Original air date: February 7, 2000
I'm not gonna lie but this was the only episode I really enjoyed from the 4th season and it's the one I've been waiting to cover while struggling through the dullness of the beginning of this season. I'm unapologetic about my love of Pacephine and so I am unapologetic about my love of this episode which is actually a lot of badness that is made up for by the final scene. Let's get started.
We start the episode off with Gretchen seeing Pacey and Joey off on the school ski trip. I don't recall a whole weekend of senior trip fun. I vaguely recall maybe going to Splash Mountain for a day...maybe? I'll tell you, so many shenanigans happened there, like...swimming and sliding down water slides and...I don't know eating junk food? My point is, tv takes a lot of liberties with school activities so don't get your hopes up that something super cool will happen in real life, it's likely not going to. Gretchen pulls Joey aside and tells her to give Dawson a call this weekend because he could use it what with Mr. Brooks possibly dying and all. Joey agrees to and they set off.
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Joey looks like she desperately wants to get out of this conversation with Gretchen |
Jen and Jack are also at the buses for the trip but Jen is nervous about going and leaving Grams behind to deal with the Mr. Brooks situation by herself. Jack is like meh, Dawson is there with her, they'll take care of each other. To which I say, pfffft! But the narrative calls for Jen to be on this trip and on this trip she shall be. Jack insists they'll have fun but Jen very much doubts this as senior trips are lame. I was very much a Jen in highschool. Being involved? Bleh, I'd rather not. But you see on shows, that somehow gets you a love life because someone's just willing to bust through that tough exterior, in real life, that's a good way to isolate yourself and not experience things. Speaking from, you know, experience or lack thereof.
Pacey thinks this trip is just what he and Joey need but she gets hella defensive on what he means by that and he's like, just that it's nice to get out of town but she doesn't buy it. Then some rando exclaims that everyone is getting laid this weekend which doesn't help the tension between Pacephine. I feel for Joey in this situation because while I wonder about the reasons she's depicted about being nervous about sex with Pacey, I get her discomfort with other people's casualness about it. I remember as a virgin being embarrassed when other people talked about sex because I couldn't contribute anything to the conversation nor could I get on board with being all "yah, let's get it!" because I don't have it in me to have sex with someone for the sake of sex. If you do, that's perfectly fine and healthy for you but I've never experienced it that way. Did I want sex? You betcha but I didn't want it to be with anyone for the sake of not being a virgin anymore. I wanted a relationship, companionship and to feel loved. The sex was a fun add on to that. Personal notes about myself aside, I just wanted to say, this version of Joey's discomfort with sex I get. The version I don't get is her discomfort with a partner she is clearly in love with and very much attracted to. It doesn't seem genuine that she'd be this scared to explore her sexuality with Pacey. Anyway, we'll get to this later, on with the episode!
Jen realizes she has no interest nor the ability to go skiing and further questions why she's on this trip. Jack offers to show her how and says that the daytime activities aren't really what the trips are about anyway.
The teacher is calling out names to verify who's present and when a familiar voice calls out here, they turn to find that the girl is not who the teacher called but Anna from last week. She's sitting with Drew so you know he's gonna pull some shit this episode. I'm sure you're all as excited as I am for that.
Jen and Jack have a conversation about Toby and I just want to tear my hair out. We're very much missing some good in put here for Jack's character. It wasn't a huge problem in season 3 but it's been very present this season and let me just say that it's very odd for a guy like Jack to describe Toby as "too gay for his tastes" not because Jack seems too outwardly gay but because both of them are not the typical gay stereotype. Sure Toby is all about activism but he's not "prancing around in a tutu and gushing about Cher gay" I just don't understand why Jack finds him so overly gay when Toby basically acts like him just more open about identifying as gay. Also, there's the uncomfortableness of a straight girl being all "but cute and gay!" as if those are the only things needed for someone to be interested in someone else. No one is telling her to date Drew because they're both straight. There are just people you're attracted to and people you're not, you can't force attraction. We learned this lesson last season with Dawson trying to will Pacey and Joey not to be attracted to each other and failing miserably. I just don't like this anyway you slice it. It's weird.
Pacey thinks Drew will get caught out and so Drew makes an insulting comment about how he'll be the only one not getting laid this weekend which is just gross. I hate Drew. We knew that already but I still feel like I can't say it enough.
We go to the hospital where Mr. Brooks is in a coma and Grams is by his side. Dawson walks in and asks how he's doing to which Grams tells him, not good. Open your eyes, Dawson. I know I'm way too harsh on him but I'm not super invested in this storyline, mainly because the show had to shoehorn a reason for Dawson to be involved in the first place when really, this should be about Grams and her feelings. She thinks everything is in God's hands because that's her jam. End scene.
At the ski lodge, everyone is getting off the bus and grabbing their bags. Joey tries to carry her own but is struggling because it's big and Pacey takes it for her because he's sweet. The teacher makes a declaration that rooms will be same sex but then buggers off after leaving the task to a student. Drew grabs the keys from the student, tosses one to Pacey and Joey, one to Jack and Jen, takes one for himself and then hands the rest back to the kid. Jack thinks he's a dick (and is right) but Jen tells him to ignore Drew because they're going to have a good time. Then proceeds to slip on the ice and fall.
Dawson is leaving the hospital when he's stopped by a doctor...oh my god, amazing! The doctor is played by Tony Hale aka Buster Bluth! He's so freaking good that I'm going to ignore how dumb this scene is. He can be serious and then fucking hilarious, not here but just the man is talented ok? So underrated. He's the bright spot in having to sit through a Dawson scene. Anyway, he's basically here to tell him that the papers Mr. Brooks had him sign have come with some added responsibilities since Mr. Brooks is now incapable of making his own decisions. He then asks if Dawson wants to call his parents.
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Dawson, come with me. I'd like to introduce you to a little school called Millford Academy. It would be for the best. |
In Dr. Bluth's office, Mitch and Gail are looking decidedly not pleased. They argue that this choice shouldn't be Dawson's and they are absolutely correct but since Dawson signed the papers, he's obligated to make the call about taking Mr. Brooks off life support. He apologizes and leaves the Leery's and Grams alone to discuss. I say that but it's the Leery's discussing while Grams sits there quietly and I hate every part of this. No one is asking her and she's the one who was dating the man. You guys all suck. Same to the writers.
In their room, Pacey tries to lighten the mood by saying it's just like last summer minus the water and hammocks. Joey adds that there's also no boat while busying herself around the room. Pacey tries to steer the conversation back to his point where they can just chill and relax together just like when they docked at ports but Joey is only concerned that it's cold. So again, Pacey makes a clear suggestion by offering for them to cozy up together with junk food and tv but Joey thinks that's exactly what they do in Capeside. Sometimes, there is no pleasing Joey, I swear. Pacey turns on the tv and, of course, soft core porn is playing. He quickly turns it off after jokingly asking how they got in that position. Joey isn't having it so Pacey asks why they can't at least joke about sex together and have some fun with it. Joey wants this weekend to not be about sex and Pacey agrees which finally makes her relax.
Jen is complaining about her ankle but Jack is determined that they're going to have fun anyway. Jen agrees but wants to take a bath first so she asks for his help getting undressed. Jack is uncomfortable with this but Jen doesn't see why since he wouldn't be attracted to her. Jen rolls her eyes but starts to get undressed herself and...I have to say I kind of agree with Jack on this one. I mean, I don't just get naked in front of my friends so why would I do it in front of gay men? It's a weird cliche in a lot of movies where girls just strip off in front of their gay bffs and it just feels so straight male fantasy to me. I'm sure there are girls who do it but I don't understand it. I'm a self conscious person who hates public changerooms though so your mileage may vary.
Gretchen brings some food to Dawson, who is working on his movie about Mr. Brooks. She coaxes him away from his work but he relents only if he doesn't have to make anymore choices because he's already overloaded. Dawson wonders why Mr. Brooks wanted him to decide his fate and Gretchen gives this big moving speech about how great Dawson's judgement is and I just can't take it seriously. Honestly, I may sound callous but these are the worst parts of this episode. Anyway, Gretchen thinks that Mr. Brooks knows that whatever choice he makes will be the right one.
Pacey and Joey are looking for a place to eat when they bump into Jen and Jack who suggest a pizza place that's up the street. Just when I'm getting excited about a gang hanging out moment, Jen slips and falls on her back. Ooops.
Instead, we're treated to Pacey and Joey having to hang out with Anna and Drew. Joy. Anna is telling some story about a sexual exploit while Joey listens uncomfortably. Of course, Drew has to point this out and shame her which I hate but then Joey retorts that teen girls get no pleasure from teen boys in some keg hookup which feels really slut shamey and judgey. I'm not cool with that, Joey. Anna points out that you do if the guy knows what he's doing and Drew turns this into some incel girls have it easier because they choose when they want sex and guys have to work harder or something very gross like that to a round of guy cheers. Joey claims that not all guys walk around with a condom in their wallet so Anna challenges the guys around them to show their wallets. All the guys oblige and show off their wallet condoms. Man, those probably don't work so hot if they've been crammed in there for forever, in a pocket, getting hot and gross. Anyway, Pacey doesn't show his because he left it back at the lodge.
Joey calls him out on this fact once they have left the restaurant and he pulls his wallet out. She checks it and finds a condom stuffed inside. Oops.
Dawson walks into a church to find Grams sitting there. I think it's like a hospital church or something but anyway he sits next to Grams who asks him if he's here to pray. Dawson hasn't done that since he was a kid though and it was more of a wish that he couldn't say out loud. Grams asks him what his wish would be if he could say it out loud and Dawson is at a loss. He's not sure whether to pray for Mr. Brooks to wake up and joke with them or for him to pass away and end his suffering. He keeps waiting for a sign to let him know what to do. Grams asks him what he wants to do right now and he says he wants to keep waiting so she tells him they'll wait together. It's kind of sweet even if I am a little annoyed that the woman who is dating the man doesn't really get to weigh in and is for some reason having to help out Dawson because it's so hard on HIM. Ugh.
Joey is watching a bunch of kids ice skate and thinking when Jack comes up to her. After they banter a bit about John Hughes films, he asks her why she's in a funk and she finally admits that sex is her big problem. Jack says that she seems so focused on right choices and wrong choices when really all life is are a bunch of choices, neither right or wrong, just different outcomes stemming from what you choose. Joey is not thrilled with this advice so he tells her to go with how she feels but all she feels is fear. Jack tells her that sometimes fear is what makes things worth while. It lets you know what's important and can lead to excitement and happiness. I agree. Go get you some with Pacey, Joey.
Back at the hospital, an old man comes in and starts telling Mr. Brooks' unconscious body that he won, he gets to see her first. Dawson realizes that this is Mr. Brooks' friend who stole his girl away. There's something weird about a man who spent his whole life with a woman, telling someone he's never met before that she loved another man more. I don't know, it's weird. Like, dude, she chose you. But I guess we're supposed to believe that Dawson still has a place in Joey's heart which I really don't buy. Anyway, Dawson tries to ask this man for advice on what to do which is also strange but the man tells him to have some faith like in Miracle on 34th Street. Kind of schmaltzy but oh well.
Jack comes back to the cabin to find Jen, having broken open the mini fridge, getting wasted on the floor. He decides that he should join her and asks for advice on getting reckless but all Jen wants to do is sit with her friend. Aw, these two are so sweet.
Meanwhile, Anna goes to Joey and Pacey's cabin to remind them about coming for hot tubs. Pacey says nothing but Joey is pissed. She accuses Pacey of wanting to go with Anna to the hot tubs and be with her since she's more fun and less of a prude. Pacey is like I want you, Jo but she doesn't get why. He doesn't think there's anything wrong with wanting to sleep with someone he loves as much as her and if he was in it only for sex, he would not be waiting for her for 9 months. Joey gets defensive at there being something wrong with why she doesn't but Pacey's only concern is why she doesn't because it doesn't make sense to him. Me neither, Pacey.
He thinks he does know what she's scared of, she just doesn't want to say his name and Joey gets super pissed that he thinks Dawson is the reason so he backs off. He does tell her what he's scared of and that is the part of her that always envisioned her first time being with Dawson, the part of her that doesn't want her first time to be with Pacey. Joey gets mad again and Pacey leaves.
Jack and Jen are now both drunk in their cabin and lamenting their boring lives. Jack thinks he's not a sexy drunk while Jen is and then worries that he's always going to be the friend or the brother but he's never going to be somebody's everything. He then says he's scared that he'll never find a guy that he loves as much as he loves her and my heart swells with bittersweet fondness for this wonderful friendship but then he leans in and kisses her and I immediately go NOOOOOOOO!!! Don't do this to me!!
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This hurt my heart the first time I watched it. They are soulmates but platonic ones, dammit! |
Joey is on the phone with Dawson talking about Mr. Brooks. Dawson says that he feels a sense of relief now that he's made the decision. He says that while it's terrifying to let go, it makes it all the more liberating when you finally do. I have to say, I agree with Dawson because it is very freeing when you stop being scared to do what you want to do and just go for it because it makes you happy. Anyway, he says that all Mr. Brooks wanted was to say goodbye to his friend and Joey says that can be really hard. Dawson agrees and then says "Goodbye, Joey" so I guess this is again supposed to be a weird way that he grants Joey freedom to pursue her own happiness? This is a really weird theme they've been putting because it makes their relationship and Dawson's hold over her very troublesome to me. Joey is her own person and she shouldn't need her friend's permission, certainly not at this point in her relationship with Pacey to feel like she can fully commit. I don't know, I just don't like this.
Speaking of Pacey, he's out for a walk when he runs into Anna who has just gotten out of the hot tubs. She wants him to come join her but he says he's just going for a walk. She sees he's down and offers to be his shoulder since he was there for her when she was down. So far, this is fine. Anna seemed like a cute character so let's see where this goes.
Jack and Jen are still making out and looking like they're going to do what Pacey and Joey should be doing but thankfully Jen stops it. Jack doesn't want to but she says they're drunk and when they sober up this will not feel as right as it does right now. She offers to get them some water and Jack thinks that sounds like a good idea, then he apologizes to Jen. Oh thank god, they're not going to try and do a gay conversion plot.
There's a brief scene at the hospital where they take Mr. Brooks off life support. The machine beeps, slows and then flatlines. Dr. Bluth goes and turns it off solemnly. Mitch, Gail, and Gretchen leave Dawson to be alone with Mr. Brooks but Grams is nowhere in sight what the ever loving fuck is this story?? Dawson says goodbye to him but I'm too mad to care because Mr. Brooks' own damn girlfriend couldn't be here to witness and that's garbage. Grams deserves better.
Jen is taking an ice bucket full of empty liquor bottles to the recycling bin when she spills some on the ground. The teacher from the beginning of the episode shows up and is not pleased but he does nothing and Jen just says she's recycling and then peaces out. Worst chaperone ever. Also, mini bars are fucking expensive so if her and Jack went through that much, they've just cost themselves or their teacher a fortune. Oops.
Anna is assuming Pacey wants to break up with Joey and is eager to sleep with him which is just kind of confusing. I thought she liked Drew? I mean of course she'd want Pacey over that loser but I thought the whole point of last episode was getting her and Drew together but now, all of the sudden, she's wanting to break up Joey and Pacey so she can sleep with Pacey? It's just kind of weird. They made her seem nice and then they brought her back to be the whore to Joey's Madonna and I don't like it. Pacey shoots her down though because he's a king and he's not in the relationship with Joey for just sex, he just wants to be intimate with her because he loves her so much and he's willing to wait. He apologizes to Anna for giving her the wrong idea and then leaves to find Joey has been listening to the whole thing. They take each other's hand. Joey tells him that she heard enough to remember why she loves him, why every part of her loves him and kisses him. She tells him that it's ok if he's mad at her because she deserves it and that he doesn't have to be so perfect all the time. She says she doesn't have to be so afraid either. Pacey offers to read her a story while they cuddle up together in their room. Joey likes that idea, finally accepting some time alone with him and they walk off together.
Dawson is at his house with his parents, Gretchen, and Grams to screen his movie with Mr. Brooks. They are having popcorn and remembering Mr. Brooks the way he wanted to be remembered, talking about the pictures I guess. It's sweet enough but I'm still pissed at how Grams' relationship with him was sidelined because Dawson had to be the center of focus. I get it's a teen show but then don't set Grams up to be in a relationship with him if you wanted the focus to be on Dawson. Or have him support her and her decision because he also was close with Mr. Brooks or have her ask him to be there with her because she needs support. I don't know, it just felt weird to have her not be a factor in the decision at all.
Now the best scene of the episode happens, the scene that makes all the bullshit we had to endure worth it. Joey is brushing her hair when Pacey offers to brush it for her because he's a sweetie. Joey asks him if he still has his wallet which confuses Pacey because he thought they were done talking about it. Joey insists and he pulls out the condom, hands it to her and asks if she wants to throw it away. Joey wants to throw the wrapper away though and Pacey laughs nervously asking what this is about. Joey lists all the reasons why she wants to while undressing him and while the "you kissed me first, sweetheart" sounds kind of awkward and should have been workshopped out, the whole thing is heart flutteringly cute.
Joey: We were alone on a boat for 3 months and you understood without a word why I wasn't ready. Do you have to ask me now why I am? Pace. I'm gonna count to 10... And then I'm going to start kissing you. If you don't want me to... [She removes his under shirt] Then you're just gonna have to stop me...10, my love.
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I'm just going to assume you're lying if this scene didn't do something for you...or that you have no soul |
Then they make out as they move towards the bed and let me tell you this last few minutes of episode were the epitome of my teenaged fantasies. This and the scene in Say Anything where they're in his car. Both these scenes embodied everything I dreamed of for my first time so they hold a special place in my heart. I don't have much more to say, that was an awesome ending to an episode and the full realization of my teenaged wish fulfillment. Let me just bask in the warm glow of this ending before they douse me with cold water the next episode. Stay tuned for Four Stories.
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