Original airdate: December 20, 2000
How is everyone holding up on what feels like we're now a decade into the year 2020? Also, this episode aired nearly two decades ago, not including the one that is the first half of this year, in case you want to feel really old. This got grim fast. Let's jump into the episode proper because I need something to take my mind off the neverending stress that has become my daily life.
Jack is in Dawson's room and wants to know the deets on his big smooch with Gretchen Wieners, last episode. Did I just write Gretchen Wieners? I mean Gretchen Witter but come on, my brain cannot think of anything but mean girls when I hear that name, espeically since her last name also starts with a W. Where was I? Oh yeah, two teen boys gossiping about kissing some people might think this is unrealistic but I like it, it's nice to show guys talking about feelings. You should do it way more. They debate over whether or not the kiss meant anything, Dawson denies it does while Jack is skeptical given Dawson's overdramatic history and let's be real, we all know who is correct here.
Dawson asks Jack to give Jen something when he goes over there and Jack mentions he's going to Provincetown with her for a Gay-Straight alliance thing. He's not looking forward to it. They answer the front door and find none other than Gretchen standing right there. Awkward. She's there to help clean up after the party but they already cleaned up. Jack excuses himself from the situation because he can tell shits about to get way more awkward.
Gretchen wastes no time in crushing Dawson's tiny little heart and I am here for it. Dawson is still in denial though so he's like "oh, you thought I would think it meant something? Psssh! No! I'm cool. It's totally cool. I'm cool." Gretchen is relieved to find it meant nothing to him as well and they part ways, awkwardly.
At the Potter B&B, Bessie and Bodie are leaving for some reason which means Joey is left alone to care for her 2-year-old nephew for three days. Pacey is super excited about the idea but Joey is already stressed about having to babysit while also needing to study for a test that's tomorrow. Pacey wants to talk to her about the big kiss at the Leery party between Dawson and Gretchen but Joey is not in the mood because she's thinking about too much already. Legit, girl. I feel that so hard right now. My plate is so full that I can't add anything more to it and yet, people keep handing me food. STAHP! Right on cue, her nephew Alexander wakes up and so duty calls.
Jen and Jack are at a coffee house for their Gay-Straight Alliance meeting. Jack is not happy but Jen thinks he needs to expand his horizons and not only hang out with the straights. Some guy that reminds me of the lead singer for Semisonic comes up behind them and asks if they're there for the meeting. He's relieved because he wants more lesbians with better tastes in haircuts. On the one hand, I want to punch the guy for being such a tool about people's style choices, on the other Jen's hair is, in fact, on point this episode and I love it.
Jen points out that she's just here for her friend (because she's awesome) and introduces him to Jack. The guy, Toby, recognizes Jack from those news stories back in season 3 about how he's a gay football player. Jack tells him he's uncomfortable with labels like that and Toby immediately takes offense asking him which label he hates more "gay" or "football player". Yikes. Dial it back, Toby.
Dawson is talking with Mr. Brooks about the documentary he wants to make about him. Mr. Brooks asks what Dawson gets out of the deal and Dawson says he wants to learn more about filmmaking or picture-making as Mr. Brooks puts it. He's cool with that as long as he gets producer credit above the title and Dawson is directer in name only (basically Mr. Brooks doesn't trust Dawson to be a good director lol). They talk about how much Mr. Brooks loves LA Confidential but he says if Dawson wants to hear about it, he'll have to come back tomorrow when they start filming. I'm bored already.
Back at the coffee house, Jack is cringing because all Toby talks about is being gay. Toby asks Jack why he came to their meeting and Jack explains about the mishap with the soccer league and Toby rudely interrupts because he totally gets what happened and says that the parents found out about Jack being queer and fired him while being careful not to fire him for being queer. Jack is offended by this because he wouldn't put it that way even though that is exactly what happened.
Sidebar: Remember when I said I liked that Jack was represented in a very well-rounded way, where his character was an actual character who happened to be gay and not THE GAY CHARACTER? I think we're veering dangerously close to #NotLikeOtherGays territory here. I get it, Toby is extremely off-putting but Jack is being really judge-y and preachy here with his refusal to be labeled as gay. It feels very straight person writes their version of gay here (the superior gay who doesn't make anything political and doesn't need to identify as gay) and it feels very off from what we saw of him before. I don't understand why he suddenly hates all things gay. I understand that he might be tired of the fight, we saw this in the anti-prom episode and with the soccer league because he just wants to be a normal kid and I totally get that but this is different, this feels very "I'm better than these other queers because I can play straight" to me. I could be wrong here, I'm a cis straight white woman so I can't pretend to know the struggles of a gay man but the characterization feels very off and kind of mean-spirited to me. Just my opinion.
Case in point, Toby moves on to a new topic of discussion. A lesbian couple in their group was kicked out of a bowling alley for kissing. The manager claimed to be against all forms of PDA gay or straight and they want to put this to a test. Jack then makes a snide comment about how he wouldn't want future generations of gay teenagers to be denied the chance to bowl and like excuse you, Jack? Just because you don't like bowling doesn't mean that other people don't. I'm not even a bowling nut but like, it's a fun activity from time to time so why not help all teenagers feel welcome there? I don't get his big problem with this and again it feels very straight person writing a "good gay" who doesn't need or want to make everything political! I don't like this at all.
Back at the Potter B&B, Joey is trying to study when she hears some loud clanging. She finds Pacey in the kitchen with Alexander and they're banging on pots and pans. She gets hella pissed and immediately kicks him out, despite the fact that Pacey says he was letting him tire himself out and that he wanted to help with the baby so she could study. She won't hear it, she thinks she can do better on her own and kicks him out. Joey girl, did you not learn your lesson last episode about how Pacey is the greatest boyfriend ever? Just tell him to ease up on the noise and let him help you! But nope, she sends him packing because she thinks she can do everything on her own and way better but then a family shows up to stay at the B&B. So now she has to look after her nephew and a family of four by herself and hey, why the hell did Bodie and Bessie leave a 17-year-old with schoolwork in charge of both their child and their business for three days? That's fucking insane and rude.
At Pacey and Gretchen's apartment, she asks him why he's not at Joey's and he explains the situation to her. He then pivots the conversation to her kiss with Dawson. Gretchen doesn't want to talk about it but when Pacey persists, she tells him it was just a mistletoe kiss and meant nothing. Pacey is worried about how much Joey cares whom Dawson kisses and Gretchen is like stop harassing me and talk to her about it. Pacey says duh, I did but she refused to talk about it because Joey never wants to talk about her problems until everything has been blown out into dramatic proportions. Both Pacey and Gretchen agree that Joey cares and is lying about not thinking about it. Pacey doesn't want to be a world-class jerk about it though so Gretchen tells him to be sweet and understanding but if that doesn't work, he'll have to force the issue and be a world-class jerk. She has faith in him to pull it off.
It's test time and Joey is noticeably freaked out. Dawson asks her if she's ok and she lies her face off about being super fine. He points out her use of Cole's Notes which she's never used before and she gets defensive. Dawson asks if she'd tell him if something were wrong and she lies that she's fine.
Jack and Jen are arguing about whether or not to go to the bowling night. Jack is against it but Jen wants them to make new friends. Listen to Jen, Jack, she is wise. Jack is not excited to see Toby again who was admittedly, a dick to him. Jen thinks he likes Jack and she thinks that's hot. Oh, the hate you to love you thing, right. I don't really go for those, they have to be done super right. I think the only hate to love story I absolutely adore is The Sure Thing. Mostly, it's just overwrought abuse masqueraded as romance and I don't dig it. Jack charges past saying that making new friends this way is weird because they're a group of people who act like gay is their entire personality and not just their sexual orientation and this is the one point I will give to him on this subject. It is weird when people act as if one thing about them is the only thing that defines them as a person. This goes for people who's personality trait is "vegan" or "gym rat" and they experience no joy beyond those things, they are those things entirely. To be clear, many people are vegan or like going to the gym and do not act this way, I'm talking very specific annoying people. Anyway, Jen agrees with Jack and he's confused but she clarifies that she'll just go without him.
Dawson is setting up for his film shoot with Mr. Brooks and asks him if it's true that there are only 6 stories. Mr. Brooks thinks there are only three and interestingly, they all center from the male perspective. Maybe that's why everything feels so stale? Because there may only be a few stories to tell but there are worlds of different perspectives out there other than a white man's. Dawson is moving the camera around like a weirdo and Mr. Brooks asks him to knock it off or he'll make the audience seasick. Thank you, Mr. Brooks. Shaky cam is fine, used in moderation for a specific effect but goddamn it, Dawson, this is a documentary. They talk briefly about movies. I think Mr. Brooks says one line about LA Confidential even though he was supposed to school Dawson on what made it so good, all he can come up with is "it had complex human emotions and a sexy blonde". Thanks, Mr. Brooks. Very deep, much insightful. Mr. Brooks thinks most great stories have love triangles but the second he says this he wants to call it quits for the day. So that was like, 5 minutes of screentime before he got tired? This is going to take forever to make this thing.
Potter B&B: Joey is freaking out to Alexander about how she totally bombed the test and got a C. Pacey comes in with groceries and instead of thanking him, she tells him she already got groceries. He immediately scoops up Alexander and interacts with him because he's the best boyfriend ever and tells her he thought he could make her supper and play legos with Alex so she can study. Admittedly, this was sort of dumb to say because she needed to study last night but girl, the man wants to take the baby off your hands and make you dinner. TAKE HIM UP ON THE OFFER AND DO SOMETHING RELAXING!!
Joey complains about how tired she is of doing everything herself and Pacey tells her she doesn't have to do it by herself but that he can't help her if she won't tell him what's really bothering her. He thinks it's Dawson and Gretchen but Joey is adamant it so is not that. So Pacey asks if she's upset about her and Dawson but she rejects that too. Pacey is pretty sure it's not about their relationship because he hasn't screwed up for at least 2 days and she blows up at him about being the perfect boyfriend and that he beats Dawson. I mean...she's not wrong even if she is saying it out of anger.
A while later, Joey comes back from putting Alex to sleep. Pacey has done the dishes. My god, Joey, cut this man some slack. Dinner, dishes, waiting around for you while you chew him out for no reason? I know you were joking before but he really does deserve the most perfect boyfriend prize. He says he doesn't want to fight about Dawson and her but she thinks he does and he admits that he does but only because he doesn't want it to be an issue they ignore until one day she's gone. She then finally admits that she's upset about Dawson and Gretchen and Pacey is totally cool with it but he wishes she would just tell him the truth. He doesn't want her to shut him out. Joey explains that when she thinks about the future, she sees her and Pacey together because they grew up together while Dawson and she never did. She always feels 15 when she's around him. She just vocalized my entire reasoning for why she and Dawson don't work as a couple and I love it. Pacey encourages her to talk to Dawson but asks her to call him after. They kiss.
Toby is happy Jen came but he immediately starts shitting on Jack which is weird because he's very clearly Jen's friend. Why would you do that? Anyway, Jack shows up and Toby doesn't seem thrilled with this and comments on Jack's letterman jacket. Toby clearly has issues with jocks. Jack is not thrilled he came but Jen tries to cheer him up.
Dawson is filming Mr. Brooks while he talks about film stuff but he seems to be forgetting things and Dawson gets concerned saying they can stop if he's not feeling well. Mr. Brooks asks for bourbon and Dawson hesitates until Mr. Brooks says he'll get it himself.
At the bowling alley, Jack is super uncomfortable and embarrassed to be here. Not because it's gay bowling night but because he's bowling. Wow, no love for bowling on this show. I mean, it's not an every weekend thing but every once in a while it can be fun to bowl. I remember going bowling fairly often with my friends as a teen, for something to do. Why does Jack have to hate? I'm sorry I'm not doing more adult stuff as a teen, Mr. Too-Cool-For-Bowling. Oh no, I'm turning into Toby. Speaking of which, he comes in and makes a comment about Jack being Captain America and laments the fact that he's even good at bowling. A jock definitely beat him up and stole his lunch money. Jen excuses herself from this awkwardness and Jack and Toby immediately bicker. Jack assumes Toby doesn't think he's gay enough while Toby seems to think Jack is a self-hating gay. Toby confirms that this is the case because he thinks that popular jocks and cheerleaders beat up people who don't fit in like him so somehow Jack has gotten an easy break. Jack basically tells him to sit on it and leaves because he doesn't know what Jack has been through.
Joey takes Pacey's advice and goes to see Dawson. She admits to him that she wasn't fine and tells him all the things she was dealing with and that she bombed the test. Dawson asks her where Pacey was and why he wasn't helping her and she explains that she didn't let him. Dawson, for once, speaks the truth and tells her that she should have let him help because he's great with kids. How am I agreeing with Dawson? I feel unclean. Anyway, he gives her a Christmas present and it turns out to be a picture of her and Pacey hugging by a Christmas tree. She's very touched because it's beautiful and Dawson makes a comment about how he's getting better at picture taking. That's not what she meant but he knows what she meant. She then asks him about Gretchen. Dawson says they're just friends but Joey points out the kissing. Dawson says that a cool, sophisticated 21-year-old wouldn't go for him but Joey thinks he should give it a shot.
Pacey confronts Joey's teacher and begs him to give her another shot because of how much she's been dealing with. The teacher asks if she was sick or had a family emergency to which Pacey says no. The teacher denies his request but commends Pacey for giving it an admirable try.
Toby is hanging flyers up in Capeside, much to Jack's annoyance. He kicks him out of the gay alliance but Jack is a honeybadger because he don't give a fuck. Toby thinks that Jack is intimidated by him but Jack says he's just not going to take his shit, just like he didn't let the parents give him shit and Toby says they finally agree on something. Toby explains his fear of anything jock because I called it and they teased him mercilessly until his older sister scared the off which only served to humiliate him further and he doesn't think Jack went through that. I mean, he did in the second season but as Jack points out, it doesn't make him any more straight.
Joey is reading the book she should have read before the test when her teacher comes up to her. She apologizes for blowing the test, she got a C- and he acknowledges that it's not her usual work. He then spills the beans that Pacey pleaded her case for a redo but he told him no. Joey is sad but then the teacher says that another kid missed the test for an orthodontist appointment so he's giving a make up test that she could partake in if she chooses. Joey excitedly agrees. He mentions that she's doing a lot of damage with her highlighter, takes the book from her and highlights a passage that Joey reads aloud. It's only a fragment but the teacher asks her what the most important word in the sentence is, when she guesses wrong, he tells her it's "borrowed" because he's schooling her on how to ask for help instead of doing everything on her own. Smart teacher. Do we actually have a good teacher? In Capeside?? Perish the thought.
Dawson goes to Mr. Brooks' house to get his video camera and finds a nurse coming out of his room. Turns out Mr. Brooks is sick and not taking his meds because he wants to remember stuff for Dawson's documentary. Mr. Brooks comes out and schools her on PHIA and she leaves. Dawson thinks the documentary is over but Mr. Brooks wants to leave something meaningful behind and insists on doing it. I don't know, Mr. Brooks, if Dawson is doing it, chances are it will be mediocre and not meaningful at all. He tells a little story about the girl who left him coming with him to LA but I find it boring and it's not that important so let's skip it.
Joey has called Pacey over because she wants to ask him for help. Being the doll that he is, he asks where Alexander is, ever ready to be a handy babysitter to help her out. I want him for myself. Anyway, Joey says that Bessie has him and tells him that her teacher is letting her retake the test so she wanted to thank him for talking to the teacher. Pacey is happy for her but instead of getting all horny about her kisses he's like "Don't you think we should be doing something else?" and we cut to him helping her study by a fireplace and it's the sweetest thing. BEST. BOYFRIEND. EVER!
Dawson finds Gretchen at a town tree lighting ceremony. She's excited and distracted by the tree stuff but Dawson wants to talk about their kiss. He spills the beans and gushes about how much he likes her and how much the kiss meant to him and he wants to know what she really thinks. She tells him that a kiss is just a kiss and sometimes it just means, and Dawson finishes the thought for her, Happy Holidays. Ooof.
Am I a bad person for laughing really hard at how flatly she rejected him? I mean, he's just a fictional character so it's ok to laugh, right? Right? Well, too bad because it brightened my day which was sorely needed what with all that's going on. I do really hope you're keeping sane, safe, and healthy in these times, Dear Readers because that's really all we've got left right now. I hope I'm giving you at least a bit of a reprieve from things because I know writing these is helping me and I hope to keep at it. The next episode is The Tao of Dawson which sounds utterly pretentious and unpleasantly full of Dawson, but I will try my best to have some fun with it.
How is everyone holding up on what feels like we're now a decade into the year 2020? Also, this episode aired nearly two decades ago, not including the one that is the first half of this year, in case you want to feel really old. This got grim fast. Let's jump into the episode proper because I need something to take my mind off the neverending stress that has become my daily life.
Jack is in Dawson's room and wants to know the deets on his big smooch with Gretchen Wieners, last episode. Did I just write Gretchen Wieners? I mean Gretchen Witter but come on, my brain cannot think of anything but mean girls when I hear that name, espeically since her last name also starts with a W. Where was I? Oh yeah, two teen boys gossiping about kissing some people might think this is unrealistic but I like it, it's nice to show guys talking about feelings. You should do it way more. They debate over whether or not the kiss meant anything, Dawson denies it does while Jack is skeptical given Dawson's overdramatic history and let's be real, we all know who is correct here.
Dawson asks Jack to give Jen something when he goes over there and Jack mentions he's going to Provincetown with her for a Gay-Straight alliance thing. He's not looking forward to it. They answer the front door and find none other than Gretchen standing right there. Awkward. She's there to help clean up after the party but they already cleaned up. Jack excuses himself from the situation because he can tell shits about to get way more awkward.
Gretchen wastes no time in crushing Dawson's tiny little heart and I am here for it. Dawson is still in denial though so he's like "oh, you thought I would think it meant something? Psssh! No! I'm cool. It's totally cool. I'm cool." Gretchen is relieved to find it meant nothing to him as well and they part ways, awkwardly.
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Uh, yeah, friends. Cool. Cool cool cool cool. I'm cool |
At the Potter B&B, Bessie and Bodie are leaving for some reason which means Joey is left alone to care for her 2-year-old nephew for three days. Pacey is super excited about the idea but Joey is already stressed about having to babysit while also needing to study for a test that's tomorrow. Pacey wants to talk to her about the big kiss at the Leery party between Dawson and Gretchen but Joey is not in the mood because she's thinking about too much already. Legit, girl. I feel that so hard right now. My plate is so full that I can't add anything more to it and yet, people keep handing me food. STAHP! Right on cue, her nephew Alexander wakes up and so duty calls.
Jen and Jack are at a coffee house for their Gay-Straight Alliance meeting. Jack is not happy but Jen thinks he needs to expand his horizons and not only hang out with the straights. Some guy that reminds me of the lead singer for Semisonic comes up behind them and asks if they're there for the meeting. He's relieved because he wants more lesbians with better tastes in haircuts. On the one hand, I want to punch the guy for being such a tool about people's style choices, on the other Jen's hair is, in fact, on point this episode and I love it.
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I wanted her hairstyle so bad when I was a teen but my laziness won out and so straight, brown and boring it remained |
Jen points out that she's just here for her friend (because she's awesome) and introduces him to Jack. The guy, Toby, recognizes Jack from those news stories back in season 3 about how he's a gay football player. Jack tells him he's uncomfortable with labels like that and Toby immediately takes offense asking him which label he hates more "gay" or "football player". Yikes. Dial it back, Toby.
Dawson is talking with Mr. Brooks about the documentary he wants to make about him. Mr. Brooks asks what Dawson gets out of the deal and Dawson says he wants to learn more about filmmaking or picture-making as Mr. Brooks puts it. He's cool with that as long as he gets producer credit above the title and Dawson is directer in name only (basically Mr. Brooks doesn't trust Dawson to be a good director lol). They talk about how much Mr. Brooks loves LA Confidential but he says if Dawson wants to hear about it, he'll have to come back tomorrow when they start filming. I'm bored already.
Back at the coffee house, Jack is cringing because all Toby talks about is being gay. Toby asks Jack why he came to their meeting and Jack explains about the mishap with the soccer league and Toby rudely interrupts because he totally gets what happened and says that the parents found out about Jack being queer and fired him while being careful not to fire him for being queer. Jack is offended by this because he wouldn't put it that way even though that is exactly what happened.
Sidebar: Remember when I said I liked that Jack was represented in a very well-rounded way, where his character was an actual character who happened to be gay and not THE GAY CHARACTER? I think we're veering dangerously close to #NotLikeOtherGays territory here. I get it, Toby is extremely off-putting but Jack is being really judge-y and preachy here with his refusal to be labeled as gay. It feels very straight person writes their version of gay here (the superior gay who doesn't make anything political and doesn't need to identify as gay) and it feels very off from what we saw of him before. I don't understand why he suddenly hates all things gay. I understand that he might be tired of the fight, we saw this in the anti-prom episode and with the soccer league because he just wants to be a normal kid and I totally get that but this is different, this feels very "I'm better than these other queers because I can play straight" to me. I could be wrong here, I'm a cis straight white woman so I can't pretend to know the struggles of a gay man but the characterization feels very off and kind of mean-spirited to me. Just my opinion.
Case in point, Toby moves on to a new topic of discussion. A lesbian couple in their group was kicked out of a bowling alley for kissing. The manager claimed to be against all forms of PDA gay or straight and they want to put this to a test. Jack then makes a snide comment about how he wouldn't want future generations of gay teenagers to be denied the chance to bowl and like excuse you, Jack? Just because you don't like bowling doesn't mean that other people don't. I'm not even a bowling nut but like, it's a fun activity from time to time so why not help all teenagers feel welcome there? I don't get his big problem with this and again it feels very straight person writing a "good gay" who doesn't need or want to make everything political! I don't like this at all.
Back at the Potter B&B, Joey is trying to study when she hears some loud clanging. She finds Pacey in the kitchen with Alexander and they're banging on pots and pans. She gets hella pissed and immediately kicks him out, despite the fact that Pacey says he was letting him tire himself out and that he wanted to help with the baby so she could study. She won't hear it, she thinks she can do better on her own and kicks him out. Joey girl, did you not learn your lesson last episode about how Pacey is the greatest boyfriend ever? Just tell him to ease up on the noise and let him help you! But nope, she sends him packing because she thinks she can do everything on her own and way better but then a family shows up to stay at the B&B. So now she has to look after her nephew and a family of four by herself and hey, why the hell did Bodie and Bessie leave a 17-year-old with schoolwork in charge of both their child and their business for three days? That's fucking insane and rude.
At Pacey and Gretchen's apartment, she asks him why he's not at Joey's and he explains the situation to her. He then pivots the conversation to her kiss with Dawson. Gretchen doesn't want to talk about it but when Pacey persists, she tells him it was just a mistletoe kiss and meant nothing. Pacey is worried about how much Joey cares whom Dawson kisses and Gretchen is like stop harassing me and talk to her about it. Pacey says duh, I did but she refused to talk about it because Joey never wants to talk about her problems until everything has been blown out into dramatic proportions. Both Pacey and Gretchen agree that Joey cares and is lying about not thinking about it. Pacey doesn't want to be a world-class jerk about it though so Gretchen tells him to be sweet and understanding but if that doesn't work, he'll have to force the issue and be a world-class jerk. She has faith in him to pull it off.
It's test time and Joey is noticeably freaked out. Dawson asks her if she's ok and she lies her face off about being super fine. He points out her use of Cole's Notes which she's never used before and she gets defensive. Dawson asks if she'd tell him if something were wrong and she lies that she's fine.
Jack and Jen are arguing about whether or not to go to the bowling night. Jack is against it but Jen wants them to make new friends. Listen to Jen, Jack, she is wise. Jack is not excited to see Toby again who was admittedly, a dick to him. Jen thinks he likes Jack and she thinks that's hot. Oh, the hate you to love you thing, right. I don't really go for those, they have to be done super right. I think the only hate to love story I absolutely adore is The Sure Thing. Mostly, it's just overwrought abuse masqueraded as romance and I don't dig it. Jack charges past saying that making new friends this way is weird because they're a group of people who act like gay is their entire personality and not just their sexual orientation and this is the one point I will give to him on this subject. It is weird when people act as if one thing about them is the only thing that defines them as a person. This goes for people who's personality trait is "vegan" or "gym rat" and they experience no joy beyond those things, they are those things entirely. To be clear, many people are vegan or like going to the gym and do not act this way, I'm talking very specific annoying people. Anyway, Jen agrees with Jack and he's confused but she clarifies that she'll just go without him.
Dawson is setting up for his film shoot with Mr. Brooks and asks him if it's true that there are only 6 stories. Mr. Brooks thinks there are only three and interestingly, they all center from the male perspective. Maybe that's why everything feels so stale? Because there may only be a few stories to tell but there are worlds of different perspectives out there other than a white man's. Dawson is moving the camera around like a weirdo and Mr. Brooks asks him to knock it off or he'll make the audience seasick. Thank you, Mr. Brooks. Shaky cam is fine, used in moderation for a specific effect but goddamn it, Dawson, this is a documentary. They talk briefly about movies. I think Mr. Brooks says one line about LA Confidential even though he was supposed to school Dawson on what made it so good, all he can come up with is "it had complex human emotions and a sexy blonde". Thanks, Mr. Brooks. Very deep, much insightful. Mr. Brooks thinks most great stories have love triangles but the second he says this he wants to call it quits for the day. So that was like, 5 minutes of screentime before he got tired? This is going to take forever to make this thing.
Potter B&B: Joey is freaking out to Alexander about how she totally bombed the test and got a C. Pacey comes in with groceries and instead of thanking him, she tells him she already got groceries. He immediately scoops up Alexander and interacts with him because he's the best boyfriend ever and tells her he thought he could make her supper and play legos with Alex so she can study. Admittedly, this was sort of dumb to say because she needed to study last night but girl, the man wants to take the baby off your hands and make you dinner. TAKE HIM UP ON THE OFFER AND DO SOMETHING RELAXING!!
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Keep speaking the truth, Josh |
Joey complains about how tired she is of doing everything herself and Pacey tells her she doesn't have to do it by herself but that he can't help her if she won't tell him what's really bothering her. He thinks it's Dawson and Gretchen but Joey is adamant it so is not that. So Pacey asks if she's upset about her and Dawson but she rejects that too. Pacey is pretty sure it's not about their relationship because he hasn't screwed up for at least 2 days and she blows up at him about being the perfect boyfriend and that he beats Dawson. I mean...she's not wrong even if she is saying it out of anger.
A while later, Joey comes back from putting Alex to sleep. Pacey has done the dishes. My god, Joey, cut this man some slack. Dinner, dishes, waiting around for you while you chew him out for no reason? I know you were joking before but he really does deserve the most perfect boyfriend prize. He says he doesn't want to fight about Dawson and her but she thinks he does and he admits that he does but only because he doesn't want it to be an issue they ignore until one day she's gone. She then finally admits that she's upset about Dawson and Gretchen and Pacey is totally cool with it but he wishes she would just tell him the truth. He doesn't want her to shut him out. Joey explains that when she thinks about the future, she sees her and Pacey together because they grew up together while Dawson and she never did. She always feels 15 when she's around him. She just vocalized my entire reasoning for why she and Dawson don't work as a couple and I love it. Pacey encourages her to talk to Dawson but asks her to call him after. They kiss.
Toby is happy Jen came but he immediately starts shitting on Jack which is weird because he's very clearly Jen's friend. Why would you do that? Anyway, Jack shows up and Toby doesn't seem thrilled with this and comments on Jack's letterman jacket. Toby clearly has issues with jocks. Jack is not thrilled he came but Jen tries to cheer him up.
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But for real, look at Jen's hair, it's so cute! Major glow up from season 2 |
Dawson is filming Mr. Brooks while he talks about film stuff but he seems to be forgetting things and Dawson gets concerned saying they can stop if he's not feeling well. Mr. Brooks asks for bourbon and Dawson hesitates until Mr. Brooks says he'll get it himself.
At the bowling alley, Jack is super uncomfortable and embarrassed to be here. Not because it's gay bowling night but because he's bowling. Wow, no love for bowling on this show. I mean, it's not an every weekend thing but every once in a while it can be fun to bowl. I remember going bowling fairly often with my friends as a teen, for something to do. Why does Jack have to hate? I'm sorry I'm not doing more adult stuff as a teen, Mr. Too-Cool-For-Bowling. Oh no, I'm turning into Toby. Speaking of which, he comes in and makes a comment about Jack being Captain America and laments the fact that he's even good at bowling. A jock definitely beat him up and stole his lunch money. Jen excuses herself from this awkwardness and Jack and Toby immediately bicker. Jack assumes Toby doesn't think he's gay enough while Toby seems to think Jack is a self-hating gay. Toby confirms that this is the case because he thinks that popular jocks and cheerleaders beat up people who don't fit in like him so somehow Jack has gotten an easy break. Jack basically tells him to sit on it and leaves because he doesn't know what Jack has been through.
Joey takes Pacey's advice and goes to see Dawson. She admits to him that she wasn't fine and tells him all the things she was dealing with and that she bombed the test. Dawson asks her where Pacey was and why he wasn't helping her and she explains that she didn't let him. Dawson, for once, speaks the truth and tells her that she should have let him help because he's great with kids. How am I agreeing with Dawson? I feel unclean. Anyway, he gives her a Christmas present and it turns out to be a picture of her and Pacey hugging by a Christmas tree. She's very touched because it's beautiful and Dawson makes a comment about how he's getting better at picture taking. That's not what she meant but he knows what she meant. She then asks him about Gretchen. Dawson says they're just friends but Joey points out the kissing. Dawson says that a cool, sophisticated 21-year-old wouldn't go for him but Joey thinks he should give it a shot.
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The picture is really nice. Damn it, that's twice I've liked something Dawson did. Send help. |
Pacey confronts Joey's teacher and begs him to give her another shot because of how much she's been dealing with. The teacher asks if she was sick or had a family emergency to which Pacey says no. The teacher denies his request but commends Pacey for giving it an admirable try.
Toby is hanging flyers up in Capeside, much to Jack's annoyance. He kicks him out of the gay alliance but Jack is a honeybadger because he don't give a fuck. Toby thinks that Jack is intimidated by him but Jack says he's just not going to take his shit, just like he didn't let the parents give him shit and Toby says they finally agree on something. Toby explains his fear of anything jock because I called it and they teased him mercilessly until his older sister scared the off which only served to humiliate him further and he doesn't think Jack went through that. I mean, he did in the second season but as Jack points out, it doesn't make him any more straight.
Joey is reading the book she should have read before the test when her teacher comes up to her. She apologizes for blowing the test, she got a C- and he acknowledges that it's not her usual work. He then spills the beans that Pacey pleaded her case for a redo but he told him no. Joey is sad but then the teacher says that another kid missed the test for an orthodontist appointment so he's giving a make up test that she could partake in if she chooses. Joey excitedly agrees. He mentions that she's doing a lot of damage with her highlighter, takes the book from her and highlights a passage that Joey reads aloud. It's only a fragment but the teacher asks her what the most important word in the sentence is, when she guesses wrong, he tells her it's "borrowed" because he's schooling her on how to ask for help instead of doing everything on her own. Smart teacher. Do we actually have a good teacher? In Capeside?? Perish the thought.
Dawson goes to Mr. Brooks' house to get his video camera and finds a nurse coming out of his room. Turns out Mr. Brooks is sick and not taking his meds because he wants to remember stuff for Dawson's documentary. Mr. Brooks comes out and schools her on PHIA and she leaves. Dawson thinks the documentary is over but Mr. Brooks wants to leave something meaningful behind and insists on doing it. I don't know, Mr. Brooks, if Dawson is doing it, chances are it will be mediocre and not meaningful at all. He tells a little story about the girl who left him coming with him to LA but I find it boring and it's not that important so let's skip it.
Joey has called Pacey over because she wants to ask him for help. Being the doll that he is, he asks where Alexander is, ever ready to be a handy babysitter to help her out. I want him for myself. Anyway, Joey says that Bessie has him and tells him that her teacher is letting her retake the test so she wanted to thank him for talking to the teacher. Pacey is happy for her but instead of getting all horny about her kisses he's like "Don't you think we should be doing something else?" and we cut to him helping her study by a fireplace and it's the sweetest thing. BEST. BOYFRIEND. EVER!
Dawson finds Gretchen at a town tree lighting ceremony. She's excited and distracted by the tree stuff but Dawson wants to talk about their kiss. He spills the beans and gushes about how much he likes her and how much the kiss meant to him and he wants to know what she really thinks. She tells him that a kiss is just a kiss and sometimes it just means, and Dawson finishes the thought for her, Happy Holidays. Ooof.
Am I a bad person for laughing really hard at how flatly she rejected him? I mean, he's just a fictional character so it's ok to laugh, right? Right? Well, too bad because it brightened my day which was sorely needed what with all that's going on. I do really hope you're keeping sane, safe, and healthy in these times, Dear Readers because that's really all we've got left right now. I hope I'm giving you at least a bit of a reprieve from things because I know writing these is helping me and I hope to keep at it. The next episode is The Tao of Dawson which sounds utterly pretentious and unpleasantly full of Dawson, but I will try my best to have some fun with it.
Why can't we all have a Pacey to get us through the hard times? (also where is that gif of Josh talking about Pacey from? pure gold!)