Original air date: May 16, 2001
Here we are, two episodes away from the end of an era. Two episodes left of even trying to pretend that Dawson is still the main character here. We are so close, folks. So. Close. With that out of the way, let's just get right to it.
The episode starts with the Capeside High principal, Peskin, giving a speech about graduation. He then introduces Joey as the winner of the Capeside Pinnacle award which, I assume is a made up thing in order to get Joey to have to give a speech despite that being a thing the valedictorian does and we know she didn't win that because she was fourth in her class. They really hammered that in at the beginning of the season and then they were like uhoh, we need her to give a speech because she's the main character! Whoops, give her something called a Pinnacle award, that'll fix everything! Maybe this is a thing, I don't know, it just amuses me.
Joey has nothing prepared yet which confuses me as to why he'd call her up now? Was she supposed to give her speech now because the valedictorian gives one on graduation day and Joey just fucked it all up? Or did Principal Peskin expect her to make two speeches? Why is there a dress rehearsal for a grad ceremony? I honestly don't remember if our school did that or not. I think they just kind of told you what to do beforehand and sent you out into the wild to wait nervously until your name was called. Joey goes up to fumble about not being prepared and then walks off with her head down while her friends clap in support.
Pacey comes from the sidelines and wants to join them but is stopped by Mitch. He informs Pacey that since he's on the might not graduate list, he's prohibited from joining in on any of the graduation festivities going on right now. That's pretty shit. Everyone is bummed out about Pacey being told to get out.
As Pacey is walking home, Dougie approaches him and asks him what's up. Pacey tries to blow him off but Dougie is actually being nice here and offers to help him study. Pacey makes some gay jokes and this is a super big flaw with him, I hate it. I'm happy we've come so far where this type of thing is much less common in shows now. You disappoint me, Pacey. Anyway, Pacey thinks they should just let him graduate so that he's out of everyone's hair. He's not doing well.
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I know it's not technically his fault but I still think Mitch is a dick for doing this |
Joey is complaining about the speech she still needs to write and Dawson points out that her writer's block might be due to Pacey. She agrees and admits that she's worried about him. Dawson also didn't like seeing him being asked to leave. Joey wanted to say something to him but didn't for fear of him resenting her and laments the fact that after everything they can't still be friends. Dawson encourages her to reach out and at least let him know she still cares since it couldn't hurt him to hear that.
Jack and Tobey are washing a car when Tobey asks to clarify their relationship. Tobey wants to be all out and tell everyone they're boyfriends which is sweet but Jack isn't ready for that step yet. He promises he'll use the word when he's ready. Jack asks him to be off work early and Tobey worries that "she" won't like him. I squee because I completely forgot this is the episode that Andie comes back! I mean, it's just for this episode but at least we get to see her one last time.
Drew appears outside of Jen's window and asks to come in. Jen is skeptical because she sees his evil moustache from a mile away, also inviting someone in at night is a recipe for getting attacked by a vampire. At least, that's what Buffy taught me. Drew gives us a sob story about how his dad won't come to his graduation and he got in a fight with his mother who blames him for it. Jen takes pity and gives him one night on the floor.
Pacey is getting ready to take his final test in Mr. Kasdan's class when his pencil breaks. He tries to ask for another pencil but Mr. Kasdan feels like being a jerk and mocking him for being unprepared. I think most teachers would just give him a damn pencil and move on but you do you, Kasdan. Pacey has had enough and blows up on him. No, he doesn't spit on him like he did with the other English teacher but he does lay down a sick take down of how teachers spend all their time fawning over the smart students who don't need help while ignoring the students that could really use it. Kasdan tries to bring him back to order but Pacey is done with everything and leaves because he doesn't know why he even bothers when everyone just expects so little of him. Can I give him a hug?
Joey shows up at Pacey's house to see how he's doing, especially since she heard about the above outburst. She wants to help him argue for a make up but Pacey is just tired and not wanting to try anymore. Joey understands that they aren't together anymore but just wants to help. Something has been bugging me about the way Joey is talking about this relationship and I think it's this weird thing where they're writing her like she wronged Pacey and is desperate to make it up to him and that's not what happened? Or am I the crazy one? Maybe I'm just nitpicking this too much but it just kind of bugs me that Joey is the one having a hard time letting go when Pacey should be the one groveling and worrying about how she feels. He humiliated her. I love him and I love that they made up a bit last episode and left on better terms but I just don't get why she'd be the one walking on egg shells here and talking about needing to acknowledge they're over. Anyway, Pacey sends her away but does acknowledge he still loves her and will always love her and how hard it must have been for her to come to see him. I mean...in reality I don't think it would be hard for her so much as she would just not want to see him ever again. Prom was brutal.
Joey is working on her speech, or struggling to when Bessie walks in and asks how it's going. It's not going well, Bess. But, Bessie is actually here to give Joey a super special letter from her mother, written just before she died and given to Bessie to hold onto until this moment when she graduates. She's hoping it will inspire Joey. Joey is overwhelmed and isn't quite ready to open it yet.
Jack is panicking at the airport because they are late. Tobey doesn't see what the big deal is but Jack knows his sister and how rigid she is. He's sure she'll be pissed but nope. They are greeted by a relaxed, happy and smiling Andie. I'm so excited to see her again. Andie sees Tobey lingering around and awkwardly asks who he is. Jack introduces him and Tobey tells her how much he's told him about her. Andie apologizes because Jack told her nothing and everything is now super awkward. She asks how they know each other and Jack pops out that he's his boyfriend. Well, that hurdle was passed easily for Jack. Andie is ecstatic and chides him for not emailing her immediately which, for real, he should have. Come on, Jack, loop your poor sister in. She's always been supportive of you.
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Love seeing her again |
Jen walks into her house to find Drew still hanging around and asks Grams what's up because her pity for Drew only extended to one overnight. Grams says she felt bad for him on account of the whole abandoned by his father thing and let him stay another night but only if he helped them pack up more stuff because Grams ain't no fool. I love Grams. Compassionate but able to spot a fool who she can exploit labour from and not feel bad because he's smarmy. Class act. Drew asks Jen if she's going to the party and asks for a ride and a stop before the party.
Joey shows up at Dawson's house the night before the big grad ceremony and asks for his help. She has the letter from her mom but can't seem to read it. She wants Dawson to read it for her and he says he'd be honoured. It's a very nice letter, I'm not going to recount it all but it's about how proud she is of Joey and how she knows she's grown up beautiful and smart and witty and if she's right, it's because it's the girl Joey has always been. It's beautiful but I'd like to imagine that she also wrote something like this for Bessie because while Bessie wasn't as young as Joey when their mother died, she was still really young and it sucks to lose your mom when you're only barely an adult (I think Bessie was supposed to be 18 or something? She was robbed of her youth too.) Anyway, she thanks Dawson.
At the grad party, Joey finds Dawson again and he can tell she still hasn't written her speech. Dawson is well versed in the fine art of procrastination and approves of her at least coming to a party to get out of work. Jack shows up with Andie and they all hug happily. I love it. They ask her how Italy was and Andie gushes over how wonderful it all is.
Kasdan shows up at Pacey's house in a very Mr. Hand/Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High scene where he asks if Pacey studied and offers to let him take the test. He tells Pacey that he is well aware that he means nothing to the kids that don't need his help, that he'll be long forgotten after they move on to college and that Pacey is not a joke or a punchline and he wants to make a difference in his life because he needs it. Pacey admits he'll probably tell this story for a long time. Kasdan hands him a test and gives him 45 minutes.
Drew is trying to pull a class prank on graduation day so they are doing something at the school. Unfortunately, Principal Peskin catches him and Jen in the act. Ooops.
Andie and Dawson are chatting when she mentions she heard about him and Gretchen and how sorry she is to hear it. Dawson admits he's sad but that he doesn't regret it at all because of how much it helped him grow and mature. Andie is super impressed by Dawson's growth and wishes that she could be a fond memory to look back on for someone too. Dawson thinks she is already. Pacey has arrived at the party and is happy to find Andie there. They hug tightly and it's so sweet, you guys. As much as I'm all in on Pacephine, I loved Pandie too.
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Joshua Jackson was always team Pandie and I can respect that |
Peskin has Jen and Drew in his office and is gleeful at catching them before they could pull off any pranks. Their punishment is listening to him attempt to play the cello all night so that they will miss the party and have their ears tortured in the process. Ouch.
Andie says that Jack wrote to her about him and Joey and she feels bad for him. Did Jack not tell her what happened? Because I feel like she would be disappointed in that instead of being worried about Pacey being sad. Pacey was the cause for the breakup and he did it so poorly at first. This whole narrative about the break up is really irking me and I love Pacey. Pacey changes the subject by telling her that he officially passed his final and is a high school grad. Andie is so excited for him because she knew he could do it. She asks him why he didn't tell the others because they all want to know but Pacey doesn't want to compare himself to them anymore, he just wanted to pass for himself. He told Andie because she was the first person who believed in him and made him feel like he could overcome anything. Andie got her wish on being a fond memory. He then tells her about his job offer and how much he wants to take it. He asks her how she found being in a foreign place on her own and she assures him that while it's scary at first, it eventually turns into something great. They hug again and begin chattering excitedly about their travel plans.
Pacey finds Joey and alludes to the fact that he may have graduated but doesn't outright tell her. He says that he needs to go off and live his life a little but that he doesn't necessarily want this to be the last time they see each other. He asks her if he ever got a sail boat again and asked the girl he loved to join him, if she would come. Joey says that he wouldn't even have to ask and they say their farewells to each other.
We get a brief scene of Pacey sitting amongst the empty rows of seats set up for graduation, he looks up at the sky and lets the sun hit his face as he smiles triumphantly. This is his grad ceremony and it's both kind of tragic but also uplifting that he succeeded. I just wish he didn't feel like he had to do it alone.
Joey is getting ready for the ceremony and freaking out about being late but Bessie has one finishing touch, lipstick. She applies it for Joey as a callback to the pilot episode. It's sweet. She asks Joey about the letter and Joey doesn't want to talk about it because they'll both start crying but admits that her mother was right that Bessie did a great job raising her. Bessie is still sad that Joey didn't get a mother but Joey says she got two. They both say they love each other before heading out.
Dawson is getting ready too and his parents are fawning over him and taking all the pictures. Mitch gives him a present, a watch with an inscription, 'If you will it, it is no dream' because he knows that Dawson is capable of making it in Hollywood. Well...not quite but that's for the college years.
Pacey is packing up his things when Dougie comes in to congratulate him and offer to help him with expenses. Pacey will be fine as, I think, most of his shit will be covered since he's a worker on a ship. Pretty sure room and food is covered. Unless he wants to go to a restaurant at port or something. Pacey declines but is thankful and Dougie tells him he deserves another exciting summer and is happy for him. Pacey admits he always looked up to him and tosses in one last gay joke for good measure. Oh, Pacey these jokes do not look good on you. But also, I don't like this white washing of Dougie. Do we not recall that this is the same brother that threatened him with his service gun in season 1? The writers don't remember but Pepperidge Farms remembers. Also me. I remember. I don't forgive you, Dougie but only because the writers did an insufficient job of writing you any form of redemption arc and are just expecting us to swallow this sweet moment because you took him fishing and are being nice here.
Jack and Andie are also getting ready, sans their dad which is sad because the actor passed away but they are clearly just hoping we don't think about it because they really just didn't want to write that in which is fair. One interesting thing, Jack mentions throwing his cap but then Andie reminds him their not allowed because the pointy ends might hurt someone and I kind of laugh because this is the shit millennials had to grow up with and then when we became adults, suddenly all the generations above us mocked us for shit like this when they're the ones who did this to us and also we thought it was ridiculous too. It was the overprotective parents that thought up no snow ball fights and participation trophies, not the kids. Sorry, that little nitpick aside, Andie wants to tell Jack something and that is that for the first time in a while, she is perfectly fine. Jack understands that this means she's staying in Italy and she confirms, explaining that she deferred Harvard a year. This sucks because it means they are officially, officially writing her out since technically her getting into a Boston area university meant the gang should theoretically see her from time to time. No dice for us, she's Italy bound but I can't be too mad because I'm just so happy to see her so happy and I'm glad she's getting a nice send off.
Jen and Grams get a nice little moment together where Grams is chill about Jen getting caught trying to pull a prank. Grams thinks Jen was punished enough by Peskin's poor musical tastes but also says that Jen would have to have done something heinous to undo how proud she is of her today. Awww.
Joey and Dawson chat a bit before the ceremony and, seeing how distracted she is, Dawson makes some banter about how ugly graduation cap and gowns are. Joey laughs and relaxes a bit before they have to part ways and we cut to her making her grand farewell speech. Then the sprinkler systems go off and everyone cheers and laughs as they get drenched with water and they get super reckless and throw their caps in the air. Rebels.
Pacey walks into the airport, ready to take off on his own adventure. Godspeed, Pacey! We are one episode away from the college years! I'm going to try to churn out the last episode and season wrap up this month because I love the timing of closing out the year and season 4 at the same time and starting a new year with the new era of this show. Until then, see you next time.
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Yes, this post was Pacey pic heavy. I will not apologize |
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