Original airdate: May 18, 2010
So, does he actually care about her or does he not? Here, it seems like his feelings for her are genuine but then the heel turn happens and I'm forever confused about what they were going for with this. In due time, right now? He really likes her. Shelby recounts her story about being a surrogate to make cash to live in New York for two years and how giving Rachel up was her biggest regret. She needs her to listen to the tape so she'll find her because legally, Shelby can't contact her until she's 18. She wants Jesse to return to Vocal Adrenaline in two weeks but to make sure she listens to the tape before then.
Artie is in to see Emma because he's convinced he's going to be walking soon and wants her guidance to adjust to his new life. Thanks to Tina, Emma now has the awful task of bringing Artie back down to Earth. She explains to him how long testing on stuff like stem cells takes, sometimes decades before they even start human trials. She hopes that one day there will be a cure for what happened to him but she wants him to be realistic about how far off that will be so he stops waiting around for the miracle and starts living his life again. She then offers for him to come and see her more often because she sees how much he's hurting. It's weird seeing Emma be a competent guidance counselor for a change but I like it.
Bryan Ryan has used Sue's slashed budget to get them all the best sheet music and gear to help them on the road to Regionals. They're all ecstatic and Sue comes in to congratulate Will, not for the windfall from Bryan Ryan but for winning the role of Jean Valjean. Bryan Ryan managed to score the part of "townsperson" with one line in the second act, "hooray". He does not take this news well and cuts the glee program.
Will confronts Bryan Ryan at rehearsals and gives a very nice speech about how when stars die they become black holes and he doesn't want him to crush the kids' spirits because then he'll be creating 13 black holes. He thinks Bryan Ryan is a black hole and offers the part of Jean Valjean to him in the hopes that it will help him recover some of his light. Bryan Ryan is like "so you'll give me Jean Valjean if I don't cut glee? Deal!" and the day is saved in two minutes of screentime. Beautiful.
Rachel is in her room when Jesse comes in. He tells her that he promised to make her dreams come true and he's going to. She protests but he puts the tape on. He assures her that she's ready. Shelby on the tape begins to sing I Dreamed a Dream from Les Mis and it cuts to a fantasy sequence where she and Rachel sing it as a duet and it's gorgeous so I'll share it with you.
I get literal chills when I listen to them sing that. Gorgeous. Back to the episode, Artie is telling Tina that he can't be her dance partner anymore. She's trying to be encouraging but he tells her that he's never going to dance and he's ok with that. She asks if he'll at least sing the song and he agrees.
Will informs the kids that the glee club is once again saved thanks to his big sacrifice. They apologize that he had to give up his role but he's not bothered because, some inspirational speech about glee club and togetherness and what not. He then segues to Tina having prepared a dance routine that he teases might be used at Regionals. (Spoilers, it won't because Will never actually uses the song's Tina might sing for big performances). He asks her who her dance partner is and it's Mike Chang who is a superb dancer and a big cutie. Honestly, trade-up with that Tina. Er wait, I mean I'm supposed to be sad because Artie is singing Dream a Little Dream of Me by The Mamas and The Papas while watching Tina dance with another man. Oops.
We're almost at the end of this season and there's been very little development about their rivals from the pilot freaking episode of this series and who were shown might be a big threat at the start of the back nine. Not to mention, the whole thing with Jesse infiltrating New Directions was just shown to not be about the competition at all but about Shelby wanting to contact her daughter so I guess Jesse's not all bad? We'll have to find out how glee handles this in the next episode, Theatricality. Until then, stay safe and wash your hands.
Back to Glee. Last time we had awkwardness with Laryngitis so this time I'm happy to report that there is much less awkwardness at least overtly kind of offensive awkwardness. Also, we've gained a Neil Patrick Harris so this can't be too bad. Also, it was directed by Joss Whedon so we've got a mini Dr. Horrible reunion on our hands! Let's jump right into it.
We start the episode with Will being called into Figgins' office. He wants to introduce him to someone new. Surprise! It's Neil Patrick Harris! Or Bryan Ryan as he's named on this show. Double surprise! He's an old rival of Will's from his high school days. Apparently, he got all the solos and dated every girl he liked while killing it singing Daydream Believer. Why is it that NPH acting like an egotistical jackass is still more appealing than Will? And I used to like Will's character!
Anyway, Bryan Ryan is now a school board member and he's here to do an audit of the curriculum, mainly the arts. Figgins assures Will it's just a formality but nope Bryan Ryan clarifies that he's definitely cutting glee club. This confuses Will because as mentioned before, Bryan Ryan (I'm sorry, I have to type his full name all the time because I love it) was the star of glee and the club was his life. Bryan Ryan goes into his story of stardom and subsequent fall from grace where he got into drugs. He then turned his life around, married and now runs a successful used Hummer dealership. He then says that global warming is just a theory in a joke that has aged like fine milk.
Moving aside from the literal apocalypse that is the year 2020, Bryan Ryan also runs a show choir conversion group where people meet and discuss how Glee club ruined their lives. Sounds like fun. Bryan Ryan wants to talk to our glee kids to make sure Will isn't filling their heads with false hopes and dreams which is honestly kind of legit. I do cringe when Figgins asks Will to allow Bryan Ryan to participate in the marketplace of ideas. That whole concept is just garbage to me now.
Bryan Ryan asks the glee kids to write their dreams down on a piece of paper and then he crumples Artie's paper and tells them that they're never going to happen, especially if their dreams involve showbiz. Will gets testy but Bryan Ryan points out that Will is the greatest example of this because he had the same glimmer of hope in his eyes that the kids do now but he failed so now he has to convince these kids they can make it, in order to make himself feel better. That is one hell of a truth bomb NPH just dropped and I'm here for it. Will from day one has been presented exactly this way. A failed wannabe star that is trying to relive his own youth, particularly through Finn. It's weird.
Tina finds Artie in the library looking for a book on Godard. Apparently, he thinks he might have a shot at being a star behind the camera as a director since Christopher Reeve managed to direct a movie after his accident that landed him in a wheelchair. Tina asks if that was his dream and Artie confirms but she calls him a liar. Tina snooped in the trash to find Artie's crumpled piece of paper and it says "dancer", oof. Artie is rightfully a bit upset, telling her it was supposed to be private but Tina is focused on him lying to her about his hopes and dreams when he claims he wants to be with her. She then says that Will was so distracted that he didn't give them an assignment so she thought they could work on one together, a dance number. Artie is touched she wants to dance with him.
Rachel is in the dance studio when Jesse enters the room. They awkward talk about spring break and Jesse asks what she's up to so she explains the whole drama with Bryan Ryan and how she wants to be a star so she's practicing a dream ballet from Oklahoma to cheer herself up. Jesse tells her that showbiz isn't her dream because her singing "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" in front of a sold-out crowd isn't a dream, it's an inevitability.
Ok, quick aside. The show wants me to believe that Rachel and Finn are it but like in the two seconds Jesse has been back he's been way more supportive than Finn was in all of Laryngitis. Finn sees she's down, he yells at her for being down and then whines at her for not wanting to date him. Jesse sees she's down and he builds her up. Do you see the difference? I do and Groff is the man. Er, Jesse.
So, she and Jesse pretty much reconcile and Jesse asks her what her real dream is. She admits it's finding out who her mom is and what she's like. Jesse offers to help her find out about her mother, without her dads knowing and getting upset because his goal is to make her dreams come true. Awww.
Artie and Tina are practicing their dance number already and they've put tappers on his wheels which is actually pretty cute. Artie hates it and wants to try something different. He borrowed a pair of crutches meant for someone with Cerebral Palsy and is going to try dancing on his arms, I guess. Tina helps him up onto them and for a second, it seems like it's going to work but then he falls on his face. Tina tries to help him up but he yells at her for making him do this and to get out. She brings his wheelchair over before leaving him to cry on the floor. Ouch.
Will finds Bryan Ryan in the home ec classroom. He's happy with Home Ec because it teaches practical skills to kids, you can't feed them sheet music. Well, according to Bryan Ryan, you could but they'd be dead in a month. Will shrugs off the quippy humour and invites him for a beer to change his mind. Bryan Ryan scoffs because he can't change his mind so Will asks him for a beer for old time's sake.
Rachel tells Jesse that she's already found her mother. He's surprised by how quickly she's found out but realizes she's delusional when she says her mother is Broadway legend Patti Lupone. When he points out the flaws in her research, she relents and then asks him if he wants to hear her theory that her mother is actually Animaniacs legend Bernadette Peters. I mean, she's also a Broadway legend but she'll always be Rita to me:
Jesse asks why she's so afraid and I side-eye Rachel a bit for slut-shaming Quinn during her reasonings but I get her fears about not wanting to feel like she was thrown away so as not to get in the way of someone's life. Jesse tells her that there may be a good reason she was given up and offers to help her do a real investigation. Rachel tells him about all the files her dads kept of her so he suggests they start there.
Will gushes about how awesome Bryan Ryan was and I wonder if maybe he had a little crush on him but the show's not going to go there. Instead, it's revealed that Bryan always wanted to date Terri but never did. Will admits he married her but that it didn't really work out. The thing that got him through it though was music and helping the kids out. Bryan Ryan finally cracks and admits how much he loves singing and how much he misses it. Will puts Piano Man by Billy Joel on the jukebox and tells Bryan Ryan to sing it like he did in Sectionals. Will starts him off and then Bryan Ryan joins in and it's awesome. Great song, great performance. Will then encourages Bryan Ryan to forge a new future for himself and tells him to audition for a role in a local theatre performance of Les Mis. He's also going to try out which, I'm sure will lead to no further drama.
Tina apologizes to Artie about the other day and he surprises me by apologizing for his behaviour as well. He had just been living in denial about his condition and freaked out when he had to confront it. Tina doesn't think his situation is hopeless and Artie tells her all his doctors told him he will never walk again. Tina tells him that maybe they were the "wrong" doctors and I'm cringing already. I hate this, don't do this to him, Tina. But yes, she's going there. She went online and did some research so obviously she knows better than his doctors with actual medical degrees. She tells him about stem cells and all that and yeah, I've been hearing about that for years and still nothing so don't build up his hopes. She doesn't want him to give up on his dreams though and they kiss. It's kind of sweet but I'm uncomfortable with the google doctoring.
Rachel and Jesse are going through an old box of baby stuff at her house and she's loving the memories. Jesse pulls a cassette tape out of his pocket and pretends to find it in the box. Oh ho, are we getting insight on why he's getting close to Rachel? The cassette is labeled "From Mother to Daughter" and he urges her to listen. Rachel isn't ready to though. He asks her why she's abandoning her dreams when she's so close and she just keeps saying how not ready she is and asks him to leave. He obliges her because he respects her wishes.
Will and Bryan Ryan are at the auditions for Les Mis and are friendly with each other until they learn that they are both trying out for Jean Valjean. Will says he was going to sing The Impossible Dream and Bryan Ryan says he was also going to sing that but then Will says he changed his mind and is going to sing Dream On by Aerosmith instead. Bryan Ryan is like, yep totally, that's what I'm singing too. They get into a big fight and oddly, the director is like sing a duet of it to try out then which is not how auditions work but roll with it because their performance is badass.
Again, great song and amazing performance. People rag on this show for being kids boppy but come one, these are talented singers and their voices sound great on this song. Are they as good as Aerosmith? Maybe not but like this doesn't ruin their version, it's just another person singing it. Relax.
Tina and Artie are at the mall where he happily talks about how he just bought tap shoes. She offers to go get him some pretzels but then he asks her to wait and explains how he got all of the therapies she researched from his doctor's yesterday and magically, they worked! If you haven't been tipped off yet, this is a fantasy and it's pretty heartbreaking. Both in terms of the struggles of Artie and in terms of the fact that Kevin is a phenomenal dancer and the writers put him in a wheelchair thus depriving us of his gift for the entire duration of the show and this was them basically throwing us and Kevin a bone to let him showcase this. He sings Safety Dance by Men at Work. Tina returns with the pretzels none the wiser to his little daydream where he magically got all the treatments and was able to dance.
Sue is in a meeting with Bryan Ryan where he tells her that he's actually cutting her budget instead of glee's. This obviously doesn't sit well with Sue and they argue back and forth about the merits of the arts and physical activity on education respectively. Somehow this devolves in them wanting to bone each other and no thank you, please. He tells her that he's still cutting half her budget but the promise of sex has made her ok with this, I guess?
Shelby Corcoran has returned (Played by Adele Dazeem or Idina Menzel for you people with no sense of humour) and shock of shocks, Jesse enters her car beside her. Even bigger shock? It turns out that Shelby is Rachel's mother and gave the tape to Jesse to give to Rachel. Can we sidebar for a moment?
Sidebar into gleek fandom: So, when Idina first showed up on the show fans were wild about the idea that she could be Rachel's mother. Something tells me that the writers had not planned this at all but that they saw how much the fans wanted this because of how much Idina and Lea look alike that they relented and thus this side plot was born. The problem? It makes both her and Jesse look sympathetic instead of the sinister they were going for. And then it makes them almost too evil when stuff goes south. There's your glee tidbit for the week.
Jesse tells her that Rachel won't listen to the tape and she gets frustrated because that was the entire point of all of this sneaking around and sending Jesse to seduce/befriend Rachel. For the record Jesse heard seduce, Shelby asked him to befriend so the plan's not weird ok? Now, this is where Jesse's characterization gets super confusing. Check this out:
JESSE: Whatever. The thing is, I was into it because I thought it would be a good acting exercise, but now I think I kind of like her. I don’t want her to get hurt.We start the episode with Will being called into Figgins' office. He wants to introduce him to someone new. Surprise! It's Neil Patrick Harris! Or Bryan Ryan as he's named on this show. Double surprise! He's an old rival of Will's from his high school days. Apparently, he got all the solos and dated every girl he liked while killing it singing Daydream Believer. Why is it that NPH acting like an egotistical jackass is still more appealing than Will? And I used to like Will's character!
Anyway, Bryan Ryan is now a school board member and he's here to do an audit of the curriculum, mainly the arts. Figgins assures Will it's just a formality but nope Bryan Ryan clarifies that he's definitely cutting glee club. This confuses Will because as mentioned before, Bryan Ryan (I'm sorry, I have to type his full name all the time because I love it) was the star of glee and the club was his life. Bryan Ryan goes into his story of stardom and subsequent fall from grace where he got into drugs. He then turned his life around, married and now runs a successful used Hummer dealership. He then says that global warming is just a theory in a joke that has aged like fine milk.
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Pictured: Hell Oops, nope that's Australia. |
Bryan Ryan asks the glee kids to write their dreams down on a piece of paper and then he crumples Artie's paper and tells them that they're never going to happen, especially if their dreams involve showbiz. Will gets testy but Bryan Ryan points out that Will is the greatest example of this because he had the same glimmer of hope in his eyes that the kids do now but he failed so now he has to convince these kids they can make it, in order to make himself feel better. That is one hell of a truth bomb NPH just dropped and I'm here for it. Will from day one has been presented exactly this way. A failed wannabe star that is trying to relive his own youth, particularly through Finn. It's weird.
Tina finds Artie in the library looking for a book on Godard. Apparently, he thinks he might have a shot at being a star behind the camera as a director since Christopher Reeve managed to direct a movie after his accident that landed him in a wheelchair. Tina asks if that was his dream and Artie confirms but she calls him a liar. Tina snooped in the trash to find Artie's crumpled piece of paper and it says "dancer", oof. Artie is rightfully a bit upset, telling her it was supposed to be private but Tina is focused on him lying to her about his hopes and dreams when he claims he wants to be with her. She then says that Will was so distracted that he didn't give them an assignment so she thought they could work on one together, a dance number. Artie is touched she wants to dance with him.
Rachel is in the dance studio when Jesse enters the room. They awkward talk about spring break and Jesse asks what she's up to so she explains the whole drama with Bryan Ryan and how she wants to be a star so she's practicing a dream ballet from Oklahoma to cheer herself up. Jesse tells her that showbiz isn't her dream because her singing "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" in front of a sold-out crowd isn't a dream, it's an inevitability.
Ok, quick aside. The show wants me to believe that Rachel and Finn are it but like in the two seconds Jesse has been back he's been way more supportive than Finn was in all of Laryngitis. Finn sees she's down, he yells at her for being down and then whines at her for not wanting to date him. Jesse sees she's down and he builds her up. Do you see the difference? I do and Groff is the man. Er, Jesse.
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Don't ask me to hate this face. I can't. I refuse. |
So, she and Jesse pretty much reconcile and Jesse asks her what her real dream is. She admits it's finding out who her mom is and what she's like. Jesse offers to help her find out about her mother, without her dads knowing and getting upset because his goal is to make her dreams come true. Awww.
Artie and Tina are practicing their dance number already and they've put tappers on his wheels which is actually pretty cute. Artie hates it and wants to try something different. He borrowed a pair of crutches meant for someone with Cerebral Palsy and is going to try dancing on his arms, I guess. Tina helps him up onto them and for a second, it seems like it's going to work but then he falls on his face. Tina tries to help him up but he yells at her for making him do this and to get out. She brings his wheelchair over before leaving him to cry on the floor. Ouch.
Will finds Bryan Ryan in the home ec classroom. He's happy with Home Ec because it teaches practical skills to kids, you can't feed them sheet music. Well, according to Bryan Ryan, you could but they'd be dead in a month. Will shrugs off the quippy humour and invites him for a beer to change his mind. Bryan Ryan scoffs because he can't change his mind so Will asks him for a beer for old time's sake.
Rachel tells Jesse that she's already found her mother. He's surprised by how quickly she's found out but realizes she's delusional when she says her mother is Broadway legend Patti Lupone. When he points out the flaws in her research, she relents and then asks him if he wants to hear her theory that her mother is actually Animaniacs legend Bernadette Peters. I mean, she's also a Broadway legend but she'll always be Rita to me:
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She had so many great songs on the show too |
Will gushes about how awesome Bryan Ryan was and I wonder if maybe he had a little crush on him but the show's not going to go there. Instead, it's revealed that Bryan always wanted to date Terri but never did. Will admits he married her but that it didn't really work out. The thing that got him through it though was music and helping the kids out. Bryan Ryan finally cracks and admits how much he loves singing and how much he misses it. Will puts Piano Man by Billy Joel on the jukebox and tells Bryan Ryan to sing it like he did in Sectionals. Will starts him off and then Bryan Ryan joins in and it's awesome. Great song, great performance. Will then encourages Bryan Ryan to forge a new future for himself and tells him to audition for a role in a local theatre performance of Les Mis. He's also going to try out which, I'm sure will lead to no further drama.
Tina apologizes to Artie about the other day and he surprises me by apologizing for his behaviour as well. He had just been living in denial about his condition and freaked out when he had to confront it. Tina doesn't think his situation is hopeless and Artie tells her all his doctors told him he will never walk again. Tina tells him that maybe they were the "wrong" doctors and I'm cringing already. I hate this, don't do this to him, Tina. But yes, she's going there. She went online and did some research so obviously she knows better than his doctors with actual medical degrees. She tells him about stem cells and all that and yeah, I've been hearing about that for years and still nothing so don't build up his hopes. She doesn't want him to give up on his dreams though and they kiss. It's kind of sweet but I'm uncomfortable with the google doctoring.
Rachel and Jesse are going through an old box of baby stuff at her house and she's loving the memories. Jesse pulls a cassette tape out of his pocket and pretends to find it in the box. Oh ho, are we getting insight on why he's getting close to Rachel? The cassette is labeled "From Mother to Daughter" and he urges her to listen. Rachel isn't ready to though. He asks her why she's abandoning her dreams when she's so close and she just keeps saying how not ready she is and asks him to leave. He obliges her because he respects her wishes.
Will and Bryan Ryan are at the auditions for Les Mis and are friendly with each other until they learn that they are both trying out for Jean Valjean. Will says he was going to sing The Impossible Dream and Bryan Ryan says he was also going to sing that but then Will says he changed his mind and is going to sing Dream On by Aerosmith instead. Bryan Ryan is like, yep totally, that's what I'm singing too. They get into a big fight and oddly, the director is like sing a duet of it to try out then which is not how auditions work but roll with it because their performance is badass.
Again, great song and amazing performance. People rag on this show for being kids boppy but come one, these are talented singers and their voices sound great on this song. Are they as good as Aerosmith? Maybe not but like this doesn't ruin their version, it's just another person singing it. Relax.
Tina and Artie are at the mall where he happily talks about how he just bought tap shoes. She offers to go get him some pretzels but then he asks her to wait and explains how he got all of the therapies she researched from his doctor's yesterday and magically, they worked! If you haven't been tipped off yet, this is a fantasy and it's pretty heartbreaking. Both in terms of the struggles of Artie and in terms of the fact that Kevin is a phenomenal dancer and the writers put him in a wheelchair thus depriving us of his gift for the entire duration of the show and this was them basically throwing us and Kevin a bone to let him showcase this. He sings Safety Dance by Men at Work. Tina returns with the pretzels none the wiser to his little daydream where he magically got all the treatments and was able to dance.
Sue is in a meeting with Bryan Ryan where he tells her that he's actually cutting her budget instead of glee's. This obviously doesn't sit well with Sue and they argue back and forth about the merits of the arts and physical activity on education respectively. Somehow this devolves in them wanting to bone each other and no thank you, please. He tells her that he's still cutting half her budget but the promise of sex has made her ok with this, I guess?
Shelby Corcoran has returned (Played by Adele Dazeem or Idina Menzel for you people with no sense of humour) and shock of shocks, Jesse enters her car beside her. Even bigger shock? It turns out that Shelby is Rachel's mother and gave the tape to Jesse to give to Rachel. Can we sidebar for a moment?
Sidebar into gleek fandom: So, when Idina first showed up on the show fans were wild about the idea that she could be Rachel's mother. Something tells me that the writers had not planned this at all but that they saw how much the fans wanted this because of how much Idina and Lea look alike that they relented and thus this side plot was born. The problem? It makes both her and Jesse look sympathetic instead of the sinister they were going for. And then it makes them almost too evil when stuff goes south. There's your glee tidbit for the week.
Jesse tells her that Rachel won't listen to the tape and she gets frustrated because that was the entire point of all of this sneaking around and sending Jesse to seduce/befriend Rachel. For the record Jesse heard seduce, Shelby asked him to befriend so the plan's not weird ok? Now, this is where Jesse's characterization gets super confusing. Check this out:
So, does he actually care about her or does he not? Here, it seems like his feelings for her are genuine but then the heel turn happens and I'm forever confused about what they were going for with this. In due time, right now? He really likes her. Shelby recounts her story about being a surrogate to make cash to live in New York for two years and how giving Rachel up was her biggest regret. She needs her to listen to the tape so she'll find her because legally, Shelby can't contact her until she's 18. She wants Jesse to return to Vocal Adrenaline in two weeks but to make sure she listens to the tape before then.
Artie is in to see Emma because he's convinced he's going to be walking soon and wants her guidance to adjust to his new life. Thanks to Tina, Emma now has the awful task of bringing Artie back down to Earth. She explains to him how long testing on stuff like stem cells takes, sometimes decades before they even start human trials. She hopes that one day there will be a cure for what happened to him but she wants him to be realistic about how far off that will be so he stops waiting around for the miracle and starts living his life again. She then offers for him to come and see her more often because she sees how much he's hurting. It's weird seeing Emma be a competent guidance counselor for a change but I like it.
Bryan Ryan has used Sue's slashed budget to get them all the best sheet music and gear to help them on the road to Regionals. They're all ecstatic and Sue comes in to congratulate Will, not for the windfall from Bryan Ryan but for winning the role of Jean Valjean. Bryan Ryan managed to score the part of "townsperson" with one line in the second act, "hooray". He does not take this news well and cuts the glee program.
Will confronts Bryan Ryan at rehearsals and gives a very nice speech about how when stars die they become black holes and he doesn't want him to crush the kids' spirits because then he'll be creating 13 black holes. He thinks Bryan Ryan is a black hole and offers the part of Jean Valjean to him in the hopes that it will help him recover some of his light. Bryan Ryan is like "so you'll give me Jean Valjean if I don't cut glee? Deal!" and the day is saved in two minutes of screentime. Beautiful.
Rachel is in her room when Jesse comes in. He tells her that he promised to make her dreams come true and he's going to. She protests but he puts the tape on. He assures her that she's ready. Shelby on the tape begins to sing I Dreamed a Dream from Les Mis and it cuts to a fantasy sequence where she and Rachel sing it as a duet and it's gorgeous so I'll share it with you.
I get literal chills when I listen to them sing that. Gorgeous. Back to the episode, Artie is telling Tina that he can't be her dance partner anymore. She's trying to be encouraging but he tells her that he's never going to dance and he's ok with that. She asks if he'll at least sing the song and he agrees.
Will informs the kids that the glee club is once again saved thanks to his big sacrifice. They apologize that he had to give up his role but he's not bothered because, some inspirational speech about glee club and togetherness and what not. He then segues to Tina having prepared a dance routine that he teases might be used at Regionals. (Spoilers, it won't because Will never actually uses the song's Tina might sing for big performances). He asks her who her dance partner is and it's Mike Chang who is a superb dancer and a big cutie. Honestly, trade-up with that Tina. Er wait, I mean I'm supposed to be sad because Artie is singing Dream a Little Dream of Me by The Mamas and The Papas while watching Tina dance with another man. Oops.
We're almost at the end of this season and there's been very little development about their rivals from the pilot freaking episode of this series and who were shown might be a big threat at the start of the back nine. Not to mention, the whole thing with Jesse infiltrating New Directions was just shown to not be about the competition at all but about Shelby wanting to contact her daughter so I guess Jesse's not all bad? We'll have to find out how glee handles this in the next episode, Theatricality. Until then, stay safe and wash your hands.
Man, you're winning me over to Jesse with all your blogging, but we still haven't gotten to the big betrayal moment so I'm holding out judgement. But right now yes he is ten million times better at giving empathy and support than stupid Finn and also he's a better actor and singer and pretty face and Groff is just the sweetest irl too.
ReplyDeleteHere's what I'll say about Idina, and my memory may be faulty, but I kind of remember her saying--prior to being cast--that she'd love to play Rachel's mom on the show, because ppl were commenting on her resemblance to Lea. So when she showed up as the teacher instead, we were a bit confused but rolled with it. So I'm kind of more inclined to think this was always their plan but they're bad showrunners and no episode's writing or characterization is consistent with another's.
Also Artie needs to have a conversation with Ali Stroker, who is a PHENOMENAL dancer in a wheelchair. I don't know if you've watched KB's Encore series on Disney+, but she comes in to mentor a guy who was a good dancer in high school but was now in a chair, and she showed him all the things he could still do, using his chair instead of being ashamed of it.