Original airdate: November 11, 2009
I just realized that 10 years have passed since I first watched this show and now I feel impossibly old. At the very least, this is a good episode so, hopefully, it will cheer me up.
The episode starts with a cheer routine which makes me think of Bring It On and that's always a good sign. Quinn is watching with a sad face and Finn tells her not to do this to herself because she clearly misses it. Quinn needed a distraction though because the American medical system is broken and charges a child $685 for ONE sonogram. Like, I'm sorry, that is ridiculous and I can't believe there are people out there demanding that women be forced to carry a financial burden they don't want just because they were ill-educated on sex or worse, their contraceptive failed them. That's appalling.
Quinn points out that this is the first of many bills and I get even more sad for her. How does anyone afford to have kids in the States? Not even raising them which is already expensive as fuck but just incubating one sounds ungodly expensive and out of reach to most people. Quinn loses my sympathy when she yells at Finn for not earning money for this baby that she knows damn well isn't his.
Gross Jew-fro boy is questioning Sue's ability to win Nationals without Quinn Fabray and no matter whether Sue kicked her off or not, this would still be an issue because no way a pregnant cheerleader could do all the moves required to place in heavy competition. So, I'm actually on Sue's side during his line of questioning even if Quinn didn't want to quit. Also, I hate this character with a passion. Sue takes his recording device away, good for you, Sue. You go, Sue.
Will is arguing with Figgins about getting a handi-capable bus to get them to Sectionals. Figgins hands are tied though because there's no money in the budget. Will complains that Sue's cheerleaders get flown all over the country for competitions but that's because she has boosters that write her fat cheques so none of the travel money comes out of the school's budget. Kind of got you there, Will. Will wants to foster comradery but Figgins actually says his hands are tied and I love it.
Quinn is still harassing Finn about getting a job and she's kind of the worst here because again, not his child and not his responsibility to pay these bills. Puck isn't happy that she keeps insisting that his baby is Finn's so she's really on a roll for making guys feel like shit. Will enters the room with yet another new idea for a song for Sectionals because he cannot make up his damn mind and is just tossing ideas at the wall all season.
Kurt is ecstatic though because the song choice is Defying Gravity which is totally his jam. (I'm more into Popular because I'm obsessed with K-Chen as discussed already). Will gives the solo to Rachel though who is also happy with the song choice and will totally nail it. This upsets Kurt because he didn't even get a chance to try out for the part. Mercedes also wants a shot but is placated when Will promises her another part to "dip her chocolate" onto. That sounds really gross.
Will then breaks the news that they don't have the budget for a handi-capable bus and suggests they hold a bake sale. Everyone laughs at this notion and Santana calls them boujie. Brittany's excuse is honestly the best because she says most of them don't know how to bake.
So, instead of everyone rallying around poor Artie, they're just like "sucks, bro. Meet you there?" and poor Artie is just like "ok, sure that totally doesn't suck at all." This honestly broke my heart and still does. I miss when I liked Artie. Especially since he's probably one of the more talented male singers in this group. He does a wonderful rendition of "Dancing With Myself" by Billy Idol and it's extra heartbreaking because in the show he can't dance because he's in a wheelchair but also in real life, he's a freaking talented dancer and CANNOT SHOW IT OFF IN THIS SHOW WHY DID THEY DO THIS TO HIM!? Will sees this and has a sad.
The next day, Kurt brings up his dissatisfaction with not being considered for the Defying Gravity solo. Will shuts that down because it has a high F but Kurt is adamant that it's well within his range. Will strikes that down because he wants Rachel to sing it. Rachel looks uncomfortable af and I feel bad for her. I know, I know, she's the star, she gets EVERY part but it sucks to be given a part and then have someone who people like better want to take it away from you because now you look like the bad guy for wanting to keep it. Basically, Will kind of sucks for putting both of them in this situation. He probably should have let the kids try out for the part in the first place but he's unwilling to budge at this point.
Will chastises the glee club for not sticking up for Artie. Mercedes thinks he doesn't mind but Artie finally pipes up that he does care and that they all hurt his feelings by so easily giving up on helping him ride with them. Will says that he doesn't think that anyone appreciates how much harder Artie has to work.
So, to prove his point, he spent his money on renting a bunch of wheelchairs for them all to use all week to gain some perspective and he also wants to do a wheelchair number for Sectionals which is kind of interesting. They're also doing the bake sale.
Puck finds Quinn in the home ec room trying to bake for the sale. He gives her some of his pool cleaning money because he wants to help her with the bills for their baby. She corrects that it's her baby which is kind of cold considering he's actually trying to be nice. However, it's only $18 so not a big dent in the bills. She swears that even if the baby comes out with a mohawk, she'll say it's Finn's. This somehow results in them getting into an ingredient fight which is actually kind of playful and cute. Finn walks in though and is confused. Quinn says they're baking but Finn looks unconvinced.
Burt asks Kurt for something which he's forgot because he's distracted. Burt asks him what's up but says he hopes it's not about a boy because he's not quite ready for that talk. Baby-steps Burt, you're still the best. Case in point, Kurt explains the Wicked solo dilemma and Burt is super supportive about it because he thinks it's unfair for him to not be considered when he can "sing like a girl but in a good way". I love Burt. The Burt/Kurt scenes are really the only things worth sticking around for in the whole series. Burt sees that it's getting him down and turns into a papa bear and I love it.
Cut to him yelling about discrimination to Figgins and Will and I love every bit of it. Will agrees with him and offers to let Kurt audition. Rachel is pissed because she already had the part which I completely get but it's still way fairer and should have been done in the first place. Rachel is annoyed because everyone likes him more and will just turn into a popularity contest but Kurt makes everyone promise not to do that. Problem solved? Rachel stays behind to tell Will off.
I know it's overdramatic and bitchy but she's kind of right. Will is not the best leader and he's kind of doing stuff like this to her a lot. She's clearly the most committed and driven to want to sing. He should be encouraging that and not giving her parts only to take them away to make other people feel better. Again, Kurt is amazing and totally should be given the opportunity to try out, my issue is that Will handled this all poorly from the get-go.
Figgins is super impressed by how all of Will's kids are using wheelchairs I don't really know why but he's impressed. Will brings up lack of wheelchair ramps in the school which Figgins is aware of but they're expensive and inspiration is free. He wants Sue to make her Cheerios also use wheelchairs. What even is this nonsense? Even for Figgins this is weird. Figgins also requires her to hold open auditions for her cheer squad to replace Quinn and so it makes a little more sense. Sue is not happy.
Everyone is pissed because no one is buying their cupcakes. Quinn thinks it's because they're losers and in wheelchairs. I call bs on this. No one in my high school cared who was selling baked goods. If there were baked goods, they were bought. Or was that just me? Brittany comes up with a girl named Becky who has Down Syndrome. Can I just say that Brittany is a sweetheart because she lends this girl money to buy their cupcakes so that she can help the glee club earn money. None of the others are impressed though because that's the only money they made. Again, I call foul. Who are these teenagers who aren't buying delicious sweets?
Finn suggests putting jellybeans on top to sell more and Quinn jumps down his throat and calls him irresponsible again. I really dislike her this episode. He tells her to stop attacking him and good for him, honestly.
Will explains to Sue about how to audition people and she is still not impressed. Sitting through horrible auditions is breaking her and I can't blame her. They're terrible. Brittany's friend Becky has come to the tryouts and everyone (I mean Will and the audience or us the viewers) assume she is going to be mean as hell to her. Will tells Sue to be nice. Becky jumps rope and is not that great but instead of Sue berating her, she tells her she's on the squad. Becky is overjoyed but Will thinks she's up to something.
Puck tells Finn that Finn is stupid for not taking care of his baby. Puck says that Finn should try harder or sell stuff in order to make money and they get into a big fight over it. Will breaks them up but Puck lies about being stressed about the bake sale as the reason for their fight.
Artie is teaching everyone how to do tricks with their wheelchairs. Will tells everyone to take a break and everyone leaves. Artie and Tina are the only ones left and she commends him for his bravery in being able to handle being in a wheelchair. He says that it's just like her stutter, no one notices after a while. Oh, was she supposed to have a stutter? I didn't realize with all her over forced stutters in the very few scenes she was in all season. Tina asks how he ended up in a wheelchair. Artie says it was a really bad accident but wants to make damn clear that his penis still works fine.
Also accurate, she nopes the fuck out of there.
Kurt is practicing his high note while Burt gets a call at the shop. Burt answers it and all he hears is "your son's a fag" and then the line goes dead. Burt is super upset but Kurt is ecstatic because he hit the high note needed for the Defying Gravity part. Burt tells him about the phone call and it doesn't seem to faze Kurt at all because he hears that all the time. Can I hug Kurt? That's just depressing. Why do people suck so much? Burt doesn't hear it all the time and it scares him because he doesn't want him to get hurt. Kurt thinks he doesn't want him to try out but Burt tells him that no one pushes the Hummels around, especially not cowards on the phone. He congratulates him on his note acheivement but still looks upset and Kurt is now worried about his dad.
Rachel is nervous about the diva-off because she knows that people don't like her. Finn says she should work on that. He then says he likes her and she's happy until Quinn storms in. Rachel tries to nope right out of this awkward couples fight but Quinn tells her to stay as a witness. She shows him a past due bill and threatens a break up if he doesn't pony up some cash. Wow, is Quinn terrible this episode.
Next day, the cupcakes are selling like hot cakes and Will congratulates Puck on the achievement. Puck claims it's his grandma's secret recipe but actually, it's because he put a bit of weed in them. He wants to use the bakesale money to give to Quinn and her baby which is not cool because it's not their money but Puck's not very bright or nice.
Sue is working on Becky and being super hard on her. She's criticizing her harshly before telling her to hit the showers. Will is disgusted by her behaviour and calls her out. Sue says she bullies everyone and Will says that this girl is different. Sue calls him out right back that Becky just wants to be treated like everyone else and that she doesn't believe in treating her different because of her disability. Sue...is kind of right? Why am I agreeing with Sue so much this episode? She's the bad guy.
The day of the audtions has come and Rachel walks nervously into the glee room. Finn says he's rooting for her which makes Quinn upset. Kurt is first up but the show cuts together both his and Rachel's audition and it's amazing. I love this duet so much. I'm super biased and while Kurt is really good, I still really love Rachel's voice. Still, they are both really good and I like that Kurt would totally win had he not purposely flubbed the high F note. I feel compelled to share this performance because it's really good:
Puck gives Quinn the bake sale money for the baby and she finally tells him that they're having a girl. Puck looks happy at this news. Quinn is about to reject it and Puck promises more and that he'll work for more so they can be a family. Quinn figures out that he stole from the cupcake fund and he admits it saying that he's a team player but his family comes first. Quinn apologizes to him for calling him a Lima Loser but says they are both too good to take money from a friend in a wheelchair.
Finn meanwhile comes up and says he got a job. Rachel has argued discrimination to get him hired which means he'll have to pretend to be in a wheelchair the entire time he's working for that place. Yeah, that won't back fire on you at all. Finn and Quinn wheel off while Puck has a sad.
The glee club has made more than enough to get the handi-capable bus for Sectionals and Will gives the money to give to Figgins himself. Artie is grateful but wants to use the money to make the school more wheelchair accessible which is better for everyone in the long run. Ah, nice Artie. How I'll miss you.
Figgins however, informs Will that Sue has written a cheque for three new handi-cap ramps so now the money they raised can be used for a handi-capable bus. Will is floored and wonders what got into Sue.
Cut to, Sue visitng her sister, who clearly has Down Syndrome, in a home. This is a really sweet scene and serves to humanize Sue quite a bit. A thing that will eventually lose impact the more insane they make Sue and the more they try to pull this stuff to make us forget how awful she is.
Meanwhile, Tina and Artie are bonding while having wheelchair races. It's apparently a date so go, Artie. Tina wants to get out of the chair so she can sit on Artie's lap and kiss him. Then she confesses that she's been faking her super fake stutter this whole time. She was super shy and it made people think she was weird so they would leave her alone. Now that she's in glee, she doesn't want to push people away anymore and asks if he understands her but Artie does not. He would never choose to push people away because the wheelchair does that for him and unlike his actor counterpart, he can not just decide to give up being in a wheelchair and walk so Tina kind of sucks for lying to everyone about something so stupid and for a really dumb reason.
This scene was always really funny to me because all the talk about Tina before this was how awful her fake stutter was and this was the writers being like, agreed it's actually fake so she'll never have to talk like that again. And everyone was just like "OOOH we called it!" but really, the writers just knew they asked too much of Jenna and gave up on that character trait because the fans hated it. This is the first of many times they will sway to popular opinion and while this was definitely for the better, later on they really should have stopped listening so much.
Artie thinks that since they're not both outsiders, he's going to dump her ass even though she clearly really likes him. All the Tina/Artie shippers were upset, let me tell you.
Burt asks Kurt how the audition went and he lets him know that Rachel got the part. Burt, bless his heart, gets so upset, he threatens to go to the school and yell at them for rigging the auditions. I love him so much, he's scared about his son getting hurt but he'll be damned if his son doesn't get what he wants. Protective Burt is the best. Kurt admits to blowing the note on purpose which upsets Burt. Kurt explains that his differences make him stronger but that his dad can't handle it and isn't ready to yet. He doesn't want to put his dad through that. Kurt says he loves his dad more than being a star and oh my god, first season Kurt is my fave. They then bond over fixing a car and it's the best.
The glee club practice their wheelchair routine to Proud Mary by Tina Turner. It's a little on the nose but it's a cool performance. I really like it. This show knew how to have a lot of fun with their performances. I know people rag on this show for being kids bop of the actual songs but goddamn it, these are talented singers and the songs are fun. Lighten up. I think this episode really succeeded in cheering me up as well so it gets some extra bonus points for holding up, not being gross, and having two really great performances.
I just realized that 10 years have passed since I first watched this show and now I feel impossibly old. At the very least, this is a good episode so, hopefully, it will cheer me up.
The episode starts with a cheer routine which makes me think of Bring It On and that's always a good sign. Quinn is watching with a sad face and Finn tells her not to do this to herself because she clearly misses it. Quinn needed a distraction though because the American medical system is broken and charges a child $685 for ONE sonogram. Like, I'm sorry, that is ridiculous and I can't believe there are people out there demanding that women be forced to carry a financial burden they don't want just because they were ill-educated on sex or worse, their contraceptive failed them. That's appalling.
Quinn points out that this is the first of many bills and I get even more sad for her. How does anyone afford to have kids in the States? Not even raising them which is already expensive as fuck but just incubating one sounds ungodly expensive and out of reach to most people. Quinn loses my sympathy when she yells at Finn for not earning money for this baby that she knows damn well isn't his.
Gross Jew-fro boy is questioning Sue's ability to win Nationals without Quinn Fabray and no matter whether Sue kicked her off or not, this would still be an issue because no way a pregnant cheerleader could do all the moves required to place in heavy competition. So, I'm actually on Sue's side during his line of questioning even if Quinn didn't want to quit. Also, I hate this character with a passion. Sue takes his recording device away, good for you, Sue. You go, Sue.
Will is arguing with Figgins about getting a handi-capable bus to get them to Sectionals. Figgins hands are tied though because there's no money in the budget. Will complains that Sue's cheerleaders get flown all over the country for competitions but that's because she has boosters that write her fat cheques so none of the travel money comes out of the school's budget. Kind of got you there, Will. Will wants to foster comradery but Figgins actually says his hands are tied and I love it.
Quinn is still harassing Finn about getting a job and she's kind of the worst here because again, not his child and not his responsibility to pay these bills. Puck isn't happy that she keeps insisting that his baby is Finn's so she's really on a roll for making guys feel like shit. Will enters the room with yet another new idea for a song for Sectionals because he cannot make up his damn mind and is just tossing ideas at the wall all season.
Kurt is ecstatic though because the song choice is Defying Gravity which is totally his jam. (I'm more into Popular because I'm obsessed with K-Chen as discussed already). Will gives the solo to Rachel though who is also happy with the song choice and will totally nail it. This upsets Kurt because he didn't even get a chance to try out for the part. Mercedes also wants a shot but is placated when Will promises her another part to "dip her chocolate" onto. That sounds really gross.
Will then breaks the news that they don't have the budget for a handi-capable bus and suggests they hold a bake sale. Everyone laughs at this notion and Santana calls them boujie. Brittany's excuse is honestly the best because she says most of them don't know how to bake.
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Classic Brittany |
So, instead of everyone rallying around poor Artie, they're just like "sucks, bro. Meet you there?" and poor Artie is just like "ok, sure that totally doesn't suck at all." This honestly broke my heart and still does. I miss when I liked Artie. Especially since he's probably one of the more talented male singers in this group. He does a wonderful rendition of "Dancing With Myself" by Billy Idol and it's extra heartbreaking because in the show he can't dance because he's in a wheelchair but also in real life, he's a freaking talented dancer and CANNOT SHOW IT OFF IN THIS SHOW WHY DID THEY DO THIS TO HIM!? Will sees this and has a sad.
The next day, Kurt brings up his dissatisfaction with not being considered for the Defying Gravity solo. Will shuts that down because it has a high F but Kurt is adamant that it's well within his range. Will strikes that down because he wants Rachel to sing it. Rachel looks uncomfortable af and I feel bad for her. I know, I know, she's the star, she gets EVERY part but it sucks to be given a part and then have someone who people like better want to take it away from you because now you look like the bad guy for wanting to keep it. Basically, Will kind of sucks for putting both of them in this situation. He probably should have let the kids try out for the part in the first place but he's unwilling to budge at this point.
Will chastises the glee club for not sticking up for Artie. Mercedes thinks he doesn't mind but Artie finally pipes up that he does care and that they all hurt his feelings by so easily giving up on helping him ride with them. Will says that he doesn't think that anyone appreciates how much harder Artie has to work.
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Preach |
So, to prove his point, he spent his money on renting a bunch of wheelchairs for them all to use all week to gain some perspective and he also wants to do a wheelchair number for Sectionals which is kind of interesting. They're also doing the bake sale.
Puck finds Quinn in the home ec room trying to bake for the sale. He gives her some of his pool cleaning money because he wants to help her with the bills for their baby. She corrects that it's her baby which is kind of cold considering he's actually trying to be nice. However, it's only $18 so not a big dent in the bills. She swears that even if the baby comes out with a mohawk, she'll say it's Finn's. This somehow results in them getting into an ingredient fight which is actually kind of playful and cute. Finn walks in though and is confused. Quinn says they're baking but Finn looks unconvinced.
Burt asks Kurt for something which he's forgot because he's distracted. Burt asks him what's up but says he hopes it's not about a boy because he's not quite ready for that talk. Baby-steps Burt, you're still the best. Case in point, Kurt explains the Wicked solo dilemma and Burt is super supportive about it because he thinks it's unfair for him to not be considered when he can "sing like a girl but in a good way". I love Burt. The Burt/Kurt scenes are really the only things worth sticking around for in the whole series. Burt sees that it's getting him down and turns into a papa bear and I love it.
Cut to him yelling about discrimination to Figgins and Will and I love every bit of it. Will agrees with him and offers to let Kurt audition. Rachel is pissed because she already had the part which I completely get but it's still way fairer and should have been done in the first place. Rachel is annoyed because everyone likes him more and will just turn into a popularity contest but Kurt makes everyone promise not to do that. Problem solved? Rachel stays behind to tell Will off.
Rachel: Maybe one of these days you'll be able to create teaching moments that won't ruin my life.
I know it's overdramatic and bitchy but she's kind of right. Will is not the best leader and he's kind of doing stuff like this to her a lot. She's clearly the most committed and driven to want to sing. He should be encouraging that and not giving her parts only to take them away to make other people feel better. Again, Kurt is amazing and totally should be given the opportunity to try out, my issue is that Will handled this all poorly from the get-go.
Figgins is super impressed by how all of Will's kids are using wheelchairs I don't really know why but he's impressed. Will brings up lack of wheelchair ramps in the school which Figgins is aware of but they're expensive and inspiration is free. He wants Sue to make her Cheerios also use wheelchairs. What even is this nonsense? Even for Figgins this is weird. Figgins also requires her to hold open auditions for her cheer squad to replace Quinn and so it makes a little more sense. Sue is not happy.
Everyone is pissed because no one is buying their cupcakes. Quinn thinks it's because they're losers and in wheelchairs. I call bs on this. No one in my high school cared who was selling baked goods. If there were baked goods, they were bought. Or was that just me? Brittany comes up with a girl named Becky who has Down Syndrome. Can I just say that Brittany is a sweetheart because she lends this girl money to buy their cupcakes so that she can help the glee club earn money. None of the others are impressed though because that's the only money they made. Again, I call foul. Who are these teenagers who aren't buying delicious sweets?
Finn suggests putting jellybeans on top to sell more and Quinn jumps down his throat and calls him irresponsible again. I really dislike her this episode. He tells her to stop attacking him and good for him, honestly.
Will explains to Sue about how to audition people and she is still not impressed. Sitting through horrible auditions is breaking her and I can't blame her. They're terrible. Brittany's friend Becky has come to the tryouts and everyone (I mean Will and the audience or us the viewers) assume she is going to be mean as hell to her. Will tells Sue to be nice. Becky jumps rope and is not that great but instead of Sue berating her, she tells her she's on the squad. Becky is overjoyed but Will thinks she's up to something.
Puck tells Finn that Finn is stupid for not taking care of his baby. Puck says that Finn should try harder or sell stuff in order to make money and they get into a big fight over it. Will breaks them up but Puck lies about being stressed about the bake sale as the reason for their fight.
Artie is teaching everyone how to do tricks with their wheelchairs. Will tells everyone to take a break and everyone leaves. Artie and Tina are the only ones left and she commends him for his bravery in being able to handle being in a wheelchair. He says that it's just like her stutter, no one notices after a while. Oh, was she supposed to have a stutter? I didn't realize with all her over forced stutters in the very few scenes she was in all season. Tina asks how he ended up in a wheelchair. Artie says it was a really bad accident but wants to make damn clear that his penis still works fine.
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This is honestly the most accurate facial expression after a statement like that |
Also accurate, she nopes the fuck out of there.
Kurt is practicing his high note while Burt gets a call at the shop. Burt answers it and all he hears is "your son's a fag" and then the line goes dead. Burt is super upset but Kurt is ecstatic because he hit the high note needed for the Defying Gravity part. Burt tells him about the phone call and it doesn't seem to faze Kurt at all because he hears that all the time. Can I hug Kurt? That's just depressing. Why do people suck so much? Burt doesn't hear it all the time and it scares him because he doesn't want him to get hurt. Kurt thinks he doesn't want him to try out but Burt tells him that no one pushes the Hummels around, especially not cowards on the phone. He congratulates him on his note acheivement but still looks upset and Kurt is now worried about his dad.
Rachel is nervous about the diva-off because she knows that people don't like her. Finn says she should work on that. He then says he likes her and she's happy until Quinn storms in. Rachel tries to nope right out of this awkward couples fight but Quinn tells her to stay as a witness. She shows him a past due bill and threatens a break up if he doesn't pony up some cash. Wow, is Quinn terrible this episode.
Next day, the cupcakes are selling like hot cakes and Will congratulates Puck on the achievement. Puck claims it's his grandma's secret recipe but actually, it's because he put a bit of weed in them. He wants to use the bakesale money to give to Quinn and her baby which is not cool because it's not their money but Puck's not very bright or nice.
Sue is working on Becky and being super hard on her. She's criticizing her harshly before telling her to hit the showers. Will is disgusted by her behaviour and calls her out. Sue says she bullies everyone and Will says that this girl is different. Sue calls him out right back that Becky just wants to be treated like everyone else and that she doesn't believe in treating her different because of her disability. Sue...is kind of right? Why am I agreeing with Sue so much this episode? She's the bad guy.
The day of the audtions has come and Rachel walks nervously into the glee room. Finn says he's rooting for her which makes Quinn upset. Kurt is first up but the show cuts together both his and Rachel's audition and it's amazing. I love this duet so much. I'm super biased and while Kurt is really good, I still really love Rachel's voice. Still, they are both really good and I like that Kurt would totally win had he not purposely flubbed the high F note. I feel compelled to share this performance because it's really good:
Puck gives Quinn the bake sale money for the baby and she finally tells him that they're having a girl. Puck looks happy at this news. Quinn is about to reject it and Puck promises more and that he'll work for more so they can be a family. Quinn figures out that he stole from the cupcake fund and he admits it saying that he's a team player but his family comes first. Quinn apologizes to him for calling him a Lima Loser but says they are both too good to take money from a friend in a wheelchair.
Finn meanwhile comes up and says he got a job. Rachel has argued discrimination to get him hired which means he'll have to pretend to be in a wheelchair the entire time he's working for that place. Yeah, that won't back fire on you at all. Finn and Quinn wheel off while Puck has a sad.
The glee club has made more than enough to get the handi-capable bus for Sectionals and Will gives the money to give to Figgins himself. Artie is grateful but wants to use the money to make the school more wheelchair accessible which is better for everyone in the long run. Ah, nice Artie. How I'll miss you.
Figgins however, informs Will that Sue has written a cheque for three new handi-cap ramps so now the money they raised can be used for a handi-capable bus. Will is floored and wonders what got into Sue.
Cut to, Sue visitng her sister, who clearly has Down Syndrome, in a home. This is a really sweet scene and serves to humanize Sue quite a bit. A thing that will eventually lose impact the more insane they make Sue and the more they try to pull this stuff to make us forget how awful she is.
Meanwhile, Tina and Artie are bonding while having wheelchair races. It's apparently a date so go, Artie. Tina wants to get out of the chair so she can sit on Artie's lap and kiss him. Then she confesses that she's been faking her super fake stutter this whole time. She was super shy and it made people think she was weird so they would leave her alone. Now that she's in glee, she doesn't want to push people away anymore and asks if he understands her but Artie does not. He would never choose to push people away because the wheelchair does that for him and unlike his actor counterpart, he can not just decide to give up being in a wheelchair and walk so Tina kind of sucks for lying to everyone about something so stupid and for a really dumb reason.
This scene was always really funny to me because all the talk about Tina before this was how awful her fake stutter was and this was the writers being like, agreed it's actually fake so she'll never have to talk like that again. And everyone was just like "OOOH we called it!" but really, the writers just knew they asked too much of Jenna and gave up on that character trait because the fans hated it. This is the first of many times they will sway to popular opinion and while this was definitely for the better, later on they really should have stopped listening so much.
Artie thinks that since they're not both outsiders, he's going to dump her ass even though she clearly really likes him. All the Tina/Artie shippers were upset, let me tell you.
Burt asks Kurt how the audition went and he lets him know that Rachel got the part. Burt, bless his heart, gets so upset, he threatens to go to the school and yell at them for rigging the auditions. I love him so much, he's scared about his son getting hurt but he'll be damned if his son doesn't get what he wants. Protective Burt is the best. Kurt admits to blowing the note on purpose which upsets Burt. Kurt explains that his differences make him stronger but that his dad can't handle it and isn't ready to yet. He doesn't want to put his dad through that. Kurt says he loves his dad more than being a star and oh my god, first season Kurt is my fave. They then bond over fixing a car and it's the best.
The glee club practice their wheelchair routine to Proud Mary by Tina Turner. It's a little on the nose but it's a cool performance. I really like it. This show knew how to have a lot of fun with their performances. I know people rag on this show for being kids bop of the actual songs but goddamn it, these are talented singers and the songs are fun. Lighten up. I think this episode really succeeded in cheering me up as well so it gets some extra bonus points for holding up, not being gross, and having two really great performances.
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Love it |
<3 S1 Hummels!