Original airdate: January 10, 2001
Good news, everyone! I'm back to hating Dawson this episode and the episode itself is not as pretentious and overwrought as the title suggests!
Unfortunately, I kind of dislike Pacey and his behaviour in this episode which makes me really sad. Also, we have to deal with Drew and he is the worst.
Let's do our best to get through this episode in one piece, shall we? We start the episode with Pacey and Dawson fishing together on a dock in the early morning hours. Pacey is not a fan and I agree, early mornings suck. Pacey is happy that they are starting to mend their relationship but nope, turns out that Dawson asked Pacey here to tell him that he likes his sister. That's...really shitty. Also, he throws in a shady comment about how if Pacey had just told him last spring about his feelings for Joey it would've made things easier and bull-fucking-shit! I call the highest of bullshit on this take. They did try to tell you and no matter what, you were absolutely going to behave exactly like you did regardless. Even if Jen hadn't slipped up and told you before either Pacey or Joey could. The way you found out was not their fault, Dawson. Your behaviour was a hundred percent on you. I'm getting way too heated up about this. Fictional characters, these are fictional characters.
Pacey starts to behave the same way Dawson did though and that makes me have a sad. Be better, Pacey. He claims that sisters are off-limits, they're like mothers but pretty (those are his actual words and excuse me while I shower the gross off me). I feel so betrayed by Pacey already and we haven't even gotten to the credits yet. Dawson comes back with that he's not asking for permission from him, he's just letting Pacey know which is so super fucking rich coming from the man that absolutely thought he had to give permission to his friends to date. Uh, remember holding Joey emotionally hostage? Remember that, Dawson? Because I do and I hate you. I mean, I agree that people shouldn't have to ask a friend for permission to date someone but I just hate the hypocricy.
Dawson does acknowledge that he learned something from last Spring and that's that things can't be forced, you know like a romance with a friend who is over you and wants to date someone else? I mean, at least he kind of acknowledges that was fucked up but I'm still mad. His new plan to pursue Gretchen, is to do nothing which is what Pacey refers to as The Tao of Dawson so he said the episode title!
Gretchen and Pacey are driving back to her college but not so she can go back to school. It's so she can pick up her car that she left there. It's a flimsy pretense to get her back to college because why would she have left her car behind at all? Wouldn't she have used that to come back to Capeside? I don't know, but it turns out she let her ex-boyfriend borrow it. The one that probably knocked her up but Pacey doesn't know this so he's gushing about how much he liked the guy. Gretchen suspects that Pacey's sudden admiration for her ex-boyfriend is because of the kiss between her and Dawson. Pacey denies this but asks what is happening between them. Gretchen reaffirms that they're just friends. I mean, she completely rejected him last episode too so I don't get why Dawson is so confident about having a shot all of the sudden. Pacey is satisfied with this answer but when he finds that the music they're listening to is a mix-cd that Dawson made for her, he starts talking up the ex again. Be better, Pacey. (But I do feel you for not wanting your sister to date Dawson because he's the worst)
Dawson is bothered by Pacey not liking the idea of Gretchen and him dating and asks Jack if he had an issue with Pacey dating Andie. I mean, that's completely not the same situation at all, even though I do think Pacey is being ridiculous. I can see his discomfort with the situation and it's not the same at all as Pacey meeting Andie first and her happening to have a brother. Jack agrees with me.
Mitch and Gail come in to talk about baby stuff. They can't decide whether or not to find out the sex before the baby is born. Dawson wants them to pick soon because he's prepping the baby's room to paint and wants to know which paint to use.
Jack uncovers an unsent letter that Dawson wrote to Gretchen and urges him to send it to her. Dawson doesn't want to because he sounds like a kid but Jack thinks that maybe if he acted more like a kid, he'd be with her? Ew. I don't think the writers realized exactly how creepy that sounds. Dawson says that acting like a kid is what made him join a boat race last spring where he almost crashed. So, again he's acknowledging how shitty he was, I wonder if the writers were trying to make him seem less pigheaded by having him address and acknowledge past mistakes?
Joey is working with Drew (I refuse to spell it the way the show insists because Drue looks bad and ugly. Drew is short for Andrew, damnit) and they are packing up stuff at the yacht club because it is going to be closed for renovations. Drew is being slimy, as usual, and bragging to Joey about the chicks he's going to date tonight. You may think this is cartoonishly unrealistic to make a guy this gross but, let me tell you, I worked with a guy that was very much like this. Worse, even. Joey is getting the very PG version of this brag. I had to learn gross R rated things about my horrible male coworker and I learned things about him I wish I could unlearn because wow, he was an oversharer. I couldn't understand why he felt compelled to tell me about his exploits but I hated it, he was my supervisor too so that blew chunks. Hot tip, guys, most girls do not want to know who you've had threesomes with or the fact that you put a hot dog in your pants and forced a passed out friend to perform fellatio on it. WE ARE NOT INTERESTED IN THIS INFORMATION! At least, I'm not and I bet that most women would feel the same.
Anyway, Drew's good times are harshed when his mother, SBRL, enters and tells him that he is going to be staying with his father for the weekend. Neither Joey or I have sympathy for him because honestly, Drew can choke for all I care. She tries to leave but he quickly points to some boxes that still need to be put in storage because he's the worst and just wants to make her life miserable.
Gretchen and Pacey arrive at the college campus to find that her car is not completely assembled which ticks her off. Because the writers hate me and are making Pacey unlikable this episode, he tries to defend her lying jerkface of an ex because he's still trying to convince her not to date Dawson. Pacey, dude, why are you doing to Gretchen what Dawson did to Joey? You're better than this. Also, why are we pretending like she likes Dawson when in the last episode she rejected his ass?
Back to this episode, Gretchen's ex comes out and he's so freaking 2000s it hurts to look at. He looks like a lost member of B4-4. It's hilarious. It disturbed me so much, I shared the photo with my good friend, Zelda who pointed out something even more interesting about this guy. He is, in fact, Christian Kane. Otherwise known as Lindsey from Angel. (By the way, Zelda and her friend Daniel are going over Angel the series right now on their blog, check it out here!) But here, he is Nick and he is the embodiment of 2000s frat boy dude-bro asshole:
The guy very clearly gaslights Gretchen and it breaks my heart to tell you that Pacey falls for it hook, line, and sinker. He tells Gretchen what a great guy Nick is for disassembling her car "for her safety" when it was obviously a ploy to get her to stay longer and I hate it. I was rooting for you, Pacey. We were all rooting for you! How dare you!
Dawson is bringing some old clothes to Grams' house when he sees Mr. Brooks leaving. I can't remember if we learned Grams' name before maybe we did and I just forgot but Mr. Brooks calls her Evelyn and I have all the feels because that was my grandma's name and she was the best grandma. She's the one that got me the Macaulay Culkin Nutcracker book to get me into watching the ballet with her. I am now even more para-socially attached to Grams because of this. Also, get you some Grams!
Dawson is apparently weirded out by the fact that two adults want to date and questions Grams about this. She tells him they're just going to dinner and then a movie and Dawson is like but that's a date! Grams asks him if he's as protective of Jen to which he points out that Jen is "well versed in the pitfalls of dating" which is a weird and gross thing to say to someone's relative. Back off, Dawson. Creepy. Grams puts him in his place, like a boss because she's the best.
Back at the yacht club, Joey and Drew are carrying boxes into the storeroom while bickering. She does not want Drew to be anywhere near her or touch her which is completely legit and fair. He's gross. She then warns him not to move the boxes holding the door open but he's dumb so he moves them anyway and the door closes behind them. Drew tries to open the door but the handle falls off. Joey thinks there must be some other way out but there won't be until the cleaning crew arrives Monday morning.
Joey is in full panic mode because she's stuck in a cold storage room with the only person in Capeside who is worse than Dawson. She tries calling for help and then resorts to pulling an eyebrow pencil from her purse to try and pick the lock. A bobby pin might work better but you've still got the problem of the busted handle. Drew takes it upon himself to shame her for being a virgin and implying that since she hates him, she must have trust issues with men. No, I'd say Joey is perfectly right in not trusting you. Especially since, the moment she turns her back to work on the lock, he RUFFLES THROUGH HER PURSE! Oh my god, stop! Why is he like this? I hate him so much.
Joey calls him out on this and he smugly says he was taking inventory of her rations which, you could ASK her instead of just rummaging around in her stuff? She tells him off for touching her things and warns him to stop touching her and her stuff from now on. He thinks it's a good idea to tell her to clean out her brush more often while he starts to pick the hairs from her brush and just EW no! I'm not a germophobe or anything but no, that's just gross. Don't touch my stuff and especially don't pick my hairs off my brush for me, now your fingers are all over my brush and I'll have to get a new one because like hell am I running something that Drew touched through my hair again.
We're back to the college because this episode hates me and is trying its best to make me hate my favourite character. Pacey is hanging out in a hot tub with Nick and Gretchen makes a comment about how similar they are. Please, no. She then leaves and Nick comments on how fine she is which apparently doesn't weird Pacey out in the slightest. In fact, he pushes the guy to pursue Gretchen. The guy he witnessed gaslight her after taking apart her car, objectify her and just be a general sleazeball is the guy he wants to push towards Gretchen? Why are you being like this, Pacey? Don't you think your sister deserves better than a B4-4 reject??
Dawson and Jack are working on painting the baby's room together. Well, Jack is painting and talking while Dawson is staring blankly at a wall. Jack is waxing poetic about how Dawson and his new sibling are going to be 18 years apart and that when they graduate, Dawson will be 36. M'kay, starting to feel hella old right now.
Excuse me, I need to go cry in a corner forever because apparently, my life is over according to this show. Cool. cool cool cool cool cool. No doubt. No doubt. I'm fine, I'll just be over there lying dead on the floor now.
Jack notices that Dawson isn't paying attention and calls him out on it. Dawson is too busy worrying about Grams dating Mr. Brooks to care about my existential crisis or Jack's musings as it were. Jack isn't too worried about it until Dawson reveals that Mr. Brooks is dying and then he's on the defensive because Grams doesn't need to worry about death again after what she went through with her husband. It's kind of sweet that they care so much but they could assume that Mr. Brooks told her? Jack wants Dawson to tell Grams or he will which I get but really, it's not either of their business. Dawson doesn't want to tell her because she's happy but Jack argues that it's better to know. He uses what happened last season and I just cannot with how this show portrays that ordeal. The way they go on about it this season, you would think that Dawson and Joey had been together in season 3 while she and Pacey dated all season behind his back but that is not the case. And they told him as soon as they could, they kind of had to figure out their feelings for each other first. How much sooner could they have let Dawson know? Also, no matter what, I believe Dawson would've thrown the same temper tantrum.
Back in the storage room, my stress levels remain high as Drew is still being the worst. Complaining about not having a sweater and wanting Joey's (she refuses to share because how the hell could you share a sweater anyway?). Also, he jokes about dying and turning to cannibalism while Joey proactively searches for food. While doing this, she falls and Drew catches her but then immediately kisses her which is assault, my dude. Why did he do this? I don't know because he's a tool and the writers really wanted to make me stress about whether they were going to tank my ship in favour of this monstrosity of a character. No. I say, no! Stop it! Thankfully, Joey punches him in the face and I cheered loudly.
Nick is trying to schmooze his way into Gretchen's pants but she's not buying it. Pacey comes to talk up Nick and her getting back together and break my heart just a little bit more. Gretchen excuses herself while Nick and Pacey chat. He points a girl out to Pacey but he declines because he has Joey. Nick spells out exactly how douchey he is by saying that he's miles away, she won't know, all the excuses he can muster to excuse cheating on someone you care about. Finally, FINALLY, Pacey sees what we've seen all along, Nick is a douche. Also, he needs a new hair cut stat. It looks like it's actively trying to pull itself off his head. Also, seriously he looks like he belongs in B4-4, can you even tell who I swapped him out with?
Dawson goes over to see Grams to tell her what he knows about Mr. Brooks but he chickens out. Grams is too smart for these kids and tells him that she knows he's sick because she's not dumb and hello, was a trained nurse for years. Dawson asks how she can put herself through that again and she's like I'm human and it's super hard to find people you connect with in that romantic way. A brief moment together with happiness is better than a lifetime of loneliness and sorrow and all that. I really love Grams, you guys. She's wise and true and so right here. When you find that spark with someone, explore it or you might regret it forever. It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
Pacey talks to Gretchen about what a dick Nick is and she's like, duh I told you all of that. He apologizes but asks if he's the reason she left school. Gretchen then confesses about the pregnancy and the miscarriage and Pacey is super mad that he hung out with Nick and thought he was so cool. Good, Pacey. Come back to us, we need you!! She doesn't want him to do anything though because all the things Pacey liked about Nick, she liked too. Nick comes out then and Gretchen suddenly wants to go with him? This part always confused me. She seemed to hate him before but now that Pacey sees what an asshole he is, she decides she likes him again? What?
Dawson is editing his movie at Mr. Brooks' house and Mr. Brooks is getting ready for his date with Grams. He asks Dawson if he should give her some earrings but Dawson doesn't feel comfortable with that because he's worried about the whole dying thing. Mr. Brooks is like, we're all dying and at their age it's inevitable but why shelter themselves from happiness because of it? Dawson finally sees that these are two adults who are making their own decisions for themselves and agrees that Mr. Brooks should give Grams the earrings.
Nick and Gretchen talk and he's basically hitting on her hardcore and still schmoozing his way into her pants. It's boring. She goes upstairs to his room with him for reasons, while Pacey watches this go down, with a sad/angry look on his face. I'm just confused. Why is this happening when we all know he's a dink?
Joey and Drew are still arguing in the storage room. He's actually indignant about her punching him but like, what did you expect when you kissed her against her will? He thinks she's super mean and Joey explains that she had to develop a thick outer shell because of life. Drew thinks she's lucky her dad is in prison because being with his dad is like being in prison. Then he whines about how he found his dad buck naked banging on the kitchen floor, someone who wasn't his mother. Joey softens and takes off her sweater to share with him, while still mostly covering herself with it. It's kind of funny. To thank her, Drew tries to cast doubt on her relationship with Pacey and, could you just not? I swear Drew is so exhaustingly awful.
Gretchen is upstairs with Nick who is still being gross about how they're definitely going to bang but she doesn't want to and realizes she's not that girl anymore. Was this a thing she suddenly had to realize? I guess so because she does, Nick passes out and she leaves him there. Cool.
Gretchen goes outside in the morning to find that Pacey has spent the night fixing her car for her because he's back to being the best, thank god. He feels awful because he thinks he pushed her towards Nick who is the biggest jerk. Gretchen tells him he's nothing like Nick but Pacey thinks they're too similar for his comfort and that she shouldn't be with a guy like that. Gretchen thinks that Pacey means she should be with a guy like Dawson which is a weird thing for her to leap too and yeah, Pacey didn't mean that. Gretchen thinks he did but no, no, why would he ever? Gretchen admits that she didn't sleep with Nick and realized she came back here to say goodbye to him once and for all.
Jack and Dawson talk about fate and being able to change things which I think everyone falls into at some point in their lives, multiple times sometimes. Jack wishes he'd done things differently so he didn't get injured but realized that the thoughts about this were more debilitating than the injury. Dawson is still a bit confused about the Grams/Mr. Brooks thing but Jack thinks it's pretty simple. They take comfort in each other. He then says that Dawson doing nothing about Gretchen is more about fear of doing something that doing the same mistakes over. He pushes him to try with Gretchen again.
Joey and Drew wake up to their hell together when Joey hears something buzzing. Drew pretends he doesn't hear it but she persists and finds a cellphone in his pocket. Joey answers and tells the person, his mother probably, where they are. She then yells at him because legit. Drew proves what a creeper he is by describing the bra she was wearing to a T when SBRL walks in demanding to know what Joey did to Drew. Joey tells her to ask him because he's the reason they were stuck. SBRL doesn't accept that Drew would rather be stuck in a closet with her than spend time with his father and Joey gets a look like she understands but really? REALLY?? If the show was trying to get me to sympathize with this sleazebag they failed hard. Your daddy issues do not give you lisence to lock yourself in a room with a girl so you can forcibly kiss her and peek down her shirt enough to know the make, model, and colour of her bra. Gross. I still hate him. You get no sympathy from me. Go away and never return.
Gretchen arrives back home and checks the mailbox. In it, she finds a letter, the one that Dawson wrote and begins to read it. For whatever reason, this changes her mind about him. She drives to Dawson's house where he is waiting and asks her what took her so long. Then they kiss.
Well, I was all in support of Gretchen rejecting him but I guess we're going down this path of them dating. But look, at least Grams is happy and Joey and Pacey are still together. There's that at least. None of this is going to last, is it? Oh god, this is the worst season to watch right now. Impending doom everywhere. Next up is The Te of Pacey which tells me that, at least it will have a lot of Pacey in it who hopefully doesn't let me down like he did this episode. Until then, keep safe and stay sane, Dear Readers.
Good news, everyone! I'm back to hating Dawson this episode and the episode itself is not as pretentious and overwrought as the title suggests!
Unfortunately, I kind of dislike Pacey and his behaviour in this episode which makes me really sad. Also, we have to deal with Drew and he is the worst.
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There is no free frogurt, I'm sorry. |
Let's do our best to get through this episode in one piece, shall we? We start the episode with Pacey and Dawson fishing together on a dock in the early morning hours. Pacey is not a fan and I agree, early mornings suck. Pacey is happy that they are starting to mend their relationship but nope, turns out that Dawson asked Pacey here to tell him that he likes his sister. That's...really shitty. Also, he throws in a shady comment about how if Pacey had just told him last spring about his feelings for Joey it would've made things easier and bull-fucking-shit! I call the highest of bullshit on this take. They did try to tell you and no matter what, you were absolutely going to behave exactly like you did regardless. Even if Jen hadn't slipped up and told you before either Pacey or Joey could. The way you found out was not their fault, Dawson. Your behaviour was a hundred percent on you. I'm getting way too heated up about this. Fictional characters, these are fictional characters.
Pacey starts to behave the same way Dawson did though and that makes me have a sad. Be better, Pacey. He claims that sisters are off-limits, they're like mothers but pretty (those are his actual words and excuse me while I shower the gross off me). I feel so betrayed by Pacey already and we haven't even gotten to the credits yet. Dawson comes back with that he's not asking for permission from him, he's just letting Pacey know which is so super fucking rich coming from the man that absolutely thought he had to give permission to his friends to date. Uh, remember holding Joey emotionally hostage? Remember that, Dawson? Because I do and I hate you. I mean, I agree that people shouldn't have to ask a friend for permission to date someone but I just hate the hypocricy.
Dawson does acknowledge that he learned something from last Spring and that's that things can't be forced, you know like a romance with a friend who is over you and wants to date someone else? I mean, at least he kind of acknowledges that was fucked up but I'm still mad. His new plan to pursue Gretchen, is to do nothing which is what Pacey refers to as The Tao of Dawson so he said the episode title!
Gretchen and Pacey are driving back to her college but not so she can go back to school. It's so she can pick up her car that she left there. It's a flimsy pretense to get her back to college because why would she have left her car behind at all? Wouldn't she have used that to come back to Capeside? I don't know, but it turns out she let her ex-boyfriend borrow it. The one that probably knocked her up but Pacey doesn't know this so he's gushing about how much he liked the guy. Gretchen suspects that Pacey's sudden admiration for her ex-boyfriend is because of the kiss between her and Dawson. Pacey denies this but asks what is happening between them. Gretchen reaffirms that they're just friends. I mean, she completely rejected him last episode too so I don't get why Dawson is so confident about having a shot all of the sudden. Pacey is satisfied with this answer but when he finds that the music they're listening to is a mix-cd that Dawson made for her, he starts talking up the ex again. Be better, Pacey. (But I do feel you for not wanting your sister to date Dawson because he's the worst)
Dawson is bothered by Pacey not liking the idea of Gretchen and him dating and asks Jack if he had an issue with Pacey dating Andie. I mean, that's completely not the same situation at all, even though I do think Pacey is being ridiculous. I can see his discomfort with the situation and it's not the same at all as Pacey meeting Andie first and her happening to have a brother. Jack agrees with me.
Mitch and Gail come in to talk about baby stuff. They can't decide whether or not to find out the sex before the baby is born. Dawson wants them to pick soon because he's prepping the baby's room to paint and wants to know which paint to use.
Jack uncovers an unsent letter that Dawson wrote to Gretchen and urges him to send it to her. Dawson doesn't want to because he sounds like a kid but Jack thinks that maybe if he acted more like a kid, he'd be with her? Ew. I don't think the writers realized exactly how creepy that sounds. Dawson says that acting like a kid is what made him join a boat race last spring where he almost crashed. So, again he's acknowledging how shitty he was, I wonder if the writers were trying to make him seem less pigheaded by having him address and acknowledge past mistakes?
Joey is working with Drew (I refuse to spell it the way the show insists because Drue looks bad and ugly. Drew is short for Andrew, damnit) and they are packing up stuff at the yacht club because it is going to be closed for renovations. Drew is being slimy, as usual, and bragging to Joey about the chicks he's going to date tonight. You may think this is cartoonishly unrealistic to make a guy this gross but, let me tell you, I worked with a guy that was very much like this. Worse, even. Joey is getting the very PG version of this brag. I had to learn gross R rated things about my horrible male coworker and I learned things about him I wish I could unlearn because wow, he was an oversharer. I couldn't understand why he felt compelled to tell me about his exploits but I hated it, he was my supervisor too so that blew chunks. Hot tip, guys, most girls do not want to know who you've had threesomes with or the fact that you put a hot dog in your pants and forced a passed out friend to perform fellatio on it. WE ARE NOT INTERESTED IN THIS INFORMATION! At least, I'm not and I bet that most women would feel the same.
Anyway, Drew's good times are harshed when his mother, SBRL, enters and tells him that he is going to be staying with his father for the weekend. Neither Joey or I have sympathy for him because honestly, Drew can choke for all I care. She tries to leave but he quickly points to some boxes that still need to be put in storage because he's the worst and just wants to make her life miserable.
Gretchen and Pacey arrive at the college campus to find that her car is not completely assembled which ticks her off. Because the writers hate me and are making Pacey unlikable this episode, he tries to defend her lying jerkface of an ex because he's still trying to convince her not to date Dawson. Pacey, dude, why are you doing to Gretchen what Dawson did to Joey? You're better than this. Also, why are we pretending like she likes Dawson when in the last episode she rejected his ass?
Back to this episode, Gretchen's ex comes out and he's so freaking 2000s it hurts to look at. He looks like a lost member of B4-4. It's hilarious. It disturbed me so much, I shared the photo with my good friend, Zelda who pointed out something even more interesting about this guy. He is, in fact, Christian Kane. Otherwise known as Lindsey from Angel. (By the way, Zelda and her friend Daniel are going over Angel the series right now on their blog, check it out here!) But here, he is Nick and he is the embodiment of 2000s frat boy dude-bro asshole:
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It's a wild Christian Kane! |
The guy very clearly gaslights Gretchen and it breaks my heart to tell you that Pacey falls for it hook, line, and sinker. He tells Gretchen what a great guy Nick is for disassembling her car "for her safety" when it was obviously a ploy to get her to stay longer and I hate it. I was rooting for you, Pacey. We were all rooting for you! How dare you!
Dawson is bringing some old clothes to Grams' house when he sees Mr. Brooks leaving. I can't remember if we learned Grams' name before maybe we did and I just forgot but Mr. Brooks calls her Evelyn and I have all the feels because that was my grandma's name and she was the best grandma. She's the one that got me the Macaulay Culkin Nutcracker book to get me into watching the ballet with her. I am now even more para-socially attached to Grams because of this. Also, get you some Grams!
Dawson is apparently weirded out by the fact that two adults want to date and questions Grams about this. She tells him they're just going to dinner and then a movie and Dawson is like but that's a date! Grams asks him if he's as protective of Jen to which he points out that Jen is "well versed in the pitfalls of dating" which is a weird and gross thing to say to someone's relative. Back off, Dawson. Creepy. Grams puts him in his place, like a boss because she's the best.
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I adore cheeky Grams |
Back at the yacht club, Joey and Drew are carrying boxes into the storeroom while bickering. She does not want Drew to be anywhere near her or touch her which is completely legit and fair. He's gross. She then warns him not to move the boxes holding the door open but he's dumb so he moves them anyway and the door closes behind them. Drew tries to open the door but the handle falls off. Joey thinks there must be some other way out but there won't be until the cleaning crew arrives Monday morning.
Joey is in full panic mode because she's stuck in a cold storage room with the only person in Capeside who is worse than Dawson. She tries calling for help and then resorts to pulling an eyebrow pencil from her purse to try and pick the lock. A bobby pin might work better but you've still got the problem of the busted handle. Drew takes it upon himself to shame her for being a virgin and implying that since she hates him, she must have trust issues with men. No, I'd say Joey is perfectly right in not trusting you. Especially since, the moment she turns her back to work on the lock, he RUFFLES THROUGH HER PURSE! Oh my god, stop! Why is he like this? I hate him so much.
Joey calls him out on this and he smugly says he was taking inventory of her rations which, you could ASK her instead of just rummaging around in her stuff? She tells him off for touching her things and warns him to stop touching her and her stuff from now on. He thinks it's a good idea to tell her to clean out her brush more often while he starts to pick the hairs from her brush and just EW no! I'm not a germophobe or anything but no, that's just gross. Don't touch my stuff and especially don't pick my hairs off my brush for me, now your fingers are all over my brush and I'll have to get a new one because like hell am I running something that Drew touched through my hair again.
We're back to the college because this episode hates me and is trying its best to make me hate my favourite character. Pacey is hanging out in a hot tub with Nick and Gretchen makes a comment about how similar they are. Please, no. She then leaves and Nick comments on how fine she is which apparently doesn't weird Pacey out in the slightest. In fact, he pushes the guy to pursue Gretchen. The guy he witnessed gaslight her after taking apart her car, objectify her and just be a general sleazeball is the guy he wants to push towards Gretchen? Why are you being like this, Pacey? Don't you think your sister deserves better than a B4-4 reject??
Dawson and Jack are working on painting the baby's room together. Well, Jack is painting and talking while Dawson is staring blankly at a wall. Jack is waxing poetic about how Dawson and his new sibling are going to be 18 years apart and that when they graduate, Dawson will be 36. M'kay, starting to feel hella old right now.
Jack: he or she-- is just going to be beginning their life, and... Yours will be pretty much over.
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It's funny because my life is over |
Excuse me, I need to go cry in a corner forever because apparently, my life is over according to this show. Cool. cool cool cool cool cool. No doubt. No doubt. I'm fine, I'll just be over there lying dead on the floor now.
Jack notices that Dawson isn't paying attention and calls him out on it. Dawson is too busy worrying about Grams dating Mr. Brooks to care about my existential crisis or Jack's musings as it were. Jack isn't too worried about it until Dawson reveals that Mr. Brooks is dying and then he's on the defensive because Grams doesn't need to worry about death again after what she went through with her husband. It's kind of sweet that they care so much but they could assume that Mr. Brooks told her? Jack wants Dawson to tell Grams or he will which I get but really, it's not either of their business. Dawson doesn't want to tell her because she's happy but Jack argues that it's better to know. He uses what happened last season and I just cannot with how this show portrays that ordeal. The way they go on about it this season, you would think that Dawson and Joey had been together in season 3 while she and Pacey dated all season behind his back but that is not the case. And they told him as soon as they could, they kind of had to figure out their feelings for each other first. How much sooner could they have let Dawson know? Also, no matter what, I believe Dawson would've thrown the same temper tantrum.
Back in the storage room, my stress levels remain high as Drew is still being the worst. Complaining about not having a sweater and wanting Joey's (she refuses to share because how the hell could you share a sweater anyway?). Also, he jokes about dying and turning to cannibalism while Joey proactively searches for food. While doing this, she falls and Drew catches her but then immediately kisses her which is assault, my dude. Why did he do this? I don't know because he's a tool and the writers really wanted to make me stress about whether they were going to tank my ship in favour of this monstrosity of a character. No. I say, no! Stop it! Thankfully, Joey punches him in the face and I cheered loudly.
Nick is trying to schmooze his way into Gretchen's pants but she's not buying it. Pacey comes to talk up Nick and her getting back together and break my heart just a little bit more. Gretchen excuses herself while Nick and Pacey chat. He points a girl out to Pacey but he declines because he has Joey. Nick spells out exactly how douchey he is by saying that he's miles away, she won't know, all the excuses he can muster to excuse cheating on someone you care about. Finally, FINALLY, Pacey sees what we've seen all along, Nick is a douche. Also, he needs a new hair cut stat. It looks like it's actively trying to pull itself off his head. Also, seriously he looks like he belongs in B4-4, can you even tell who I swapped him out with?
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If you get down on him, he will not get down on you Because he's a dude-bro who doesn't care about your pleasure |
Dawson goes over to see Grams to tell her what he knows about Mr. Brooks but he chickens out. Grams is too smart for these kids and tells him that she knows he's sick because she's not dumb and hello, was a trained nurse for years. Dawson asks how she can put herself through that again and she's like I'm human and it's super hard to find people you connect with in that romantic way. A brief moment together with happiness is better than a lifetime of loneliness and sorrow and all that. I really love Grams, you guys. She's wise and true and so right here. When you find that spark with someone, explore it or you might regret it forever. It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
Pacey talks to Gretchen about what a dick Nick is and she's like, duh I told you all of that. He apologizes but asks if he's the reason she left school. Gretchen then confesses about the pregnancy and the miscarriage and Pacey is super mad that he hung out with Nick and thought he was so cool. Good, Pacey. Come back to us, we need you!! She doesn't want him to do anything though because all the things Pacey liked about Nick, she liked too. Nick comes out then and Gretchen suddenly wants to go with him? This part always confused me. She seemed to hate him before but now that Pacey sees what an asshole he is, she decides she likes him again? What?
Dawson is editing his movie at Mr. Brooks' house and Mr. Brooks is getting ready for his date with Grams. He asks Dawson if he should give her some earrings but Dawson doesn't feel comfortable with that because he's worried about the whole dying thing. Mr. Brooks is like, we're all dying and at their age it's inevitable but why shelter themselves from happiness because of it? Dawson finally sees that these are two adults who are making their own decisions for themselves and agrees that Mr. Brooks should give Grams the earrings.
Nick and Gretchen talk and he's basically hitting on her hardcore and still schmoozing his way into her pants. It's boring. She goes upstairs to his room with him for reasons, while Pacey watches this go down, with a sad/angry look on his face. I'm just confused. Why is this happening when we all know he's a dink?
Joey and Drew are still arguing in the storage room. He's actually indignant about her punching him but like, what did you expect when you kissed her against her will? He thinks she's super mean and Joey explains that she had to develop a thick outer shell because of life. Drew thinks she's lucky her dad is in prison because being with his dad is like being in prison. Then he whines about how he found his dad buck naked banging on the kitchen floor, someone who wasn't his mother. Joey softens and takes off her sweater to share with him, while still mostly covering herself with it. It's kind of funny. To thank her, Drew tries to cast doubt on her relationship with Pacey and, could you just not? I swear Drew is so exhaustingly awful.
Gretchen is upstairs with Nick who is still being gross about how they're definitely going to bang but she doesn't want to and realizes she's not that girl anymore. Was this a thing she suddenly had to realize? I guess so because she does, Nick passes out and she leaves him there. Cool.
Gretchen goes outside in the morning to find that Pacey has spent the night fixing her car for her because he's back to being the best, thank god. He feels awful because he thinks he pushed her towards Nick who is the biggest jerk. Gretchen tells him he's nothing like Nick but Pacey thinks they're too similar for his comfort and that she shouldn't be with a guy like that. Gretchen thinks that Pacey means she should be with a guy like Dawson which is a weird thing for her to leap too and yeah, Pacey didn't mean that. Gretchen thinks he did but no, no, why would he ever? Gretchen admits that she didn't sleep with Nick and realized she came back here to say goodbye to him once and for all.
Jack and Dawson talk about fate and being able to change things which I think everyone falls into at some point in their lives, multiple times sometimes. Jack wishes he'd done things differently so he didn't get injured but realized that the thoughts about this were more debilitating than the injury. Dawson is still a bit confused about the Grams/Mr. Brooks thing but Jack thinks it's pretty simple. They take comfort in each other. He then says that Dawson doing nothing about Gretchen is more about fear of doing something that doing the same mistakes over. He pushes him to try with Gretchen again.
Joey and Drew wake up to their hell together when Joey hears something buzzing. Drew pretends he doesn't hear it but she persists and finds a cellphone in his pocket. Joey answers and tells the person, his mother probably, where they are. She then yells at him because legit. Drew proves what a creeper he is by describing the bra she was wearing to a T when SBRL walks in demanding to know what Joey did to Drew. Joey tells her to ask him because he's the reason they were stuck. SBRL doesn't accept that Drew would rather be stuck in a closet with her than spend time with his father and Joey gets a look like she understands but really? REALLY?? If the show was trying to get me to sympathize with this sleazebag they failed hard. Your daddy issues do not give you lisence to lock yourself in a room with a girl so you can forcibly kiss her and peek down her shirt enough to know the make, model, and colour of her bra. Gross. I still hate him. You get no sympathy from me. Go away and never return.
Gretchen arrives back home and checks the mailbox. In it, she finds a letter, the one that Dawson wrote and begins to read it. For whatever reason, this changes her mind about him. She drives to Dawson's house where he is waiting and asks her what took her so long. Then they kiss.
Well, I was all in support of Gretchen rejecting him but I guess we're going down this path of them dating. But look, at least Grams is happy and Joey and Pacey are still together. There's that at least. None of this is going to last, is it? Oh god, this is the worst season to watch right now. Impending doom everywhere. Next up is The Te of Pacey which tells me that, at least it will have a lot of Pacey in it who hopefully doesn't let me down like he did this episode. Until then, keep safe and stay sane, Dear Readers.
I can't believe Jack attacked us like that. But you know what, it's realistic. I have a very distinct high school memory of informing my well-past-fifty teacher that thirties was middle-aged.
ReplyDeleteAlso I guess Lindsey was always evil, even before he became a lawyer.
Dawson and Drew are the worst forever and ever, amen.