Original air date: May 3, 2011
I remember me naively thinking that my recaps would be getting shorter once we got to season 2 because the plot got thinner. Now they are consistently getting longer and its not that the plot isn't thin, it's that so much happens with so little result that describing it takes forever even though ultimately, it means nothing. So, even though this episode is still pretty light on plot, I love it because it features one of the greatest albums ever made, Rumours by Fleetwood Mac. This is an album deserving of a tribute episode so it doesn't bug me that this episode is basically just that, let's go.
We open the episode with Brittany's new internet show Fondue for Two and it's the dumbest but best thing ever. she even has a jingle for it. She has Mercedes and Tina on but ignores Tina's questioning if the show shouldn't then be Fondue for Three because that doesn't rhyme. It's a gossip show and I'm not going to get into it but it's to set up Brittany saying that Santana plays for the other team and to also introduce us to Lord Tubbington who loves cheese.
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Behold, Lord Tubbington, in all his glory (also I want that rainbow apple belt) |
Rachel finds Sam and he kind of brushes her off because Santana told him that she would try to steal all his gold. Um, not a good look? I get it, we can infer that Santana is equating Rachel to a leprechaun but it takes a very vile turn when aimed at a Jewish character. Doubly gross from a show that joked about how Sue's parents were Nazi killers when there are supposedly no Nazis left. There sure aren't SS uniformed officers around but the ideology has stuck with a lot of people and having this attitude that all Jews are gold hungry and untrustworthy? That's a hold over of centuries of stereotypes about Jewish people that was most currently and devastatingly used in Nazi propaganda, so maybe don't echo that in your supposedly progressive show? This line kind of harms the otherwise cute scene between these two. Rachel gives Sam chapstick and tells him that she thinks his lips are cute and worth weatherproofing. She then asks him to prom at which point he gets uncomfortable and tells her no. When Rachel presses him, he tells her she's not his type and thanks her for the lip chap before walking away.
We then cut to Sue and Terri meeting at a coffee shop. For some reason, Sue is dressed like David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust for the sole reason that I think the writers think that's funny. Sue's reason is that she wants to be in cognito so she doesn't get recognized and humiliated or something. She thinks everyone senses her weakness. She then says that she wants to bring the Muckraker back to Mckinley High, where they won't worry about facts, fact-checking, or facts. Basically, she wants FOX News in a high school. Terri is impressed and brings up her own idea. Instead of destroying Will from within the Glee club, take him out of it. They toast to their evil-doer ways.
Cut to Will in his class room where April Rhodes pops in and I squee a little bit because I completely forgot this episode also blessed us with Kristin Chenoweth's lovely voice. Fleetwood and K-Chen? Yes, please! Her all-white production of The Wiz was a bomb (duh) and so, she's decided to write her own musical about her life. Will is excited for her but asks what she's doing in Ohio. She needs to borrow the auditorium because she's running low on funds. I thought this was the conflict for the episode, like she was taking it back or something? But no, I think she just wants to rehearse in it or something.
Rachel wants Finn to perform a duet with her at Nationals but Finn doesn't think it's a good idea. It's kind of silly until Rachel starts picking at the issue by saying that Quinn is just insecure and then she shows him an article from the Muckraker that implies that Quinn is cheating on Finn. Finn takes this news very poorly and confronts Sam in an extremely threatening manner. This is pretty rich coming from Finn who literally, pointedly, and maliciously stole Quinn from Sam. Santana busts in at this moment to yell at Brittany for saying she played for the other team. Brittany is confused because it's true, Santana used to be only with the Cheerios and now she's only with New Directions.
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This is basically Santana right now. |
Will tries to calm things down but it's too late, everyone's pissed and Finn has stormed out of the rehearsals. Remember when Rachel used to do the dramatic storm outs? No one seems to comment on it when Finn does it and he's also done it a lot. Maybe not as much but he's still pretty dramatic.
Later that night, Will is eating dinner with April but she offered to make it and she only brought alcohol. Oops. I'm kind of sad that they really only know how to write her as a drunk character because the last time we saw her, she was supposed to be quitting the drink and getting on with her life but it seems she's as bad or worse these days. It's not a critique of the show, I'm just sad for her character. Well, maybe it's a bit of a critique of the show because they think her being a drunkard is funny but it's a very serious and damaging problem that people suffer through and deserves to not be mocked and belittled by people. Especially since our society puts so much weight and emphasis on drinking being a major part of adult life and it really doesn't have to be.
Anyway, Will gives April a suggestion for her musical and she tells him he's a good teacher which she wants to parlay into make out time but Will completely misses this and just starts confiding in her about the glee club. I love how she rolls her eyes and pours herself another drink as he complains about all the fighting of high schoolers. To her credit, she does mention that it sounds like his group has gotten a touch of the Mac. She explains that Fleetwood Mac had a ton of drama going on, enough to make most bands break up but they took all that drama and made fantastic music out of it. She neglects to mention, they also broke up but they did at least make a great album out of it. It's true, Rumours is fantastic and Will agrees. He digs it out and says he wants to do a whole lesson on it. April agrees to help.
Cut to Will and April singing Dreams by Fleetwood Mac and it's, of course great but you really do need to listen to the original. This whole recap is just going to be me screaming at you guys to listen to Rumours. I'm sorry. No, I'm not. Listen to it! Will introduces his lesson concept, pick a song from this album that they relate to and "put their own spin on it" really, they're just going to perform it but I'm still not complaining.
Hey, remember that Artie and Brittany are dating? Well, he confronts Brittany about what's going on between her and Santana. Brittany says she's not cheating because of the whole different plumbing thing but yeah, it's still cheating and Artie recognizes this. He points out that Santana is manipulating her, which is actually true, she admits as much last episode. I'm almost on Artie's side but then he calls her stupid. He's no better to Brittany than Santana and Brittany sees this. She tells him he was the only person who'd never called her that and runs off crying. Then we're expected to sympathize with Artie which I don't but goddamn, I love the song he sings. It's Never Going Back Again and ugh, it's so good. It's such a simple song lyrically but the guitar work is something else. The co-producer of the album, Ken Caillat apparently had the techs restring Lindsey Buckinham's guitar every twenty minutes to record this song, he wanted every bit of Lindsey's picking to sound perfect and it fucking shows. Seriously, seriously gorgeous. I'm listening to it as I write this part and it gives me pleasant chills hearing it.
Next, we find Rachel and Finn sitting in a car together. Rachel thinks that staking out the motel is cool but Finn is annoyed because he just wants to see if the rumour is true. Rachel doesn't understand why they got back together when he can't even trust her and this is a valid point but Rachel is veering into nefarious NiceGuy territory here. Picking away at the relationship's faults so that she can what? Jump right on Finn when he breaks up with Quinn? Why? Rachel deserves better than Finn anyway and I wish she could see that. He sucks. Rachel wants to talk about their duets but Finn is distracted because he sees Kurt leaving Sam's motel room. Oops.
They immediately tell the rest of the gang but Mercedes doesn't believe that Kurt would cheat on Blaine. They argue a little more and then say that their group has already been through so many combinations, just like Fleetwood Mac. Then they name ship names and I know some people like this, acknowledging of ship names, but I hate it. It feels so forced and it takes me out of a show. People don't actually talk like this...do they? Maybe the kids do. Maybe I'm out of touch? No, it's the kids that are wrong. Anyway, Quinn pipes up that she knows Sam isn't gay and this upsets Finn but he's just going to brood about it.
Santana is with Brittany and tells her that she has a song that trumps even Landslide in terms of expressing how she feels and she is not wrong. I told you, this thing is going to be me just praising this album but my God, Songbird is one of the most gorgeous love songs but it's also very bittersweet. Devastatingly beautiful. Yes, I'm still gushing about the songs on this album. This song was actually recorded by Christine McVie (on the same co-producer's suggestion) in a giant hall, the Zellerbach Auditorium, on a giant Steinway piano. The care and artistry on display here is outstanding. A lone singer in an empty hall, much like a lone songbird trapped in its cage. Just beautiful. I also think Naya nails this song (Again listen to the original!!) but I'm going to show Naya's performance to stay within my glee frame of mind and because she sounds beautiful. She was so talented and it's sad she's no longer with us.
I also love that they refer to Brad the piano man as just furniture (no offense). Brad is everywhere, just sitting at a piano, waiting to play for someone's vocals. A tormented soul that transcends Glee and pops up even in other shows to play his haunting tunes. Yes, I'm investing too much time and thought into the mysterious piano man but he intrigues me, especially because I really did see him pop up in Gilmore Girls to serve the very same function once.
Anyway, Brittany is so moved but asks why Santana couldn't perform this in front of the whole club, especially since she and Artie are done. Santana isn't ready though so Brittany offers to make the announcement first. She asks her to come onto Fondue for Two and she'll ask Santana to prom. All she has to do is say yes.
Rachel calls Kurt out for cheating on Blaine because she sees Sam wearing one of his old jackets. Kurt begs her to stop and says that when Fleetwood Mac were working on Rumours, they wouldn't even talk to each other about anything other than their music. He wants her to do the same. She thinks he's deflecting but he's just being a team player.
Rachel and Finn are staking out the motel again. He complains to her about how sure Quinn was that Sam wasn't gay. Rachel points out that they did date but Finn is convinced something else is going on. He complains that Quinn keeps her feelings so guarded. I side eye Rachel when she claims that girls like "that" do that to keep their power. Or maybe, Quinn is reserved? Not everyone is an open book and it usually has nothing to do with keeping power over someone else but keeping some form of control for themselves because they feel like other things are out of their control. This is coming from an introvert who is very guarded and shy but pretty open with people she cares about. Moving on, Finn tells Rachel she isn't like that and Rachel smiles. Then Quinn comes out of Sam's motel room and Finn is gutted while The Chain by Fleetwood Mac plays in the background.
Brittany is interviewing Will for the Muckraker and he's surprised she's into journalism. Brittany explains that it's perfect practice for her talk show. She immediately starts asking gossipy questions about Will's underwear, having affairs with students, and leaving New Directions to go to Broadway. Will excuses himself but asks where she's getting the idea to ask these questions. Brittany answers by saying that Sue told her she's not allowed to say.
Meanwhile, Sue is coaching the rest of her Muckraker team, which includes Jacob Ben Israel, my personal nemesis that this show refuses to just let die. He didn't have to return. We were fine without him. Sue tells them that once a story is out, you can't put it back in and woof, did some people really take this lesson because no one knows what is real or fake news anymore. There's just stories floating around everywhere. Did this show predict how 2013 to now was going to go? Freaky. The point is, Sue just wants them to make up stories now, whatever is the most damaging. Will confronts Sue about telling people he's leaving McKinley and she basically says that it's what he wants.
The Muckraker is being spread around the school and Quinn takes a copy, only to get super pissed. She storms up to Finn who was storming up to her and they're both confused why the other is mad when they should be the ones to be mad. Quinn tells him that he and Rachel were spotted together in a car, talking and laughing. Finn says they were on a stakeout and demands to know what she was doing at the motel. She says she wasn't cheating and says he needs to trust her and then they agree to do a duet together. It's I Don't Want to Know and they do a good job of it.
Rachel says that she prefers Quinn's duet with Sam which is honestly, a really bitchy thing to say. Quinn points out that she wants Quinn to do duets with Sam so that she and Finn can sing together again and Rachel agrees because her and Finn have "proven harmonies". Quinn says it isn't going to happen and Will tells her that she can't dictate who pairs up for Nationals. Quinn wants to win but her relationship comes first and if Finn wants to be with her, he can't sing with Rachel. So, Quinn is being painted as the antagonist for this and I don't agree. I think it's unrealistic but ultimately understandable that Quinn wouldn't want Rachel and Finn to sing together, especially since she's not wrong to not trust Rachel. We've seen Rachel whispering in Finn's ear all episode about how wrong for him Quinn is. And it's honestly healthy to want to put your relationship first over a performance. They did fine not having Rachel and Finn pair up at their past few competitions and they won, so it's obviously fine.
Cut to Will and April singing a song from her musical that is incredibly over the top and corny. April begs him to come with her to Broadway. He's flattered but he has to take the kids to Nationals. April tells him that's the kid's dream and it didn't get them very far. She wants him to take a chance.
Cut to Fondue for Two but instead of having a heartwarming prom invitation, Brittany has been stood up. She's sad but her show must go on so she's now interviewing Lord Tubbington. The greatest character to grace this show. She asks him about the Aristocats but is still mad at him for smoking again. None of this makes sense but I'll allow it because Lord Tubbington is our God now. I don't make the rules.
Will finds Emma in the staff room eating grapes that she only rinsed in the sink (for half an hour). She's been taking her meds for two weeks and feeling more in charge of herself. I hate that she attributes it to the awful way Will talked to her last episode but happy she's happy. She wants Will to do the same thing and take April's offer. Will insists he can't because the kids saved his life and got him out of a terrible marriage. He doesn't want to lose her but he also really wants to go.
In Glee club, Rachel wants to share her own Fleetwood song. She chose Go Your Own Way and absolutely rocks it. Quinn is still pissed from Rachel the other day and says that it's inappropriate for her to sing a love song to her guy. To be fair, Rachel was absolutely singing some parts to Finn and has been trying to get them to break up which is unfair. However, the chorus is literally Go Your Own Way as in I tried to love you but you wouldn't let me so you can just go. In fact, Lindsey Buckingham wrote this about his split with Stevie Nicks and she HATED the line "Packing up, Shacking up's all you wanna do" and wanted to kill him every time they performed it. So if this was a love song, I'd call that a huge fail because it certainly didn't bring them together. Anyway, everything devolves into bickering until everyone demands to know why Sam is doing this and causing all the dysfunction. Sam finally breaks down and tells everyone what really happened. He's poor. His father lost his job, they lost their house, now they're all stuck in a motel room. Kurt is bringing him clothes and Quinn is helping him babysit his siblings while, I'm assuming that his parents are out looking for work. It's now Sam's turn to storm out while everyone looks guilty for forcing him to share such personal info.
April is meeting with Sue and Terri and tells them that Will can't join her on Broadway. Sue won't let that stop her though because she's going to use the Muckraker to post a story that he is leaving to go to Broadway and eventually the rumour will come true. April seems to be an unwitting accomplice where she thinks Terri cares enough for Will to get him to pursue his dreams and it would help her with her own dreams so she's in.
Rachel and Finn go to Sam's motel room and are let in by his younger sister, Stacey. Sam goes into more detail and confirms that his parents are out looking for jobs a lot and Quinn can do "girl stuff" with Stacey. Tell me the show is written by men without saying the show is written by men. Sam thinks he might have to drop out of glee club but both Rachel and Finn are against that. They brought him back his guitar that he sold for money, the whole glee club helped to buy it back. Sam is so moved he starts to cry and Rachel says that they all willing to help him out however they can until he gets back on his feet.
Jacob confronts Santana about a rumour he heard about her and Karofsky going at it in the Holier Than Thou Cemetery which she confidently responds with "no comment" but he says that when he checked the IP address of the tip, it came from her computer. She tells him her computer was stolen and then says that her and Karofsky are super excited to be prom king and queen and to vote "santofsky"
The glee club confront Will about the rumour that he's leaving the school to do Broadway with April Rhodes. Will tells them that if they learned anything from this assignment, it should be not to believe every rumour they hear. Will assures them that they are going to Nationals together and that they are going to win. Sam comes in with his siblings so they could watch them perform. Sam has the perfect song for them and it still fits with the assignment. He and the club perform Don't Stop. The club is once again together and in harmony, so to speak.
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I'm just leaving this here for my friend who loves Samchel |
The plot is still disjointed and inconsistent but it is at least continuing Santana's journey to self-acceptance, and Finn and Quinn's relationship, as well as a brief glimpse of progress for Emma from last episode. Still, I could watch this episode a dozen times just for the songs that were actually well picked for each character rather than shoe-horned in because it's the "it" song of the moment. I get so tired of that era of glee where they just want to cover a song because its popular, regardless of if it fits the character, the plot, or the tone of anything. This episode feels grounded and refreshing from the dumpster fire it usually is and it's largely helped by covering, honestly, brilliant songs. If nothing else, I hope this has encouraged you to listen to Rumours. It's 41 minutes long, seriously, just go.
Next time we pick up with Glee, we'll finally learn who wins Prom King and Queen. Will it be Finn and Quinn? Will it be Santana and Karofsky? or will it be Lauren and Puck? Stay tuned.
ReplyDeletelol, you are welcome. :)