Original air date: November 20, 2002
I guess the show felt like we needed a breather from all the drama between Jen, CJ, and Audrey because they do not appear in this episode. Jack only appears briefly. It's a shame because instead we have to deal with an abundance of Dawson and his jealousy and Joey and her budding romance with Eddie.
We start the episode in a disco and once again, I wonder if I put the wrong thing on but nope, it's part of the movie Todd and Dawson are shooting. I have no idea why they're making a slasher set in the 70s in the year 2002 but here we are. Dawson has brought Todd a pastry because he's nervous about a big movie star filming a cameo. Dawson makes fun of him so Todd bugs him about his Spielberg crush. The movie star comes in and he's named Max Winter. Dawson isn't impressed but apparently this guy is working with Spielberg so that slightly changes Dawson tune from disinterest to baby jealousy that the movie star he decried as lame gets to work with his cinema God, Spielberg. Dawson is all good to hang with this guy until Max mentions he wants to meet Natasha and get to know her before he works with her.
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This is Dawson's serial murderer origin story |
At Hell's Kitchen, Joey is trying to study and asks Eddie to turn off the song that's playing. He put it on the jukebox though and also, she's in a bar with other people. She can't really demand quiet of everyone. Eddie asks why she's not studying in the library but it's apparently packed, absolutely no room. Yeah, sure. The dorms are also full of loud partyers so she can't study there either. It's her final with Professor Heston's class and she wants to do really good. Eddie offers up his apartment for her to study in. She bugs him about trying to get her in bed but the offer is genuine as he'll be at the bar until closing so Joey excitedly packs her books up, grabs his keys and leaves, saying he's the best. Best is doing a lot of leg work here but I say that because I hate him. This is actually nice of him to offer, as contrived as the circumstances are.
At the apartment, Emma is cleaning the toilet and cursing her male roommates. Pacey comes in and pours on the compliments but Emma sees through this and asks him what he wants. Pacey offers to buy her a very fancy dress if she'll agree to wear it to an office party with him tomorrow night. Emma is not interested and I can't blame her for not wanting to go to an office party of early 2000s era douche bros. Pacey offers her $25 to go and Emma asks if he thinks she's a prostitute. No that was the other girl from New Orleans. Pacey quickly changes tack to get out of that messy conversation and instead offers to clean the toilet and do the dishes for 2 weeks. Emma counters with 6 months. Pacey offers 1 month. Emma counters with 2 and Pacey scoffs and goes to leave but comes back quickly to accept the deal, begrudgingly.
Dawson and Natasha are in her trailer and she's gushing about working with Max Winter, much to his annoyance. Max then shows up to introduce himself and ask if he can run lines with her. Dawson just stands awkwardly by as they rehearse a line until Max asks him to please leave because it's awkward. Dawson agrees but is not at all pleased that his girlfriend dares to talk alone with another man.
Emma and Pacey are dress shopping and neither seem to be having a good time. Emma hates all the dresses and Pacey just wants her to pick one so they can be done. He grabs a bunch of dresses off the rack and begs her to try them on. They head to the dressing area and Emma asks him what the big deal about this office party is. Pacey is about to explain when she comes out in a black dress and stops him in his tracks. He thinks she looks gorgeous and says that's the dress she should wear. Emma agrees and we cut to the next scene without hearing what the party is about.
Eddie comes home from work to find Joey passed out on his bed. He puts a blanket over her and goes to sleep on the floor next to the bed. He wakes up first in the morning around 6:20am and wakes Joey up with coffee. They banter a bit and Joey is certain she's going to set the curve on the test, she knows the material so well. She calls him out on having dandruff shampoo and figure skates and they end up kissing. Joey stops him though and confesses that she is not the kind of girl to sleep with a guy after one date and Eddie, for his part says he doesn't mind taking things slow. That's not the point Joey was making though, she wants to ditch her old ways and get with Eddie now because she was a bit disappointed he didn't get into bed with her last night. Eddie kisses her and then they get more hot and heavy and we fade to black.
We fade back up to them waking up from a post coital nap. Everything seems very perfect for them until Joey realizes that oops, they slept until 11am. Her exam is over in an hour. Joey is freaking out. Eddie tries to calm her down but Joey is not able to. She's 20 minutes from campus which means she'll probably have like half an hour to get her exam done at best. They bicker about who let who sleep in and I just have to say, as much as I dislike Eddie, this is 100% on Joey. It's her exam, her responsibility. I don't know why she chose hours before an exam to have sex because that certainly wouldn't be when I'm in the mood but it was her choice and she can't blame anyone else for it. Eddie promises to have her at the campus in 10 minutes and not sure how he can shave 10 minutes off a trip but maybe he knows some crazy shortcuts and is going to speed? Joey agrees and they set off.
Eddie pulls up to the school and tries to talk to Joey but she's not having it and rushes off without a word. I have to say, I can't blame her, she doesn't really have time for chit chat when she's already 2 and a half hours late for a 3 hour exam but she could have shouted a thank you, maybe? Also, if I were her, I wouldn't have even bothered. By that point she's missed the exam, she won't be able to get a thing on there. Better to miss it, then beg for forgiveness because of illness to get a retest. But Joey races in and does a walk of shame through a quiet exam room where other students are mostly done their test.
At the party, Pacey is waiting for Emma to show up when Rich comes over and introduces his date with a smug little smile that I just want to punch right off his face. He asks where Pacey's date is and right on cue, Emma walks in wearing the dress Pacey bought for him but she's cut it up and added safety pins to it because she's #NotLikeOtherGirls and so punk. I do like her dig about not being able to find him in a sea of suits because it's like looking for one cow in a herd. She introduces herself to Rich who mockingly compliments her dress. Emma doesn't pick up on that though and just thanks him, saying that Pacey got it for her but she modified it. Pacey excuses them and walks her to a corner to talk. She asks if he doesn't like the dress and he complains that he spent $300 on it when he might as well have gotten her rags. Emma thinks that he's being harsh because the fabric is so soft, her shears went through it like butter. She then excuses herself to hang out by the punchbowl. You know, safety pins aside, I think her alterations made the dress look better but I'm way more of a fan of sweetheart necklines.
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Which version do you like better? They didn't give a full view of either so I had to Frankenstein the second together to get a good view of it |
On the movie set, Natasha and Max are shooting a corny disco scene together. They wrap and Todd is excited about the chemistry between Natasha and Max. Dawson isn't pleased to hear this and his jealousy only gets bigger when he hears Natasha talking to Max about how she doesn't have a boyfriend and says that Dawson is "just a PA". Damn, Natasha, I was rooting for you but that is harsh even though I did laugh because I'm heartless and hate Dawson and it's just kind of funny when he gets dumped on. Todd overhears too and sends Dawson on an errand so he doesn't you know, do the thing that actor did to Melanie in the Halloween episode. If anyone is capable of snapping and killing a woman because of his bruised ego, it's Dawson. He's a classic NiceGuytm. That said, Natasha is being a massive bitch right now.
Joey has gone to Heston's house to plead for a retest but he's not having it. She tries to tell him how hard she studied and how she woke up super early but then fell back asleep and was disoriented and not even in her own bed. She almost doesn't finish the last bit but Heston gets it out of her which really helps to seal her fate. He tells her, rightly, that it's her responsibility to get to the test on time and that since she couldn't get past question 1 she fails and brings her grade down to a "D" so she at least still passes. Joey thinks he's being vindictive but like, no, Joey. This is life, you don't always get a do-over and you can't expect the world to revolve around you. He tells her as much but admittedly, is a smug douche about it and drops the "rational" word which I really hate. Objectively, he's right that it's Joey's responsibility and he doesn't owe her a retest but he is being a condescending shit about it too. He tells her that giving her a special break wouldn't be fair to everyone else who studied and managed to show up on time then he shuts the door on her. Joey sits down on his steps and cries and I feel for her but she really only has herself to blame here.
Back on the movie set, they're filming the scene where Max's character dies. Todd calls a wrap on Max and excitedly tells him how great he was. Natasha bounds over to Dawson like nothing is wrong and asks him how she was. Dawson tells her she was great but looks a little pained to be doing so. She gushes about how great Max was and then breaks the news that even though they had plans, Max asked her for a drink. She tries to act like it's this annoying work thing she's not interested in and invites him along but Dawson declines the offer because he has to go over shot lists with Todd. Natasha says that she might swing by after drinks to see him, Dawson doesn't look excited but still doesn't call her out for lying.
At the party, Emma and Pacey are enjoying the food. Pacey is nibbling on a baby corn like it's an actual corn on the cob which makes her laugh. They're having fun until Rich comes over and comments on her dress again. She thanks him but when he keeps going on about the pins, she realizes he's being a dick and calls him out for "taking the piss" which is British slang for having a laugh at someone's expense. I really love that term, but it sounds very forced coming out of a non-Brit. Much as I'm meh on Emma's character, it is fun seeing someone take Rich to task. Pacey tries to diffuse the situation by asking Emma to dance but Rich makes a comment about her being part of Faggin's gang which is an Oliver Twist reference and she calls him dick and then mocks his suit. She excuses herself to the bathroom before she says something Pacey regrets but it's clear she already has and Rich is not pleased at all with Pacey.
Joey mopes into Hell's Kitchen where Eddie tries to make her feel better by suggesting that she speak to Heston. She's already tried that and failed though so she knows she's losing her scholarship. Eddie thinks she's being melodramatic because he's the worst. Seriously, does he really still think that Joey is rich and spoiled? Because she's there on a merit scholarship, meaning that her grades are super important. If she fails, she's not keeping up the terms outlined in the scholarship and she loses it. If she loses it, she can't afford Worthington. So, Eddie diminishing her stress and worry over this failed exam is coming off extremely misogynist and condescending. Why misogynist? Because men tend to think that women expressing their emotions makes them "irrational" and "hysterical" based solely on their gender when I guarantee you that a man in her shoes would have the same worries and would absolutely be taken seriously. Joey lashes out at him, which is fair, because she views Worthington as her ticket to a better life and he's acting like this is all no big deal. He is all hurt because she's not taking the fact that they had sex more seriously but dude, bigger problems here. He gets upset that she's acting like it was a mistake and about the only thing I think Joey is in the wrong for, in this situation, is acting like her missing the test was his fault at all. It was all on her to be there, she made a bad choice. I feel really bad for her but it was her choice and no one else's to make and her responsibility alone not to fall asleep or oversleep. She absolutely has the right to be pissed off at him about not taking her worries seriously though. Guys really need to learn how to listen to women and not make their problems about them. All Eddie had to do was listen and he failed.
Emma is in the bathroom at the party when she hears a bunch of girls chatting about winning something and how hot they look. They then start talking about the "punk freak" and laugh about her accent and how it must be fake. Nice little dig at the actress not being British while trying to do a cockney "allo, gov! Cuppa tea?" accent and failing hard. We're supposed to believe she's actually British though and these girls are just bitches. I mean, they are but I also don't get it because here's the thing. Emma discovers from their cattiness is that the party is about who's date is hottest. The guy with the hottest date (according to...???) wins $1000. Ok, there is a lot to unpack here so let me break this down with a numbered list.
1) Who judges the dates? Wouldn't all the guys want to win and therefore vote for their own date? Do they all put money down for this? Who pays out?
2) Why are the girls all into this idea? They want to be hottest, why? To win some asshole guy $1000? Nah, if I were to demean myself to be judged by a bunch of suit wearing assholes, I'd be demanding the full payout.
3) I know Pacey tried to tell her at one point but this should have been something he disclosed right off the bat to Emma. I don't like thinking that Pacey wanted to be a part of something this vile. How many times does Pacey have to learn that this job is full of disgusting pigs before he decides he doesn't want any part of this? Spoilers, he keeps this job for the whole fucking season and I hate it. Why is he ok with this? This is the culture he should hate. He doesn't fit or belong here.
Pacey is having it out with Rich in the meantime and I have to say, I was taken aback that while he is defending Emma, he refers to women as "the lesser sex" to do so. I really think that undermines the point he's trying to make here, even if he's saying it as a mockery of how Rich thinks of women. It's nice to see him stand up to Rich again but Rich basically threatens to fire him over this whole thing. He tells Pacey he's his boss, not his friend and he should learn to view him as a person who holds his future in his hands. Pacey, please quit.
Dawson and Todd are at a bar and going over their shooting schedule. They get into talking about the Natasha situation and Dawson admits that he had a chance to confront her about what he heard but chickened out and now she's out with Max. Todd advises him to ignore the issue so he can still have sex with Natasha which is gross. He then says that while Dawson may be the love of her life, he doesn't affect her next deal and I have to say I am shocked this episode was written by a woman. For real? We're perpetuating this trope that women are duplicitous sluts that get ahead in Hollywood by fucking powerful men like this is something they enjoy doing? For real? I hate this plot more than I hate Natasha's character right now because she's getting smeared left and right and I don't think its fair. Yes, her character was a bitch to Dawson but I don't like the message this is sending. I know this is pre the #MeToo movement, but this is something that women have known for a while. Powerful men will hold their power over women in exchange for sexual favours. Are there women who willingly and seductively sleep their way to the top? Maybe, but more often a woman is coerced into doing things to save her job more than advance it or under threat of losing their careers. This story sucks and takes me out of the narrative. I'm supposed to hate Natasha but instead, I hate the writer and everyone who perpetuates this myth that all women sleep their way to the top as if we hold any fucking power. I hate all of this. Dawson decides that he's going to confront her and be honest and they decide to drink to that.
At Hell's Kitchen, Joey is working when she sees that her next table is Heston. She goes to take his order and he just gives her an order. She almost succeeds in taking it and going to place it but she just has to make a scene. She asks how he can sit there and pretend like nothing happened and if he's there to torture her. He says that from his perspective, nothing much did happen and that not everything revolves around her. She then says that her life has come crashing down around her because of him and even I asked her to excuse me. What now? Joey, it's not his fault that you slept in for your exam. Heston says that he changed his mind and Joey turns back hopefully but he changed his mind against fries and wants onion rings instead. Ok, that was a dick move. She storms off and now Eddie has inserted himself into the situation. Heston is not amused and like, they are trying really hard to make him the bad guy here and to be clear, he sucks so hard and I do hate him but this whole situation was Joey's fault. A professor does not owe you a do over. Heston tells Eddie that Joey is going places and basically accuses him of letting her sleep in so that she'd fail and he could feel less threatened and Eddie decks him. Joey is happy to see this which I find kind of toxic. I don't think Eddie's actions should be rewarded here and I hate that this act of violence is what convinces Joey he's some great guy.
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Eddie only gets worse from here too |
Joey waits for Eddie outside of the restaurant. He comes out saying he got fired but that Heston agreed not to sue. Joey apologizes for how she behaved but Eddie says she doesn't have to and, for his part, apologizes for calling her melodramatic. Joey ruins it by saying that she does tend to over react and no, Joey, being stressed about a failing grade was a perfectly fine and normal reaction to have. Joey then says she's happy she got to see this other side of him. What side, Joey? The violent one? Because that doesn't bode well for your future. They kiss and make up. Eddie then says he has an idea of something they can do to take their minds off all this but not THAT, something else.
Dawson returns to the hotel only to see Max leaving Natasha's room. They walk past each other and Dawson goes to his own room. Natasha comes knocking shortly after, pretending she had a boring drink with Max and has been watching TV in her room all night. We all know she's lying, even Dawson but he doesn't say anything. She then kisses him and instead of rejecting her or talking things out, Dawson just goes with it. So much for being honest?
Pacey comes home to find Emma already there, back in her normal clothes, on the couch. He asks why she left and tells her not to take Rich seriously because he sucks. It's frustrating that Pacey knows these guys suck but feels the need to be there anyway because we've told people like him that earning buckets of cash, no matter how much you screw someone over, is a marker of success. I wish pop culture would stop feeding this daydream to young men, the be an ass, get rich, get women dream needs to die a fiery death. Emma asks him if she won and Pacey is confused but quickly realizes that she knows. He apologizes to her and says he sometimes forgets he has a choice in that office. Emma tells him he always has a choice and then asks him why he even took her. She assumes he wanted to humiliate her but Pacey says he took her because he thought she'd win because she's gorgeous. He puts on the Pacey charm and gushes over how lucky he was to have her with him and how he won more than some stupid prize and then they start to kiss. Jack comes in so they quickly scooch to opposite ends of the couch. Jack is oblivious though and sits right in between them to watch tv.
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Three's Company too? |
Once again, Joey is certain that Eddie has lead her into the dark depths to be murdered but nope. He turns on the lights to reveal they're in a skating rink. I feel like, even in the dark she'd be able to see that they're in an arena. Joey can't possibly have worse eyesight than me. Eddie and her skate happily, forgetting that Joey has failed her super important final because I guess, the lesson here is it's fine as long as you have a cute guy to skate with. We're not going to find out where that plot goes, if at all for a while because the next episode is a very special Christmas episode. Stay tuned until I recap Merry Mayhem.
One thing about the skating scene I found funny was that they are supposed to be in Boston but the logo on the ice was for the Carolina Hurricanes hockey team.
ReplyDeleteI didn't even notice that, lol. I guess they figured that non-sports people like me wouldn't notice which was true.