Original air date: December 19, 2001
Alright, after our scary story detour we are back on track with the drama. If you'll recall, Jen and Dawson did the dirty on their trip to New Hampshire and so that is what we're focusing on this episode. Get ready because this one is going to be awkward.
The gang, minus Jen and Dawson but including Audrey, are at Grams' house. Pacey is cooking a meal and everyone is helping to prep with awkward improv dialogue where Audrey just goes "doo doo doo" and "dee dee dee" which is really funny to me. I wonder if she realized she was being picked up so clearly? Or maybe she thought this was for a montage moment that would not be voiced? Otherwise, someone directed her to do this and just left it in. It's funny though. She's disappointed that they're not ordering pizza and she doesn't get to see Grams. Legit concerns, honestly. Joey asks Jack about where Dawson and Jen are and he informs them about the extra day they wanted to spend there. Joey looks a bit disappointed.
Dawson and Jen have arrived home and are still in new romance bliss. They talk about what they tell the others and Dawson suggests they just relax and not worry about telling the others. They kiss, work their way inside and kiss some more. Audrey walks into the room followed by Jack, Pacey, and then Joey. They all stare at this new development, each with their own reaction as Audrey awkwardly tells them that Pacey made rice. Cut to opening credits.
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Prepare for maximum awkwardness |
We come back to the most silent and awkward dinner in existence as everyone spoons their food around their plates. Pacey defends his cooking saying that risotto is supposed to be served right away so that it doesn't become gummy. Jen apologizes for being the reason the risotto coagulated and I keep expecting Gordon Ramsey to burst in and call Pacey a donkey for spoiling the risotto because I watched too much Hell's Kitchen. Dawson jumps in and finishes that they didn't expect that Pacey would be making dinner and Jack makes a snide comment about how they're already finishing each other's sentences. Wanting to escape the awkwardness but also because she's a really decent friend, Audrey pretends to spill something on herself and grabs Joey to help her in the bathroom.
Joey is not impressed because she's fine and didn't need Audrey to cause a scene. Audrey points out that she's not dumb and knows that there is history there between the three of them and that, despite what Joey claims, it was not a casual kiss. Audrey is convinced that Jen and Dawson slept together and Joey looks taken aback but insists she's unfazed.
Jen, being the only girl left at the table of awkward silence, quickly excuses herself to see if she can help, leaving the boys to continue their awkward silence. She knocks on the bathroom door and offers to lend Audrey a shirt so they go off to look for a shirt together.
Back in the dining room, Pacey and Jack grill Dawson about what he and Jen were doing together and whether or not they are just kissing or together. Dawson excuses himself because he doesn't want to go over the bases with them and they both get super intrigued because neither of them mentioned bases. Pacey and Jack continue their discussion alone where they both end up confessing that they came close to doing the deed with Jen. Pacey wonders what it takes to go all the way and Jack says a straight virgin to which neither would have applied to both. Oops.
Dawson followed Joey into the kitchen where they now engage in their own awkward conversation. Joey tries to play it super cool about Jen and Dawson being back together but when Dawson essentially makes it clear that Audrey was right about him having slept with Jen, she gets super uncomfortable. She tries to brush it off like it's no big deal, trying her best not to show how hurt she is. I know this effort well, pretending not to care that you were the one not chosen, so I want to give Joey a big hug.
The gang are now all back at the dinner table but it quickly devolves into more awkward conversation as Joey suggests that they call everything off since the cooking might be stressing Pacey out. Pacey is not letting everyone off the hook that easily since he worked really hard on these meals and has a lot of courses left to deliver. I feel bad for him because no one seems to like his cooking and I can't tell if it's because they're not used to fancy food or Pacey sucks because I would assume, given his training, that his meals would be amazing. Everyone wants to be away from the table of awkwardness so they all rush to help Pacey bring out the second course, leaving Dawson and Jen alone.
Jen and Dawson commiserate over everyone knowing about their tryst. Jen is worried about how Joey took the news because they had just talked about how much she appreciated Jen looking after Dawson. She knows this isn't what Joey had in mind and feels awful. Dawson says that as much as he cares for everyone in this house, he's happy with her and no one gets to judge them. They have a nice, sweet moment and oh god, I still like them together.
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I am actually shipping this |
Audrey watches from the kitchen, where everyone is huddled. Jack thinks it's a little weird and Joey thought that he'd be happy she's with someone like Dawson. Jack continues his downward spiral where he thinks the relationship is bad because Dawson is damaged and Jen is taking advantage. Excuse you? You think Jen is that type of person? I'm so disappointed in my soul mates, you guys. Audrey is still upset that there is no Grams for her to meet. Joey tries to make another excuse to bail since it wouldn't be appropriate to continue dinner without Grams. Jack and Pacey insist they all stay. Audrey asks about dinner being a chicken stuffed with lemons and Joey, wanting the night over with, insists that they serve it now, before it's even ready. Um, gross. Pacey relents saying he'll serve it up now.
Joey walks back into the dining room where Dawson excuses himself to offer help in the kitchen, leaving Jen and Joey alone. Jen awkwardly tries to explain herself and that she didn't plan on falling for Dawson. Jen even admits that Dawson always seems to come between them and that she doesn't want that to happen again when they were finally becoming friends. I don't either, the Jen and Joey friendship is too good. Joey insists she's fine with everything and tells Jen that she's a good person which is what Dawson needs. Before they can get any deeper into the conversation, everyone returns to the table.
The infuriating thing about both Jack and Joey insisting that Pacey take the chicken out before it was ready, is Jack then complaining about how inedible it looks. Excuse you, you were the one that rushed the chicken out, Jack. You don't get to accuse Pacey of being a poor cook now. Pacey did say he cut only the cooked parts so they don't get sick. Pacey cares about his friends and none of them appreciate him but I'll eat your food, Pacey. Jack asks Dawson about the film festival and Dawson says he enjoyed it, with a side of belittling New Hampshire as a hick town which feels really icky coming from the most privileged person at the table. He also mentions the film school in Boston that he's thinking of enrolling in to which Joey gets shocked face again because it means he'll end up in the same city as her. So, that's neat since she's clearly not his reason for staying anymore. Audrey senses Joey's pain and pretends to spill on herself again to pull Joey into the kitchen.
Audrey asks her how she feels about Dawson moving to Boston but Joey claims she feels nothing. Audrey prods a little further and Joey says that maybe there was a possibility of something happening between them but what happened is Dawson's father died and she'd be terrible for making it about how broken hearted she is instead of understanding where Dawson is coming from. Audrey, being the star that she is, tells her that her feelings are valid no matter the circumstance but Joey doesn't want to talk about it and leaves the kitchen. While this happens, the doorbell rings and Jen goes to answer it only to find stupid Charlie standing there.
The gang are waiting to eat their third course of salads. Audrey asks about this because she thought salads came first but Pacey informs us that salads are used as a third course to cleanse the palate before dessert. Pacey being a good cook and knowledgeable about things like this is honestly the weirdest turn on. I seriously want him to cook for me but alas, he's a fictional character. Jack wants to eat but Pacey wants to wait on Jen and Dawson wants to go check on her.
Pacey stops Dawson before he charges outside to warn him not to be the over-worried boyfriend who can't handle his girlfriend talking to another guy or ex. Dawson says he's not that guy, he just wants to check that she's ok. Pacey can't blame him and lets him go.
Now, folks, you know my bias. I was fully prepared to hate Dawson here and yet, he just opens the door and asks if she's ok. Jen says she is but worries that she's holding up dinner. Dawson tells her not to worry and that they'll wait for her and even tells her to take her time. Ok, college Dawson is a vast improvement over high school Dawson. Also, Jen is a good influence. Charlie has the gall to make out like Dawson was inconsiderate for not introducing himself but Jen puts him in his place. He's here to return her Flaming Lips t-shirt and tells her that he and Nora never ended up together. Jen tells him she's with Dawson and that she made the right choice. Word. Charlie is sent off with his tail between his legs but it's not the last we'll see of him. Oh no. Prepare to get infuriated.
Jen returns to the table and lets Dawson know everything is done. They smile at each other and look very couple-y so Joey excuses herself to the kitchen. Dawson follows her and Jack pulls Jen aside to a different room to switch the music. Jack uses this time to confront Jen about her relationship with Dawson and basically says it's a bad idea. Jen tells him he doesn't get to weigh in since he's been absent from her life for the past two months. Jack claims it's a two-way street but honestly? He's been acting like a tool this season and I'm surprised any of them, especially the girls, still want to hang out with him. Jen finds it hard to hang out with someone that would choose a frat over his boyfriend but Jack doesn't want to explain to her when she's already made up his mind about him. They are trying really hard to paint this as a two way misunderstanding but nope. I'm solidly in Jen's corner on this one. Jack keeps deflecting to everyone by saying they're judging him without even knowing or understanding or whatever but he still hasn't bothered to even try to explain it. And you know what? Even if he feels at home with the frat bros who treat him like a token and use him to get to his girl friends, it still doesn't excuse how he's treating his friends. Full stop. Jen is pissed that Jack thinks she could hurt Dawson and Jack is pissed that she's written him off as a 2-dimensional beer-guzzling frat boy. Jen thinks it's gone beyond that though because they used to be best friends who knew how they liked their coffee and toast (excuse me while I cry at this callback to that perfect morning in season 3 where they synchronized breakfast together) and Jen wonders how they lost that. Me too. This is upsetting.
Pacey and Audrey have been left alone at the dinner table and he asks her if his cooking is really that bad. She tells him it isn't actually and gives him kudos for keeping it together during all the drama. Pacey is glad she's here because he likes looking across the table to see someone who doesn't want to kill themselves or the person directly to their right. Audrey raises a glass to not hating each other and they toast.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Joey is furiously scrubbing a plate and trying to ignore Dawson until he makes a joke about her rubbing the pattern off Grams' bowl. He tells her that he appreciates that she's trying to pretend she's fine but that she doesn't have to pretend with him. Joey finally asks him the question, if he misses her and worries that he won't ever forgive her for changing the future. This might have been a good time to mention that it seems like he blames her for his father's death but I think we're supposed to forget that happened. Seems like the type of thing that wouldn't ever go away though, you know? Dawson claims that he changed his own future, that he stayed. Joey asks for what and he coyly says she knows. This is maddening but Joey feels the same because she asks him what happened then? If he's fine with her and doesn't blame her, why did he fall for Jen when he came back for Joey? Dawson can't really explain what happened just that when he's with Jen, he feels like himself. Joey is hurt that he can't be himself around her and Dawson says she's only hearing what she wants to hear. Joey says she's hearing what he's afraid to tell her and he attempts to explain the shift in his feelings. That it hurts to be around Joey because of all the memories between them. He cares about her and she's a constant comfort but he can't go back because it hurts. Ouch.
Pacey has finally served dessert and everyone agrees that it's amazing. It looks like a chocolate cake with some espresso mixed in, according to Joey who mentions that part. I definitely want some because I love chocolate and it's all I can focus on right now. Moving along, the gang wonders what happened to make them drift apart so much and Pacey thinks they should keep trying with the weekly dinners. Dawson thinks it's natural that they drift apart a little and Audrey finally pipes up and tells them how lucky they all are that they're still friends and get together like this. Jen admits that it's cool they still know each other and Joey says they can't expect everyone to be the same as when they first met because it's a lot to live up to. They all seem to soften to each other, Jack even puts some milk in Jen's coffee, the way she likes it. They toast just as Grams comes in.
Grams is happy to see them all together again. Audrey is stoked to finally meet Grams and Grams says that Audrey's reputation precedes her. Grams insists that Dawson stay the night with them and retires up to bed but not before Pacey offers her a piece of his cake. They all retire, Jack is heading out so Joey goes with him and Audrey follows. Pacey stays behind to clean up. Jack suggests they all do breakfast tomorrow before leaving.
In the kitchen, Jen asks Pacey for his opinion, since she heard everyone else's tonight. Pacey says she'll get no judgement from him and she's disappointed because Pacey's judgements are the best kind and she's not wrong.
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This will never not be true |
Pacey thinks that everyone should just do what makes them happy and leave it at that. Jen sarcastically says that the planets would collide and the sea would boil over to blood. Pacey says he knows it because he lived through daring to divide the supposed end game couple of this show. I love this little bonding moment here. Jen offers to do clean up for him, since he cooked. Pacey thanks her and kisses her on the forehead goodbye which is adorable.
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This is just here to reinforce the above gif |
Audrey can't believe that Joey is actually going to go back to the dorm to study as Pacey runs up to them to catch up. Jack invites him to hang out but Pacey is all socialized out for the evening. I can relate. Who are these people that make multiple plans for an evening? How do they have the energy? Audrey asks if she can tag along with Jack and he agrees. They split off from the group but we hear Audrey telling Jack he's taking her to a gay bar as penance for the set up debacle. Jack says it's not really his scene because he's #NotLikeOtherGays.
This leaves Joey and Pacey alone to walk together and guys? I for real thought that this was leading to a Pacephine reunion and I was HYPED. Joey is impressed with Pacey's ability to see the bigger picture and knowing that he needed to take a break and explore the world. Pacey thinks she's giving him too much credit and that he only knew he needed to get out of town. Joey thinks she's been acting like how she thinks she's supposed to act but feels like she's floundering. Pacey tells her that she's stronger than he's ever seen her. They shift to talking about Dawson and Jen and Joey admits that she doesn't think she really wanted to be with Dawson. She was relieved to get a break from it and that someone else was taking care of him but admits that she didn't think it would result in her losing her place with him. She thinks she's horrible for this but Pacey says she's just telling the truth and that he thinks everything happens for a reason and has a way of figuring themselves out.
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That reason better be getting you two back together |
Dawson and Jen make their way up to the attic which is a super nice room. I've always been jealous of attic rooms, I thought they were so cool but very few houses here actually have usable attics. Here the attic is just a crawl space filled with insulation because it be freezing here most of the year. Anyway, Dawson is freaked out about being left alone in the attic and playfully pulls Jen onto the bed with him. Jen admits that basements scare her more than attics because they have stairs and things hide beneath the stairs. It took me a second to figure this out because like...attics also mean stairs but I think she means, she's in the basement with the stairs and the thing hiding beneath them rather than in the attic where she's above the stairs and doesn't see them. I put too much thought into this. They laugh a bit about her fear of the basement and she says that the attic has potential, meaning she wants Dawson to live there but wants to leave that discussion until after they've slept.
This was actually another really solid episode. Hot take that I've said before but I'll say it again, Season 5 is way better than Season 4. People hating on the college years, be damned. I mean, yes it does get pretty bad but so far, this has been really good. I'm enjoying this show so much more now than I did slogging my way through season 4. I can't wait for the next episode, Something Wild.
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