Original airdate: October 25, 2000
We're back in the Creek and it turns out, I actually remember this episode! I mean, not at first but eventually my memory was jogged and well, I remember it. That's not that exciting but thankfully, we get a bit of fun this episode.
The episode opens with Pacey complaining that he's bored but Joey is fine with boring since they've had way too much excitement lately. Joey insists that he could use some boredom. Then Pacey waxes poetic about how they're reading 1984 which has already past and everything is fine and I'm sitting here like, Pacey please read that book because you have no idea how much those ideas are always relevant.
He finds some college pamphlets and Joey insists that they are just junk mail. He points out that he isn't getting junk mail from a bunch of colleges. Joey pretends like it's nothing but Pacey points out that she has to go somewhere and Joey says not right now. She then starts going meta by saying she wants to apply to a world-class fictional college that pops up conveniently on those cheesy high school shows so that all the principal class can attend and like, we get it show. You're super clever for pointing out the silly trope that you are also going to use but if you point it out, it doesn't count. Cool. Cue the intro.
Jen is talking to the camera but she's actually talking to a college admissions counselor or something. Which I didn't think was a thing but I'm just glad they don't have to talk to Mitch lest the whole town know their plans. We cut between her Jack, Andie, Joey, Dawson, and Pacey talking about their college plans. Jen and Jack aren't sure, Andie is already done her applications through early admissions and is thus stress-free, Joey is stressed, Dawson is whining about how everyone assumes he'll go to film school but like, he might not guys! Then Pacey says that his aptitude test says that he'd be great at law enforcement and then begs the person not to tell his dad or brother. Poor Pacey, definitely don't be a cop. One big question up in the air for everyone is "where do you see yourself in five years?" This will come up later.
In this meeting, Joey finds out she's top of her class but not number 1. She's fourth and this crushes her even though the counseller is pretty damn supportive and just wants her to cast a wider net in case it doesn't work out for her for the tougher to get into colleges.
Drew keeps trying to call Jen, Jenny and she is not having it. She tells him to go away but he doesn't strike me as someone who listens to other people's boundaries so he just keeps yammering at her. She's pissed though because he already seems to know her friends and they didn't tell her he was in town. He fesses that he never told them he knew her or she knew him. He wanted to see what they thought of her first. He wants to catch up with her but Jen thinks he just wants her to be the party girl she was in New York which she doesn't want to be again.
Gretchen is applying for a bartending job at Leery's Fish restaurant or whatever it was called. Dawson walks in and they chatter for a bit before Gail comes in to get her application. Gail is hesitant to hire her because she wants someone long term and assumes she'll be going back to school but Gretchen says that she's taking a break, indefinitely. Gail hires her to start tomorrow. Dawson looks fake happy? I'm not sure how to read his expression, to be honest.
Andie calls Jack out of football practice to brag about how the counseller called Harvard on her behalf and the person she talked to remembered her essay out of thousands of essays which is pretty awesome to be fair. You know, the show never brings this up but with how smart Andie is, I've often wondered if she's one of the top three ahead of Joey. She has to be up there too, is all I'm saying but the show never addresses this. Jack is happy for her but not enthusiastic. He's called back to practice where he immediately gets injured on the field.
Cut to him walking down the hall in a cast. He says he's fine except for the sound it made when the doctor popped it back in. The gang get stopped by some rando who asks about Jack's arm but then sticks around staring like a moron. They ask him what's up and he asks if the birthday party is still on for Jen. Andie asks why Jen didn't mention her birthday and like the true best friend/soul mate, Jack knows it isn't and clarifies that it's in May. Dawson suggests she looks into why a party is being thrown in her honor if it's not her birthday.
Joey asks her sister what it means to have a dream where her teeth are receeding into her head and Bessie tells her to stop stressing over her college admissions. Joey thought she didn't have to worry but now she knows she's fourth. Bessie is super impressed but Joey is defeatest because she hasn't done anything other than being number four and that's not what the big colleges are looking for. Bessie suggests asking Pacey what he thinks but Joey doesn't want to make him feel bad since he might not even get to go to college. Bessie insists she tries though.
Jen confronts Drew about the birthday party and tells him it's unacceptable. He doesn't seem to care because it's helped him get to know people which is stupid because he could've just thrown a regular house party and gotten the same results. He then claims he wanted to get her out of her funk since the freshman dumped her. Jen claims she dumped him but like, I guess technically she did since he didn't have the guts to do it himself but he initiated the thing first. I shouldn't worry about this, he's gone and haunting someone else's dreams but unfortunately, now I'm stuck with Drew.
He insists that she come lest she look like a stuck up for not attending her own party. I hate him so much. Henry was boring but this guy suuuuuuucks.
Andie and Jack are walking and talking about college but Jack is less than enthused. Andie keeps pressing him, saying that he could write about the whole arm break/football thing on his college applications since it would be an interesting angle. He's more than annoyed with her pestering about college though so he changes the subject to her shopping trip. She promises it's over but she just needs to get a gift for Jen. Jack's like, you know it's not actually her birthday...you were there but Andie thinks it would be rude to show up to a birthday party without one. Man, she's adorable. I know I've mentioned this a billion times already but I hate that they're going to write her off.
Gail hands Dawson a meal at the restaurant and he complains that he's never getting a home-cooked meal again. Of course, Dawson would complain about getting a fancy restaurant meal over home cooking. Anyway, Gail questions why someone as smart and bright as Gretchen would choose to leave college to serve drinks in Capeside and Dawson whines about how college isn't everything. He calls it a holding pen for 18 to 22-year-olds and has the gall to say that most people aren't at college to learn but to party and have the sex. Don't pay attention to the movies or horrible online sketch "comedy" kids, most people are in fact at college to learn and grow. There are parties, yes but if you only party and don't go to class? You fail and no one cares that you fail or don't show up because they have your money either way and the only person you played, was yourself.
Gail says she's not complaining but is confused that she ended up with the only son who thinks that sounds like a bad idea. Then she asks if maybe someone is running away from things and Dawson thinks she's talking about him so she points out that all of his college applications have been coming from colleges super far away. I'm confused...she did know that he'd want to do film school, right? Obviously, he'd want to go to California for that. He points this out but then I'm mad at him for his little whine fest about how everyone just assumes he's going to film school but here acts like she's dumb for not realizing that he's definitely going to film school. My main point is that Dawson is an ass, just so we're clear. Gail doesn't want him to go if it's for the wrong reasons, like putting an entire continent between him and Joey.
Joey admits to Pacey that she found out she was fourth. He laughs, incredulous that this is her problem and Joey freaks out that she shouldn't have told him. He apologizes and asks her to explain the situation to him because he knows that her issue isn't that she's fourth. Joey proceeds to stress about how she thought all the doors would open to her with good grades but gets upset when she notices that Pacey isn't listening. He admits to not really paying attention because everyone would want her problems of having the best grades and loads of opportunities and one of the brightest futures ever. Joey gives up and suggests they go out to Jen's unbirthday party. Joey's problems are weird but I'm unhappy with how my fictional boyfriend handled this.
Dawson talks to Jen about Drew and she references Ferris Bueller to him becaue Drew will fuck up your life but somehow you'll end up thanking him for it. Dawson inquires to her relationship with him. She says he wasn't a boyfriend but that he was an indiscretion. She leaves and Dawson spots Joey and Pacey arriving at the party.
Drew greets Pacey and Joey and hands them drinks. Pacey tells her no because she cannot handle her drink. Look, she totes can't, she always seems to go overboard but man is he handling himself poorly this episode. Joey tells him off and pointedly takes a drink.
Jen calls Drew out for throwing a party in someone else's house but he denies it. She then points out that it gives him plausible deniability if he gets caught since the house isn't his. He pretends like she's just throwing out crazy theories but she then says that she figured out why he'd pretend to throw a birthday party for her and it's because if the cops ask a whole bunch of drunken people why they're here, they'll say Jen Lindley's birthday, thus implicating her more. Wow, that makes a ton of sense and also, fuck Drew. He pretends like all he wanted to do was give her a good time and then gives a sob story about how his house isn't impressive to anyone, especially her and then leaves. Don't fall for this, Jen. I'm begging you. He's a dick bag. A bag of dicks.
Dawson confronts Joey about being number 4 at the top of their class and for a second I wondered if Mitch found out somehow and told Dawson because how would he know this? He claims that people were starting a betting pool but...I still think Mitch told him. The worst guidance counseller ever. Joey complains that she worked so hard all throughout school, hunting snails (WHERE SHE FELL IN LOVE WITH PACEY IN MY HEAD!!!) and building bridges but it only got her number four. Dawson is actually decent here and tells her that fourth is amazing. He then fails to read the room and asks her if she's here celebrating which...Dawson you just heard her big spiel about how hard she worked and is clearly bummed she only got fourth, why are you asking her if she's celebrating? Are you sure you can read her like a book because you're so attached? I don't see it. Joey sarcastically agrees that she's totes celebrating the future.
Dawson still doesn't get it and says that she's got the grades and SAT scores to go anywhere she wants but Joey doesn't want to have this conversation tonight because she's sick of it and tonight was about avoiding it. Dawson says she doesn't need to tell him because he knows she's totally going to be an anthropologist or oceanographer. Joey laughs in his face and asks him if he knows how much they make. I'm guessing not a lot and that would be something that would concern her as someone who has not had stable income for most of her life. She then says she just said that stuff to push his buttons. Dawson gets offended and starts pithily asking her if she never wanted to go an great adventures and would be happy to just stay in Capeside. This pisses Joey off because she never said anything about staying in Capeside and that's a pretty insulting leap for him to take. They part ways.
Pacey is trying to find Joey when Drew spots him and asks if he wants to play cards. He declines, explaining that he's looking for Joey and Drew pushes his buttons more by saying he saw her talking to Dawson. Pacey looks upset when Drew quickly amends his story to say that Joey went for a walk with Jen. Pacey decides to play some poker since he's taking this losers word that she's safe with Jen. She is but I'm side-eyeing Pacey a bit that he'd just take this loser's word for it.
Jen is in fact walking with Joey to a pier and that makes me happy because I love me some girl time on this show. Joey makes a toast to Jen, her friend on her birthday. Jen asks if she knows it's not really her birthday and Joey retorts that it's ok because they're not really friends. I think it's supposed to be a lighthearted joke but I hate it. It makes me sad. They should be friends! Joey says she's only joking and that they are friends but then amends it to that she thinks they are but that she can't pinpoint when they even became friends. Ugh, it's only because the writers hate writing scenes where girls are interacting with each other happily, unless they're gushing about boys. Jen doesn't want to delve into it because then they might remember why they're supposed to hate each other. YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO HATE EACH OTHER! You can be friends, please be friends, you need each other. Don't let a dweeb come between you just because you both made the poor decision of dating him once upon a time. Where was I?
Ah yes, Joey says that she doesn't hate Jen at all but in fact, loves her. Jen laughs and says she loves everybody tonight and then asks if she can answer a question for her. Joey doesn't want to if it has to do with the future but no, Jen just wants to know where Drew lives. Joey happily answers that he and his mom live in an apartment at the yacht club. His father left them high and dry and went to Mexico with a younger woman. If this is supposed to make me feel sympathetic to Drew, it doesn't. You are not tricking me with this sob story, writers. The guy's a dick, no matter his life's circumstances.
Andie is showing off the book she bought for Jen. It's a book title "You too Can Get into the College of Your Choice" and tells her that as a present, birthday or not, it sucks. Andie asks him why he's so grumpy and he tells her that not everyone wants to talk about colleges all day and every day. He just wants to enjoy the remainder of his senior year. Andie asks him if he thinks she doesn't and he points out that she doesn't because she's obsessed with everyone's future when really the thing he's worried about right now is the present. Football was his only outlet that made him feel a part of the school and now he can't play so he feels lost. He storms off. Poor Jack.
Andie goes to join Jen and Joey and I get excited because I live for moments like these on the show that let these girls just be friends. Anyway, Joey is super drunk and babbling so Jen tells Andie to ignore her in a lighthearted, funny way. She asks her where Jack is but Andie doesn't know because he's avoiding her. She then asks if she's controlling to which both Jen and Joey answer yes without hesitation. Jen says that it's not judgement just who she is. Jen wants to leave to go apologize to Drew but I still don't know why. Joey wants them to answer a question first and it's the question we were introduced to at the beginning of the episode. "Where do you see yourself in five years?" but Joey wants the real answer, not the college advisor approved ones. Jen's answer:
Andie wants to go into PR and I think that would be a great fit for her. Joey struggles to answer so Jen does for her. She thinks Joey will graduate from a ridiculously expensive Ivy League school, move to New York and work in a funky SoHo art gallery where her starting salary is less than a year's tuition. Yikes, Jen dropping the truth bombs hard on how overpriced education is versus earning potential. Anyway, the girls make a deal to meet back here five years later and discuss if any of their predictions came true. It's super sweet and oh how I wish this scene follow up happened for reals in the finale but unfortunately, if it did, Andie's scenes were cut for time. I think I need to splurge for season 6 DVDs for the special features and see her cut scenes. Unless they're not included. Boo.
Jack and Dawson are chatting and Jack asks if other people are having more fun than them. Dawson thinks it's hard to tell because they all might just be imitating the fun they see in the movies. Not everyone bases everything they do on what they see in movies, Dawson. Ass. Jack talks about how much he didn't think he'd miss football but now that he can't do it he really does miss it. I feel bad for him but it's a set up to say that he knows Dawson understands that feeling because of Joey. *sigh*
Joey walks up to the poker table where a girl is taking off her top with Drew being sleazy by saying she's trying to lose, implying she's loose. She's disappointed that Pacey is playing strip poker the second she leaves him alone. Honestly, I'm disappointed too. Not that playing strip poker is bad, it's fine if everyone playing is fine with it, not under pressure, or not playing behind their significant others' back. The writers really want to drag Pacey this season, I really don't think that the Pacey of last season would do this, maybe at the beginning when he was single but not after he won the girl of his dreams, even if he was upset about her way better problem than his problem. He tries to say that it was an innocent game and he's done now but like...would he have been done if Joey hadn't shown up? I don't like that I'm asking this of my King, Pacey but that's really how it comes across in this scene.
Anyway, Pacey says he wants to go but Joey is drunk and wants to join in to make a point. She asks to get dealt in but Pacey thinks she's had enough to drink and wants to get her out of this situation before she does something she'll regret. He scoops her up and carries her out of the party. I don't know how I feel about this move.
Now we are at a scene that is replicating the ending scene of Sixteen Candles which is appropriate, not that it's her birthday, nor that she's sixteen (because she's 17), or that she's with her dream guy but just that she's sitting on a counter across from an asshole next to a birthday cake. Seriously, Jake Ryan is an ass and so is Drew. Jen apologizes for assuming that he'd be exactly the same because it was stupid of her and he agrees. He asks her to open her present and surprise! He's exactly the same because he bought her ecstasy tablets, one for both of them. Jen is pissed and I just have to say, I tried to warn you. He claims that she was protesting her change too much and that no one really changes which is just the most abusive red-flag thing I can imagine. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't improve yourself, they're just trying to tear you down so they can feel better about not wanting to or trying to change for the better. They are pricks through and through. Drew leaves her there with the tablets and I guess that's the set up for future drama.
Andie finds Jack in his room and apologizes for being overbearing about college and not being understanding about how much not playing football sucks for him. He tells her that she needs to chill and not try to fix everyone around her. Andie agrees but is sad that this will be the last year they're ever in the same school together. Jack says he tried to start Kindergartend without her and then they argue over who is the older sibling and I honestly still don't know because we started out thinking Jack was younger and kind of useless but then Andie was younger and Jack had to care for her so I don't even know. Are they fraternal twins? Are they less than a year apart in age somehow? What are their ages??
Next we go back to Pacey and Joey. He's pulled up to the Potter's place and is trying to get her out of the car. She doesn't want to walk but he doesn't want to carry her anymore. She doesn't feel good and he points out that she won't feel any better tomorrow either and she still won't be in the ivy covered college of her choice. Joey claims that she might not want that anyway and that maybe she wants to stay in Capeside. Oh....ok. Pacey is as confused as I am because he calls her out on staying a waitress all her life when she has way more potential. She spells out that she wants to be with him and if that's not a declaration of love, I don't know what is. Joey has been obsessed with not being a townie, getting out of Capeside, and in general getting out for the entire run of the show so far. Suddenly, she wants to stay? And here is proof that Pacey loves her more than Dawson did because when Joey gave up on France for him, he was super cool with it and happy to get his way but Pacey? He's having none of this and tells her that her idea is stupid since he doesn't plan to be in Capeside, he plans to be wherever she is. He wants to be with her so he goes with her to help her in her dreams, he does not hold her back. I love this.
Joey loves this too even though Pacey says she doesn't deserve to hear it since she got drunk. I don't like this shamey thing as much but he's really just mad that she tried to mask her troubles with getting super drunk rather than just harmless fun at a party. I enjoyed her drunkenness though. Anyway, they make up and Pacey ends up carrying her into the B&B and not gonna lie, that move where he picks her up and then kind of tosses her up and catches her again...was pretty hot.
We end the episode on Dawson and Gretchen. She's closing up at the bar and Dawson thought his mother was there but nope, just Gretchen. He congratulates her on the job and she thanks him since she figures she owes him one. You do not, Gretchen. Then she pulls out a glass and Dawson is like "I couldn't possibly have a drink, that's the devil's juice!" but Gretchen doesn't want to drink, she can just see he's troubled so she tells him that for every quarter she manages to bounce into the glass, he has to tell her one thing that's bothering him.
She lands the first one so he tells her about how his mother accused him of wanting to go to California to escape things. She lands another shot and asks him to elaborate so he reluctantly spills about how he's seen how much Joey loves Pacey (truth), because tonight he saw them fight which he's seen them do a lot but it was different now because they're dating. He thinks that watching them fight as a couple was worse than seeing them kiss.
Gretchen tells him that one of the most bogus lines in film is "there's no place like home" from The Wizard of Oz because Oz was a colorful place where she grew and made friends and all that crap. So, Dawson asks her if college is so great, then why did she come back home? Which is honestly a super valid question but she refuses to answer, scoops up her money and leaves him in the dust. I'm ok with that.
Thus endeth the episode. I liked this one if only for the cute girl hang out scenes and the Pacey lifting maneuver. I do like that they tried to have the gang really deal with that familiar pressure of trying to figure shit out at an age where everything feels way too complicated to figure your shit out. I didn't like Pacey much this episode, he felt very unusually unsupportive until the end of the episode but even then, he seemed to be kind of shaming Joey for getting drunk which I didn't like at all. I hope they explore more about Jack's insecurities because I really don't remember if they do or not. I cannot wait until we get to Jen's past reveals which is one of the few things I remember from this season but I don't think that's coming for a long while. Stay tuned for the next episode A Family Way.
We're back in the Creek and it turns out, I actually remember this episode! I mean, not at first but eventually my memory was jogged and well, I remember it. That's not that exciting but thankfully, we get a bit of fun this episode.
The episode opens with Pacey complaining that he's bored but Joey is fine with boring since they've had way too much excitement lately. Joey insists that he could use some boredom. Then Pacey waxes poetic about how they're reading 1984 which has already past and everything is fine and I'm sitting here like, Pacey please read that book because you have no idea how much those ideas are always relevant.
He finds some college pamphlets and Joey insists that they are just junk mail. He points out that he isn't getting junk mail from a bunch of colleges. Joey pretends like it's nothing but Pacey points out that she has to go somewhere and Joey says not right now. She then starts going meta by saying she wants to apply to a world-class fictional college that pops up conveniently on those cheesy high school shows so that all the principal class can attend and like, we get it show. You're super clever for pointing out the silly trope that you are also going to use but if you point it out, it doesn't count. Cool. Cue the intro.
Jen is talking to the camera but she's actually talking to a college admissions counselor or something. Which I didn't think was a thing but I'm just glad they don't have to talk to Mitch lest the whole town know their plans. We cut between her Jack, Andie, Joey, Dawson, and Pacey talking about their college plans. Jen and Jack aren't sure, Andie is already done her applications through early admissions and is thus stress-free, Joey is stressed, Dawson is whining about how everyone assumes he'll go to film school but like, he might not guys! Then Pacey says that his aptitude test says that he'd be great at law enforcement and then begs the person not to tell his dad or brother. Poor Pacey, definitely don't be a cop. One big question up in the air for everyone is "where do you see yourself in five years?" This will come up later.
In this meeting, Joey finds out she's top of her class but not number 1. She's fourth and this crushes her even though the counseller is pretty damn supportive and just wants her to cast a wider net in case it doesn't work out for her for the tougher to get into colleges.
Drew keeps trying to call Jen, Jenny and she is not having it. She tells him to go away but he doesn't strike me as someone who listens to other people's boundaries so he just keeps yammering at her. She's pissed though because he already seems to know her friends and they didn't tell her he was in town. He fesses that he never told them he knew her or she knew him. He wanted to see what they thought of her first. He wants to catch up with her but Jen thinks he just wants her to be the party girl she was in New York which she doesn't want to be again.
Gretchen is applying for a bartending job at Leery's Fish restaurant or whatever it was called. Dawson walks in and they chatter for a bit before Gail comes in to get her application. Gail is hesitant to hire her because she wants someone long term and assumes she'll be going back to school but Gretchen says that she's taking a break, indefinitely. Gail hires her to start tomorrow. Dawson looks fake happy? I'm not sure how to read his expression, to be honest.
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Happy/troubled? |
Andie calls Jack out of football practice to brag about how the counseller called Harvard on her behalf and the person she talked to remembered her essay out of thousands of essays which is pretty awesome to be fair. You know, the show never brings this up but with how smart Andie is, I've often wondered if she's one of the top three ahead of Joey. She has to be up there too, is all I'm saying but the show never addresses this. Jack is happy for her but not enthusiastic. He's called back to practice where he immediately gets injured on the field.
Cut to him walking down the hall in a cast. He says he's fine except for the sound it made when the doctor popped it back in. The gang get stopped by some rando who asks about Jack's arm but then sticks around staring like a moron. They ask him what's up and he asks if the birthday party is still on for Jen. Andie asks why Jen didn't mention her birthday and like the true best friend/soul mate, Jack knows it isn't and clarifies that it's in May. Dawson suggests she looks into why a party is being thrown in her honor if it's not her birthday.
Joey asks her sister what it means to have a dream where her teeth are receeding into her head and Bessie tells her to stop stressing over her college admissions. Joey thought she didn't have to worry but now she knows she's fourth. Bessie is super impressed but Joey is defeatest because she hasn't done anything other than being number four and that's not what the big colleges are looking for. Bessie suggests asking Pacey what he thinks but Joey doesn't want to make him feel bad since he might not even get to go to college. Bessie insists she tries though.
Jen confronts Drew about the birthday party and tells him it's unacceptable. He doesn't seem to care because it's helped him get to know people which is stupid because he could've just thrown a regular house party and gotten the same results. He then claims he wanted to get her out of her funk since the freshman dumped her. Jen claims she dumped him but like, I guess technically she did since he didn't have the guts to do it himself but he initiated the thing first. I shouldn't worry about this, he's gone and haunting someone else's dreams but unfortunately, now I'm stuck with Drew.
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This is not better |
He insists that she come lest she look like a stuck up for not attending her own party. I hate him so much. Henry was boring but this guy suuuuuuucks.
Andie and Jack are walking and talking about college but Jack is less than enthused. Andie keeps pressing him, saying that he could write about the whole arm break/football thing on his college applications since it would be an interesting angle. He's more than annoyed with her pestering about college though so he changes the subject to her shopping trip. She promises it's over but she just needs to get a gift for Jen. Jack's like, you know it's not actually her birthday...you were there but Andie thinks it would be rude to show up to a birthday party without one. Man, she's adorable. I know I've mentioned this a billion times already but I hate that they're going to write her off.
Gail hands Dawson a meal at the restaurant and he complains that he's never getting a home-cooked meal again. Of course, Dawson would complain about getting a fancy restaurant meal over home cooking. Anyway, Gail questions why someone as smart and bright as Gretchen would choose to leave college to serve drinks in Capeside and Dawson whines about how college isn't everything. He calls it a holding pen for 18 to 22-year-olds and has the gall to say that most people aren't at college to learn but to party and have the sex. Don't pay attention to the movies or horrible online sketch "comedy" kids, most people are in fact at college to learn and grow. There are parties, yes but if you only party and don't go to class? You fail and no one cares that you fail or don't show up because they have your money either way and the only person you played, was yourself.
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Have fun but go to class |
Gail says she's not complaining but is confused that she ended up with the only son who thinks that sounds like a bad idea. Then she asks if maybe someone is running away from things and Dawson thinks she's talking about him so she points out that all of his college applications have been coming from colleges super far away. I'm confused...she did know that he'd want to do film school, right? Obviously, he'd want to go to California for that. He points this out but then I'm mad at him for his little whine fest about how everyone just assumes he's going to film school but here acts like she's dumb for not realizing that he's definitely going to film school. My main point is that Dawson is an ass, just so we're clear. Gail doesn't want him to go if it's for the wrong reasons, like putting an entire continent between him and Joey.
Joey admits to Pacey that she found out she was fourth. He laughs, incredulous that this is her problem and Joey freaks out that she shouldn't have told him. He apologizes and asks her to explain the situation to him because he knows that her issue isn't that she's fourth. Joey proceeds to stress about how she thought all the doors would open to her with good grades but gets upset when she notices that Pacey isn't listening. He admits to not really paying attention because everyone would want her problems of having the best grades and loads of opportunities and one of the brightest futures ever. Joey gives up and suggests they go out to Jen's unbirthday party. Joey's problems are weird but I'm unhappy with how my fictional boyfriend handled this.
Dawson talks to Jen about Drew and she references Ferris Bueller to him becaue Drew will fuck up your life but somehow you'll end up thanking him for it. Dawson inquires to her relationship with him. She says he wasn't a boyfriend but that he was an indiscretion. She leaves and Dawson spots Joey and Pacey arriving at the party.
Drew greets Pacey and Joey and hands them drinks. Pacey tells her no because she cannot handle her drink. Look, she totes can't, she always seems to go overboard but man is he handling himself poorly this episode. Joey tells him off and pointedly takes a drink.
Jen calls Drew out for throwing a party in someone else's house but he denies it. She then points out that it gives him plausible deniability if he gets caught since the house isn't his. He pretends like she's just throwing out crazy theories but she then says that she figured out why he'd pretend to throw a birthday party for her and it's because if the cops ask a whole bunch of drunken people why they're here, they'll say Jen Lindley's birthday, thus implicating her more. Wow, that makes a ton of sense and also, fuck Drew. He pretends like all he wanted to do was give her a good time and then gives a sob story about how his house isn't impressive to anyone, especially her and then leaves. Don't fall for this, Jen. I'm begging you. He's a dick bag. A bag of dicks.
Dawson confronts Joey about being number 4 at the top of their class and for a second I wondered if Mitch found out somehow and told Dawson because how would he know this? He claims that people were starting a betting pool but...I still think Mitch told him. The worst guidance counseller ever. Joey complains that she worked so hard all throughout school, hunting snails (WHERE SHE FELL IN LOVE WITH PACEY IN MY HEAD!!!) and building bridges but it only got her number four. Dawson is actually decent here and tells her that fourth is amazing. He then fails to read the room and asks her if she's here celebrating which...Dawson you just heard her big spiel about how hard she worked and is clearly bummed she only got fourth, why are you asking her if she's celebrating? Are you sure you can read her like a book because you're so attached? I don't see it. Joey sarcastically agrees that she's totes celebrating the future.
Dawson still doesn't get it and says that she's got the grades and SAT scores to go anywhere she wants but Joey doesn't want to have this conversation tonight because she's sick of it and tonight was about avoiding it. Dawson says she doesn't need to tell him because he knows she's totally going to be an anthropologist or oceanographer. Joey laughs in his face and asks him if he knows how much they make. I'm guessing not a lot and that would be something that would concern her as someone who has not had stable income for most of her life. She then says she just said that stuff to push his buttons. Dawson gets offended and starts pithily asking her if she never wanted to go an great adventures and would be happy to just stay in Capeside. This pisses Joey off because she never said anything about staying in Capeside and that's a pretty insulting leap for him to take. They part ways.
Pacey is trying to find Joey when Drew spots him and asks if he wants to play cards. He declines, explaining that he's looking for Joey and Drew pushes his buttons more by saying he saw her talking to Dawson. Pacey looks upset when Drew quickly amends his story to say that Joey went for a walk with Jen. Pacey decides to play some poker since he's taking this losers word that she's safe with Jen. She is but I'm side-eyeing Pacey a bit that he'd just take this loser's word for it.
Jen is in fact walking with Joey to a pier and that makes me happy because I love me some girl time on this show. Joey makes a toast to Jen, her friend on her birthday. Jen asks if she knows it's not really her birthday and Joey retorts that it's ok because they're not really friends. I think it's supposed to be a lighthearted joke but I hate it. It makes me sad. They should be friends! Joey says she's only joking and that they are friends but then amends it to that she thinks they are but that she can't pinpoint when they even became friends. Ugh, it's only because the writers hate writing scenes where girls are interacting with each other happily, unless they're gushing about boys. Jen doesn't want to delve into it because then they might remember why they're supposed to hate each other. YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO HATE EACH OTHER! You can be friends, please be friends, you need each other. Don't let a dweeb come between you just because you both made the poor decision of dating him once upon a time. Where was I?
Ah yes, Joey says that she doesn't hate Jen at all but in fact, loves her. Jen laughs and says she loves everybody tonight and then asks if she can answer a question for her. Joey doesn't want to if it has to do with the future but no, Jen just wants to know where Drew lives. Joey happily answers that he and his mom live in an apartment at the yacht club. His father left them high and dry and went to Mexico with a younger woman. If this is supposed to make me feel sympathetic to Drew, it doesn't. You are not tricking me with this sob story, writers. The guy's a dick, no matter his life's circumstances.
Andie is showing off the book she bought for Jen. It's a book title "You too Can Get into the College of Your Choice" and tells her that as a present, birthday or not, it sucks. Andie asks him why he's so grumpy and he tells her that not everyone wants to talk about colleges all day and every day. He just wants to enjoy the remainder of his senior year. Andie asks him if he thinks she doesn't and he points out that she doesn't because she's obsessed with everyone's future when really the thing he's worried about right now is the present. Football was his only outlet that made him feel a part of the school and now he can't play so he feels lost. He storms off. Poor Jack.
Andie goes to join Jen and Joey and I get excited because I live for moments like these on the show that let these girls just be friends. Anyway, Joey is super drunk and babbling so Jen tells Andie to ignore her in a lighthearted, funny way. She asks her where Jack is but Andie doesn't know because he's avoiding her. She then asks if she's controlling to which both Jen and Joey answer yes without hesitation. Jen says that it's not judgement just who she is. Jen wants to leave to go apologize to Drew but I still don't know why. Joey wants them to answer a question first and it's the question we were introduced to at the beginning of the episode. "Where do you see yourself in five years?" but Joey wants the real answer, not the college advisor approved ones. Jen's answer:
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I'm not quite as fatalist as Jen is about men but I still love her and understand how she got here. Men are garbage to her on this show. |
Andie wants to go into PR and I think that would be a great fit for her. Joey struggles to answer so Jen does for her. She thinks Joey will graduate from a ridiculously expensive Ivy League school, move to New York and work in a funky SoHo art gallery where her starting salary is less than a year's tuition. Yikes, Jen dropping the truth bombs hard on how overpriced education is versus earning potential. Anyway, the girls make a deal to meet back here five years later and discuss if any of their predictions came true. It's super sweet and oh how I wish this scene follow up happened for reals in the finale but unfortunately, if it did, Andie's scenes were cut for time. I think I need to splurge for season 6 DVDs for the special features and see her cut scenes. Unless they're not included. Boo.
Jack and Dawson are chatting and Jack asks if other people are having more fun than them. Dawson thinks it's hard to tell because they all might just be imitating the fun they see in the movies. Not everyone bases everything they do on what they see in movies, Dawson. Ass. Jack talks about how much he didn't think he'd miss football but now that he can't do it he really does miss it. I feel bad for him but it's a set up to say that he knows Dawson understands that feeling because of Joey. *sigh*
Joey walks up to the poker table where a girl is taking off her top with Drew being sleazy by saying she's trying to lose, implying she's loose. She's disappointed that Pacey is playing strip poker the second she leaves him alone. Honestly, I'm disappointed too. Not that playing strip poker is bad, it's fine if everyone playing is fine with it, not under pressure, or not playing behind their significant others' back. The writers really want to drag Pacey this season, I really don't think that the Pacey of last season would do this, maybe at the beginning when he was single but not after he won the girl of his dreams, even if he was upset about her way better problem than his problem. He tries to say that it was an innocent game and he's done now but like...would he have been done if Joey hadn't shown up? I don't like that I'm asking this of my King, Pacey but that's really how it comes across in this scene.
Anyway, Pacey says he wants to go but Joey is drunk and wants to join in to make a point. She asks to get dealt in but Pacey thinks she's had enough to drink and wants to get her out of this situation before she does something she'll regret. He scoops her up and carries her out of the party. I don't know how I feel about this move.
Now we are at a scene that is replicating the ending scene of Sixteen Candles which is appropriate, not that it's her birthday, nor that she's sixteen (because she's 17), or that she's with her dream guy but just that she's sitting on a counter across from an asshole next to a birthday cake. Seriously, Jake Ryan is an ass and so is Drew. Jen apologizes for assuming that he'd be exactly the same because it was stupid of her and he agrees. He asks her to open her present and surprise! He's exactly the same because he bought her ecstasy tablets, one for both of them. Jen is pissed and I just have to say, I tried to warn you. He claims that she was protesting her change too much and that no one really changes which is just the most abusive red-flag thing I can imagine. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't improve yourself, they're just trying to tear you down so they can feel better about not wanting to or trying to change for the better. They are pricks through and through. Drew leaves her there with the tablets and I guess that's the set up for future drama.
Andie finds Jack in his room and apologizes for being overbearing about college and not being understanding about how much not playing football sucks for him. He tells her that she needs to chill and not try to fix everyone around her. Andie agrees but is sad that this will be the last year they're ever in the same school together. Jack says he tried to start Kindergartend without her and then they argue over who is the older sibling and I honestly still don't know because we started out thinking Jack was younger and kind of useless but then Andie was younger and Jack had to care for her so I don't even know. Are they fraternal twins? Are they less than a year apart in age somehow? What are their ages??
Next we go back to Pacey and Joey. He's pulled up to the Potter's place and is trying to get her out of the car. She doesn't want to walk but he doesn't want to carry her anymore. She doesn't feel good and he points out that she won't feel any better tomorrow either and she still won't be in the ivy covered college of her choice. Joey claims that she might not want that anyway and that maybe she wants to stay in Capeside. Oh....ok. Pacey is as confused as I am because he calls her out on staying a waitress all her life when she has way more potential. She spells out that she wants to be with him and if that's not a declaration of love, I don't know what is. Joey has been obsessed with not being a townie, getting out of Capeside, and in general getting out for the entire run of the show so far. Suddenly, she wants to stay? And here is proof that Pacey loves her more than Dawson did because when Joey gave up on France for him, he was super cool with it and happy to get his way but Pacey? He's having none of this and tells her that her idea is stupid since he doesn't plan to be in Capeside, he plans to be wherever she is. He wants to be with her so he goes with her to help her in her dreams, he does not hold her back. I love this.
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There's the Pacey we know and love |
Joey loves this too even though Pacey says she doesn't deserve to hear it since she got drunk. I don't like this shamey thing as much but he's really just mad that she tried to mask her troubles with getting super drunk rather than just harmless fun at a party. I enjoyed her drunkenness though. Anyway, they make up and Pacey ends up carrying her into the B&B and not gonna lie, that move where he picks her up and then kind of tosses her up and catches her again...was pretty hot.
We end the episode on Dawson and Gretchen. She's closing up at the bar and Dawson thought his mother was there but nope, just Gretchen. He congratulates her on the job and she thanks him since she figures she owes him one. You do not, Gretchen. Then she pulls out a glass and Dawson is like "I couldn't possibly have a drink, that's the devil's juice!" but Gretchen doesn't want to drink, she can just see he's troubled so she tells him that for every quarter she manages to bounce into the glass, he has to tell her one thing that's bothering him.
She lands the first one so he tells her about how his mother accused him of wanting to go to California to escape things. She lands another shot and asks him to elaborate so he reluctantly spills about how he's seen how much Joey loves Pacey (truth), because tonight he saw them fight which he's seen them do a lot but it was different now because they're dating. He thinks that watching them fight as a couple was worse than seeing them kiss.
Gretchen tells him that one of the most bogus lines in film is "there's no place like home" from The Wizard of Oz because Oz was a colorful place where she grew and made friends and all that crap. So, Dawson asks her if college is so great, then why did she come back home? Which is honestly a super valid question but she refuses to answer, scoops up her money and leaves him in the dust. I'm ok with that.
Thus endeth the episode. I liked this one if only for the cute girl hang out scenes and the Pacey lifting maneuver. I do like that they tried to have the gang really deal with that familiar pressure of trying to figure shit out at an age where everything feels way too complicated to figure your shit out. I didn't like Pacey much this episode, he felt very unusually unsupportive until the end of the episode but even then, he seemed to be kind of shaming Joey for getting drunk which I didn't like at all. I hope they explore more about Jack's insecurities because I really don't remember if they do or not. I cannot wait until we get to Jen's past reveals which is one of the few things I remember from this season but I don't think that's coming for a long while. Stay tuned for the next episode A Family Way.
Let's throw an I Hate Drew party and invite everyone as a way to meet people or something.
ReplyDeleteSounds like fun and I'm sure we'll meet lots of people this way since no one likes Drew.
DeleteAlso Pacey planning to be wherever Joey is ... MY HEART