Original air date: October 17, 2001
I have no preamble, let's jump right into the episode. We pick back up with Dawson and Joey in her dorm room. They seem happy with no drama at all. Joey wants to drop her writing class because she got a C but it's the last day she can drop it and not have it affect her GPA. Dawson's cool with it but when he checks his phone messages, he finally gets the drunken message Joey left last episode. Joey gets oh shit face because apparently, she thought that he'd gotten her message and came anyway. I don't understand how she could have thought that. Honestly, Dawson was taking everything pretty well, even laughing at the point where she told him about meeting a guy, like is this a new and chill Dawson? He gets decidedly and understandably less cool when he gets to the part of her message where she blames him for her holding back and wants to say goodbye to him. Joey tries to say she was mad that he didn't come out (before he did she thought he wasn't coming at all) and that they hadn't resolved anything from the kiss from the end of last season. Dawson thought they were completely cool and didn't even realize that Joey wanted to talk more or that anything was left unsaid.
Joey gets super pissed and instead of explaining what she still had questions about, she shuts down. That's when Audrey walks in and instantly realizes something's up. Joey pretends all is good but that she has to drop her class and can't show Dawson around campus like she planned. Audrey suggests the campus tour and then Joey rushes out of the room. Audrey makes a joke about Joey being hella difficult. I like Audrey. We stan.
Jack is once again helping Jen stalk a guy. Jen, girl, this is getting a bit unhealthy. You really needed to stick with your therapist and work on that. But, in this instance, it's for a guy that seemed to like her back so Jack is much more on board and supportive. He's sure that the guy wants Jen to track him down which is a bit of a stretch but he's worried about Jen's lack of action in the relationship department. The only person Jen has kissed in the past year was Jack and that was a drunken and weird experience for both of them. Jen expresses worry about being perceived as a slut and my heart breaks quite a bit for her because I know where her storyline is going. Jack thinks that since they're in college, no one is watching and keeping track anymore. Jack is extremely naive. If there is an opportunity to shame a woman, there are a lot of men and women out there that will do it. Jack thinks they're lost and consults a map but Jen immediately notices a radio station where Charlie is currently DJing. Charlie notices them and waves them inside. Jen and Jack make cute faces as they try to read the sign that's upside down but Jack urges her in anyway.
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I like that Jen is ready to give up on him because he holds a sign upside down Although, that might have been the better choice |
Wilder is disappointed that Joey wants to drop his class. He suggests she drop something useless like basket weaving or women's studies and both Joey and I are grossed out by that casual sexism. He tries to talk her out of it but Joey is adamant that she cannot handle the class. Wilder finally caves and signs the form, joking that it always feels like getting dumped by your first girlfriend when someone drops his class. This joke gets...uncomfortable but that's for later episodes.
Dawson and Audrey are walking and talking about how difficult Joey is sometimes. Dawson even admits he thinks she's ruining his life. Woof. Given what happens, I can't say I disagree. Again, future episodes. Audrey is sympathetic and then mentions that they've reached the start of the tour. Dawson is confused because there's no one there but she corrects him and says that he's there and she's there. He soon cottons on that she's the tour guide.
At the radio station, Jen is sitting in the booth with Charlie and we learn the radio station he works for is called WBCW which is cute especially when he says they deal in anything weepy, anything mopey though I question the anything bold part. He says they're going to play The Smiths, Girlfriend in a Coma and Jen immediately objects. I am a music novice, a dunce, if you will. I am a music dunce but I looked up the song and I've got to side with Jen on this. It's blah. It's not bad, just blah but very on brand for being mopey and weepy. Charlie tells her the mic is on but Jen turned it on and starts ribbing him for his musical tastes. Then she bugs him about not asking for her number when they met. Charlie points out that she kind of rebuffed him and he wasn't sure he should get her number and thinks she has a boyfriend. Jen points out that Jack is gay while bugging him about the listeners he caters to. Charlie agrees to play Sedated by The Ramones after playing the request for The Smiths. We don't get to hear any part of those songs though. I can't remember if you hear a bit of them in the original airings but it seems natural that they would start to play a bit of it and it's weird that we just get generic music in the background.
Pacey comes out of his boat with a picture he wants to keep and a woman comes out who I completely forgot about him dating. It's obvious after Pacey comments about topless beaches and from her protests, that the picture is of her, topless. She eventually relents and lets him keep the picture, so long as he doesn't leave it anywhere her uncle could see it. Pacey then reassures her that her uncle's boat is his now. That's a nice trade off for a summer's work. It doesn't sound like her Uncle is that Worthington guy, it sounds like Pacey went from that job to the one for her uncle and met her. Anyway, they agree to meet up later and she tells him to wear the shirt she bought him. Also, she looks familiar and it was bugging me and apparently, we've got another familiar face this episode because this is Jennifer Morrison aka Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time.
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Look at baby Emma Swan |
After she leaves, Dougie enters the scene. He's concerned that Pacey is laying about with no prospects. Glad the older brother is concerned and not the parents. We learn the girl's name is Melanie Shea Thompson and Dougie is less than thrilled about Pacey waiting on rich people to make a living. I don't get why he's upset, that's literally everyone's life? Waiting for rich people to hire us so we can work for shit wages and feed ourselves so as not to die. That's what work is, Dougie. I guess, Pacey enjoying ship work is not the right kind of job though so Dougie has arranged for Pacey to meet up with a friend of his who is a chef. Pacey objects because he doesn't want to work in a restaurant but Dougie told the guy he'd be stopping by today. Pacey begrudgingly agrees to at least meet with him.
Meanwhile, Joey comes to a hallway with a giant line and asks someone if it's the line for dropping classes and he confirms that it is. Joey can't just give up this time though and has to resign herself to wait patiently with the plebs rather than magically run into the person she wants to see as they climb out a window to shirk their duties.
Audrey asks Dawson how he's finding school and says he can tell the truth because she's from LA and hates it so she can't imagine what outsiders must think. Dawson gives a relatively not enthusiastic answer of it's not completely awful. Audrey asks him about a girl she went to high school with and he does know her and proceeds to ridicule her for being a poser. She does sound ridiculous but what exactly qualifies someone as being a poser? She's in the same school as you and is clearly ambitious about her stupid film about accosting minor celebrities in bathrooms. It's ridiculous but who's to say she isn't genuine about it? I don't know why it bugs me so much that this nothing off screen character is being labelled as a poser by Dawson but it does and it's probably because he's mostly up his own ass about his skills. Audrey asks him again, if he likes it in general. Dawson says he does but then Audrey, astute Queen that she is points out that most people who are enjoying college life, don't fly back to see their old high school friends in October. Dawson tries to say everyone gets homesick but once again Audrey points out that Boston isn't his home. Dawson laments finding such great friends in high school because it makes it harder to move past it. Audrey is worried about him and he thanks her because he's glad someone is. Guys, I just love Audrey. She's so no nonsense and she just seems to care about people, even Dawson.
Pacey walks into a restaurant to find Dougie's friend and is surprised the chef is the guy who was just yelling orders to the rest of the staff. Did Pacey not know what a chef was? Did he think they just cooked and didn't also run the ship? The guy, Danny, asks if Pacey is the new dishwasher but Pacey objects saying he just came here as a favour to his brother. Danny is like, if you're Dougie's brother then you're my new dishwasher. Pacey objects and says he's not a dishwasher and doesn't want a job at all. Danny sends him away because if he doesn't want the job, he doesn't want to look at him anymore because he has stuff to do.
Jen is back at Charlie's apartment because they are looking to settle a bet from an off-screen convo they had at the radio station. Jen doesn't believe that Charlie has a Dolly Parton CD let alone that her version of I Will Always Love You is better than Whitney Houston's. Look, both women are talented and gave a great spin on the song, both are legends but I do think Dolly's version is very underrated in comparison. I love how it's quiet and more reserved, there's a sadness to it that is beautiful to listen to. However, this show's music has been gutted so even when Charlie finds the CD and explains his reasons for loving the song, building up our curiosity, we do not, in fact get to hear the song. What the fuck? I hate how stripped this show has become. I don't think I noticed as much before, or maybe the songs in the earlier seasons were cheaper? I don't know, I'm noticing it way more now because the characters are actually talking about the music that is supposed to be there and it's jarring to not hear it. Guys, I'm dreading the singing portion and the No Doubt episode. I'm hoping that for Joey's "rockstar" arc it's cheaper since they had Katie and Busy record the songs and therefore kept it. I'm going to lose it if they cut those portions. Anyway, Jen is completely sold even though she did not hear Dolly Parton singing which is a crime, and kisses him. She tells him she came from a small town (kind of), likes to knit, and lives with her grandma and this works for him. Here is Dolly Parton singing I Will Always Love You, just because the scene needs it.
Joey calls Dawson to explain that her class dropping is taking longer than she thought and Dawson is fine because he's taking the tour with Audrey. Joey is not pleased to hear he's enjoying his time with another woman but Audrey hangs up on her because they see her in line. Joey is incredulous that Audrey is the tour guide and Audrey explains that she likes to perform and get strangers to fall in love with her. She's mostly joking but Joey isn't amused and asks her to take her place in line so she can talk to Dawson. Audrey, being a good friend agrees.
Joey takes Dawson aside and is actually upset that he spent the morning with Audrey but Dawson says he likes her a lot because she's fun and easy to talk to. Joey claims he only thinks that because she was flirting with him and that it also meant nothing because she flirts with everyone. A claim I use to subscribe to because of internalized misogyny. In truth, I think Audrey is mostly just nice but also a flirt and that's totally ok. So what? Some people are like that and it's just how they like to communicate or they like the attention, I don't know but I do know that it's not cool to shame them because of this or insinuate that they're less valuable as people. #TeamAudrey. Dawson is aware that she was and is cool with it and it's weird to agree with Dawson again. I don't like it, it feels wrong but goddamn it, he likes Audrey and I can't fault him for that. Joey is upset and says she's going to be a while and tells him to hang out with Jen and Jack. Telling that she wants him away from Audrey because she's insecure as fuck. Dawson wants to continue their conversation but Joey's in full season 1 shut down mode. I thought she'd outgrown this part of her personality but it has come back, rearing its ugly head. They part ways on fairly bad terms.
Joey finally gets to the front of the line and presents her paper but Wilder was channeling his inner Vinnie Van Lowe and signed the paper as Oscar Wilde. Her request to drop the class has been denied and now Joey has wasted her day for nothing.
Pacey and Melanie are at a nice restaurant but Pacey is decidedly uncomfortable. Melanie teases him a bit and Pacey wants to skip out so they can get busy. Unfortunately for him, Melanie is already busy with law school. Pacey wants to leave and at first, I thought it was because they were at the same restaurant that he rejected the job offer but I think they're going with that he really hates being in fancy places? Trauma from last season? Why is he dating a rich girl then? She takes the bill and Pacey is insulted by this. She points out his lack of job and money and says that she enjoys treating him. I think this moment is supposed to showcase how much she belittled him but honestly, girl has a point. Sure, she's not the most sensitive about it but why shouldn't she want to pay when she has the funds. This is some toxic masculinity you're engaging in, Pacey. Please don't buy into the notion that you're not a man because you didn't pay for a meal one time.
Jen wakes up in Charlie's room and freaks out because now she's late for dinner with Grams. She's scrambling to find her shoes as she freaks out and Charlie has zero clue about the things she mentions that she's already told him about which is very sus. However, when she asks to borrow his shoes to leave, and clumsily trips over herself trying to walk in them, he gets her to calm down and tells her how much it meant to him that they had sex. This wins Jen over again and they continue kissing so...screw Grams and her dinner then?
Joey confronts Wilder about his little trick which he thought was pretty amusing. Joey is decidedly not in the mood for this and Wilder admits that he didn't want to let her drop out because he thought she was a promising student. Apparently, it's amazing to him that she understands the difference between its and it's which I thought by college most people should know but who knows? Joey rambles about how Dawson came in and is now questioning the future of their relationship and she thought it had no future because of her conversation with Audrey but now she doesn't know. Wilder hands her paper and a pencil and tells her to make sense of her situation in writing and then he'll let her go. Just a little reality check, most professors will not care this much about one student. You want to drop their class? What the fuck do they care? They get paid either way. I'm sorry I'm such a downer.
Audrey and Dawson are at the top of a bell tower which students supposedly kill themselves from jumping. Very grim tour. Audrey says people do make out as well and asks if he wants to. Dawson laughs and agrees but Audrey shuts that down because she's Joey's friend, even if Joey kind of treats her like crap, and knows she wouldn't like it. I side eye Dawson a bit not because I begrudge him wanting to make out with Audrey but this casual want to make out with her roommate really detracts from the supposedly heartfelt conclusion of this episode. Audrey loves being in Boston because she thinks it's what college should look like and then apologizes because she knows Dawson likes LA. Dawson weakly agrees that he does and Audrey points out that he got a cool job and got to meet that annoying British guy, Todd. Dawson mentions he was fired from the job and Audrey says that it's one less thing tying him to LA. Dawson agrees.
Joey hands in her paper and Wilder reads it, saying that she can be concise and determine what matters when she needs to. Joey apologizes for wanting to quit and admits it was because she got a C and that it scared her because so many of her loved ones sacrificed so much to get her here and she doesn't want to let them down. Wilder finally signs her paper and then tells her it sounds like she had a lot of great stories to tell. Joey picks up the paper she wrote that he left on her desk and sees an A- on it.
Pacey has gone back to the restaurant to talk to Danny the chef about getting a job. He banters with him about how he's not a dishwasher because he's much more valuable than that since he learned to catch, clean, and cook almost any fish while overseas. Danny seems to admire Pacey's gumption and tells him if he shows up on time and works clean, he can have any job he wants. Pacey gets in another dig at him which Danny laughs off and you can see Pacey have an "oh god, I can't believe that worked" face before leaving.
Outside he sees the mouthy waitress from earlier that I didn't mention but should have because she does become a major plot point and I do remember her, unlike Melanie. Also, unlike Melanie, she's interesting. But unnamed and I'm really sorry that I don't remember her name. We will learn it, just not now. They chat back and forth and it seems like there's some chemistry here. It makes me wonder if Melanie was supposed to be the girlfriend until Audrey but then they saw these two banter so well that they changed their minds? Also, I'm unsure how long any of this lasts because I thought he got together with Audrey fairly quickly. I guess we'll find out together!
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Joshua has chemistry with literally anyone though, it's just how it is |
Joey finds Audrey and asks where Dawson is. She tells Joey that he left because he was tired of her yanking his chain, or not yanking his chain as the case may be. She's just messing with Joey and she quickly catches on and asks where he went. Audrey tells her to go to the airport because he is actually leaving.
Dawson and Joey are sitting in the waiting area of the air port. Was this pre-911? Nope, just after. Maybe they shot this and didn't bother with reshooting? It is inconsequential but just crazy to think you could be right at the flight doors with someone who is taking off without yourself having a ticket just two decades ago. Insane.
They are talking about Jack and Jen and how lucky Joey is to have them as a support network in Boston. Dawson is clearly feeling alone. Joey acknowledges her luck and they finally talk about the damn message. Joey thought Dawson had heard everything on that message and came anyway and that he totally understood her. Dawson says he'll never understand her and that he spent a great weekend with her only to wake up this morning and find out that for all her being upset that he couldn't come, she could say goodbye to him and write him out of her life that night. Dawson's flight is about to be called and of course they are only just now talking about their issues. Joey admits that at the end of the day, when he showed up, she wanted him there. She doesn't know why, she just wanted him. Dawson is afraid of leaving because he thinks that means saying goodbye to her forever and he doesn't want that. He asks if she does and after hesitating, Joey admits that she's not ready to say goodbye either. So, Dawson sets down his bag and they continue talking, he ignores his flight. That is...wow so much waste of money.
I'm sorry, this was probably a great and meaningful moment for Dawson and Joey fans but I just think about the cost of the ticket, his belongings back in LA, his tuition. Goddamn. The privilege of being able to say goodbye to all of that at the drop of a hat. Also, I can't shake the uncomfortable truth that Joey is, in fact, ruining his life right now. He got the opportunity of a lifetime, an in with a prestigious film school to learn the ropes, network and pay his dues. He got an internship on a professional set which would have done him wonders had he not run his mouth, I mean, it was good he stood up to that guy because he was a pompous ass but really he can't be shocked he got fired. Anyway, my point is that he's got this fabulous opportunity but because Joey says so, he's dropping it all for her. What does she care? She didn't have to give up everything she worked for? I don't know, this is very toxic and another reason I really don't like their romance. They become destructive, less explorative. This mirrors when she gave up her amazing trip to Paris opportunity for Dawson and that was because they couldn't be apart for one lousy summer? Really? Now he's dumping his entire dream down the drain for her. These two make each other make terrible decisions. I don't like it. It ain't romantic and stop trying to make it romantic.
Having said all that, I am still really enjoying myself. These episodes feel refreshing after a fairly dreary last season and I'm actually invested again. I want to see where the fallout from this decision takes us, I want to see Pacey making his life work, I want to see Jen falling in love (sigh...if only), and I want to see Jack find his place and hopefully be featured more? We'll soon find out where this season takes us when we continue with Capeside Revisited.
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