Original airdate: November 1, 2000
We're back in the Creek and for the first time, I think I should give a bit of a content warning. Sorry to spoil the episode a bit at the beginning but there is going to be talk about abortion. Heads up for anyone who, maybe, doesn't like talking about it or has issues or trauma relating to this topic but it's a pretty big part of the episode and I'm gonna have a lot to say on it. To start off, I'm honestly shocked that this show even attempted a discussion on that but, in due time. Let's jump right in.
We start the episode off in the restaurant which has a gross name. Not offensive, not even outwardly gross, i just really don't like the name. It's off-putting to me and I can't clearly define why because it's pretty innocent. Leery's Fresh Fish. I don't know why I hate it but I do. That's not important, the important thing is that Mitch and Dawson are trying to convince Gail to see a doctor or at the very least go the hell home. Remember that stomach flu from previous episodes that Dawson whined that they kept swapping back and forth? It was a plot point and Gail is still sick which is concerning.
Gretchen sets them straight and asks the boys if Gail is experiencing any of these symptoms, pain in the lower back, sickness, nausea, irritability, mood swings. They agree that she has and Gretchen is like duh, she might be preggers.
After the credits roll, we join Mitch and Dawson who are awkwardly waiting outside the bathroom door while Gail pees on a stick. She comes out and confirms she's pregnant. Mitch is excited, Gail looks nervous and Dawson is being a petulant dick about it as always.
Pacey and Joey are making out when Pacey asks to stop. Joey is confused but Pacey explains that they always make out until she stops it and they go and watch tv instead. Today he's doing a pre-emptive strike and suggests they just go watch a movie. Joey is still being playful and wants to continue but Pacey stands his ground, he wants to stop things this time. He's playing it as goofy but Joey quickly picks up on the fact that it feels like a fight. Pacey denies that they're fighting but Joey still feels like he's unsatisfied. They are really doing my boy dirty this season. I really hate this pressure thing he's doing right now and it really doesn't feel like something season 3 Pacey would do. I get it, guys are horny but like...this is not the way to go about it where you make your partner feel guilty for not wanting to go as far as you do. It's gross and wrong. Stop it, Pacey.
Next, we join Andie and Jack on a soccer field. Andie has signed them up to be coaches for a youth soccer team because it looks good on their college applications. They introduce themselves to the kids and Jack takes an immediate shine to a little girl named Molly who seems to not like speaking because she hates soccer. Jack promises that they will have so much fun playing soccer and eating pizza that she will no longer hate it.
Dawson is apparently at Mr. Brooks' house. Remember him? Curmudgeonly old guy, who liked prime rib at the yacht club? He's back and seeking vengeance for the boat that Dawson "borrowed" and destroyed and I am here for it. Mr. Brooks shames Dawson at every turn, from not painting well enough, to mocking his high school angst, and then insults his photography. Dawson fails at everything he loves in life and Mr. Brooks is here to tell him it. I know I wasn't looking forward to this storyline but I didn't remember how awesome Mr. Brooks is. I feel him, you know? I mean, for now, while he's being a dick to Dawson. He actually gives him constructive criticism on how to improve his photography but Dawson doesn't take it well. I can't wait until he unveils his photography display for a professional show, gets shot down and then spirals into a depression where he destroys his camera and all of the photographs he's ever taken. All because one art show didn't tell him that he was immediately a genius.
Jen sits with a distracted Joey at lunch and asks her why she looks so glum. Joey isn't in the mood to discuss so she just says that the mashed potatoes are cold. Jen doesn't buy this so Joey elaborates that they are cold and so is she. Jen then correctly guesses that her issues are about sex because most everything is. Joey confides that she thinks Pacey is getting impatient. Jen tells her that Pacey loves her but Joey clarifies that she thinks she's the problem because she keeps waiting. Jen suggests that she be prepared for sex first because no one really knows when they are ready but they do know if they are prepared and Joey is not. This is such awesome advice, I love this and I really love that the girls are getting the chance to have scenes together. It's amazing. For a season that I'm not too thrilled about, I am definitely happy that the writers are putting more scenes of girls supporting girls in.
At the doctor's office, Mitch tells Gail that everything is ok and they'll get through this. He also handwaves Dawson's dickery aside as him being in shock but that he'll get over it. Gail then points out the fact that they are sending their son to college, which is expensive on top of having a baby (which in the States is expensive the minute you get pregnant. How do you guys even?). She also worries about their stamina and their relationship being rocky before and she's nervous about bringing another child in when they're just figuring themselves out again. This is all really valid and concerning. Mitch says that it's a little late to think of this because she is pregnant and Gail points out that she doesn't have to stay that way. Gail admits that she doesn't want to keep the baby. Holy. Shit.
I completely blacked this out of my memory and I'm honestly impressed the show went here. I don't have much to say yet but suffice to say...this part is really cool but it's going to get a bit gross.
A woman comes up and introduces herself to Jack as Molly's sister. She points out that she's 28 and gets really flirty. Jack points out that he's 18 but this doesn't seem to deter her. Run, Jack! I know, I know, he's "technically" an adult but I'm sorry, any fully grown 28 year-olds who actively pursue 18 year-olds are at least morally skeevy. She asks if he has a girlfriend and he gets super uncomfortable. Then she seems to relish making Jack uncomfortable and then asks if she's coming on too strong and if he's shy. Jack grasps onto that but she doesn't care and continues to sexually harass a barely legal teen. This is a gross plot point and is making me uncomfortable.
Dawson is complaining to Gretchen about how mean Mr. Brooks is and since Gretchen's entire role is going to be making Dawson feel better, she tells him that the man is crazy and that his pictures are awesome. Ok, Gretch. Sure. He keeps taking pictures of her which is uncomfortable and she agrees with me because she asks him to stop. Dawson asks if he's making her uncomfortable and when she tells him he is, he says "good" So that's two people this episode that enjoys making other people uncomfortable and that is a huge red flag. Avoid Molly's sister and Dawson because they are garbage people.
Somehow she finds this charming and they giggle and run off to sit at a bench. Dawson then confesses that his mom is pregnant but that he's upset about it because he's a selfish douche. No, actually it's because he's a judgmental douche who lists all the worries that Gail herself had like he's so smart that his dummy dumb parents hadn't even considered these things, least of all the woman who is actually carrying said baby. Gretchen points this fact out to him and is like how about you think about how your mom is feeling about all these issues? Dawson is happy she pointed this out to him because he's too dumb and selfish to think of it on his own and Gretchen quickly bails on him.
Joey is at a clinic getting information from a nurse. She asks her some very basic questions and informs her about STDs/STIs and how birth control works. The nurse stresses about the importance of safe sex and notices that Joey is super uncomfortable. She realizes that she's freaking Joey the fuck out with all the facts and dangers of sex so she finally tells her about the other side, which I approve of wholeheartedly. It's important that everyone know what can happen as a result of sex but it's equally important not to scare them away or shame them from having it because sex is a basic and enjoyable part of life, it's just good to be prepared and responsible about it. Katie Holmes is really nailing the naive, freaked outlook of an inexperienced girl in this scene too.
Jack complains to Andie about Molly's sister, Caroline hitting on him. Andie wonders if she was maybe just being flirty (which is still gross) but Jack points out that she was on the verge of being really inappropriate. Jack wants help because telling her no apparently turns her on more which...HUGE RED FLAG. Andie suggests telling her that he's gay but Jack isn't into that option because people, unfortunately, have weird hang-ups about gay people and children. Andie thinks it's crap and it totally is but it's also a reality because people are garbage. Jack just wants to coach and put it on his college resume, he has no interest in being the face of a human rights campaign. Andie agrees to help him.
Dawson is working in his darkroom when he hears his parents get home. He goes upstairs to talk to them about the fact that he's now super excited that they're having the baby. This becomes super awkward as they tell him they are not having the baby. Dawson immediately pulls a hissy about this. Gail admits that she had a feeling for a while that she was pregnant but didn't want to face it because she knew that she'd want to get an abortion. Dawson is super unhappy but Gail points out that his lackluster attempt at excitement wasn't very convincing so he should be happy with her decision. Here's the part where I start to get a bit rage-y.
Dawson asks Mitch if he actually agreed to this. Look, this is a sensitive topic and Mitch should get to discuss this with Gail but ultimately, it's her body and I don't think it's right for him to decide for her to go through with a body changing process that is more dangerous for someone her age. It's a little gross that Dawson thinks Mitch could just step in and be like "no, I don't agree and you are going to incubate this child for me. To hell with your health." For Mitch's part, he stands tall and firm in saying that he did agree because he's actually being super supportive here. Gail steps in to say he's just protecting her and takes on all the blame, calling herself a terrible mother. Honestly, this bit is heartbreaking because she knows how little her son thinks of her and she's afraid of screwing up another child. Honestly, if I were her and raised Dawson, I'd be terrified of making another one too. Dawson doesn't like that she's using him as an excuse but she points out everything that he listed to Gretchen as big issues and then says it's her choice and she's made it, despite how much he'll hate her for making it. This scene is hard to watch, I don't usually care about Mitch and Gail drama but this is actually holding my attention.
The next day, Mitch comes up to tell Dawson that Gail said that breakfast is ready. Dawson is being an ass though so he tells him to tell her that he's not hungry. So, Mitch says that she also said she was sorry he was upset. He also tells Dawson that she didn't sleep at all last night. Dawson asks if she's really going to do this and when Mitch confirms, he asks what Mitch wants. I have some hope when Mitch says that he's not sure but he wants Gail to be comfortable and that it's her body and her choice. Then Dawson asks "What if it's the wrong decision?" and my hackles immediately raise. I know what you're thinking but no, this episode was written by a woman. Look, I'm just going to say it, it makes me extremely uncomfortable that two male characters are discussing the merits of a woman's decision. I get that it's hard for people to process but like so much can go wrong in pregnancy and childbirth and it's of zero risk to men but 100% risk to women. I just find this really gross and I'm getting the feeling that while they are bringing up this very important issue, it's ultimately going to end up with her realizing that she should fulfill her womanly duties and I kind of hate it.
Mitch reveals that they tried for five years after having Dawson for another child but it never happened. Mitch wanted a big family (Guys always seem to but then I guess their part in having kids is the super easy part so of course, they don't see a problem with having lots of kids). Anyway, admitting that they couldn't was devastating but that he realized he had a house that was full of love and was fulfilled anyway. He may wonder what if but he's happy with what he has.
Bessie complains to Joey about Pacey sneaking his dirty laundry into her wash while going into her room. Joey isn't there and she starts putting away clothes. She comes across Joey's new stash of contraceptives that she got from the clinic just as Joey comes in. She rushes out without a word.
Caroline is still being a gross predator so Andie jumps in to help him out, telling her that she is Jack's girlfriend. Caroline is like, but I thought you were his sister so Andie backpedals and says that she's just protecting her from his actual girlfriend Natasha who is a black belt that gets very jealous. Caroline isn't buying this but like, Girl, STEP AWAY FROM THE CHILDREN AND TAKE THE HINT! For real because she insists that Jack can make his own decisions and Andie is like, he did and he's not interested and this woman keeps insisting that Jack is interested. Jack finally admits that he's gay to get her to back off, which is so gross. I know they wanted an excuse to out him for the drama and to address a really serious issue but like, this woman is super gross and I wish it wasn't played like she's just "being flirty". Even if she were 19 she'd still be acting inappropriately here. When someone says "no" and "not interested" back off immediately. The woman slinks away and pretends like she totally knew he was gay and totally wasn't interested anyway. I hate her.
Dawson finds Gretchen and tells her about his mom's decision to get an abortion and how he's not dealing with it well. He's also worried about what they're going through so like, minor points to Dawson for realizing that other people exist and have feelings about things too, I guess. Gretchen asks what his real issue is. Dawson then asks her what her problem is and then says that he thinks she went through the same thing as his mom. Ok, I don't understand how he came to this conclusion but even so, if he thought that, why would he frame it this way where he first tells her he has an issue with his mom's decision to have one? How is that supposed to make her feel like he's the one to confide in? This makes no sense. She's impressed he figured it out and while he insists that she doesn't have to talk about it, she points out that it's the reason he called her here. He wants to understand why his mother is doing it. Ok.
First, Gail expressly explained to him the myriad reasons she came to the decision she did and it was very clearly a hard one for her to make.
Second, you are asking a girl who just admitted to you and clearly doesn't like talking about the fact that she's had an abortion to explain her decision to you so that he'll understand his mother's decision better. OMG, just talk to your mother. Listen to the words she said. Why are you bugging Gretchen about this??
He's hoping that her story will help him otherwise he never would have brought it up. Ugh, they are trying to make him sound understanding and nice but it's not working. This is all wrong. He is all wrong. Dawson is the worst.
Gretchen is just there to give him advice though so she agrees to tell him. She got pregnant last semester in the back of her boyfriend's car. She's 20, had a bunch of student loans, a 2.0 GPA and made a decision. Well now, I guess Dawson doesn't want her now since she made such a gross, sinful decision, right? Nope. Turns out Gretchen had a miscarriage before she could go through with it. She thought she'd be happy but she felt super guilty for getting off easy and for putting herself in the position where she had to make that kind of decision. I hate all of this. I hate the notion that women shouldn't put themselves in the position to have to make these decisions because it completely removes any male responsibility from this act.
Dawson further pushes and asks if she made the same decision as her mom. No, you dipshit, she had a miscarriage. Weren't you listening? I mean, yeah, she was probably going to make the same decision but it ended up with her not having to. She asks him if it matters and he has the good sense to say no. Then he thanks her for trusting him and promises not to tell anyone.
At the Potter B&B, they are sitting around the dinner table with their Inn guests. Joey is talking about her good grades and how she studied all night at Pacey's. Bessie makes a snide comment about how she must be tired and Joey asks her what that's supposed to mean. I feel so bad for every stranger at that table because they are all silent and look as uncomfortable as I feel watching this play out. Bessie plays dumb but Joey insists she tells her so Bessie lets her have it. She accuses her of having sex with Pacey all night or selling birth control out of her bedroom. Joey is pissed that she was snooping around her room and Bessie shames her for having a giant supply of birth control. I will remind you, she is doing this in front of complete strangers who are just trying to eat dinner in peace. They are not going to get a good Trip Advisor review after this. Bessie threatens to lock her up in her room because she's not ready for sex. Joey points out that she was on a boat with Pacey all summer and wait...wasn't Bessie one of the people all giddy and excited to hear about sexcapades that happened on that boat? Now she's concerned??
Bessie complains that Joey is too young to understand consequences but Joey is like, all she does is think about consequences and responsibility and then nopes out to her birth control warehouse, otherwise known as her room.
On the soccer field, Jack talks to Molly who tells him that a couple kids aren't coming. They quit the team because Jack is dangerous. Ooof, I hate this. Why are people so garbage? Jack handles it like a champ and tells her to go out and have fun no matter what and they'll still have pizza. Molly tells them that the other guys are jerks and she knows he's not a danger. It's really cute.
Bodie goes outside to talk to Joey about the epic fight she and Bessie had. Joey doesn't get why Bessie was so upset (neither do I since she was super into knowing if they'd had sex when she returned from the boat trip). Bodie explains that Bessie worries about Joey and wants more for her than to stay in Capeside with a baby at a young age. Joey says she's not having sex, she just wanted to be prepared but she's scared. Bodie tells her that if she's not ready to be prepared for sex, she's probably not ready for it. Except that she is prepared, she has a bunch of condoms and birth control information to prove it but I get what he's saying, I guess. She should want to do it with no doubt before she has sex.
Dawson confronts his parents to be somewhat supportive for once. He wants to make sure she's thought through everything before she makes her final decision. A bit of a condescending start but let's see where this goes. He then tells her that she was the best mother and that she never disappointed him and how he owes so much of who he is to her. That last one is not the best compliment but in spirit, he's actually being really decent to her. Gail is very touched by his words and they hug it out. I like that he's taking away one of her worries and giving her confidence as a mother again but I mean, all the other factors are also really important still.
Joey and Pacey are making out again when Pacey tells her they should slow it down. This time, Joey easily agrees which throws Pacey completely off. Joey then calls him out for thinking that if he turned the tables on her, she'd get paranoid and go further. Pacey tells her he was just kidding about the whole thing but wanted to jump-start the conversation. Joey said that she just went to the clinic for information but that it's fine. Pacey says it's not fine and that he doesn't want to make her do anything she isn't ready for. There's my Pacey. Joey gets it but warns him not to manipulate her again or she's out the door. He apologizes again. She says that even though they're not having sex, there are other things they could do. He asks her what and she says, "kiss you." That's...mean. She had her suggestive voice on and everything. Pacey retaliates by tickling her. So, thankfully, we leave on them being cute together. Still, damn it, Pacey why are you letting me down in practically every episode so far this season?
Jack is freaking out about blurting out that he's gay to Caroline because it was naive to think it wouldn't get worse. He wants to quit but Andie says that he shouldn't because he did the right thing and is great with the kids. She thinks it will blow over. Jack hates that despite the fact that he is a good person, people look at him like he's something awful and I want to give him all the hugs. People suck. Not these two though.
Mr. Brooks comes out to insult Dawson's painting skills again and I love it. Dawson thinks he's doing a good job but he shits on him again. Mr. Brooks then finds Dawson's photobook again and calls the first picture he sees, "trite." I love this man, you guys. However, he soon sees a picture that makes him say that it's not bad because it makes a connection with the subject. It's the first picture he's seen with a bit of Dawson in it and it has potential. This doesn't mean Dawson has talent, it's a clumsy attempt by the writers to push Dawson with Gretchen because of course the picture he's talking about is one he shot of her. It's not even that good.
We then go to a montage where Bessie and Joey make up silently and Dawson develops another picture of Gretchen while smiling. Jack is sad on a soccer field and Mitch and Gail are looking through old photos of Dawson as a baby which obviously means:
Despite my unhappiness or discomfort with the way the very serious subject of abortion was handled, this was pretty solid. I loved Jen giving Joey advice and I really think that Gail's performance was awesome this episode. I don't have an issue with Gail deciding to keep the baby either, I guess I just don't quite like how it was handled. Abortion is a super hot button issue though and I give praise for even daring to have Gail consider it, it's just...I disliked the framework of having her decision be the "wrong" one and the fact that Dawson had to talk her out of it before she made a "mistake". I liked the moment where he set her straight on not thinking she was a good mother, that was sweet, I guess I just wish it wasn't framed as her main factor in not wanting the baby while the very real and valid concerns like finances, age, health and all that seemed to be forgotten about. Because in TV land, when you decide to have a kid, everything just works out. It obviously will for them too. Also, in an episode that discusses this subject, we have one character who considered it but ultimately miscarried (thereby saving her from making the choice) and another who we all know is going to decide to keep the baby. I really think it would have been more interesting to have Gretchen go through with it and while shaken by the decision, is sure it was right for her. It just feels icky to have all characters think it but ultimately not do it because it feels like it's pushing the message of "thinking it is wrong and you will regret it." But I get it, it was probably controversial enough for people to even have your characters discuss it at all so this is what we get. I hope we are moving past this though.
The very special episodes continue as next time we check out Great Xpectations. This is going to be a drug PSA, I can feel it.
We're back in the Creek and for the first time, I think I should give a bit of a content warning. Sorry to spoil the episode a bit at the beginning but there is going to be talk about abortion. Heads up for anyone who, maybe, doesn't like talking about it or has issues or trauma relating to this topic but it's a pretty big part of the episode and I'm gonna have a lot to say on it. To start off, I'm honestly shocked that this show even attempted a discussion on that but, in due time. Let's jump right in.
We start the episode off in the restaurant which has a gross name. Not offensive, not even outwardly gross, i just really don't like the name. It's off-putting to me and I can't clearly define why because it's pretty innocent. Leery's Fresh Fish. I don't know why I hate it but I do. That's not important, the important thing is that Mitch and Dawson are trying to convince Gail to see a doctor or at the very least go the hell home. Remember that stomach flu from previous episodes that Dawson whined that they kept swapping back and forth? It was a plot point and Gail is still sick which is concerning.
Gretchen sets them straight and asks the boys if Gail is experiencing any of these symptoms, pain in the lower back, sickness, nausea, irritability, mood swings. They agree that she has and Gretchen is like duh, she might be preggers.
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Well, shit |
After the credits roll, we join Mitch and Dawson who are awkwardly waiting outside the bathroom door while Gail pees on a stick. She comes out and confirms she's pregnant. Mitch is excited, Gail looks nervous and Dawson is being a petulant dick about it as always.
Pacey and Joey are making out when Pacey asks to stop. Joey is confused but Pacey explains that they always make out until she stops it and they go and watch tv instead. Today he's doing a pre-emptive strike and suggests they just go watch a movie. Joey is still being playful and wants to continue but Pacey stands his ground, he wants to stop things this time. He's playing it as goofy but Joey quickly picks up on the fact that it feels like a fight. Pacey denies that they're fighting but Joey still feels like he's unsatisfied. They are really doing my boy dirty this season. I really hate this pressure thing he's doing right now and it really doesn't feel like something season 3 Pacey would do. I get it, guys are horny but like...this is not the way to go about it where you make your partner feel guilty for not wanting to go as far as you do. It's gross and wrong. Stop it, Pacey.
Next, we join Andie and Jack on a soccer field. Andie has signed them up to be coaches for a youth soccer team because it looks good on their college applications. They introduce themselves to the kids and Jack takes an immediate shine to a little girl named Molly who seems to not like speaking because she hates soccer. Jack promises that they will have so much fun playing soccer and eating pizza that she will no longer hate it.
Dawson is apparently at Mr. Brooks' house. Remember him? Curmudgeonly old guy, who liked prime rib at the yacht club? He's back and seeking vengeance for the boat that Dawson "borrowed" and destroyed and I am here for it. Mr. Brooks shames Dawson at every turn, from not painting well enough, to mocking his high school angst, and then insults his photography. Dawson fails at everything he loves in life and Mr. Brooks is here to tell him it. I know I wasn't looking forward to this storyline but I didn't remember how awesome Mr. Brooks is. I feel him, you know? I mean, for now, while he's being a dick to Dawson. He actually gives him constructive criticism on how to improve his photography but Dawson doesn't take it well. I can't wait until he unveils his photography display for a professional show, gets shot down and then spirals into a depression where he destroys his camera and all of the photographs he's ever taken. All because one art show didn't tell him that he was immediately a genius.
Jen sits with a distracted Joey at lunch and asks her why she looks so glum. Joey isn't in the mood to discuss so she just says that the mashed potatoes are cold. Jen doesn't buy this so Joey elaborates that they are cold and so is she. Jen then correctly guesses that her issues are about sex because most everything is. Joey confides that she thinks Pacey is getting impatient. Jen tells her that Pacey loves her but Joey clarifies that she thinks she's the problem because she keeps waiting. Jen suggests that she be prepared for sex first because no one really knows when they are ready but they do know if they are prepared and Joey is not. This is such awesome advice, I love this and I really love that the girls are getting the chance to have scenes together. It's amazing. For a season that I'm not too thrilled about, I am definitely happy that the writers are putting more scenes of girls supporting girls in.
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More of this, please |
At the doctor's office, Mitch tells Gail that everything is ok and they'll get through this. He also handwaves Dawson's dickery aside as him being in shock but that he'll get over it. Gail then points out the fact that they are sending their son to college, which is expensive on top of having a baby (which in the States is expensive the minute you get pregnant. How do you guys even?). She also worries about their stamina and their relationship being rocky before and she's nervous about bringing another child in when they're just figuring themselves out again. This is all really valid and concerning. Mitch says that it's a little late to think of this because she is pregnant and Gail points out that she doesn't have to stay that way. Gail admits that she doesn't want to keep the baby. Holy. Shit.
I completely blacked this out of my memory and I'm honestly impressed the show went here. I don't have much to say yet but suffice to say...this part is really cool but it's going to get a bit gross.
A woman comes up and introduces herself to Jack as Molly's sister. She points out that she's 28 and gets really flirty. Jack points out that he's 18 but this doesn't seem to deter her. Run, Jack! I know, I know, he's "technically" an adult but I'm sorry, any fully grown 28 year-olds who actively pursue 18 year-olds are at least morally skeevy. She asks if he has a girlfriend and he gets super uncomfortable. Then she seems to relish making Jack uncomfortable and then asks if she's coming on too strong and if he's shy. Jack grasps onto that but she doesn't care and continues to sexually harass a barely legal teen. This is a gross plot point and is making me uncomfortable.
Dawson is complaining to Gretchen about how mean Mr. Brooks is and since Gretchen's entire role is going to be making Dawson feel better, she tells him that the man is crazy and that his pictures are awesome. Ok, Gretch. Sure. He keeps taking pictures of her which is uncomfortable and she agrees with me because she asks him to stop. Dawson asks if he's making her uncomfortable and when she tells him he is, he says "good" So that's two people this episode that enjoys making other people uncomfortable and that is a huge red flag. Avoid Molly's sister and Dawson because they are garbage people.
Somehow she finds this charming and they giggle and run off to sit at a bench. Dawson then confesses that his mom is pregnant but that he's upset about it because he's a selfish douche. No, actually it's because he's a judgmental douche who lists all the worries that Gail herself had like he's so smart that his dummy dumb parents hadn't even considered these things, least of all the woman who is actually carrying said baby. Gretchen points this fact out to him and is like how about you think about how your mom is feeling about all these issues? Dawson is happy she pointed this out to him because he's too dumb and selfish to think of it on his own and Gretchen quickly bails on him.
Joey is at a clinic getting information from a nurse. She asks her some very basic questions and informs her about STDs/STIs and how birth control works. The nurse stresses about the importance of safe sex and notices that Joey is super uncomfortable. She realizes that she's freaking Joey the fuck out with all the facts and dangers of sex so she finally tells her about the other side, which I approve of wholeheartedly. It's important that everyone know what can happen as a result of sex but it's equally important not to scare them away or shame them from having it because sex is a basic and enjoyable part of life, it's just good to be prepared and responsible about it. Katie Holmes is really nailing the naive, freaked outlook of an inexperienced girl in this scene too.
Jack complains to Andie about Molly's sister, Caroline hitting on him. Andie wonders if she was maybe just being flirty (which is still gross) but Jack points out that she was on the verge of being really inappropriate. Jack wants help because telling her no apparently turns her on more which...HUGE RED FLAG. Andie suggests telling her that he's gay but Jack isn't into that option because people, unfortunately, have weird hang-ups about gay people and children. Andie thinks it's crap and it totally is but it's also a reality because people are garbage. Jack just wants to coach and put it on his college resume, he has no interest in being the face of a human rights campaign. Andie agrees to help him.
Dawson is working in his darkroom when he hears his parents get home. He goes upstairs to talk to them about the fact that he's now super excited that they're having the baby. This becomes super awkward as they tell him they are not having the baby. Dawson immediately pulls a hissy about this. Gail admits that she had a feeling for a while that she was pregnant but didn't want to face it because she knew that she'd want to get an abortion. Dawson is super unhappy but Gail points out that his lackluster attempt at excitement wasn't very convincing so he should be happy with her decision. Here's the part where I start to get a bit rage-y.
Dawson asks Mitch if he actually agreed to this. Look, this is a sensitive topic and Mitch should get to discuss this with Gail but ultimately, it's her body and I don't think it's right for him to decide for her to go through with a body changing process that is more dangerous for someone her age. It's a little gross that Dawson thinks Mitch could just step in and be like "no, I don't agree and you are going to incubate this child for me. To hell with your health." For Mitch's part, he stands tall and firm in saying that he did agree because he's actually being super supportive here. Gail steps in to say he's just protecting her and takes on all the blame, calling herself a terrible mother. Honestly, this bit is heartbreaking because she knows how little her son thinks of her and she's afraid of screwing up another child. Honestly, if I were her and raised Dawson, I'd be terrified of making another one too. Dawson doesn't like that she's using him as an excuse but she points out everything that he listed to Gretchen as big issues and then says it's her choice and she's made it, despite how much he'll hate her for making it. This scene is hard to watch, I don't usually care about Mitch and Gail drama but this is actually holding my attention.
The next day, Mitch comes up to tell Dawson that Gail said that breakfast is ready. Dawson is being an ass though so he tells him to tell her that he's not hungry. So, Mitch says that she also said she was sorry he was upset. He also tells Dawson that she didn't sleep at all last night. Dawson asks if she's really going to do this and when Mitch confirms, he asks what Mitch wants. I have some hope when Mitch says that he's not sure but he wants Gail to be comfortable and that it's her body and her choice. Then Dawson asks "What if it's the wrong decision?" and my hackles immediately raise. I know what you're thinking but no, this episode was written by a woman. Look, I'm just going to say it, it makes me extremely uncomfortable that two male characters are discussing the merits of a woman's decision. I get that it's hard for people to process but like so much can go wrong in pregnancy and childbirth and it's of zero risk to men but 100% risk to women. I just find this really gross and I'm getting the feeling that while they are bringing up this very important issue, it's ultimately going to end up with her realizing that she should fulfill her womanly duties and I kind of hate it.
Mitch reveals that they tried for five years after having Dawson for another child but it never happened. Mitch wanted a big family (Guys always seem to but then I guess their part in having kids is the super easy part so of course, they don't see a problem with having lots of kids). Anyway, admitting that they couldn't was devastating but that he realized he had a house that was full of love and was fulfilled anyway. He may wonder what if but he's happy with what he has.
Bessie complains to Joey about Pacey sneaking his dirty laundry into her wash while going into her room. Joey isn't there and she starts putting away clothes. She comes across Joey's new stash of contraceptives that she got from the clinic just as Joey comes in. She rushes out without a word.
Caroline is still being a gross predator so Andie jumps in to help him out, telling her that she is Jack's girlfriend. Caroline is like, but I thought you were his sister so Andie backpedals and says that she's just protecting her from his actual girlfriend Natasha who is a black belt that gets very jealous. Caroline isn't buying this but like, Girl, STEP AWAY FROM THE CHILDREN AND TAKE THE HINT! For real because she insists that Jack can make his own decisions and Andie is like, he did and he's not interested and this woman keeps insisting that Jack is interested. Jack finally admits that he's gay to get her to back off, which is so gross. I know they wanted an excuse to out him for the drama and to address a really serious issue but like, this woman is super gross and I wish it wasn't played like she's just "being flirty". Even if she were 19 she'd still be acting inappropriately here. When someone says "no" and "not interested" back off immediately. The woman slinks away and pretends like she totally knew he was gay and totally wasn't interested anyway. I hate her.
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Step away from the teenagers, predator |
Dawson finds Gretchen and tells her about his mom's decision to get an abortion and how he's not dealing with it well. He's also worried about what they're going through so like, minor points to Dawson for realizing that other people exist and have feelings about things too, I guess. Gretchen asks what his real issue is. Dawson then asks her what her problem is and then says that he thinks she went through the same thing as his mom. Ok, I don't understand how he came to this conclusion but even so, if he thought that, why would he frame it this way where he first tells her he has an issue with his mom's decision to have one? How is that supposed to make her feel like he's the one to confide in? This makes no sense. She's impressed he figured it out and while he insists that she doesn't have to talk about it, she points out that it's the reason he called her here. He wants to understand why his mother is doing it. Ok.
First, Gail expressly explained to him the myriad reasons she came to the decision she did and it was very clearly a hard one for her to make.
Second, you are asking a girl who just admitted to you and clearly doesn't like talking about the fact that she's had an abortion to explain her decision to you so that he'll understand his mother's decision better. OMG, just talk to your mother. Listen to the words she said. Why are you bugging Gretchen about this??
He's hoping that her story will help him otherwise he never would have brought it up. Ugh, they are trying to make him sound understanding and nice but it's not working. This is all wrong. He is all wrong. Dawson is the worst.
Gretchen is just there to give him advice though so she agrees to tell him. She got pregnant last semester in the back of her boyfriend's car. She's 20, had a bunch of student loans, a 2.0 GPA and made a decision. Well now, I guess Dawson doesn't want her now since she made such a gross, sinful decision, right? Nope. Turns out Gretchen had a miscarriage before she could go through with it. She thought she'd be happy but she felt super guilty for getting off easy and for putting herself in the position where she had to make that kind of decision. I hate all of this. I hate the notion that women shouldn't put themselves in the position to have to make these decisions because it completely removes any male responsibility from this act.
Dawson further pushes and asks if she made the same decision as her mom. No, you dipshit, she had a miscarriage. Weren't you listening? I mean, yeah, she was probably going to make the same decision but it ended up with her not having to. She asks him if it matters and he has the good sense to say no. Then he thanks her for trusting him and promises not to tell anyone.
At the Potter B&B, they are sitting around the dinner table with their Inn guests. Joey is talking about her good grades and how she studied all night at Pacey's. Bessie makes a snide comment about how she must be tired and Joey asks her what that's supposed to mean. I feel so bad for every stranger at that table because they are all silent and look as uncomfortable as I feel watching this play out. Bessie plays dumb but Joey insists she tells her so Bessie lets her have it. She accuses her of having sex with Pacey all night or selling birth control out of her bedroom. Joey is pissed that she was snooping around her room and Bessie shames her for having a giant supply of birth control. I will remind you, she is doing this in front of complete strangers who are just trying to eat dinner in peace. They are not going to get a good Trip Advisor review after this. Bessie threatens to lock her up in her room because she's not ready for sex. Joey points out that she was on a boat with Pacey all summer and wait...wasn't Bessie one of the people all giddy and excited to hear about sexcapades that happened on that boat? Now she's concerned??
Bessie complains that Joey is too young to understand consequences but Joey is like, all she does is think about consequences and responsibility and then nopes out to her birth control warehouse, otherwise known as her room.
On the soccer field, Jack talks to Molly who tells him that a couple kids aren't coming. They quit the team because Jack is dangerous. Ooof, I hate this. Why are people so garbage? Jack handles it like a champ and tells her to go out and have fun no matter what and they'll still have pizza. Molly tells them that the other guys are jerks and she knows he's not a danger. It's really cute.
Bodie goes outside to talk to Joey about the epic fight she and Bessie had. Joey doesn't get why Bessie was so upset (neither do I since she was super into knowing if they'd had sex when she returned from the boat trip). Bodie explains that Bessie worries about Joey and wants more for her than to stay in Capeside with a baby at a young age. Joey says she's not having sex, she just wanted to be prepared but she's scared. Bodie tells her that if she's not ready to be prepared for sex, she's probably not ready for it. Except that she is prepared, she has a bunch of condoms and birth control information to prove it but I get what he's saying, I guess. She should want to do it with no doubt before she has sex.
Dawson confronts his parents to be somewhat supportive for once. He wants to make sure she's thought through everything before she makes her final decision. A bit of a condescending start but let's see where this goes. He then tells her that she was the best mother and that she never disappointed him and how he owes so much of who he is to her. That last one is not the best compliment but in spirit, he's actually being really decent to her. Gail is very touched by his words and they hug it out. I like that he's taking away one of her worries and giving her confidence as a mother again but I mean, all the other factors are also really important still.
Joey and Pacey are making out again when Pacey tells her they should slow it down. This time, Joey easily agrees which throws Pacey completely off. Joey then calls him out for thinking that if he turned the tables on her, she'd get paranoid and go further. Pacey tells her he was just kidding about the whole thing but wanted to jump-start the conversation. Joey said that she just went to the clinic for information but that it's fine. Pacey says it's not fine and that he doesn't want to make her do anything she isn't ready for. There's my Pacey. Joey gets it but warns him not to manipulate her again or she's out the door. He apologizes again. She says that even though they're not having sex, there are other things they could do. He asks her what and she says, "kiss you." That's...mean. She had her suggestive voice on and everything. Pacey retaliates by tickling her. So, thankfully, we leave on them being cute together. Still, damn it, Pacey why are you letting me down in practically every episode so far this season?
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At least now they're cute? |
Jack is freaking out about blurting out that he's gay to Caroline because it was naive to think it wouldn't get worse. He wants to quit but Andie says that he shouldn't because he did the right thing and is great with the kids. She thinks it will blow over. Jack hates that despite the fact that he is a good person, people look at him like he's something awful and I want to give him all the hugs. People suck. Not these two though.
Mr. Brooks comes out to insult Dawson's painting skills again and I love it. Dawson thinks he's doing a good job but he shits on him again. Mr. Brooks then finds Dawson's photobook again and calls the first picture he sees, "trite." I love this man, you guys. However, he soon sees a picture that makes him say that it's not bad because it makes a connection with the subject. It's the first picture he's seen with a bit of Dawson in it and it has potential. This doesn't mean Dawson has talent, it's a clumsy attempt by the writers to push Dawson with Gretchen because of course the picture he's talking about is one he shot of her. It's not even that good.
We then go to a montage where Bessie and Joey make up silently and Dawson develops another picture of Gretchen while smiling. Jack is sad on a soccer field and Mitch and Gail are looking through old photos of Dawson as a baby which obviously means:
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Because of course. This is a network show. |
Despite my unhappiness or discomfort with the way the very serious subject of abortion was handled, this was pretty solid. I loved Jen giving Joey advice and I really think that Gail's performance was awesome this episode. I don't have an issue with Gail deciding to keep the baby either, I guess I just don't quite like how it was handled. Abortion is a super hot button issue though and I give praise for even daring to have Gail consider it, it's just...I disliked the framework of having her decision be the "wrong" one and the fact that Dawson had to talk her out of it before she made a "mistake". I liked the moment where he set her straight on not thinking she was a good mother, that was sweet, I guess I just wish it wasn't framed as her main factor in not wanting the baby while the very real and valid concerns like finances, age, health and all that seemed to be forgotten about. Because in TV land, when you decide to have a kid, everything just works out. It obviously will for them too. Also, in an episode that discusses this subject, we have one character who considered it but ultimately miscarried (thereby saving her from making the choice) and another who we all know is going to decide to keep the baby. I really think it would have been more interesting to have Gretchen go through with it and while shaken by the decision, is sure it was right for her. It just feels icky to have all characters think it but ultimately not do it because it feels like it's pushing the message of "thinking it is wrong and you will regret it." But I get it, it was probably controversial enough for people to even have your characters discuss it at all so this is what we get. I hope we are moving past this though.
The very special episodes continue as next time we check out Great Xpectations. This is going to be a drug PSA, I can feel it.
ugh, I'd forgotten so much of these plot threads and reading them made me rage blackout multiple times.
ReplyDeleteHow long until Mitch drives out to get ice cream anyway? (I'm just curious about this baby's upbringing)
I think Mitch bites it early next season but my memory is muddy and awful as you're well aware. lol.
DeleteI disliked this plot thread so much but I'll admit it was one that was at least interesting. Can't say the same for most of this season so far. I'm still in love with Mr. Brooks shitting on Dawson.