich of her to claim like none of her friends really care when Dawson is literally here after she destroyed his mother's house. She also didn't really apologize to him, just mentioned that she felt guilty about calling him after doing this. Ok, Audrey.
Joey is on the phone again, desperately leaving another message for Eddie who is so not worth it but here we are. She goes to a booth where Jack and David are and they ask if she's had any luck reaching him but she thinks she never has any luck with men. So much for that curse breaking thing, huh? I'm sorry, I'm still annoyed with her little narration last episode. David offers her some encouragement and Joey thanks him but clearly doesn't believe it. She asks if they can pay their cheque so she can leave early and Jack dutifully pays and tells her to keep the change. She thanks him and leaves. David then says what he really wants to which is that he thinks Eddie's never going to call. Jack thinks he might but David says that they're guys and asks how many people he's slept with and never called back. Jack admits a few which raises David's eyebrow. Jack explains that he slept with a few people over the summer and didn't bother calling them back and asks if David's going to lecture him. David asks if he wants a lecture and Jack says no so they agree that's fine.
Joey is walking out of the bar when she sees Harley once again in there, chatting up some older guys by a pool table. Joey yanks her away and tells her they're leaving. Harley is annoyed she told on her and informs us she was grounded for a month so she decided to get back at Joey by skipping school again. Joey is not amused and says she's not leaving her at a bar with a possible date-rapist. She ushers Harley out of the bar. I'm already dreading the storylines they're going to force us to endure with Harley.
Pacey and Emma are back at the aquarium and apparently, what happens at 1 is a big fish eating a little fish which doesn't seem that impressive to Pacey. He doesn't understand why she comes every day to see that but Emma tells us she usually doesn't come every day. She's just been trying to figure Pacey out because from everything he's told her this week, he's become a completely different person than he used to be and she doesn't get why. Pacey isn't sure he knows either but that he thinks his 15 year old self sucked. Emma thinks he sounds quite nice and tells him to get back to that, wear a bad Hawaiian shirt, get back the bad haircut, and hell yes, shave the goatee. She wants him to do this and meet her back up tomorrow at 1 because he'll have also quit his job. I'm no fan of Emma but I am a fan of what she's advocating for.
Jen is taking her first real phone call but in the middle of her talking, the person hangs up. CJ tells her that happens, someone may have walked in the room and she got embarrassed and hung up. Jen thinks she screwed up though and when the phone rings again, she refuses to answer. CJ answers and it is the same girl and yes, someone walked in the room. He asks her to call him back when she's alone again and Jen watches him thoughtfully. She looks like she's improving her opinion of him but like, he slept with your friend after telling you that he didn't date. I wouldn't trust him at all.
Joey and Harley are walking along the street while Harley yammers about them being in the bad part of town. They bicker but Harley gets excited when she realizes that they're at Eddie's apartment. Joey buzzes a few times but hears nothing. Someone comes out so she catches the door and they go in. Joey mentions that she tried to call but she hasn't heard back and she thought he was her boyfriend, the guy who seemed to hate labels like that and uninvited you to Christmas dinner? That guy? You thought that guy was your boyfriend? Ok, Joey. Anyway, Harley intuits that they slept together which is apparently a reason he'd stop calling. They go to his apartment and find the door open so they walk in and find it completely emptied. Joey is in shock. Harley stupidly thinks they're in the wrong apartment and yammers about it for a while until she finally realizes that this is the right apartment and Eddie cut and ran. Joey looks gutted and I feel for her but I'm not surprised this happened. Eddie sucked. I am and forever will be surprised and annoyed that Joey gives him a second chance after all of this.
We're finally at Friday, I missed when Thursday started, I'm sorry but also, I'm not. Pacey is at work in a goofy Hawaiian shirt but unfortunately, still with the goatee. And still at work. He's looking at the clock and ready to head to the aquarium for 1 but Rich comes up and dumps a pile of paperwork on his desk. Rich is one of those annoying losers who live to work and make money so he thinks other people should be like him and never ever get sick. I know Pacey wasn't really sick but he doesn't know that and his attitude is very much, you should always be working for me and fuck that noise. No job will ever be as loyal to you as you to them so take sick days when you're sick and take your lunch breaks if you get them, you don't owe them any more than the hours they pay you to work. Pacey knows his worth and stands up for himself because he opens a lot of accounts for them and knows that what they bring in, is what Rich makes the most on. Is Pacey in a pyramid stock scheme? It sounds like it. Rich has recruited guys to open accounts for him and make him rich while cutting him in on profits. Anyway, to convince Pacey to stay, he pulls an envelope out and hands it to Pacey. It's his bonus and he guesses it's more than a fry cook makes. Pacey looks at the cheque and then at the clock and sighs. We then cut to Emma in a really stereotypically British looking outfit, like she looks like she's going to audition for Oliver! the musical. It's past 1. Pacey is not showing up for her. He also didn't shave for her, I must point out for reasons that will become clearer in 2 very long episodes.
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He's already looking adorable, even with the goatee still there |
Jen is at the help line with CJ, who is reading a book. She seems confused that they're not more busy but CJ says that it's hard for people to reach out and ask for help. He decides to go for coffee and asks if she wants some but Jen doesn't want him to go because that's when the phone will ring and she's very nervous about having to answer. He tells her she'll be fine and leaves and sure enough, the phone rings. Jen looks outside and sees CJ waiting to order his coffee at a cart, then sighs and answers the phone. She says that she may not be able to help but that she'd like to try and then settles in to talk to them. CJ looks on from the window with a smile on his face. I really wanted to like CJ. Jensen is so pretty but goddamn, I just can't care about him anymore.
Back at the clinic, Jack comes out to reveal that his results are clean. He is worried that knowing that he was a bit of a player altered David's opinion of him. David is nothing if not always super chill and enlightened. I like David fine but he seems to be perfectly engineered to always handle every situation with grace and even-headedness. Not a knock on him, just interesting. He's always chill. He could tell Jack would be a player because of how hot he is, even if he is no Viggo (Mortensen). Jack doesn't want to have this conversation and to get out of it, kisses David and asks him to shut up. It doesn't sound as dickish as I'm writing it but there's no good way to tell you where you get the inflections and goofiness intended to pull something like that off. They were both happy, is what I'm saying.
In Heston's class, he's singled out Joey to answer some questions again which she does and then class is dismissed. He calls her over to talk when everyone leaves and hands her money. Joey is very confused but he says it was for helping Harley the other day. Harley told him that Joey helped her out with a crisis of some kind so he's paying Joey $50 for it. Heston then mentions that her mother is gone and her father, Joey finishes for him by calling him a scuzzbucket which is quite satisfying. He agrees and says Harley really likes Joey so Joey clues in and says she's likable and poor. Heston offers her $50, 3 times a week to watch Harley for him. Joey tells him $65 and she'll help her with her homework and Heston agrees. Joey hands back the money he gave her today and says there's no charge for yesterday. Heston is confused and says he doesn't want a favour. Joey says it's for Harley and that he wouldn't understand because it's a human being thing. Joey's getting some of her swagger back, at least where Heston is concerned. I wish she'd reserve some of this snark for Eddie and tell him off.
Dawson finds Todd on the beach, about to go surfing because he wanted to apologize for usurping Todd's position. Todd really isn't bothered though and calls him an idiot for turning the gig down. He said that they called him and told him and Dawson thinks that means they're going to work together again but nope, Todd wants Dawson to do it. He also asks him to take a picture of Natasha's face when she finds out who her new director is because he has to see that. So, we're back to saying she's a bitch for no reason, huh? I sure do love that, I say with every ounce of sarcasm I can muster. Todd asks Dawson to come in and we fade to black.
Let me tell you something, I remember the first time I watched this and I was not into Emma and Pacey being a thing but I was sad he just left her there and sad he didn't take her advice to leave that job and not be a douche. I also remember being so done with Eddie at this point. The Christmas episode set my hackles up with how quickly Joey caved to his demands for not moving too fast. She was changing herself for him and that is not healthy. If you have to become someone else to date someone, they're not for you. And I remember being pissed at the fact that he just up and ditched her. I was sure he was gone for good. It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that he comes back, a few times. All the Right Moves is next and I have to just keep reminding myself that Castaways is coming so I can get through these next two episodes.
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