Original airdate: November 15, 2000
We're back in the Creek and today's episode is sad, Dear Readers. So, brace yourselves. Last episode the gang went to their first, and most likely last, rave which ended with Andie in the hospital. She had a bad reaction to the ecstasy tablet she pilfered from Jen who got it from Drew who is an emotionally abusive and manipulative asshat who is trying to shame Jen into returning to her party girl ways. I hate it. I hate everything to do with Drew.
We open the episode with that college advisor kind of negging Joey. Seriously, she says that "the look suits [her]" and when Joey asks her what she's talking about, she tells her that she looks like a deer caught in headlights because of all the college stress. I can't work out what she was trying to accomplish here. Insult? Compliment? Complisult? Way to drag a student for the stress and anxiety she's feeling over college applications. Capeside sucks at hiring good teachers/guidance people. So, apparently, Joey is doing well but is missing a peer review for one college. Apparently, a college cares about what another student thinks of you? I don't understand this, is this a thing they actually ask for? Or is this just a way to once again force Joey to choose between Dawson and Pacey? You decide!
We cut to Pacey and Andie chatting in her room. Pacey is ribbing her for having to bring her homework to her every day but Andie isn't ready to face the scrutinizing eyes of the school after her scandalous drug overdose last episode. Pacey reassures her that it won't be like that, especially not if the school has forgiven all of his stupidity. I like that he's being supportive, but I don't like that this may imply he's talking about his affair with Ms. Jacobs. I know it could also apply to the suspension for spitting on a teacher or the getting in a fight with the guy that destroyed Joey's art but I recall more student reactions and ostracising from the Ms. Jacobs incident which makes me uncomfortable because the show seems to make Pacey out to be in the wrong. At the risk of being repetitive: that affair was 100% on Ms. Jacobs who is awful and a predator who manipulated a teen into taking on more responsibility than he could handle and then blamed him when things went (rightfully) bad for her. That interview I linked in my season 3 wrap-up had Kevin Williamson talk about this story but only in that he didn't regret it because it happened to someone he knew and felt it should be told. Fair enough but I posit that he absolutely should regret how he framed the story and that he put all of the blame on the teenager and not the actual fucking predator and I am about to blackout from rage right now.
Back on track, Andie asks why everyone has been coming to see her alone. Pacey admits that none of them are talking to each other, at this point. (And I honestly don't blame Joey for being a bit uncomfortable visiting her with Pacey because of the stuff Andie said about not being over him and calling her heartless for dumping Dawson for Pacey even though that's not what happened at all). Anyway, Andie is frustrated and disappointed with them all since she completely doesn't blame Jen and neither should any of them. They apparently all do and my heart is breaking for poor Jen who just wants some goddamn friends to stand up for her the way she stands up for everyone. I hate this plot so much, Jen deserves better. Pacey thinks that maybe they all need to drift apart from each other to move on and grow up but you can tell Andie doesn't believe that at all and she wants to fix things.
Mr. Brooks is once again tearing Dawson down with such efficiency that I want to pretend that he never stoops to being Dawson's mentor in the future and continues to just tear him down at every turn because I love it. Dawson's mad that his fence painting hasn't canceled the debt he owes for smashing Mr. Brooks' boat and complains that it's impacting his ability to apply for higher education. Mr. Brooks shoots back that from his observation, Dawson's education isn't going to be very high. I take any small pleasures I can get at this point. This was amusing.
I love this more than I care to admit but it's cathartic to see Dawson get torn to shreds because he sucks so, so very much. Dawson complains that he doesn't have the time but Mr. Brooks don't give a damn and tells Dawson that if he wants him to not file charges, he better finish working off his debt.
Next, we move on to Jen and Drew who is being just the worst creeper. I think I mentioned before that the way Drew talks to Jen gives me "Spike manipulating Buffy in season 6" vibes but this scene really takes the cake and exactly reminds me of this scene:
Where he's creepily telling her that all her friends hate her and couldn't possibly understand her but he does. Won't she please ruin her life so that he can possess her absolutely and use whenever he needs a pick me up? Yeah, that's entirely what Drew is doing here, telling Jen that all her friends bailed and gleefully bragging about how easy it was to get them to turn on her so now they can totes hang out. Just get a load of this shit:
I hate it and I hate him. This is the worst thing ever and I really hope they are going to drive home how toxic he is for Jen and not try and make him sympathetic. This is huge red flag behaviour, kids. Do not trust anyone who seeks to remove your support system so they are the only ones you can turn to. Run, run far away and never look back.
Joey is at Pacey's place and they are having some cute couple time together. Gretchen totally ruins the mood when she reminds Pacey that he has to get the groceries for them otherwise there will be no food in the house. For some reason, Pacey leaves Joey behind with his sister instead of inviting her to come along which is a thing that would not happen in real life but because this is TV and we need an excuse to have Joey and Gretchen alone again, here we are.
Joey asks Gretchen about college applications but she sees through it and goads Joey for more information. Joey finally tells her that she's in crisis mode because she has to get a peer review from the person who knows her best and she's having a hard time deciding between Pacey and Dawson. I don't understand why. Dawson is being a dink, just ask Pacey. He remembers everything.
But this show is desperate for an inkling of the drama they conjured last season so, of course, Joey has to be conflicted. She wants to ask Dawson because they were the closest friends for the longest but she's afraid it will hurt Pacey. Joey wants Gretchen to give her the answer but she refuses and tells Joey that only she can answer the question of who knows her best.
At the McPhee household, Andie and her father are watching TV except he's looking more at her than the television, clearly something is weighing on him. Andie suggests they find something else to watch but Mr. McPhee wants to talk. He's made a lot of mistakes that he wants to fix and one of them is her. He spoke to her Principal and she apparently has more than enough credits to graduate now and she's already been accepted into Harvard so all she has to do is walk the rest of the year because she's set. He suggests she take the rest of the school year off. Andie thinks he wants her to get a job but no, he wants her to relax and the only time he remembers her happy and free was their family trip to Italy. Their Aunt Georgia lives there and is apparently willing to have Andie live with her. Andie isn't sure but Mr. McPhee points out that the next four years are going to be intense for her, more than the last four were and this may be her only chance for a while to truly take it easy. He asks her to think about it.
Andie finds Jack in his room on his laptop and sees that he gets an email from Jen that he immediately deletes. She tells him that he can't avoid her forever and Jack argues that he can try. My heart is breaking, you guys. My soulmates. Jack doesn't want to talk about Jen so Andie tells him instead about Italy. Jack is really unfair to her about everything and unsupportive. I am disappointed. I get that he wants her to stay but he shames her for even thinking about it and that's not cool. He even gets a jab in about how no one is who he expected them to be lately and that honestly sounds like more of a you problem than an everyone else problem, Jack.
Jen is going into the guidance counsellor's office where Mitch, Grams, and Ms. Valentine there waiting for her. Oh shit, this is getting handled by Mitch? Get ready for everyone to know her business now. There's an officer as well who Mitch says is from juvenile corrections so Jen is now really confused and scared. Drew enters just then so you know shit is going to get bad. Drew has told everyone that he and Jen gave Andie the ecstasy and while he's not technically lying, he's clearly doing this to fuck with Jen and I hate it. Everyone has turned on her and Ms. Valentine insists that Drew coming forward shows he's committed to doing better and I hate all of this. The isolation tactics he's using are ruthless and evil. Grams has now turned against Jen and their relationship was getting so good and stable. The officer agrees to let this slide with 100 hours of community service but Grams can't hear anymore and excuses herself.
Jen runs after Grams, desperate to make things right with her but she's too angry. Jen tries to apologize but Grams is done. She's not going to yell, or punish or scold because that's for children and she's not a child anymore. Grams says she has never been so deeply disappointed in anyone before and that is just a punch to the gut. Can someone please give Jen a hug?
We're not done shitting on Jen though because she next goes to the McPhee household, hopeful after getting an email from Jack. He answers the door but is less than thrilled to see her. Jen explains about the email but he didn't write it, Andie did. Jen thinks Andie did it so that they'd finally be forced to talk it out but Jack is not interested in saying anything to her. Jen stands up for herself, tired of everyone she cares about making snap judgements about her and just shutting her out and leaving her with no hope of reconciliation. She tells him that he may never have done what she did (have ecstasy that Andie would take without him knowing?) but what he's doing to her now she would never do to anyone, especially him. She storms out and Jack snaps at Andie (who was listening in) that they talked and nothing she does will ever fix things. Jack, if your goal is to get Andie to stay, you're sucking at it.
Joey finds Dawson working at Mr. Brooks' house and offers to help him. He makes a jab at her about how he's working off their debt solo which is actually kind of fair. She was in the boat too so why did Dawson have to work on this alone? The answer is that the writers want Dawson to find his own mentor but in context of the characters, Joey is kind of shitty for ditching Dawson with that responsibility. Ew, I stood up for Dawson. Moving on, he knows she wants to ask him for a favour because she has her "favour face" on. Joey tries to deny it but then he calls her out again and she finally tells him about the peer review she needs. Dawson is in shock about this and asks if Pacey knows. Joey admits that he doesn't but that if Dawson agrees to write it for her, he will know. She wants him to think it over and see if it's something that he's willing to do. She leaves him alone to ponder this.
Later, Mr. Brooks invites Dawson in to eat something but Dawson dares to tell him the food is good so he chastises him for not being able to stay silent. Dawson says he's going to eat outside but Mr. Brooks calls him out for running away from problems and this being the reason why his friends don't come to help him. Dawson calls him out for having a house full of pictures of people that Dawson has never seen come and visit Mr. Brooks. Mr. Brooks explains that he leant his brothers some money for their business which tanked and meant he lost a lot of money on them. He points out that sometimes, people fall out of your life because of bad choices you make.
Pacey brings Andie her homework and she spills to him about the whole semester off in Italy thing. Pacey actually listens to her and talks to her about it. She complains that her father wants what's best for her while Jack is being selfish but out of love. Pacey asks if she wants a tiebreaker and she admits she does because he's always saved her. Pacey tells her that she saved herself. She brings up Jack's criticism that she wants to run away but Pacey thinks that maybe she needs to look at going to Italy as taking her training wheels off and riding on her own for a while. This is why Pacey is the best. He tells her that it's her life and her choice and she needs to do what's best for her.
At a community centre, Drew is giddily looking for things they can do together to serve their time and I hate it. Didn't I mention that already? Because I do. With the fire of a thousand suns. Jen is not having it so of course, Drew has to get creepier by saying he hated that they were drifting apart and that he dreamed of them picking up trash together and how the orange jump suit would hug her in all the right places. Who is this guy and why does he talk so stupidly and so creepily at the same time? I HATE HIM. He keeps hammering in how Capeside is not her people but that he is and blah blah blah, grooming, manipulating bullshit to isolate her from her friends.
Mr. McPhee comments on how much colour Andie is getting back in her face and is looking very happy. Andie asks him about how his relationship with Jack is good now and he agrees it is. Andie argues that if they can work things out, Jen and Jack should be able to, and Pacey and Dawson. Mr. McPhee agrees that it's possible and that all it takes is for them to realize what they might lose by letting someone go.
Dawson arrives at the Potter B&B to give Joey the news that he will not be doing her peer review. Joey is noticeably crushed. She thanks him for at least thinking about it and he turns to go. Of course, Pacey is just arriving at the moment Dawson leaves and there is much tension in the air. Pacey asks Joey what's up and she tells him that she asked Dawson to write a peer review for her. Pacey is mad that she didn't tell him about it but Joey is not in the mood for heavy conversations. Pacey is up for it and is mad that she didn't ask him. Joey points out that he hasn't been around much to talk to which is fair. Why does Pacey get to hang out with his ex but not Joey? He is chastened a bit and tries to offer an explanation but Joey cuts him off. She explains that she doesn't care about that but that she wanted to see if Dawson would even do it before starting a war with him and explains why she picked him by relaying their childhood friendship. She then tells him that he really can't be angry with her for at least asking him. Pacey says he's not angry that she asked Dawson to do something for him but that the question, "The person who knows you best" bugs him because when does he get to be that person for her. Oof, super fair. Joey, see my earlier point. Pacey remembers everything. He knew about your mother's bracelet when Dawson was trying to adorn you with fancy diamonds you had no interest in. Who knows you best now? Not in your past but now.
Joey walks up to Leery's Restaurant and sees Dawson. He's not there to work though, he's there to have dinner with Andie. Joey thinks it's weird because she's having dinner with Andie. Then Jack shows up and they start to realize what's going on. The three of them go inside to find Pacey at a table. Andie comes out then and thanks them all for coming. Jen arrives as the last guest which prompts Jack to try to bail. Jen offers to bail since she feels like she's crashing the party and then they argue about who should leave. Andie informs them that she is the one leaving and they all stop bickering to listen to her. Andie delivers a long speech about how she made a pros and cons list about going to Italy and that leaving them was her number one con. However, they are a mess right now and she wants to address that.
First of all, she sets the record straight on the Jen hate, bless her. She tells them all that while Jen had the drugs, it was her choice to take them and if she doesn't blame Jen, none of them should either. Then she turns to Dawson, Joey, and Pacey and tells them how lucky they are to have each other and that they shouldn't throw away such good friendships. (Joey tried to repair the friendships though, to be fair. Dawson was just a cunt about it).
Then she confronts Jen and Jack and tells them that their rift is inexcusable (hopefully most of that scorn is reserved for Jack because Jen tried to repair things as well. Funny how it's always the women who try and the men who push them away.) She was afraid to leave Jack without a sister but she wouldn't really be because he has Jen. She wants to return the favours they've done for her to them and hopes that her leaving will help this because she doesn't want to leave them while they're like this. She doesn't want to remember them all fighting, she wants to remember them as a tight group of friends. Jen gets up and gives Andie a hug because she's the best and she also really needed one and the kind words Andie said. I love it.
By the bathroom, Joey confronts Pacey to apologize but he stops her because he wants to apologize to her for overreacting about the whole thing. Joey explains that Dawson knows her past but he is her future and in 10 years time, he will know her best. She also points out that they can't not deal with the ones they used to love either. They look over at the table where Andie and Dawson are talking.
Jack finds Jen outside the restaurant and is finally willing to talk. Jack says he was worried she was changing on him but Jen tells him that she hasn't changed, she just made a mistake. Jack apologizes but Jen doesn't need an apology, she just wants someone who will stand by her. She asks if he can do that and he agrees as long as she keeps standing. Then they hug.
Next up, Dawson and Joey make amends and he offers to write the peer review for her. Andie and Pacey are also talking and Joey remarks that they'll have something to hold on to. Dawson wants to give them all something to hold onto and asks her to come inside. Pacey and Andie chat together, saying their goodbyes. Andie says she's afraid but Pacey doesn't think she should use that word to describe herself anymore, instead offering up "brave" and "stalwart" as alternatives. Andie hates stalwart but it's too bad, Pacey says she's stuck with it. Then says the thing he'll miss most about her is her optimism and it's so true. Andie is one of those super positive characters that was always a ball of sunshine (in spite of her struggles with depression). She definitely will be missed in this cast full of sardonic "teens". They hug too.
Last is Andie and Jack who make up. Jack apologizes for not being supportive and says the only reason he didn't want her to leave is because he'd miss her more than anything. He doesn't want to have to say good bye to her. She points out that he's her brother so there are no goodbyes. They say they love each other and I'm sorry, someone is chopping onions in here. *sniff*
Dawson sets up his camera to take their picture and Andie makes sure that Dawson and Pacey are next to each other. She even goes as far as to put Pacey's arm around Dawson's shoulders. They go with it and a really nice photo is taken of the gang and it's the last they will ever all be together because Andie doesn't return, sadly.
Also, this episode is made even sadder because this is where I was hit with the in memorium for David Dukes, the man who played Mr. McPhee. So, now I'm just a ball of emotions. Also, also, I don't know what I was smoking to think there was one in the episode I mistakenly said was his last when he was around for quite a few little moments after. The fact that his last act as a father was to recognize his daughter needed some time to breathe and setting her free is the ultimate redemption for him. He wins Best Improved Parent in all of Capeside forever. No one else will match his improvement, except maybe Grams but she didn't start off quite as bad as him either. Goodbye, Mr. McPhee, you will truly be missed.
Stay tuned for the next episode which will be a lot more lighthearted, I hope. It's The Unusual Suspects next.
We're back in the Creek and today's episode is sad, Dear Readers. So, brace yourselves. Last episode the gang went to their first, and most likely last, rave which ended with Andie in the hospital. She had a bad reaction to the ecstasy tablet she pilfered from Jen who got it from Drew who is an emotionally abusive and manipulative asshat who is trying to shame Jen into returning to her party girl ways. I hate it. I hate everything to do with Drew.
We open the episode with that college advisor kind of negging Joey. Seriously, she says that "the look suits [her]" and when Joey asks her what she's talking about, she tells her that she looks like a deer caught in headlights because of all the college stress. I can't work out what she was trying to accomplish here. Insult? Compliment? Complisult? Way to drag a student for the stress and anxiety she's feeling over college applications. Capeside sucks at hiring good teachers/guidance people. So, apparently, Joey is doing well but is missing a peer review for one college. Apparently, a college cares about what another student thinks of you? I don't understand this, is this a thing they actually ask for? Or is this just a way to once again force Joey to choose between Dawson and Pacey? You decide!
We cut to Pacey and Andie chatting in her room. Pacey is ribbing her for having to bring her homework to her every day but Andie isn't ready to face the scrutinizing eyes of the school after her scandalous drug overdose last episode. Pacey reassures her that it won't be like that, especially not if the school has forgiven all of his stupidity. I like that he's being supportive, but I don't like that this may imply he's talking about his affair with Ms. Jacobs. I know it could also apply to the suspension for spitting on a teacher or the getting in a fight with the guy that destroyed Joey's art but I recall more student reactions and ostracising from the Ms. Jacobs incident which makes me uncomfortable because the show seems to make Pacey out to be in the wrong. At the risk of being repetitive: that affair was 100% on Ms. Jacobs who is awful and a predator who manipulated a teen into taking on more responsibility than he could handle and then blamed him when things went (rightfully) bad for her. That interview I linked in my season 3 wrap-up had Kevin Williamson talk about this story but only in that he didn't regret it because it happened to someone he knew and felt it should be told. Fair enough but I posit that he absolutely should regret how he framed the story and that he put all of the blame on the teenager and not the actual fucking predator and I am about to blackout from rage right now.
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Ok, puppies make me feel a little better now |
Back on track, Andie asks why everyone has been coming to see her alone. Pacey admits that none of them are talking to each other, at this point. (And I honestly don't blame Joey for being a bit uncomfortable visiting her with Pacey because of the stuff Andie said about not being over him and calling her heartless for dumping Dawson for Pacey even though that's not what happened at all). Anyway, Andie is frustrated and disappointed with them all since she completely doesn't blame Jen and neither should any of them. They apparently all do and my heart is breaking for poor Jen who just wants some goddamn friends to stand up for her the way she stands up for everyone. I hate this plot so much, Jen deserves better. Pacey thinks that maybe they all need to drift apart from each other to move on and grow up but you can tell Andie doesn't believe that at all and she wants to fix things.
Mr. Brooks is once again tearing Dawson down with such efficiency that I want to pretend that he never stoops to being Dawson's mentor in the future and continues to just tear him down at every turn because I love it. Dawson's mad that his fence painting hasn't canceled the debt he owes for smashing Mr. Brooks' boat and complains that it's impacting his ability to apply for higher education. Mr. Brooks shoots back that from his observation, Dawson's education isn't going to be very high. I take any small pleasures I can get at this point. This was amusing.
I love this more than I care to admit but it's cathartic to see Dawson get torn to shreds because he sucks so, so very much. Dawson complains that he doesn't have the time but Mr. Brooks don't give a damn and tells Dawson that if he wants him to not file charges, he better finish working off his debt.
Next, we move on to Jen and Drew who is being just the worst creeper. I think I mentioned before that the way Drew talks to Jen gives me "Spike manipulating Buffy in season 6" vibes but this scene really takes the cake and exactly reminds me of this scene:
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Major. Red. Flag! |
Where he's creepily telling her that all her friends hate her and couldn't possibly understand her but he does. Won't she please ruin her life so that he can possess her absolutely and use whenever he needs a pick me up? Yeah, that's entirely what Drew is doing here, telling Jen that all her friends bailed and gleefully bragging about how easy it was to get them to turn on her so now they can totes hang out. Just get a load of this shit:
Drew: Nothing gives me more pleasure than to see you and your buddies all conflicted. Frankly, l didn't think it would actually be this easy. Yet, here you are, avoiding all of them and talking to me. lt's starting to feel just like old times.
Jen: This is nothing like old times, Drue.
Drew: You know, no matter what or who you did l've always been there. Not pretending to be and then judging you afterwards. Can you say the same about your new friends?
I hate it and I hate him. This is the worst thing ever and I really hope they are going to drive home how toxic he is for Jen and not try and make him sympathetic. This is huge red flag behaviour, kids. Do not trust anyone who seeks to remove your support system so they are the only ones you can turn to. Run, run far away and never look back.
Joey is at Pacey's place and they are having some cute couple time together. Gretchen totally ruins the mood when she reminds Pacey that he has to get the groceries for them otherwise there will be no food in the house. For some reason, Pacey leaves Joey behind with his sister instead of inviting her to come along which is a thing that would not happen in real life but because this is TV and we need an excuse to have Joey and Gretchen alone again, here we are.
Joey asks Gretchen about college applications but she sees through it and goads Joey for more information. Joey finally tells her that she's in crisis mode because she has to get a peer review from the person who knows her best and she's having a hard time deciding between Pacey and Dawson. I don't understand why. Dawson is being a dink, just ask Pacey. He remembers everything.
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You see? He's perfect |
But this show is desperate for an inkling of the drama they conjured last season so, of course, Joey has to be conflicted. She wants to ask Dawson because they were the closest friends for the longest but she's afraid it will hurt Pacey. Joey wants Gretchen to give her the answer but she refuses and tells Joey that only she can answer the question of who knows her best.
At the McPhee household, Andie and her father are watching TV except he's looking more at her than the television, clearly something is weighing on him. Andie suggests they find something else to watch but Mr. McPhee wants to talk. He's made a lot of mistakes that he wants to fix and one of them is her. He spoke to her Principal and she apparently has more than enough credits to graduate now and she's already been accepted into Harvard so all she has to do is walk the rest of the year because she's set. He suggests she take the rest of the school year off. Andie thinks he wants her to get a job but no, he wants her to relax and the only time he remembers her happy and free was their family trip to Italy. Their Aunt Georgia lives there and is apparently willing to have Andie live with her. Andie isn't sure but Mr. McPhee points out that the next four years are going to be intense for her, more than the last four were and this may be her only chance for a while to truly take it easy. He asks her to think about it.
Andie finds Jack in his room on his laptop and sees that he gets an email from Jen that he immediately deletes. She tells him that he can't avoid her forever and Jack argues that he can try. My heart is breaking, you guys. My soulmates. Jack doesn't want to talk about Jen so Andie tells him instead about Italy. Jack is really unfair to her about everything and unsupportive. I am disappointed. I get that he wants her to stay but he shames her for even thinking about it and that's not cool. He even gets a jab in about how no one is who he expected them to be lately and that honestly sounds like more of a you problem than an everyone else problem, Jack.
Jen is going into the guidance counsellor's office where Mitch, Grams, and Ms. Valentine there waiting for her. Oh shit, this is getting handled by Mitch? Get ready for everyone to know her business now. There's an officer as well who Mitch says is from juvenile corrections so Jen is now really confused and scared. Drew enters just then so you know shit is going to get bad. Drew has told everyone that he and Jen gave Andie the ecstasy and while he's not technically lying, he's clearly doing this to fuck with Jen and I hate it. Everyone has turned on her and Ms. Valentine insists that Drew coming forward shows he's committed to doing better and I hate all of this. The isolation tactics he's using are ruthless and evil. Grams has now turned against Jen and their relationship was getting so good and stable. The officer agrees to let this slide with 100 hours of community service but Grams can't hear anymore and excuses herself.
Jen runs after Grams, desperate to make things right with her but she's too angry. Jen tries to apologize but Grams is done. She's not going to yell, or punish or scold because that's for children and she's not a child anymore. Grams says she has never been so deeply disappointed in anyone before and that is just a punch to the gut. Can someone please give Jen a hug?
We're not done shitting on Jen though because she next goes to the McPhee household, hopeful after getting an email from Jack. He answers the door but is less than thrilled to see her. Jen explains about the email but he didn't write it, Andie did. Jen thinks Andie did it so that they'd finally be forced to talk it out but Jack is not interested in saying anything to her. Jen stands up for herself, tired of everyone she cares about making snap judgements about her and just shutting her out and leaving her with no hope of reconciliation. She tells him that he may never have done what she did (have ecstasy that Andie would take without him knowing?) but what he's doing to her now she would never do to anyone, especially him. She storms out and Jack snaps at Andie (who was listening in) that they talked and nothing she does will ever fix things. Jack, if your goal is to get Andie to stay, you're sucking at it.
Joey finds Dawson working at Mr. Brooks' house and offers to help him. He makes a jab at her about how he's working off their debt solo which is actually kind of fair. She was in the boat too so why did Dawson have to work on this alone? The answer is that the writers want Dawson to find his own mentor but in context of the characters, Joey is kind of shitty for ditching Dawson with that responsibility. Ew, I stood up for Dawson. Moving on, he knows she wants to ask him for a favour because she has her "favour face" on. Joey tries to deny it but then he calls her out again and she finally tells him about the peer review she needs. Dawson is in shock about this and asks if Pacey knows. Joey admits that he doesn't but that if Dawson agrees to write it for her, he will know. She wants him to think it over and see if it's something that he's willing to do. She leaves him alone to ponder this.
Later, Mr. Brooks invites Dawson in to eat something but Dawson dares to tell him the food is good so he chastises him for not being able to stay silent. Dawson says he's going to eat outside but Mr. Brooks calls him out for running away from problems and this being the reason why his friends don't come to help him. Dawson calls him out for having a house full of pictures of people that Dawson has never seen come and visit Mr. Brooks. Mr. Brooks explains that he leant his brothers some money for their business which tanked and meant he lost a lot of money on them. He points out that sometimes, people fall out of your life because of bad choices you make.
Pacey brings Andie her homework and she spills to him about the whole semester off in Italy thing. Pacey actually listens to her and talks to her about it. She complains that her father wants what's best for her while Jack is being selfish but out of love. Pacey asks if she wants a tiebreaker and she admits she does because he's always saved her. Pacey tells her that she saved herself. She brings up Jack's criticism that she wants to run away but Pacey thinks that maybe she needs to look at going to Italy as taking her training wheels off and riding on her own for a while. This is why Pacey is the best. He tells her that it's her life and her choice and she needs to do what's best for her.
At a community centre, Drew is giddily looking for things they can do together to serve their time and I hate it. Didn't I mention that already? Because I do. With the fire of a thousand suns. Jen is not having it so of course, Drew has to get creepier by saying he hated that they were drifting apart and that he dreamed of them picking up trash together and how the orange jump suit would hug her in all the right places. Who is this guy and why does he talk so stupidly and so creepily at the same time? I HATE HIM. He keeps hammering in how Capeside is not her people but that he is and blah blah blah, grooming, manipulating bullshit to isolate her from her friends.
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I'm just going to leave this here... because it's exactly what Drew is doing to Jen |
Mr. McPhee comments on how much colour Andie is getting back in her face and is looking very happy. Andie asks him about how his relationship with Jack is good now and he agrees it is. Andie argues that if they can work things out, Jen and Jack should be able to, and Pacey and Dawson. Mr. McPhee agrees that it's possible and that all it takes is for them to realize what they might lose by letting someone go.
Dawson arrives at the Potter B&B to give Joey the news that he will not be doing her peer review. Joey is noticeably crushed. She thanks him for at least thinking about it and he turns to go. Of course, Pacey is just arriving at the moment Dawson leaves and there is much tension in the air. Pacey asks Joey what's up and she tells him that she asked Dawson to write a peer review for her. Pacey is mad that she didn't tell him about it but Joey is not in the mood for heavy conversations. Pacey is up for it and is mad that she didn't ask him. Joey points out that he hasn't been around much to talk to which is fair. Why does Pacey get to hang out with his ex but not Joey? He is chastened a bit and tries to offer an explanation but Joey cuts him off. She explains that she doesn't care about that but that she wanted to see if Dawson would even do it before starting a war with him and explains why she picked him by relaying their childhood friendship. She then tells him that he really can't be angry with her for at least asking him. Pacey says he's not angry that she asked Dawson to do something for him but that the question, "The person who knows you best" bugs him because when does he get to be that person for her. Oof, super fair. Joey, see my earlier point. Pacey remembers everything. He knew about your mother's bracelet when Dawson was trying to adorn you with fancy diamonds you had no interest in. Who knows you best now? Not in your past but now.
Joey walks up to Leery's Restaurant and sees Dawson. He's not there to work though, he's there to have dinner with Andie. Joey thinks it's weird because she's having dinner with Andie. Then Jack shows up and they start to realize what's going on. The three of them go inside to find Pacey at a table. Andie comes out then and thanks them all for coming. Jen arrives as the last guest which prompts Jack to try to bail. Jen offers to bail since she feels like she's crashing the party and then they argue about who should leave. Andie informs them that she is the one leaving and they all stop bickering to listen to her. Andie delivers a long speech about how she made a pros and cons list about going to Italy and that leaving them was her number one con. However, they are a mess right now and she wants to address that.
First of all, she sets the record straight on the Jen hate, bless her. She tells them all that while Jen had the drugs, it was her choice to take them and if she doesn't blame Jen, none of them should either. Then she turns to Dawson, Joey, and Pacey and tells them how lucky they are to have each other and that they shouldn't throw away such good friendships. (Joey tried to repair the friendships though, to be fair. Dawson was just a cunt about it).
Then she confronts Jen and Jack and tells them that their rift is inexcusable (hopefully most of that scorn is reserved for Jack because Jen tried to repair things as well. Funny how it's always the women who try and the men who push them away.) She was afraid to leave Jack without a sister but she wouldn't really be because he has Jen. She wants to return the favours they've done for her to them and hopes that her leaving will help this because she doesn't want to leave them while they're like this. She doesn't want to remember them all fighting, she wants to remember them as a tight group of friends. Jen gets up and gives Andie a hug because she's the best and she also really needed one and the kind words Andie said. I love it.
By the bathroom, Joey confronts Pacey to apologize but he stops her because he wants to apologize to her for overreacting about the whole thing. Joey explains that Dawson knows her past but he is her future and in 10 years time, he will know her best. She also points out that they can't not deal with the ones they used to love either. They look over at the table where Andie and Dawson are talking.
Jack finds Jen outside the restaurant and is finally willing to talk. Jack says he was worried she was changing on him but Jen tells him that she hasn't changed, she just made a mistake. Jack apologizes but Jen doesn't need an apology, she just wants someone who will stand by her. She asks if he can do that and he agrees as long as she keeps standing. Then they hug.
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My heart is repaired! |
Next up, Dawson and Joey make amends and he offers to write the peer review for her. Andie and Pacey are also talking and Joey remarks that they'll have something to hold on to. Dawson wants to give them all something to hold onto and asks her to come inside. Pacey and Andie chat together, saying their goodbyes. Andie says she's afraid but Pacey doesn't think she should use that word to describe herself anymore, instead offering up "brave" and "stalwart" as alternatives. Andie hates stalwart but it's too bad, Pacey says she's stuck with it. Then says the thing he'll miss most about her is her optimism and it's so true. Andie is one of those super positive characters that was always a ball of sunshine (in spite of her struggles with depression). She definitely will be missed in this cast full of sardonic "teens". They hug too.
Last is Andie and Jack who make up. Jack apologizes for not being supportive and says the only reason he didn't want her to leave is because he'd miss her more than anything. He doesn't want to have to say good bye to her. She points out that he's her brother so there are no goodbyes. They say they love each other and I'm sorry, someone is chopping onions in here. *sniff*
Dawson sets up his camera to take their picture and Andie makes sure that Dawson and Pacey are next to each other. She even goes as far as to put Pacey's arm around Dawson's shoulders. They go with it and a really nice photo is taken of the gang and it's the last they will ever all be together because Andie doesn't return, sadly.
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Farewell, Andie. You will be missed |
Also, this episode is made even sadder because this is where I was hit with the in memorium for David Dukes, the man who played Mr. McPhee. So, now I'm just a ball of emotions. Also, also, I don't know what I was smoking to think there was one in the episode I mistakenly said was his last when he was around for quite a few little moments after. The fact that his last act as a father was to recognize his daughter needed some time to breathe and setting her free is the ultimate redemption for him. He wins Best Improved Parent in all of Capeside forever. No one else will match his improvement, except maybe Grams but she didn't start off quite as bad as him either. Goodbye, Mr. McPhee, you will truly be missed.
Stay tuned for the next episode which will be a lot more lighthearted, I hope. It's The Unusual Suspects next.
woof, a rough journey. i'm grateful to have had your commentary and gifs to get through this.
ReplyDeleteThis was a hard one to get through, for sure. Lots of angry/sad emotions flowing. Puppy gifs are my friend right now.