Original air date: October 30, 2002
Sorry I was away so long, life stuff gets in the way sometimes. I am very happy to be back at it and starting back up with a Halloween episode. I love Halloween episodes, they are consistently my favourite in almost every show. They're fun and sometimes spooky, it's a shake up from the norm. This episode is no exception, I'm so excited for it unfortunately, we have to start with Dawson.
On the movie set, Natasha is filming a make out scene. The killer sneaks into the room with an axe, raises it up, but before he can swing, a light crashes down on him and he yells cut. Todd flips out on him and calls him a "hack stuntman" and it really rubs me the wrong way. This may be because my very first film teacher was a stuntman and let me tell you, you learn a lot about filmmaking from a stuntman. You learn a lot of practical and useful things, how to make a shot interesting, how they coordinate those stunts you see. It's work, it's a skill and I will not have this annoying British hack besmirch the art of stunting. Also, as a director, NEVER piss off your stunt man. They will fuck your shit up on purpose with an innocent smile because you think they can't actually plan for where a car will fall after a jump, but they can. I'm sorry, that was such a nothing detail but I just had to rant. Respect your stuntmen, respect your entire film crew because your movie is not getting made without each and every one of them pulling together for you.
Anyway, Todd is upset that they're going to be behind and laments filming in a haunted studio around Halloween. Dawson is confused so Todd calls him out on being a fake film geek for not knowing about Melanie Ray. Natasha comes up and starts massaging Todd's neck as Dawson watches in annoyed silence. She confirms she knows who Melanie Ray is and Todd tells the tale. She was a b-movie actress, filming a movie here and had an affair with the director. She was already married to her co-star though and when he found out, he strangled her to death on camera. Great story. Hey, real quick, remember when Dawson made a movie last season where his lead was going to shoot his love interest with a gun over her perceived transgressions? Interesting how this seems to be a trend. Men stop dealing with your feelings through violence challenge. Anyway, that's why Melanie haunts the studio. Natasha leaves and Dawson asks Todd if there's something going on between them. Todd says that he never sleeps with leading ladies because that's what extras are for and honestly that joke makes me sick to my stomach considering everything that's been coming out about powerful men in Hollywood. On a completely similar note, fuck Joss Whedon and his fivehead forever. They start shooting the scene again and Dawson is looking super jealous watching the actor kiss Natasha. If he wants to date an actress, he's gonna have to get over that.
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Dawson expects every girl he finds hot to not be with any guy other than him and they should wait until he is ready to have them, obviously |
After the credits we get Dawson and Todd watching back the scenes they shot but Todd is more focused on his big Halloween party he's throwing. Dawson assures him that everything is ready to go and his costume is on the way. Todd wants to know if the costume will get laid and Ghislaine Dawson tells him that he'll have some extras lined up for him. I'm sorry if you think that joke was tasteless but the joke in the show is tasteless and Dawson is literally talking about extras like they'd be jumping at the bit to bone this asshole when the reality is they're both taking advantage of people desperate to make it in the business and are talking so normally about it. Dawson would totally have been a director exposed in the #MeToo movement and you cannot convince me otherwise. Todd says he loves Halloween and Dawson admits he does too and brags about his practical jokes against his friends. Todd makes a few inappropriate comments about how hot Natasha is and gets annoyed that Dawson doesn't find his jokes funny. He then dresses Dawson down about not having the right to be jealous and possessive over Natasha since he dumped her for Joey which I do agree with even if I kind of hate Todd. Then he goes on about how Dawson couldn't process being with one of the hottest young starlets in Hollywood and I'd really like this show to make up its mind about who the fuck Natasha is. Is she a big name star in Hollywood like her first appearance and Todd is trying to convince us now? Or, is she a struggling no-name who Dawson took a chance on right before she was going to quit and run back to her hometown? Which is it??
An editor calls them over to see the shots they got back from the lab and they see weird cut in footage of Melanie Ray. Todd gets super annoyed and asks if someone is messing with him, even asking Dawson if this is one of his pranks he bragged about. Dawson is confused until Todd explains that the woman in the video is the girl they were talking about who haunts this studio. Dawson wonders what she's doing in their dailies but with the fact that he needed to be told who this was despite her name being on the title card of the shot, we need to call in Nancy Drew and her crew to solve this one.
We then find Audrey dressed up all punk like as she yells for "Sid" who is Pacey because they are doing a couples costume of Sid and Nancy. Audrey wants him to wear leather pants but he tells her she's lucky he's going along with the costume idea at all. Audrey makes a crack about him putting on a suit for work being a costume and then backs down and agrees not to start a fight. She goes to finish getting ready and Pacey notices a paper on her desk. It's a school paper with an F grade on it and Pacey gets concerned face about it. He hides it when he hears Audrey coming and they leave for their party.
Back at Jack and Emma's place, Jen is pacing around nervously. She's dressed up as a dark angel and Jack is going as a vampire and they look so cute. Jen is wondering whether it's too late to invite CJ and Jack is urging her to ask him. He finally goads her into calling the help line and she does. She gets CJ and asks if he wants to go to a party. He teases her for calling a help line to ask him to a party and Jen is nervous that she's screwed up but he asks for the address of the party. She then gets super excited and she and Jack high five each other silently. Emma is also there but she doesn't contribute much and I really just want to stan my fave soulmates right now.
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Perfection |
At Hell's Kitchen, Joey tells Eddie that she talked Heston into letting him attend class again. Eddie is not thrilled with this though and gives her attitude about assuming he wanted to go back. Joey is not here for that, thankfully and tries to walk away but is stopped when she bumps into a young girl who looks around 14 or 15 and obviously not supposed to be there. Joey asks her how old she is but the girl refuses to answer and snarks that she's looking for a girl with the unfortunate name of Joey. Oops. Professor Heston soon follows and the girl is introduced as his daughter, Harley. Joey is not impressed because she thought his daughter was 5 which would honestly make more sense as to why she needed a sitter. This girl could stay home by her self, she's clearly a teenager. But Heston has a hot date and doesn't want to be cockblocked so he's bribed his student to babysit for him. Neat. Also, really big piss off considering Eddie didn't even want to be in the class so Joey is going to have to babysit a snotty teenager for nothing, essentially. Harley begs her dad not to go on the date especially since he's bucking a tradition they have of seeing a movie on Halloween. Heston is like, yeah but I want to get laid so we'll go to the movies tomorrow. Uh, you could have had your date on any night, dude. You're just a bad parent. Joey recognizes a shitty dad when she sees it and looks sympathetically at Harley who is none too impressed with Joey.
Dawson is walking through the movie set alone when he thinks he spots a woman in a trench coat and hears his name being called. He tries to follow her but she disappears and Dawson thinks he was just seeing and hearing things and walks off. I have to say, it took me a while to figure out he was in costume. He's actually supposed to be a Man in Black but that movie has so left my brain that I didn't get it at first, I just thought he was dressed fancy and wearing sunglasses indoors. Oops.
Later, the party is in full swing and Dawson picks now to try to tell Todd about what he saw. Todd is not pleased with being pulled away from the ladies he's probably going to assault in some way and doesn't believe that Dawson saw Melanie Ray. He points out that they're at a costume party but Dawson insists he saw her hours before when no one was there and he sat on that info until the party was well under way. Good job, Dawson. Natasha comes up to them dressed like a sexy school girl. Todd is overwhelmed with lust and asks her to dance, much to Dawson's annoyance.
Back at Hell's Kitchen, Harley is hitting on Eddie which makes me entirely uncomfortable especially when the writers have Harley say a line that a lot of groomers tend to use, age is but a number. I'm not saying that young girls and boys don't crush on college aged kids, I just think it's weird to make a joke of it. Also, it's not helped that Eddie winks at her. I don't mind winking, it can be a charming move, but Eddie doing it consistently makes me cringe. Joey wants to take Harley to the movies, since she heard that she wanted to go to one with her dad but Harley refuses to leave the bar. Eddie suggests a haunted house and she readily agrees but only if Eddie goes too. Joey doesn't think he'll come but he says he will and then makes a crack to her about how annoying it is when someone butts in. Uh, fuck you very much, Eddie. I really, really loathe him. I swear I remembered liking him at some point but there is nothing to like here, he's constantly belittling Joey and teaching her a lesson but like, Joey already got her comeuppance. She meddled, Eddie hated it, and she still had to go through with her deal with Heston which ended up being harder than she initially thought it would be. She doesn't need to be shown how annoying it is to meddle, she's already regretting it.
Jen and Jack are waiting outside of the movie set party for CJ to arrive. Unfortunately, Jen forgot to mention it was a costume party so CJ shows up not in costume and also, with a friend named David. Jen both feels bad and is stunned. She thinks CJ is gay but Jack isn't so sure. Jen is fed up anyway because she thinks she made her intentions clear and he brings either a friend or his boyfriend. Jack wants to delve deeper and offers to talk to CJ while she talks to David so they can see what's up.
At the haunted house, Joey is easily terrified and Harley uses the r-word at her. I sometimes forget how prevalent the use of that word was back then and honestly the casualness of it makes it hit even worse. I'm glad we've moved past that. Joey calls her a twerp and Eddie has the gall to tell her to take it easy on Harley because she's got issues with her dad. She can have issues with her dad without being a little snot about it, just my opinion. Joey is well familiar with having issues with deadbeat dads but pivots to apologizing to Eddie for butting into his life when he didn't want it but thought he was wasting his potential since he's so smart. Eddie is, I'll give him this, rightfully offended by her remarks because who is she to say what a waste is or what ways he can reach his potential. He doesn't want to be a rich kid's charity case which Joey finds funny because he thinks she's rich. Eddie thinks it's funnier that he could have avoided all of this by not showing up at Heston's class again since he never intended to because the guy's a dick. Joey asks why he came back and Eddie admits that she got under his skin and he wanted to see her again. Man, it would have been nice to, you know, see what he saw in her rather than only seeing him be a dick to her? Then I might have given a shit when he goes in for a kiss after she leaps into his arms because she's a scaredy cat in a haunted house, but here we are. The kiss doesn't last long because Joey realizes that she's lost track of Harley.
At the film party, Pacey and Audrey have arrived and she's excited to get to dancing. Pacey just feels old and I totally feel that. I've never been a club hopping type. Though a costume party does sound fun, I just hate that music overwhelms everything so you can't actually talk. Audrey thinks he's super boring now and he takes this opportunity to ask why she's failing tests. Pacey, you and Dawson need to work on your timing. A party isn't the best place to bring up ghosts of murdered women or school. Audrey calls Pacey Glengarry Glen Loser which is clever but uncalled for. Pacey doesn't appreciate her mocking him for having to work for a living, which is fair but Audrey thinks that it's fine that he works but that it shouldn't take over his life. Pacey just wants to know what's going on with her so Audrey tells him that she hasn't been going to class since she's been depressed because she thought things were going great with her boyfriend but they're not. She then says he cares more about his work than her and if it weren't true, he'd already know what's going on in her life. I can't argue with that but I will say that tanking your academic career because you're mad at your boyfriend is really only hurting you. I get that she's sad but I don't like that she's blaming Pacey for her not going to class and failing. She was already displaying the skipping behaviour before Pacey even started his job so what was going on then? Audrey just seems really immature this season because she seemed to only want to have fun and buck all responsibility when she got back from LA and I don't think that's on Pacey, I think that's why Pacey started losing interest and was exhausted of her when they got back. Emma pops in all "pip pip cheerio, lads. Love ya costumes, mates, cuppa tea?" but neither Pacey or Audrey are here for her exaggerated Britishness.
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Can't you see they're fighting here? They have no time for your bizarre addition to this show |
This next part is really confusing once you know what actually happens so I want you to really pay attention to what happens. Dawson is chatting up a random girl by telling her he's the director's assistant. She's actually impressed but Dawson gets distracted by the girl in the trenchcoat up in the catwalks. He immediately abandons the girl he's talking to and chases after the girl. He never seems to be able to catch her. He gets close but then she appears somewhere else. He looks around and spots Natasha leading Todd to the bedroom set. They get on top of the bed and start kissing. Dawson gets jealous eyes and heads down to the set to burst through the door but oops, Todd and Natasha are just talking and there are a bunch of other people in the room as well. They ask him what's up but Dawson lies that he was looking for someone and gets a worried, 'am I going crazy?' look. Stick a pin in this.
Dawson gets called to the editors room where he's told that he got the dailies back and this time an even weirder image has shown up with their footage. It's the scene where Melanie gets strangled to death but for realsies on camera. Dawson looks very concerned.
Dawson is by himself at the party when Natasha walks over to him. He stammers that she looks amazing and she thanks him even though she's heard it quite a bit that night. Dawson then asks her why Melanie Ray would have an affair with her director which is just such a weird question. How the hell should Natasha know? She says that maybe Melanie wanted to be noticed and Dawson says that she had a husband. Natasha points out that not all relationships are perfect and he probably blew it but Dawson will always side with the man, always and can't conceive that the man could have done anything to drive the woman away. Natasha then calls Dawson out for really wanting to ask her if she's sleeping with Todd to which she says it's none of his business. She also tells him he has no right to be jealous after what he did to her which is super valid. Dawson tries to pretend he isn't jealous but neither Natasha nor us, the viewer, buys it.
Back at the haunted house, Joey is panicking and looking for Harley but she's nowhere to be seen. Eddie is less than helpful about the whole thing and Joey blames him for kissing her and distracting her from her duties. I mean, they were talking longer than they were kissing, Harley had plenty of time to escape. Eddie says that since she kissed him first, like a week ago, it's her fault and I don't follow his logic. Joey tells him to shut up and think where he would go if he were a teenaged girl but Eddie is less than helpful because he just makes a gross comment about checking himself out if he were. This does not sound as goofy as you thought after he winked at said teenaged girl, writers. Eddie then says that it's Heston's fault since he abandoned his daughter to go on a date when he was supposed to take her to the movies. Joey gets a lightbulb and calls him a genius.
At the movie set party, Audrey is walking alone through a cemetery set up when she notices a padded coffin and lies down in it, or leans in it since it's stood up. She sees Pacey coming and quickly shuts the door to the coffin. Pacey sits down in front of the coffin, not having noticed the door moving. Emma sees him sitting alone and goes to talk to him and he spills the beans about how his relationship with Audrey is on the rocks. He said it started out really fun and unlike his other relationships, had no high drama or mind games. Look, I'll give him the lack of high drama but excuse you, Pacey? Who played mind games with you intentionally? I mean, I suppose he was definitely confused about Joey's feelings but she wasn't playing games with him, she was confused herself. That wording sounds really unfair, is my point. Pacey then confesses that he's not sure if the reason he's checking out is because he can't handle the rough spots or because he doesn't love her anymore. Then adds that he isn't sure if he ever loved her to begin with and woof, this is brutal to hear knowing that Audrey is also hearing it. This is something that I felt even in season 5. Pacey seemed like he was just having a fling, even Audrey seemed a bit like that but especially when Pacey chased her to the airport. None of it felt genuine but I still really hate how the writers are handling this? Pacey has felt very out of character for a while and it feels like someone in the writing room has a hate on for him and wants him to be the jerk that Dawson always says he was when there was no evidence of it. I can't disagree that Pacey has been acting like a jerk but it just doesn't feel like my Pacey. This reminds me of Joan of Arcadia when they had her and Adam break up because Adam, of all people, sweet Adam, cheated on her because he was frustrated with the lack of sex. Was it high drama? Yeah. Did Amber and Chris act the hell out of it? Hell yeah. Did it feel true to the character we had been presented up to that point? A resounding NO. This is like that, this is the writers wanting something but ignoring the character they've written up to this point to get it. He's been harsh and cruel and that doesn't feel like Pacey. Is it possible for a character like Pacey to check out and not be into Audrey? Yes and I've been feeling that way for a while but Pacey, is above all a gentleman, and I really don't think he'd frame it this harshly even if he thought Audrey wasn't listening. That's just me though. Pacey decides that he doesn't want to get into it tonight and suggests he and Emma go back to the party and enjoy themselves. Audrey opens the coffin and looks like she's been through the ringer and my heart breaks a bit.
Jen and David are chatting and drinking punch when Jen asks him how long he and CJ have been together. David is confused so Jen quickly reframes it to how long they've known each other. David says he's met a year ago at The Stand and Jen is like, oh you're one of them. David confirms and says he's just another gay kid trying to reshape the world and then invites her to come by sometime. Jen says that CJ already gave her the hard sell and it's not for her. David then says that she must be the Jen he's always talking about which excites Jen until she learns that David meant that he wants her as a counsellor so bad. Jen says of course CJ doesn't want her like that, he's gay but David says that CJ isn't gay which gives Jen a little bit of hope.
Meanwhile Jack is apologizing to CJ who says that he's not offended but not gay so obviously, Jack just kind of flat out asked if he was gay. Nice work, Jack. Jack says he knows someone who will be happy to hear this but CJ is clueless as to who so Jack is like, uh, Jen? CJ says that's nice to hear so Jack gets that CJ is not very interested. CJ confirms that he's not even though he thinks she's cool and would be a great counsellor. He's not looking for that right now though. Jack asks if he'd be interested in Jen if he were looking for that right now but CJ says she's not his type. Oof.
Harley's choice of movie is Fright Night which is a solid choice. It's one of my go to rewatches to get me in the Halloween spirit. The Chris Sarandon one from the 80s, the new one was bad. Joey drags Harley out of the movie theatre and Eddie tells her that they gave her quite a scare. Joey asks him to give them a minute and she tries to talk to Harley about her dad. Harley doesn't buy it because she's lived with the guy and knows what we all know, that Heston is a massive asshole. Joey tries to say otherwise but I don't know why she would and Harley just beats that down because she thinks things will be different when she visits him but it's always different shades of the same. Joey understands this and gets quiet and contemplative.
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Joey is thinking, yeah Heston does suck. Why am I trying so hard to please him? Unfortunately, she will continue down the path because of her own rejection issues. |
Dawson sees Melanie at the party again and tries to follow her. He's blocked by a bunch of people but sees her go into the bedroom set and follows her. When he opens the door, he sees Todd and Natasha lying on the bed together. Todd says that it isn't what he thinks but then says it is because Natasha is very persuasive. Dawson has the gall to say they're screwing behind his back and it's like...what behind? This is the same thing he did to Pacey and Joey and it's like, you had no claim on these girls? You rejected both of them and you were dating neither when the other went to another guy. Dawson is the king of pretending like he owns a girl if he likes her and gets mad when they date someone else because it's "cheating on him". No, Dawson, in order for there to be cheating you'd have to be dating the girl and you weren't. In fact, you were the one that cheated on Natasha, Mr. HighandMighty. Dawson admits that he made a stupid mistake and that he really likes her but that he can't stand the thought of another guy touching her, especially Todd. Todd says he's not adverse to firing him again but Dawson says he quits and storms out.
Dawson is being a grump at the party when he sees Melanie again and chases her up the catwalks. When he gets up there, she actually starts coming towards him but then takes off her wig and sunglasses to reveal that it's actually Natasha. Todd comes up behind her filming Dawson's reaction with a camera and cackling. Natasha says they've been screwing with his mind all night and Dawson's main concern is that they aren't actually sleeping together. Natasha and Todd both confirm that they're decidedly not. Dawson wonders about the footage which is insane because he's a film person, doesn't he understand how easy it is to film something like that? THAT'S the thing he's confused about? Really? Remember earlier? Natasha was up in the catwalks as Melanie but somehow also down at the party in her school girl outfit, leading Todd into the bedroom? They kissed and somehow knew when Dawson would bust through the door to have people in there and just be talking? HOW? The only time I can buy is when she walked into the bedroom and was there with Todd, easy enough to orchestrate but how did she pop all over the place so Dawson could never catch her on the catwalks? This is the one time where a supernatural explanation makes the most sense and the realistic explanation makes no sense. Todd asks if Dawson was really serious about quitting because he does need his help still and Dawson agrees to help him with the shot list. Then Todd gleefully says he's going to have his editor edit the footage of Dawson being scared and Natasha goes with him because she wants to see too. Dawson laughs at himself as he watches them go.
Jen finally talks to CJ and is now reconsidering The Stand. CJ is happy to have her but wants to make sure she's doing it for the right reasons. Jen asks if there are any other reasons and then asks him out.
We cut over to Jack and David who are watching them talk. Jack says he's sad watching them because he knows CJ isn't into her. David says it's for the best and Jack asks why but David says it's a long story. I'd be like, uh, spill! Immediately! But Jack is ok with this and asks him to tell him over coffee sometime. No, Jack, ask him to coffee right now and tell him to tell you everything, this is your best friend who's really into a guy that may be a problem. Get the deets! Jen and CJ join them and they say their goodbyes. CJ and David leave so Jack asks Jen how it went, expecting to have to console her but she's surprisingly chipper. She says he's playing hard to get but is determined he will be hers. Jack figures they didn't get into it and leads her off but like, why wouldn't he just tell her what CJ said to him?
At Hell's Kitchen, Heston comes into the bar to get Harley. She asks how the date went and he says it went fine until she told him that he had a toxic personality. Yeah, good luck to that guy ever getting a date, from what I've seen of him, I don't blame that woman for running away upon first date. Heston asks Joey how Harley was and Joey says she was the perfect angel. He goes to leave but Harley asks to have a minute with Joey. She thanks her for not ratting her out and apologizes for being an uber-bitch. Joey tells Harley not to give up on her dad just yet which...has she met Heston? Joey, even your dad wasn't that bad and he went to jail for drug dealing. Harley wants to give Joey some advice too, that Eddie totally likes her and that she shouldn't mess it up.
Eddie walks up to Joey with a root beer float but Harley is gone so he asks if she wants to share it. He says it would be a shame to let it go to waste, like his potential. I'll admit, that was a funny burn but I still don't like Eddie. Joey and him share the float and she asks him what's going on between them since they both kissed each other. Eddie says they aren't dating which Joey readily agrees with. He also says he isn't going back to Heston's class which I can't blame him for. Joey accepts that and says she has no interest in changing him. Eddie admits that he doesn't know what's going on with them but he likes it that way and Joey agrees.
Pacey finds Audrey outside and says he's been looking for her. She gives him a bitter smile and then comes right out with that she wants to break up with him. Pacey laughs at first and then realizes she's dead serious so he offers to take her home so they can sleep on it and talk in the morning but she's adamant that this is what she wants. Pacey admits that it's not the way he wanted this to happen but it only pisses Audrey off and she tells him to shut up because he's getting off easy. There's a long pause and she says that's how she knows it's over because he doesn't say a word, or try to fight it and she deserves better. Pacey agrees she deserves better but Audrey is not letting him off the hook with this and calls them empty words for him to feel better about himself for losing interest in her. She tells him he's just a guy who's grown tired of screwing the same girl and feels guilty about it. She tells him that if he thinks that sucks, he should try being the one who wonders why everyone she loves doesn't love her back. Pacey tries to console her but she just slaps him right in the face. Audrey then sobs. Look, I get she's mad but I don't think that Pacey's behaviour warranted a slap. Pacey's best to get out of this while he can. It sucks because I liked Audrey and I don't want to see her like this. Also, this line feels extra harsh because it brought up memories of Freaks and Geeks. You know that James Franco is a dick right? Well he apparently didn't like that his character was dating Busy's character and called her disgusting. He actually never really kisses her and I can't unsee that when I rewatch the show now. Goddamn Busy's characters could never catch a break. Also, James was way worse than that to her if you read her autobiography, just awful stuff.
Where one couple ends, another begins though. Dawson and Natasha are talking together and he apologizes for how jealous he got. He just likes her so much. Natasha likes hearing that he likes her because she likes him too. She says a lot of people come into and out of her life but he was the only one she really wanted to stick around. Dawson says that he really loves his life but that he can't believe it's real. He wonders if it's all going to be gone soon. Natasha says that it could be and this could be her last job so she wants to enjoy the experience while it's hers. She then says that if he's all she gets to keep from the experience, she's good with that. Damn, Dawson, that's probably the nicest thing any of your girlfriends have said to you. Dawson says he missed her and she says she always wanted him back but that he had to pay for his sins. They start kissing on the bed and then they kind of reenact the scene Natasha was filming at the beginning where he asks if she's sure about this and she says she's more sure about this than anything in her life and Dawson says "groovy" and they keep kissing. Then an axe murderer comes in the room to kill them and we cut to credits. I'm not joking, that's how they end it. Did it happen? Was it a dream? Were the show makers just having a bit of fun? ~yes.
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I told you, Dawson. Never fuck with the stunt performers |
Imagine if this actually happened and next episode opened with Dawson's funeral? Bliss. Aside from the positive ending, that was a surprisingly brutal episode. I love me some Halloween fun but having to see the Pacey and Audrey messy breakup, having to endure Joey and Eddie, and the Dawson nonsense was kind of a chore. I wanted more Jen, Jack, and CJ stuff and I can't believe they just let that weird tidbit about CJ dangle. Any good friend would demand to know why a guy their friend is interested in is best to be avoided. Jack just goes cool, want to go out sometime? I can't believe that. Hopefully we find out next episode what the deal is with CJ. I've been told he turns sour pretty fast which is not my memory at all but then again, I thought I liked Eddie for a little bit and I fucking hate him now. So, maybe I'll see CJ for the jerk he is soon. We'll have to wait and see in the next episode...Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell. Now that is an episode title.
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