Original airdate: November 29, 2000
The world is falling apart right now so let's try to escape into the magical land of Capeside where things get bad but not as bad as everything is right now. This episode shares a name with one of the best movies ever and if you haven't seen it, you need to. It's hilarious. If you need something to take your mind of the shit show happening outside, put this on and you will laugh.
Fucking masterpiece is what it is. This episode? Not as good but decent for a Dawson's Creek episode. Let's get into it, shall we?
The episode starts with Dawson so already it's not a great start. He's watching one of Mr. Brooks' movies with Gretchen and is in awe of his genius. Uhoh, Steven Spielberg better watch out or his portrait's about to be replaced by Mr. Brooks. Dawson can't understand why Mr. Brooks ever stopped making movies since he was so good and Gretchen points out that she could ask the same about him. Whoa there, let's not get ahead of ourselves and equate Dawson with some genius who actually made it in Hollywood. He's a teen boy who made a rip off of Swamp Thing, The Blair Witch Project, and made a movie about his break up with Joey. Only one of which garnered some praise from critics. But this is the thesis of the episode, why did Dawson and Mr. Brooks stop making movies. The answer is as generic as they come and they obviously mirror each other.
At the Capeside Yacht Club, Mrs. Valentine aka Super Bitchy Rich Lady shows up to basically be the worst to Joey. She wants her to work Saturday night but Joey can't and before she can explain they're interrupted by a guy who asks SBRL if everything is ready for Saturday and she demands that Joey come in on her day off to be there. Joey can't because the big party on Saturday is for prospective students applying to attend Worthington College (remember the imaginary perfect college Joey talked about in an earlier episode? This is it) and Joey is one of the guests. The guy even remembers Joey's essay and is enthusiastic to have her there. Take that, SBRL! She dithers about how they'll replace Joey so Joey suggests Drew. Take that, Drew!
Dawson is excited because he's finally finished his essay for his application to USC film school. Everyone is happy, including Mitch who wants Dawson to take over light stringing duties from Gail. Gretchen is excited because she thinks this means that they are getting ready for their holiday party but the Learys just stare at her awkwardly. This has not been a thing for a while what with the adultery, the open relationship, the divorce, and the rocky getting back together phase. Now with the baby on the way, they are too distracted to throw a party. Gretchen offers to do all the work for them if they'll agree to host the party. They reluctantly agree as long as she's doing all the work. Gretchen immediately ropes Dawson in to help her.
Jack goes to see Jen and it seems that Grams is still decidedly pissed at Jen because while she talks to Jack, she does not say a word to Jen. It breaks my heart how cold she's being. I get being mad but this is just mean to not speak to her. Jen doesn't want to talk about that though and suggests she and Jack go see a movie. Jack agrees because he wants to celebrate finishing his college applications. Jen gives him an unenthusiastic congrats and then changes the subject quickly. Jack notices and outright asks her if she's finished her applications. Jen gives vague answers. Jack heard she hasn't handed anything in. Jen is suddenly not in the mood for a movie and asks if they can catch up later. Jack leaves. Stop tearing apart my friendship, show!
Jack, being the awesome friend that he is, goes to talk to Grams. He asks Grams to talk to Jen but that is the one thing she is not in the mood for right now. Jack brings up college applications with Grams and that Jen seems to have not done them and does not want to talk so he was hoping she could. Grams looks worried for a moment but quickly brushes it off and says that Jen clearly doesn't want her help so she's on her own. Awww, I hate Drew for screwing up Jen's relationship with Grams.
Mr. Brooks is eating dinner at Leary's restaurant and Dawson decides that this is a good time to bug him about films. Mr. Brooks is not in the mood to talk about his movies but Dawson won't hear it because how is he supposed to deal with the fact that the old man who forced him into indentured servitude is also a genius filmmaker? You know, it's all about Dawson and his troubles? Mr. Brooks corrects him that they were not films but pictures and they were hack so at least he's humble about his work, unlike Dawson? Mr. Brooks just wants to eat his dinner in peace but Dawson wants to bug him about the two leads in the movie he watched with Gretchen because their chemistry jumped off the screen. Mr. Brooks is not amused and asks Dawson to leave his general vicinity. Mr. Brooks is all of us.
Joey is trying on a dress at the store and asks for Gretchen's opinion. Gretchen tells her she's gorgeous and that she's gonna do great at the party. Joey is nervous about bringing Pacey because she doesn't want him to feel out of place but Gretchen tells her not to sweat it because he's basically Lloyd Dobbler and wants to make a career out of going wherever she goes. Gretchen then mentions the holiday party at Dawson's that's the same night. Joey is excited because she used to love going to those and looks a little sad that she can't go.
Dawson is in the application lady's office? I'm not sure what she is. I guess a guidance counsellor of sorts but she seems to be strictly about college stuff. Anyway, she congratulates him for getting his applications done but is wondering why he wants to be a filmmaker. Dawson says that his essay should cover that but apparently, it doesn't. I don't know how but Dawson managed to write five pages that apparently said nothing at all. He thinks the question is hard to answer and dude, if that is a hard question for you, maybe you shouldn't be a filmmaker? She asks him to do better. Dawson definitely needs to do better...at everything.
Pacey and Joey banter about their Saturday plans because neither are particularly excited about the Worthington party. Pacey doesn't want to go so much that he suggests going to the Leary party instead. Yikes. But Joey counters that couples are supposed to go to things to support the other person, even if they don't want to do it. Just like she goes to Sunday dinners with his family all the time. Pacey retorts that he doesn't like those either and would gladly stop them but he's already caving and you know he's going to go.
Grams deigns to talk to Jen to let her know her parents sent her Christmas gifts. Jen is super not interested because her parents suck and don't care about her at all. I mean, I thought they sucked before but just wait because some revelations about her father in particular are coming and yeah, they are the worst. Grams is not happy with this and says she's a spoiled brat so Jen says she should go to her room. Grams tells her to do her college applications while she's up there and Jen loses it on her. She tells her off for writing her off and refusing to speak to her and that she, therefore, lost her right to try and motivate her or take part in her future. She then throws her gifts in the fridge (for some reason?) and goes to her room.
Dawson and Gretchen are decorating his house for the holiday party while Dawson moans about his problems writing a basic essay. She makes a quip about getting a 3 picture deal and bagging a woman from the WB which is now the CW but the point stands. He's definitely going to achieve the latter, I can tell you that much. She then makes a serious suggestion that he talk to Mr. Brooks. Dawson says he tried to tell him he liked his movies and he bit his head off but like, Dawson you interrupted him while he was trying to eat his dinner. Let the man eat his dinner. Gretchen says he's a valuable resource and probably the only real filmmaker he's met. Not true, remember in season 2 when his film teacher was a big wig Hollywood type who his dad briefly dated? And she completely trashed his crappy Joey Break Up movie? I do because I revel in Dawson's trauma.
Grams is talking with Jack because she realizes how much she's fucked things up by being cold towards Jen. She knows Jen isn't going to apply to college and is sufficiently worried. Jack suggests an intervention type thing but Grams knows her well enough to know that won't work. She has another idea and needs his help but we have to wait to find out what that is.
Following Gretchen's advice, Dawson goes to Mr. Brooks' house to ask him for advice. Mr. Brooks is his usual curmudgeonly self but relents and offers to dispense with some advice. Dawson whines about how he can't answer a simple question and Mr. Brooks is like if you can't answer that, you might as well start applying at McDonalds. I love this man. I forgot how mean he was to Dawson and that gives me life in what I thought would be a very boring subplot. Anyway, Dawson demands to know why Mr. Brooks stopped making movies which has absolutely nothing to do with him having to answer why he wants to be a filmmaker and Mr. Brooks points that out to him. Dawson says it does because he quit too and he's not sure why. He had a crisis of faith or something and Mr. Brooks makes fun of him for already having that at the age of 17 so Dawson storms out like a baby.
Pacey and Joey arrive at the fancy Worthington party and Pacey quickly suggests that they hightail it out of there and go straight to the Leary's party instead. You know it's bad if Pacey willingly wants to go spend time where the person who hates him most is. Joey thinks it sounds appealing but you know they're going to stay. She thinks he's grinning like an idiot and he admits he is but it's because he's the only one that gets to enter the party with Audrey Hepburn on his arm. *swoon* Pacey is the perfect boyfriend, confirmed.
Jen is at the Leary party and congratulates them on their happiness and the baby and all that. Gretchen is looking around for Dawson and finds him in his room. He's still trying to figure out an answer to the question and she tells him to stop thinking about it so hard. He can't figure out why he lost faith or if he even still wants to make movies so she tells him that it sounds like he's a guy who broke up with a girl who he really loved and is clearly not over it. She also tells him to just forget about all that and admit he loves movies and let the geek part of him take over the rest. She then tells him to get his ass down to the party and try her eggnog. I'm paraphrasing here.
Joey is talking with a girl at the party who is moaning about how she only came in third in her class and then asks Joey what her rank was. Joey sheepishly admits she was fourth. The girl then backtracks from her moaning to be like "fourth is good. You did good, sweetie." She spots a waiter and pours her drink out so she can ask him for another. The supposed cute boy is Drew, so this girl has terrible taste. Because Drew is an evil villain, he immediately outs Joey for working there so the girl bails super quickly because she's a snob. I hate Drew.
At school, the adviser praises Jen for getting her applications in and doing amazing on her essays. Jen is super confused but the adviser assures her that higher education is hers.
Joey and Pacey are at a table with the guy from the beginning of the episode who's the head of Worthington. He remarks that she's been quiet and asks her to tell them about herself. She says there isn't much to tell but he remembers her mentioning art in her essay. Girl, I understand shyness and nerves but the man is all but saying you're in with how much he remembers about your specific essay. He asks if she's been to the new Guggenheim and Joey admits she hasn't but definitely wants to go to New York. Drew pops in to be a jerk and say that it's in Spain to make her look bad. I hate him so much. The guy says it doesn't matter but that the building is an architectural feat. Pacey thinks it looks like an artichoke. Joey looks mortified but the Worthington guy agrees and laughs.
Mr. Brooks shows up at the Leary party and finds Dawson. He hands him a book, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, by Pauline Kael. So, I guess this episode is named for her book rather than the movie but I stand by my recommendation. She's a movie critic and that book is a collection of her reviews from 1965-1968 and Mr. Brooks tells Dawson that she answers the question of why you become a filmmaker better than he ever could. He apologizes for snapping at Dawson and admits that he hit a nerve. Dawson finally acknowledges that it's none of his business but Mr. Brooks tells him anyway. He quit directing because he cast his best friend and his girlfiend as the leads in the movie Dawson loved so much and they fell in love behind his back. I'mma lose my shit if they keep pushing this narrative that Joey was Dawson's girlfriend when she fell for Pacey. They had been broken up for almost a year, he broke up with her even pushed her away when she threw herself at him and he got butthurt because she moved on and grew close with Pacey because Dawson asked Pacey to watch out for her so he wouldn't have to deal with her and he could freely pursue Eve. GET YO FACTS STRAIGHT! Dawson invites him into the party.
Back at the party, Pacey is telling bad jokes that Worthington guy is eating up. He asks why Pacey hasn't applied to Worthington and Joey seems to be really pissed at Pacey and almost rubbing his face in it asks him why that is too. I don't like this version of Joey. Pacey quickly makes up a thing about his parents being big lefties so it's Yale or bust for him. Joey is pissed and calls him away. She yells at him for lying and trying so hard to impress these people which is weird because uh, she should be trying to impress them. He tries to get a word in edgewise but she's too busy yelling at him. Worthington guy comes out and asks Pacey to come with him to meet the Dean. They leave Joey outside where tears are forming in her eyes.
Jen confronts Jack at Leary's party about the admissions thing and says he had no right to interfere. Grams chimes in that he did and so did she. Jen says she doesn't want to go to college but Grams knows she does and why she hasn't applied and it's because she doesn't want to ask her parents for help. Jen cracks and admits that she can't keep putting herself out there and she refuses to ask them. Grams tells her that she won't let her ask them which is why she is going to get her to college whether she has to beg, borrow, or steal because she loves her no matter what. Jen loves her too and I think someone is cutting onions in here, you guys.
Back at the Yacht Club, Joey is crying alone outside when the Worthington guy comes out. Not going to lie, that is my worst nightmare. I do not want to be caught out in public crying my eyes out, least of all by someone I'm trying to impress. Joey tries to clean herself up quickly and apologize but the Worthington guy doesn't understand why she'd apologize. She stammers that she doesn't really fit in because she doesn't know how to act or what to say. Worthington guy cuts her off to tell her she doesn't have to apologize for anything because her academic record stand on its own and she couldn't ask for a better character witness than Pacey. She looks confused and he explains that Pacey has done nothing but talk the Dean's ear off about how amazing Joey is. Joey looks suitable chastened for doubting the best boyfriend ever.
Jen asks Jack where she applied, all having been forgiven between them. He tells her where but the most important one is Boston U because you know that's where she's ending up. He stumbled across her essay on women's suffrage and pruned it a bit for the applications, telling her that it was really good. She's flattered. He mentions also finding her journal and that he didn't realize she still had those dreams about him. Not cool, Jack. Not cool.
Grams bumps into Mr. Brooks at the party and tells him off again which he admits he likes in a woman. She thinks he thinks he charming and he agrees that on his better days he is. She pretends not to like it but clearly does. Get you some, Grams. Dawson walks up to call Mr. Brooks out for flirting with her and he tells Dawson he could take some tips from him. Yep, Dawson sucks at flirting or being a good boyfriend, or being charming. Dawson tells him that he wants to make a movie again and that he wants it to be about Mr. Brooks.
Joey finds Pacey by a fireplace and gives him a big hug. Pacey accepts her apology even though she didn't actually say anything because Pacey is the best boyfriend. Joey is still upset that he lied and asks why he did it. He has this to say.
Pacey is the best boyfriend. I will take no more questions on this subject. Joey apologizes for real this time because she realizes how much she fucked up before and says that she wanted so badly to impress these people and failed while Pacey seemed to do it with ease. Pacey tells her that he had nothing to lose so he wasn't nervous but that she is smart and beautiful and has nothing to worry about. Joey sees what I see and tells him his mom should get a medal for raising the perfect boy. I agree, even if we later learn his mother is not so stellar either. They agree to ditch the stuffy party and go to the Leary's holiday party.
At the Leary's party Dawson thanks Gretchen for throwing the party because he's never seen his parents so happy and he'll cherish the memory forever. Mr. Brooks comes up then and points out that they're standing under the mistletoe. You know what that means? They have to kiss, it's law! Dawson says he had nothing to do with it but Gretchen is cool with it since it's tradition and you don't mess with tradition. They kiss and I think sparks are supposed to fly but Dawson is a chemistry void. This is, of course, the moment that Pacey and Joey walk in. Drama!!
We end the episode here on this thrilling pseudo-cliffhanger. I guess we're supposed to freak out about how they'll handle this? It did nothing for me but oh well. We'll find out soon in the next episode Self Reliance. In the meantime, stay indoors as much as possible, wash your hands, and stay safe, Dear readers. In the meantime, I'm going to try my best to balance working from home, and family to get some more posts out to alleviate some boredom.
The world is falling apart right now so let's try to escape into the magical land of Capeside where things get bad but not as bad as everything is right now. This episode shares a name with one of the best movies ever and if you haven't seen it, you need to. It's hilarious. If you need something to take your mind of the shit show happening outside, put this on and you will laugh.
Fucking masterpiece is what it is. This episode? Not as good but decent for a Dawson's Creek episode. Let's get into it, shall we?
The episode starts with Dawson so already it's not a great start. He's watching one of Mr. Brooks' movies with Gretchen and is in awe of his genius. Uhoh, Steven Spielberg better watch out or his portrait's about to be replaced by Mr. Brooks. Dawson can't understand why Mr. Brooks ever stopped making movies since he was so good and Gretchen points out that she could ask the same about him. Whoa there, let's not get ahead of ourselves and equate Dawson with some genius who actually made it in Hollywood. He's a teen boy who made a rip off of Swamp Thing, The Blair Witch Project, and made a movie about his break up with Joey. Only one of which garnered some praise from critics. But this is the thesis of the episode, why did Dawson and Mr. Brooks stop making movies. The answer is as generic as they come and they obviously mirror each other.
At the Capeside Yacht Club, Mrs. Valentine aka Super Bitchy Rich Lady shows up to basically be the worst to Joey. She wants her to work Saturday night but Joey can't and before she can explain they're interrupted by a guy who asks SBRL if everything is ready for Saturday and she demands that Joey come in on her day off to be there. Joey can't because the big party on Saturday is for prospective students applying to attend Worthington College (remember the imaginary perfect college Joey talked about in an earlier episode? This is it) and Joey is one of the guests. The guy even remembers Joey's essay and is enthusiastic to have her there. Take that, SBRL! She dithers about how they'll replace Joey so Joey suggests Drew. Take that, Drew!
Dawson is excited because he's finally finished his essay for his application to USC film school. Everyone is happy, including Mitch who wants Dawson to take over light stringing duties from Gail. Gretchen is excited because she thinks this means that they are getting ready for their holiday party but the Learys just stare at her awkwardly. This has not been a thing for a while what with the adultery, the open relationship, the divorce, and the rocky getting back together phase. Now with the baby on the way, they are too distracted to throw a party. Gretchen offers to do all the work for them if they'll agree to host the party. They reluctantly agree as long as she's doing all the work. Gretchen immediately ropes Dawson in to help her.
Jack goes to see Jen and it seems that Grams is still decidedly pissed at Jen because while she talks to Jack, she does not say a word to Jen. It breaks my heart how cold she's being. I get being mad but this is just mean to not speak to her. Jen doesn't want to talk about that though and suggests she and Jack go see a movie. Jack agrees because he wants to celebrate finishing his college applications. Jen gives him an unenthusiastic congrats and then changes the subject quickly. Jack notices and outright asks her if she's finished her applications. Jen gives vague answers. Jack heard she hasn't handed anything in. Jen is suddenly not in the mood for a movie and asks if they can catch up later. Jack leaves. Stop tearing apart my friendship, show!
Jack, being the awesome friend that he is, goes to talk to Grams. He asks Grams to talk to Jen but that is the one thing she is not in the mood for right now. Jack brings up college applications with Grams and that Jen seems to have not done them and does not want to talk so he was hoping she could. Grams looks worried for a moment but quickly brushes it off and says that Jen clearly doesn't want her help so she's on her own. Awww, I hate Drew for screwing up Jen's relationship with Grams.
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Drew is so evil, he has earned both a mustache and a monocle |
Mr. Brooks is eating dinner at Leary's restaurant and Dawson decides that this is a good time to bug him about films. Mr. Brooks is not in the mood to talk about his movies but Dawson won't hear it because how is he supposed to deal with the fact that the old man who forced him into indentured servitude is also a genius filmmaker? You know, it's all about Dawson and his troubles? Mr. Brooks corrects him that they were not films but pictures and they were hack so at least he's humble about his work, unlike Dawson? Mr. Brooks just wants to eat his dinner in peace but Dawson wants to bug him about the two leads in the movie he watched with Gretchen because their chemistry jumped off the screen. Mr. Brooks is not amused and asks Dawson to leave his general vicinity. Mr. Brooks is all of us.
Joey is trying on a dress at the store and asks for Gretchen's opinion. Gretchen tells her she's gorgeous and that she's gonna do great at the party. Joey is nervous about bringing Pacey because she doesn't want him to feel out of place but Gretchen tells her not to sweat it because he's basically Lloyd Dobbler and wants to make a career out of going wherever she goes. Gretchen then mentions the holiday party at Dawson's that's the same night. Joey is excited because she used to love going to those and looks a little sad that she can't go.
Dawson is in the application lady's office? I'm not sure what she is. I guess a guidance counsellor of sorts but she seems to be strictly about college stuff. Anyway, she congratulates him for getting his applications done but is wondering why he wants to be a filmmaker. Dawson says that his essay should cover that but apparently, it doesn't. I don't know how but Dawson managed to write five pages that apparently said nothing at all. He thinks the question is hard to answer and dude, if that is a hard question for you, maybe you shouldn't be a filmmaker? She asks him to do better. Dawson definitely needs to do better...at everything.
Pacey and Joey banter about their Saturday plans because neither are particularly excited about the Worthington party. Pacey doesn't want to go so much that he suggests going to the Leary party instead. Yikes. But Joey counters that couples are supposed to go to things to support the other person, even if they don't want to do it. Just like she goes to Sunday dinners with his family all the time. Pacey retorts that he doesn't like those either and would gladly stop them but he's already caving and you know he's going to go.
Grams deigns to talk to Jen to let her know her parents sent her Christmas gifts. Jen is super not interested because her parents suck and don't care about her at all. I mean, I thought they sucked before but just wait because some revelations about her father in particular are coming and yeah, they are the worst. Grams is not happy with this and says she's a spoiled brat so Jen says she should go to her room. Grams tells her to do her college applications while she's up there and Jen loses it on her. She tells her off for writing her off and refusing to speak to her and that she, therefore, lost her right to try and motivate her or take part in her future. She then throws her gifts in the fridge (for some reason?) and goes to her room.
Dawson and Gretchen are decorating his house for the holiday party while Dawson moans about his problems writing a basic essay. She makes a quip about getting a 3 picture deal and bagging a woman from the WB which is now the CW but the point stands. He's definitely going to achieve the latter, I can tell you that much. She then makes a serious suggestion that he talk to Mr. Brooks. Dawson says he tried to tell him he liked his movies and he bit his head off but like, Dawson you interrupted him while he was trying to eat his dinner. Let the man eat his dinner. Gretchen says he's a valuable resource and probably the only real filmmaker he's met. Not true, remember in season 2 when his film teacher was a big wig Hollywood type who his dad briefly dated? And she completely trashed his crappy Joey Break Up movie? I do because I revel in Dawson's trauma.
Pictured, me reveling in Dawson's sadness |
Grams is talking with Jack because she realizes how much she's fucked things up by being cold towards Jen. She knows Jen isn't going to apply to college and is sufficiently worried. Jack suggests an intervention type thing but Grams knows her well enough to know that won't work. She has another idea and needs his help but we have to wait to find out what that is.
Following Gretchen's advice, Dawson goes to Mr. Brooks' house to ask him for advice. Mr. Brooks is his usual curmudgeonly self but relents and offers to dispense with some advice. Dawson whines about how he can't answer a simple question and Mr. Brooks is like if you can't answer that, you might as well start applying at McDonalds. I love this man. I forgot how mean he was to Dawson and that gives me life in what I thought would be a very boring subplot. Anyway, Dawson demands to know why Mr. Brooks stopped making movies which has absolutely nothing to do with him having to answer why he wants to be a filmmaker and Mr. Brooks points that out to him. Dawson says it does because he quit too and he's not sure why. He had a crisis of faith or something and Mr. Brooks makes fun of him for already having that at the age of 17 so Dawson storms out like a baby.
Pacey and Joey arrive at the fancy Worthington party and Pacey quickly suggests that they hightail it out of there and go straight to the Leary's party instead. You know it's bad if Pacey willingly wants to go spend time where the person who hates him most is. Joey thinks it sounds appealing but you know they're going to stay. She thinks he's grinning like an idiot and he admits he is but it's because he's the only one that gets to enter the party with Audrey Hepburn on his arm. *swoon* Pacey is the perfect boyfriend, confirmed.
Jen is at the Leary party and congratulates them on their happiness and the baby and all that. Gretchen is looking around for Dawson and finds him in his room. He's still trying to figure out an answer to the question and she tells him to stop thinking about it so hard. He can't figure out why he lost faith or if he even still wants to make movies so she tells him that it sounds like he's a guy who broke up with a girl who he really loved and is clearly not over it. She also tells him to just forget about all that and admit he loves movies and let the geek part of him take over the rest. She then tells him to get his ass down to the party and try her eggnog. I'm paraphrasing here.
Joey is talking with a girl at the party who is moaning about how she only came in third in her class and then asks Joey what her rank was. Joey sheepishly admits she was fourth. The girl then backtracks from her moaning to be like "fourth is good. You did good, sweetie." She spots a waiter and pours her drink out so she can ask him for another. The supposed cute boy is Drew, so this girl has terrible taste. Because Drew is an evil villain, he immediately outs Joey for working there so the girl bails super quickly because she's a snob. I hate Drew.
At school, the adviser praises Jen for getting her applications in and doing amazing on her essays. Jen is super confused but the adviser assures her that higher education is hers.
Joey and Pacey are at a table with the guy from the beginning of the episode who's the head of Worthington. He remarks that she's been quiet and asks her to tell them about herself. She says there isn't much to tell but he remembers her mentioning art in her essay. Girl, I understand shyness and nerves but the man is all but saying you're in with how much he remembers about your specific essay. He asks if she's been to the new Guggenheim and Joey admits she hasn't but definitely wants to go to New York. Drew pops in to be a jerk and say that it's in Spain to make her look bad. I hate him so much. The guy says it doesn't matter but that the building is an architectural feat. Pacey thinks it looks like an artichoke. Joey looks mortified but the Worthington guy agrees and laughs.
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You know, he's not wrong |
Mr. Brooks shows up at the Leary party and finds Dawson. He hands him a book, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, by Pauline Kael. So, I guess this episode is named for her book rather than the movie but I stand by my recommendation. She's a movie critic and that book is a collection of her reviews from 1965-1968 and Mr. Brooks tells Dawson that she answers the question of why you become a filmmaker better than he ever could. He apologizes for snapping at Dawson and admits that he hit a nerve. Dawson finally acknowledges that it's none of his business but Mr. Brooks tells him anyway. He quit directing because he cast his best friend and his girlfiend as the leads in the movie Dawson loved so much and they fell in love behind his back. I'mma lose my shit if they keep pushing this narrative that Joey was Dawson's girlfriend when she fell for Pacey. They had been broken up for almost a year, he broke up with her even pushed her away when she threw herself at him and he got butthurt because she moved on and grew close with Pacey because Dawson asked Pacey to watch out for her so he wouldn't have to deal with her and he could freely pursue Eve. GET YO FACTS STRAIGHT! Dawson invites him into the party.
Back at the party, Pacey is telling bad jokes that Worthington guy is eating up. He asks why Pacey hasn't applied to Worthington and Joey seems to be really pissed at Pacey and almost rubbing his face in it asks him why that is too. I don't like this version of Joey. Pacey quickly makes up a thing about his parents being big lefties so it's Yale or bust for him. Joey is pissed and calls him away. She yells at him for lying and trying so hard to impress these people which is weird because uh, she should be trying to impress them. He tries to get a word in edgewise but she's too busy yelling at him. Worthington guy comes out and asks Pacey to come with him to meet the Dean. They leave Joey outside where tears are forming in her eyes.
Jen confronts Jack at Leary's party about the admissions thing and says he had no right to interfere. Grams chimes in that he did and so did she. Jen says she doesn't want to go to college but Grams knows she does and why she hasn't applied and it's because she doesn't want to ask her parents for help. Jen cracks and admits that she can't keep putting herself out there and she refuses to ask them. Grams tells her that she won't let her ask them which is why she is going to get her to college whether she has to beg, borrow, or steal because she loves her no matter what. Jen loves her too and I think someone is cutting onions in here, you guys.
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Family hug! |
Back at the Yacht Club, Joey is crying alone outside when the Worthington guy comes out. Not going to lie, that is my worst nightmare. I do not want to be caught out in public crying my eyes out, least of all by someone I'm trying to impress. Joey tries to clean herself up quickly and apologize but the Worthington guy doesn't understand why she'd apologize. She stammers that she doesn't really fit in because she doesn't know how to act or what to say. Worthington guy cuts her off to tell her she doesn't have to apologize for anything because her academic record stand on its own and she couldn't ask for a better character witness than Pacey. She looks confused and he explains that Pacey has done nothing but talk the Dean's ear off about how amazing Joey is. Joey looks suitable chastened for doubting the best boyfriend ever.
Jen asks Jack where she applied, all having been forgiven between them. He tells her where but the most important one is Boston U because you know that's where she's ending up. He stumbled across her essay on women's suffrage and pruned it a bit for the applications, telling her that it was really good. She's flattered. He mentions also finding her journal and that he didn't realize she still had those dreams about him. Not cool, Jack. Not cool.
Grams bumps into Mr. Brooks at the party and tells him off again which he admits he likes in a woman. She thinks he thinks he charming and he agrees that on his better days he is. She pretends not to like it but clearly does. Get you some, Grams. Dawson walks up to call Mr. Brooks out for flirting with her and he tells Dawson he could take some tips from him. Yep, Dawson sucks at flirting or being a good boyfriend, or being charming. Dawson tells him that he wants to make a movie again and that he wants it to be about Mr. Brooks.
Joey finds Pacey by a fireplace and gives him a big hug. Pacey accepts her apology even though she didn't actually say anything because Pacey is the best boyfriend. Joey is still upset that he lied and asks why he did it. He has this to say.
Pacey: Well, maybe I just wanted these people to see you through my eyes just for one night. To see this girl, this woman, who has more class and intelligence and beauty and grace than anyone else who's walking the face of the planet. And maybe things like this just come tumbling out of my mouth because I happen to be head over heels in love with you, but the really scary thing is--is... I think that they're true.
Pacey is the best boyfriend. I will take no more questions on this subject. Joey apologizes for real this time because she realizes how much she fucked up before and says that she wanted so badly to impress these people and failed while Pacey seemed to do it with ease. Pacey tells her that he had nothing to lose so he wasn't nervous but that she is smart and beautiful and has nothing to worry about. Joey sees what I see and tells him his mom should get a medal for raising the perfect boy. I agree, even if we later learn his mother is not so stellar either. They agree to ditch the stuffy party and go to the Leary's holiday party.
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I just like to add pics of Pacephine when I can <3 |
At the Leary's party Dawson thanks Gretchen for throwing the party because he's never seen his parents so happy and he'll cherish the memory forever. Mr. Brooks comes up then and points out that they're standing under the mistletoe. You know what that means? They have to kiss, it's law! Dawson says he had nothing to do with it but Gretchen is cool with it since it's tradition and you don't mess with tradition. They kiss and I think sparks are supposed to fly but Dawson is a chemistry void. This is, of course, the moment that Pacey and Joey walk in. Drama!!
We end the episode here on this thrilling pseudo-cliffhanger. I guess we're supposed to freak out about how they'll handle this? It did nothing for me but oh well. We'll find out soon in the next episode Self Reliance. In the meantime, stay indoors as much as possible, wash your hands, and stay safe, Dear readers. In the meantime, I'm going to try my best to balance working from home, and family to get some more posts out to alleviate some boredom.
Love you Mel. Thank you for keeping at your blog even though you're also balancing a full work day and your family.