Original air date: January 31, 2001
Well, if this isn't just the most apt episode title to be covering right now, I don't know what is. The world is still falling apart but I hope I can bring some semblance of distraction as I recap this episode to you. Sorry for the week's delay. I was finishing up a piece of writing to submit to a publisher for an anthology collection. Fingers crossed it gets selected but in the mean time, I've shirked my Dawson's Creek duties long enough. Let's do this.
We open the episode on Gretchen and you know, I like her enough, she's ok but it's weird how much she's monopolizing the show right now. I want more of Jack and Jen and way less of her. It also kind of irks me that when I watch this show on Prime, the thumbnail for every episode that I load or when I pause is Gretchen. I'm sorry, this is Dawson's Creek, not Gretchen's Creek. Show me a pic of the gang I actually tune in to watch, Bezos. Sorry, that's a really weird and very petty hill to die on but here we are.
She's taking a personal call at work which Gail rightly dresses her down for but is written off as pregnancy hormones? Excuse you, show, I know you're trying to set up drama between Gail and Gretchen and you want to create a false sense of ease but this is not the way to do it. I know it's a common thing that "women are hormonal" when pregnant but I feel like that has been hammered on so much that people have started to dismiss any complaint that women have when their pregnant as "hormones" and that is some bullshit. Gail has a legit reason to be upset with Gretchen both in terms of seeing her take a personal call while a table is waiting for their drink order and in terms of being uncomfortable with her dating her son (she's less right about the second one but I'll give it to her because she's a concerned parent).
Anyway, she relaxes at Dawson's reassurance (of course Dawson dismisses a woman's complaints) and invites him out to meet her friends. He is not thrilled about the idea and is hurt that she refers to him as the new guy and even less so when she clarifies that her friends refer to him that way. She thinks he's going to wow and impress her friends and I'm just here thinking, have you met Dawson? Also, you've been in college for a few years now and are dating someone who is still in high school. He is not going to wow and impress them. It's amazing how much you grow up in that time span. Anyway, she leans over to kiss him just as Gail walks in so that's a double whammy of awkward for you.
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Am I paying you to make out with my son now? |
At the yacht club, Joey walks in on Mrs. Valentine yelling at her son as he calls her a Disney Villain so they're both being as awful as they normally are. After Drew leaves, Mrs. Valentine or SBRL as I so non-lovingly call her, asks Joey what she wants. Joey does not think it's the right time to ask for anything though but SBRL says now is her only chance to ask for the weekend of the senior trip off (AAAAAHHHHH an early mention of the senior trip!!!!! You will be as excited as me if you have seen this series before). Anyway, SBRL will consider giving Joey this time off if she goes on a double date with Drew and some rich guy's daughter that she has to impress. Essentially, Joey and Pacey have to babysit Drew to make sure he is nice to the girl. Oof, good luck.
Dawson is at Mr. Brooks' house editing together the documentary...filmmaking school thing that they were filming in other episodes. Grams is also over because she and Mr. Brooks are an item now which is cute. She leaves to go get something and Mr. Brooks very covertly asks Dawson for a favour. He wants Dawson to be able to pick up his medications for him and hands him some paperwork to sign claiming that it's just a bunch of legalese and not to worry, just sign! Dawson signs because he's not very bright. I mean he asks what they papers say, which is something but he doesn't actually read the papers himself which is dumb because this is also set up for the same senior's trip episode. Another little tip off is when Dawson leaves, Grams mentions to Mr. Brooks that the nursing agency hasn't gotten the check for next month yet. Dun dun dunnn. (oh bringing back a classic of the old blog, the drama sound effect)
Pacey sees Gretchen walk out in a very normal looking outfit and immediately turns into a guy that I hate. A guy that dictates what women should wear to make them look less "slutty". I hate it. Also, Gretchen asks what he's still doing home and he explains that he's mentally preparing himself to be the perfect boyfriend again which I swoon at but then he says that it has little reward, not that he's expecting any. Still fine but Gretchen agrees saying that true love waits, to which he punctuates it with "and waits and waits and waits" Why are you doing this to me, Pacey? I mean, I hate the sentiment but on the other hand, I do get it. What the fuck is Joey waiting for? Gretchen wants him to talk about what's bugging him but he refuses and then her ride comes so he's saved by the horn, as she says.
At the McPhee household, Toby is back and getting up the courage to knock on their door. Sigh. I guess he's sticking around. I think he ends up being Jack's prom date so yeah, he's here to stay for the rest of this season. I'll try and contain my joy. Jack comes up from behind, having been on a jog, a thing that Toby mocks because...gays don't jog? This story line is aggravating from all sides. Like, Jack is a #NotLikeOtherGays but this douche is such a #Gaytekeeper. I'm so tired already. He comes in peace though, he just wants Jack to help him tutor inner city kids.
Pacey and Joey are waiting at the yacht club for their nightmare double date to start. Pacey isn't happy but Joey asks if he wants her on the senior trip or not. Pacey jokes that he wants her anywhere and isn't picky but she isn't having it. She tells him that he has to be on his best behaviour for tonight because the girl, Anna has to have a great time for her to get time off from the yacht club. Drew and Anna arrive and he's already being a dink and she is clearly being painted as a ditz.
I'll admit I chuckled at her confusing Pacey for Joey though because legit, their names are weird. Pacey being the true gentleman he is, opens the car door for Anna so they can all car pool to wherever they're going. Joey approves.
Dawson is reviewing his last edits for his docu-whatever it is on Mr. Brooks, who thinks it's fine as is. Dawson wonders if they should do some more tweaks but Mr. Brooks channels his inner Disney Ice Queen and tells him to "Let it go." Admit it, you can't hear this phrase anymore without bursting into song. It's done. Disney owns that phrase now and your soul. Let it go.
Anyway, they banter about life and Dawson's love life so I'm not super paying attention. I'm sorry but I'm not because you all know I'm biased against Dawson as evidenced by this entire recapping project so far. Mr. Brooks asks him for help getting into a chair and while Dawson is helping him, they hug. It's sweet. There, I was nice. Dawson leaves for his date with Gretchen.
At the Leery household, Gretchen and her friends show up late to pick him up. This sounds mortifying for him so I'm kind of here for it. They assume he's renting it but no, he still lives at home because he's in high school, did Gretchen not tell them that she's dating a high schooler? To make his life even worse, his mom shows up so he has to introduce her to his girlfriend's college friends. Ouch. He casually says they're going to a club and says he'll see her in the morning in a bid to sound cool but Gail puts a stop to that right away by saying she doesn't like the idea of him going to a club. Dawson smugly points out that there is alcohol at her restaurant which she doesn't mind him being around and sweetie, that is so not the same thing and you know it. Gail then gives him a curfew of 1am which actually isn't that bad but it further humiliates Dawson so he asks Gretchen and her friends to wait for him in the car.
Dawson asks what's up with Gail because she completely humiliated him and she confirms Gretchen's worries from the beginning of this episode. Gail is unhappy with the age gap and is worried Dawson will get hurt by a woman who's in a different place in her life. Here's the thing, this show is taking more of an issue with a college girl (who dropped out) dating a senior in high school who is already 18 than it did with a teacher in her 30s going after a 15 year old. Am I missing something here? I'm not a super fan of this relationship and yes they are in vastly different stages of their lives but it's not really scandalous to me. I mean it does seem like Gretchen is regressing a bit but I don't think this relationship will be any more or less damaging than if Dawson were dating another high school senior. Heartbreak happens in young love, no one ever enters a relationship wanting it but it just happens because people grow apart or realize they don't actually work or that their feelings weren't as strong as they thought. That's life. Anyway, Dawson tells her that she should save her maternal instincts for the baby because he doesn't need her anymore which is way harsh, and then leaves.
Our double daters have gone to the mini putt range and Anna is taking forever to make a shot. Drew is obviously annoyed and being rude so it's up to Pacey to step up and treat this girl like a human. Joey tries to smooth things over but Drew is insistent on being the worst fucking thing on this show that already has Dawson Leery on it so it's kind of impressive, and loudly brags about having another date lined up for when they're done with a girl he actually wants to be with. Joey tells him to knock it off so Drew gets hella manipulative and points out what a great time Pacey is having with Anna to mess with Joey's head. He's the worst.
Jack has decided to show up at the kids tutoring thing after all, much to Toby's pleasure. Jack asks how it all works and Toby tells him to just read to them and help them sound out words but mostly to be nice. Jack thinks that he can do that and Toby agrees because that's why he asked him.
In the car filled with girls who know each other very well and Dawson, he is decidedly not having any better of a night as they gossip about their sex lives. Dawson pretends to be fine with it but is clearly out of his depth. They then crank a song that they all know but Dawson isn't as familiar with and sing together. Dawson is having a horrible time and I find it hilarious.
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Siri, show me "screaming internally" |
Back at the nightmare double date, Anna is talking with Joey about makeup when they guys come over to ask what they're talking about. Joey tries to make it sound intellectual to defend Anna but then Drew asks if she wants to talk about the electoral college scandal. Joey tells Drew to knock it off but Anna offers her decidedly not bright opinion that people should be allowed to go to whatever college they want. Ouch. Drew is then even more openly an asshole to her and calls her a moron. She calls him a jerk and Drew mocks her for having her daddy arrange this whole evening so she could spend time with him but that he can't be bought. I like that he thinks that he's somehow got the high ground here while being just the absolute worst person. Pacey tries to end the evening before things get even more heated and Drew accuses him of always rushing to the aid of damsels in distress. Pacey wants to punch him and oh how I wish Joey would let him. Please punch him?? Alas we are not gifted such a thing this episode and Anna apologizes for everything because it's all her fault and she can't believe she slept with Drew. Girl, I can't either. He's the worst. I don't care how stupid the writers tried to make you, you deserve better than this jerk.
Back at the other nightmare date-ish thing, Dawson is complaining to Gretchen about how he's never felt so 17 in his entire life and what? He's only 17?? Didn't they say they were only 3 years apart? Gretchen is definitely 21 which makes that a 4 year age difference. I don't know why one more year makes a difference but that's slightly more yikes for me. It's not predatory, it's more like Gretchen, what are you doing with your life? I'm talking as someone who dated someone younger than her too but there's something ick about being in college and dating someone in highschool, like they can't let go of their past. I don't know. I guess I can see Gail's worry about this especially since it's on absolute display here. Case in point, the bouncer at the club asks them who the designated driver will be and Dawson says it's him, then he asks if he's under 21 and when Dawson confirms, he gets a giant stamp on his hand that informs everyone that he's a baby hanging out with a group of 21 year olds who are going to drink while he sits there like a 4th wheel. Ouch.
Anna is sitting at the docks when Pacey comes up to cheer her up. He's very sweet and tells her not to shed a tear for Drew which is awesome advice. She likes him for some reason and wanted him to like her but she thinks she blew it because she slept with him to early. I hate this. I hate this so much. This poor girl thinks she blew a relationship with Drew because she slept with him too early? Girl, no. Drew is the worst and not someone that anyone should get involved with. Thankfully, Pacey tells her that it's his loss if he doesn't see how awesome she is. Very nice, Pacey.
The girls are still talking about the guys they've dated in front of Dawson and it's the funniest thing. Dawson is shocked that they have a running list of losers they've dated but they clarify that it's only the one's they've slept with because if they counted the ones they just dated, they'd be in the triple digits. Damn, I...feel inexperienced right now. These girls can get it. Gretchen tells Dawson that he'd never end up on her loser list and her friends laugh and tease her for saying that before. Then the one friend realizes what she's said and amends it by saying that Dawson seems very nice but before I can make a snarky comment, Dawson does me a solid and performs a self own on himself:
Dawson: Why does everybody keep saying that? I'm not really that nice.
He's gained self awareness, guys! Good for him. The girls continue talking about the other losers Gretchen dated but she's not drunk enough to go through the entire list. They bring up a leprechaun tattoo she got to impress one of them and she says it's now a reminder to never date a musician again. Then she makes a big deal about how she doesn't have to worry with Dawson because he will never shred her heart. Oof. This is painful to watch. I've never witnessed a guy being absolutely destroyed with such seemingly nice words before. At least not since Pacey's mom.
Jack is tutoring a child and helping him sound out words but he gets frustrated and wants to quit. So Jack does some jedi mind trick on him to read by encouraging him to tell his own story. The kid immediately perks up and Jack offers to write it down for him as long as he only uses words he can spell. The kid agrees and they get to work. It's very cute. Toby seems to think so too.
At the yacht club, Drew is already hitting on two other girls who weirdly seem interested until Joey comes up and says that they need to talk about their baby and that Drew should take responsibility. The girls leave super fast. Joey is the true hero. Drew snarks at her but she isn't taking it and asks him how he could treat someone he slept with like trash. Drew gives a sob story about not being good with girls and I'm so bored of this because it's just an excuse for him to continue acting like trash. Case in point, he tries to make Joey jealous again about how good Pacey and Anna look together and mocks her for not having had sex yet while they all have. I don't understand how Drew knows this about her. I think they're trying to push that he can just tell and that Joey's lack of response just verified it to him but it's weird. Also, why does he care? He acts like someone's inner voice when they are shamed about being a virgin but not like someone who actually exists? I don't know, I hung out with people in high school who never cared about this stuff but maybe people do act like this and I'm just lucky I never met them? I felt bad enough about my high school virginity thanks to popular media so I'm glad no one in real life acted like this too. Anyway, I'm glad that his act doesn't work because right when Pacey comes back, Anna is marveling over how he spent the whole summer on a boat and how she could never and he responds by holding Joey's hand and responding that it depends who you spend it with. Best ship.
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The way he takes her hand affectionately...*dies* |
Jack promises to see his kid, Will next week and is very happy. Toby congratulates him and they seem to be getting along. Toby invites him out for coffee with him and his friends and Jack actually agrees to go.
Back at Dawson's awkward date night, the girls are all still buzzed from hanging out and don't want the night to end. They suggest getting some fries and more drinks. Dawson points out that he probably can't get in (so I guess it's a pub they want to go to?) and Gretchen says that they don't card but then Dawson shows her his giant "I'm not 21" stamp on his hand and her friends laugh. You know, it's the simple things in life that make me smile. Dawson offers to take a cab home so that they can have fun together still but Gretchen...offers for him to take the car since they've been drinking. Not quite the response I'm sure he was hoping for but it makes sense. Dawson goes back to the car with his tail between his legs as Gretchen and her friends trot off to have a blast.
The double date has come to an end and it seems like Joey, Pacey and Anna are parting on good terms. I like that, I thought she was just there to be ridiculed the whole episode so it's nice that the characters are nice to her. Drew even apologizes to her for his behaviour and offers to hang out with her again. She's happy with this but I still don't get why. This is presented as a cute happy ending for her but I kind of hate it. This character means nothing and is barely a character and I still think she deserves way better than to be sidled with Drew Valentine.
Grams and Mr. Brooks are having a lovely time together which is very sweet. He says he's happy that Dawson smashed his boat, so that he'd meet her. Grams laughs and admits they'd met before when she was selling pies at a church fair and he bought two while complaining bitterly at how expensive they were. Mr. Brooks remembers they were peach and tells her they were worth every penny. It's very cute but the cuteness ends when Grams finds a stash of pills that he's been hiding. It's becoming abundantly clear what he's doing and while she's upset, she relents that it's his decision. Poor Grams.
Toby and Jack get to the coffee shop but uhoh, they're meeting another couple. Jack quickly suspects something's up and confronts Toby who admits that he wants to be more with Jack. Jack is not having it and tells him they can be friends but that's it because he is not attracted to Toby at all. Oof.
Toby is sad and wonders why they can't be more and Jack's just like because it can't. He then decides that they probably shouldn't do the tutoring thing anymore. Toby rejects this, saying that Jack is amazing at it and shouldn't quit so he offers to look for something else. This makes Jack feel bad and he takes back what he said saying that they should still be able to both tutor so they will see each other next Saturday and I'm sure nothing will be awkward at all.
Dawson arrives home to find Gail waiting up for him. She asks him how his night went and he admits to it being an utter disaster and thinks she was right about how wrong Gretchen and him are. Gail apologizes and says she was the one who was wrong because all her experiences make her the person she is and she's clearly crazy about Dawson (God knows why?). It's a nice moment where she says she has to let her oldest go and experience life for himself and even though he might get hurt, it's how he'll grow and find real love. It's nice.
Right on cue, Gretchen shows up because she finally realized that she kind of invited someone out and then ditched them and that's shitty. Dawson invites her into the living room while Gail goes up to bed but not before warning Gretchen about putting Dawson on her list whatever it is. Gretchen apologizes to Dawson and says that she felt bad as soon as she got to Dex's and got a cab to his house instead but that her friends were very impressed with him. He asks if his age bothered them but it didn't and even if it did, Gretchen wouldn't care because she doesn't care about his age.
Dawson cares though because he wants to do things with her that he can't do because of his age, like take her to a club or order a bottle of wine at dinner and he feels like he's holding her back from where she wants to be. Gretchen tells him she is where she wants to be, with him. Dawson then brings up her whole spiel about how he could never shatter her heart and how it hurt him because he wants to be a special part of her life, even if it means they get hurt because that's what makes dating worth it. If they are just together because he's safe and won't hurt her then what are they doing. That sounds weird and bad but I get what he's saying. If she can't get hurt then she's not invested and if she isn't invested in the relationship, then what's the point? She says she is invested and he has a place in her heart already and they kiss and make up. Dawson asks if he gets to meet lucky (her leprechaun tattoo) and I'm done with this because gross.
Pacey and Joey are talking about their crazy evening. Joey and Pacey can't believe she forgave him and they are all of us because seriously, I can't say this enough, Drew is the worst. Anyway, the talk eventually goes to their own sex life or lack thereof. Pacey admits it's a big problem which offends Joey but he says that he is so happy they took the time to really know each other and fall in love but that it's been 8 months and he needs to know she wants to progress to the next level too. Yeah, 8 months is a long time, uncomfortably long. I admit, Joey's fear of sexual intimacy has always confused me. I reached out and asked someone if it's possible to read Joey as some form of Ace or if this is just really weird misogyny from the writers. We both came to the conclusion that this is the latter. She is very clearly attracted to and into Pacey and while it is normal to be somewhat nervous about your first time, it's entirely unrealistic for someone to be this shit scared. To me, this reads like the writers going full into the trope of Madonna/Whore complex where Joey has to remain sacrosanct and perfect for Dawson (hence her line to him in the season opener) or that if she was going to lose her virginity to Pacey, she couldn't be a "slut" about it and jump in too quickly. This just reads so bizarrely to me to the point of unbelievable. I'm sorry, I don't mean to shame anyone with an aversion to sex, that is completely natural but in the context of a character who has shown plenty of sexual interest before, this depiction is odd to me. This is the girl who talked about Crisco and leather chaps, who wanted to know if her friend masturbated and when, who wanted to see Jack's penis, who talked about her friend's penis, I just don't believe she is this scared of sex and if she is scared of having it because she thinks she's betraying Dawson, that is all kinds of fucked up. She doesn't owe her body to Dawson just because they fell in love first and it's gross for the writers to write it this way. Wow, now that was a rant. Sorry.
Anyway, Pacey admits he's scared too and she asks him if they can just be scared together which is kind of sweet but like, I'm still weirded out by this whole thing because I understand why Pacey is terrified because he's nervous of fucking things up but still wants her, I don't understand Joey's perspective on this and the writers have done a piss poor job showing or explaining it satisfactorily. She just, doesn't want to for reasons (because she's a GOOD girl. barf)
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Here's some cuteness to make you less mad... Ok, to make me less mad. |
Side note, such an odd shot because it makes it look like someone is spying on them...it's us, isn't it? Are we stalking Pacey and Joey??? Oops.
Instead of ending the episode on the sweet, if odd Pacey and Joey moment, we instead end with Dawson going into Mr. Brooks' house and finding him unconscious on the floor. It's a cliffhanger, baby! Next episode is Winter's Tale and I can tell you right now that this episode made me squee with glee as a teenager and it probably still will because I'm weird and nostalgic now.
I keep waiting to remember anything about Toby's existence and it just isn't happening.
ReplyDeleteLMAO, he is very forgettable. Poor Toby.