Original airdate: May 17, 2000
We're back in the Creek after a brief delay. Life just doesn't let me write sometimes and I've got to say, it feels crappy when I can't. I'm excited to dive back into this (see what I did there?) and continue to look at Dawson's descent into madness. This time we look at The Anti-Prom where Dawson becomes even more emotionally manipulative than before and Pacey outshines him in every conceivable way to the point where I don't understand how Dawson had any support back when this first aired. But surprisingly, he did.
Hack Writing Tip: if you want people to get really invested in two characters being together that have no chemistry, just use the word 'soulmates' as much as possible and people will die for the ship.
Anyway, the episode starts with Joey and Dawson bantering about how invested Joey is in her homework. Dawson comes across his usual douchey self by calling her neurotic and when she says she prefers to think of her neuroses as quirks, he kind of dismissively says "well, whatever works for ya." and I'm well aware that this is supposed to be cute banter but Dawson is the worst and considering his past behaviours, I choose to read this as condescension but your mileage may vary.
Dawson then launches into asking her to junior prom which considering everything that has happened and considering the fact that Joey asked him to be her friend and not a romantic partner, I'm already pissed on her behalf. Of course, Dawson claims that this is just a friend thing and lays it on thick about how he doesn't want to go with a random person where it will mean nothing but wants to go with his oldest and closest friend and that they made a pact to go together if neither one of them has a date. It's really gross because I can see his NiceGuytm routine from a mile away. Joey, run like hell, he is not wanting to be your friend and you know he's going to get butthurt when you don't kiss him like he wants you to after all the "nice" things he did for you to have the perfect prom.
Joey suggests just not going but of course, Dawson lays it on even thicker about how they made this promise because it obviously means something to them and how it's a rite of passage and blah blah blah. Look, proms are not as grand as they make out on TV they're literally just a school dance that you wear fancier clothes to. I don't know, I had fun enough at my grad dance but I've had way more fun doing other things. Joey caves and agrees to go but requests no cheesy corsage for herself and no ruffled blue shirt for him. He agrees.
Suddenly they spy Mitch and Gail making out so they're back to making out inappropriately in front of their kid, I guess. Cut to opening credits.
Joey bails out of that awkwardness as quick as she can which is completely fair. Run girl, run as far from the Leerys as you can get. Gail says Dawson must want to talk but Mitch tells her to head on to the restaurant while the men talk. I'm overexaggerating but it seems a bit odd that Gail is dismissed from this important convo.
Mitch instantly regrets his decision to have this discussion alone because Dawson immediately gets pissy about it. I say it like that but it's actually pretty fair. Mitch says that the thing between him and Gail isn't just casual and Dawson looks hopeful for a minute, asking if they are getting back together. Mitch then blusters about how they haven't really talked about it and Dawson is like leave me the f out of this then. Which again, is absolutely 100% totally fair. It's weird being on Dawson's side...I don't like it.
We next get a scene between Pacey and Andie. She's studying with him at Dougie's house but she feels like he wants her to leave. He assures her that he doesn't but that he just feels sad sometimes. Andie tries to cheer him up by telling him to get out there and start dating again. She then mentions that he should go to prom and that they could even go together, you know, shot in the dark, if he wants and all that 'just tossing it out there off the top of my head' awkwardness that means she actually really wants to go with him to prom. Pacey is surprised she doesn't have a date and then asks her if she wants him to ask her to go. She says that she just wants him to be happy but Pacey doubts that going to prom will be a magic happiness elixir for him and suggests she go with one of the other guys who she said asked her already but hadn't decided on yet. Andie tries not to show that she's super disappointed and in fact had no other suitors and really wanted Pacey to ask her.
Meanwhile, Joey is telling her sister all about how Dawson friend guilted her into going to prom and how she's already freaked out about it because even though he promised it to be just friends she is also onto his NiceGuytm act and knows there are romantic implications. Bessie is like, of course, there are and of course, it's going to reignite the fight between Dawson and Pacey. Joey calls Bessie out on being a useless advice-giver as of late and I so agree. Bessie tells her to give her a problem that has a solution and she can give her an answer and Joey realizes the colossal amount of shit she's in.
The next day Andie is fuming over the prom and Jack asks her what's up. She fesses up to wanting Pacey to ask her but he didn't and now has to go alone. Or she could not go? Jack is also like, better to go alone than with an ex-boyfriend. I know they just care about maximum drama but like, why would Andie realistically think Pacey would ask her? They're broken up and while she did eventually come around, she belittled him quite a bit over the Joey situation. It's just a little abrupt is all. She claims she's completely over him but wants to go with him because it will be safe. Jack isn't buying it so, to deflect, she asks Jack what he's doing. Jack is taking Ethan but doesn't want to go up to buy the tickets because then he has to declare he's taking a guy in front of close-minded high school kids.
Meanwhile, Jen is blathering about how outdated and dumb proms are and Henry is like "wait, you've never been to a prom before?" Um, how many proms can you go to in the States? Very few freshmen get invited so it's not that bizarre that someone the appropriate age to go to one has never been. This is all just a way for Henry to deduce that she actually really wants to go and ask him and he says he'd love to go. Just don't go anywhere alone with him, Jen. You never know where he'll take you.
Jack tries to buy his ticket and it goes exactly as awful as he assumed it would. The girl even dusts off the old chestnut 'the definition of a prom date is a boy and a girl." just, you know, replace prom date with marriage and you have the same argument chuds have been making for eons. She goes on to be even more disgusting asking him what he plans to do at prom and then lists EVERYTHING THAT EVERYONE ELSE WILL BE DOING. See, it's only gross if you're gay and doing it, it's normal for the straights. I want to punch this fictional character in the face. Let Jack have a fun time with his boyfriend. I hope things have gotten better for gay students and they're allowed to bring whoever they want to their dances now. This makes me sad.
Dawson comes up then and asks if Jack is ok. Jack says he's fine and then storms off. So, Dawson continues to the same girl who refused to sell Jack tickets. I have to have another quick rant for a second because she says "the theme of the dance is couples" and that is the fucking most boring, exclusionary, stupid theme for a dance ever. Like just "couples" not famous couples, historic couples, movie couples, just "couples". That theme is garbage and everyone on that planning committee needs to get a life. Anyway, she asks for his name and the name of his date and he smugly says his name and Joey's. Pacey overhears and is not happy. The girl coos about the happy couple getting back together and Dawson agrees. Do you see?? Didn't I tell you he wanted more and the friend guilt trip thing was a ruse??? Joey, run!!! This will only end badly for you. To top things off, Dawson gives a pointed look to Pacey as he walks out and it's gross.
Joey and Andie have rallied to Jack's defense already and swear they will get him free tickets to prom and have the snotty ticket seller have to apologize on her hands and knees. Jack appreciates their support but he doesn't want to go to prom anymore. They both tell him that he has to because it's political now but that's exactly why Jack doesn't want to bother. He's sick of everything in his life having to be political when everyone else gets to do them normally. This really breaks my heart because it really drives home the point that while assholes are whining about marginalized people "making everything political" it's actually the people telling them they can't live a normal life who've done so. It would be wonderful if Jack could just go to prom with his date but he can't unless he makes a stink to be treated like a fucking human being. It's a problem that still rears it's ugly head today but for all the whining and moaning reactionaries do to slow progress, progress still happens and they can all suck it. Still would be nice if we could move things along faster by not having to explain to mouth breathers why people should be treated like people but at least good ideas win out in the long run.
Joey and Andie offer to fight for him but Jack just wanted to go to prom and doesn't have it in him to fight. Andie doesn't want to go if Jack doesn't go and neither does Joey. This, of course, makes Dawson unhappy. Did I forget to mention he was here? He's here, he just didn't bother to chime in until his perfect reunion "friend" date with Joey was jeopardized. Say it with me now, Dawson is the worst. Anyway, he suggests a better idea than boycotting (by better I mean, an idea where he still gets to parade Joey around as his date) and that idea is an alternative prom. Both Andie and Joey like it and Jack agrees that he's in for that as well. Dawson is smugly pleased.
Dawson begs his parents to host a highschool party at their fancy fish restaurant. Both Mitch and Gail are impressed with how much he's thought through on this idea but Gail wants to know why he wants to hold his own prom. Dawson grossly says that with them making big changes, he has his own big plans he wants to make happen too. Basically, he is totally using this as a way to get Joey to go out with him again. The NiceGuytm energy originates from Dawson Leery, let me tell you. His parents let him know that they will both be at the prom to see if that scares him off but Dawson is ok with it because he'll do whatever it takes to manipulate his friend to go out with him again.
After he leaves, Mitch wants to talk about his and Gail's relationship but she is more preoccupied with who put cayenne pepper in the marinara sauce. I'm here for her indifference to Mitch's feelings, to be honest but cayenne pepper is awesome.
Jack and Andie are selling anti-prom tickets like gangbusters which makes persnickety prom ticket girl upset. She tells them they're going to hell and they laugh her off which is exactly the response to give to someone like this.
Meanwhile, Jen is watching Grams fit Henry into one of her grandfather's old suits which is kind of sweet but kind of creepy. Just rent a tux, Henry. Or can't you borrow one of your own relatives' tux? This can't be healthy for Jen to want to go to a dance with a guy who's wearing her grandfathers' clothes. Grams excuses herself so Jen immediately wants to talk to Henry about prom sex which doesn't help my creepy feeling of this scene. Thankfully, Jen wants to make the decision not to have sex at prom because she doesn't want it to be rushed and forgettable. Henry looks disappointed but agrees not to while asking if they will eventually have sex. Jen says they will. I think she should avoid having sex with him like the plague.
Pacey asks Andie about the anti-prom and she immediately gushes about being able to throw her regular prom ticket in the ticket girl, Barbara's face because she was snotty to her for going alone. Pacey is confused because he thought Andie had a ton of guys who wanted to go with her. Whoops, busted! Andie admits she didn't have any and she lied because she didn't want Pacey to ask her out of pity. She's happy to go to anti-prom with her friends and to support her brother. Pacey tells her that it wouldn't have been a pity ask because it's an honour and then he asks her to prom.
It's the day/night of prom and Dawson is picking Joey up. He thinks she looks incredible and Joey looks a bit uncomfortable with the compliment and tells him that it's just a dress. This kind of harkens back to the beauty contest episode of the first season where she rejects Dawson because he only noticed her after getting made up and didn't see who she was as a person was special before that. Just saying.
Bessie snaps lots of pics and then asks Dawson where the corsage is. He tells her that he and Joey had a deal that there wouldn't be any but that he had to bring something. He presents Joey with diamond fucking earings. Nothing says "friendship" like giving a girl your mother's expensive diamond earrings on loan, right? Joey looks incredibly uncomfortable and Dawson has the gall to handwave away her misgivings and tell her to put them on.
At prom, Jack is visibly nervous and Ethan tries to lighten the mood about them wearing the same thing. He then assures Jack that they don't have to dance or anything and I feel so bad for Jack. Everything he does is seen as a big deal and a statement and all he wants to do is dance with his partner just like everyone else is doing with ease. Joey and Dawson arrive and Jen compliments Joey on the earrings to which she shyly thanks her (Joey has grown up a bit since first season) and Dawson smiles smugly because he adorned her with the thing that people notice and he wants a cookie (ie for Joey to date him now). Ugh.
Pacey and Andie show up and both Joey and Pacey look awkward and sad. Dawson quickly invites Joey to dance. Pacey can't take his eyes off Joey though and she can't keep her eyes off him. When lightning strikes and two people connect, getting in between them or telling them they can't date does not erase those feelings. I don't know why Dawson thinks he has a shot with Joey when she's still struggling with unresolved feelings for Pacey. Just be her friend like she asked and stop expecting her to be able to turn her feelings on and off like a switch.
Jen asks Henry what he's thinking and he defensively says that he wasn't thinking about sex. That sounds exactly like something a serial killer would say...I mean someone who was thinking about sex would say. Henry is a serial killer.
Ethan thanks Jack for having the courage to bring him to the prom. Ethan says that for all his bravado, he's never had the guts to bring a date to anything like this. Instead of taking this as a compliment, Jack freaks the hell out that he didn't want to actually be here and was only here because of his false rhetoric about self-actualization. I don't really get this reaction but then, I haven't ever had this experience. Maybe this makes perfect sense but I thought it was nice that Ethan was praising his courage.
Jen says that she and Henry can talk about more than sex and suggests they talk about summer vacation. She wants to do a whole bunch of stuff together but Henry drops the bomb that he's going away to football camp all summer. Jen is pissed that he neglected to tell her until now and he seems confused. She tells him that he ruined the night and there is definitely no chance for sex now which confuses him further because he thought they already decided there would be no sex but surprise! That's just what Jen said to alleviate pressure so that the chance of sex would be spontaneous but now there is zero chance. Way to go, Henry. You just found out that you lost out on sex you didn't even know you might have but now definitely won't.
Pacey is dancing with Andie but he keeps glancing longingly at Joey. Joey meanwhile, is dancing with Dawson and finally decides to ask him why he really brought her here because her NiceGuytm radar was going off the charts. She calls him out for taking her here so that he could throw jabs at Pacey but Dawson claims that he didn't even know he'd be here. Joey calls bs because she sees him giving looks to Pacey and she understands the subtext of those looks and says he might as well scream over the PA that "she's mine! Ha! I win." It's nice when characters do my job for me because now I can just say, "what Joey said."
Dawson says that he wasn't thinking that at all. He was actually thinking worse! That Pacey doesn't have the right to show up to his mother's restaurant at the prom he organized. Just...the writers knew they were trashing Dawson's character, right? They're doing this on purpose? Or did they just think that people would still like Dawson after this? I never liked him before so this is just making me think that on any other show, Dawson would be the antagonist who keeps fucking up everyone's life for his own amusement. I hate him so much.
Dawson says that he never excluded Pacey and hasn't said a word to him. Joey says that it hasn't stopped him from parading her around like a prize he's won and Joey needs to stop doing my job for me because she's pretty good at it and it's making me insecure. Joey says that he doesn't care what this all is doing to her which is so true and so uncool. He tries to reset everything by telling her that they're just Dawson and Joey at the prom having a good time. She is not having a good time though and she immediately tells him that she needs a breather. I love it.
Joey finds Jack outside and asks him if he wants to make a run for it. He jokingly agrees and they laugh. She asks him what he's doing and he says he's hiding from Barbara. Not the actual Barbara but the ingrained fear of the criticisms Barbara threw at him. It's preventing him from having a normal and fun time with Ethan and he also acknowledges that he treated Ethan like crap so he won't get to turn things around. Joey tries to offer him comfort and Jack accepts but also doles out sage wisdom of his own that it's not cool to hide from the things you want. Joey just wants everything to go back to normal where they were all friends. Jack says that she has to set the example because Dawson and Pacey aren't going to do it themselves right now. Joey wants to hide a little longer. Jack agrees and they hold hands. It's really sweet.
Gail packed an overnight bag because she wants to stay the night but Mitch doesn't want her to because he doesn't know where they stand and he doesn't just want to be a warm body to her. Gail finally suggests they talk about it and Mitch says he doesn't want things to stay undefined. He wants her to define it for once.
OMG!! MY FAVOURITE MOMENT OF THE SEASON IS COMING UP!!! Ok, Ok, it's cool. I'm fine. I'll calm down. Here we go. Joey asks Pacey to dance and he agrees and his face lights up and I'm already squeeing so much but it gets so much better. Joey looks nervous but genuinely happy for the first time this night. Pacey asks her why this feels so right and Joey jokes that it's probably because of the dance lessons they took. Remember the dance lessons?? That feels like years ago...because I wrote about it years ago (whoops). Still, I love me a callback. Andie walks in to see them and looks crushed and I feel a little bad about how happy I feel to see Pacephine dancing but I'm sorry, Andie, they are just too cute and MY FAVOURITE PART IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN. Please step aside and let it happen.
Pacey comments on her expensive earrings and asks her where she got them because they are not her. THEY ARE SO NOT, OMG!!! Joey looks a little hurt that he thinks she couldn't wear something so nice or because Dawson gave them to her but Pacey says that neither of those reasons are the reason he thinks they aren't her.
He then points to her bracelet and says that this is her. You see? I told you to pay attention to her bracelet, I told you!! Just..just wait. It gets better. So he tells her that it's simple and elegant and beautiful and so her and I love that so much, I can't even. But it gets even better because she tearily says it was her mother's bracelet and Pacey says he knows because she told him. He then recounts the story of how she came down the hallway wearing a blue sweater with some snowflakes and he was bugging her as per usual so she said, "look Pacey, I just found my mother's bracelet so can you cut me some slack." I love this moment and I really wish that the writers had actually written it in because I would bow down to them forever for that kind of callback payoff but honestly, Joshua Jackson just nails this expository delivery so well that I don't even care that it's an off-camera story for this moment because next, we get this beautiful moment where Joey is surprised that he remembers that and then he says.
They dance together in happy bliss for a hot second while Andie and Dawson look on sadly. Joey sees Dawson and stiffs up which Pacey immediately recognizes and looks at her, as if to check to see if she's alright and she looks crushed because what started as her trying to make sure they were all friends has dissolved because these two cannot bury their feelings for each other for the sake of other people, nor should they have to.
Joey runs after Dawson to apologize and in typical NiceGuytm fashion, he yells at her for dancing with Pacey at the prom he specifically organized for her. Joey rightly calls him out for his bs about tonight being about friendship and so it shouldn't matter who she dances with. Dawson corrects her and says that tonight was about moving forward. Sorry, Dawson, you specifically said it was about friendship and I have the receipts, ie: the beginning of this episode. He then has the gall to ask her what she thought he meant because she couldn't have thought that friendship was all he wanted. Um, except that friendship was all she wanted so you shouldn't have expected that she'd want more. She was very, very clear with you on that both last episode and the beginning of this one. You are an absolute asshole, Dawson.
He goes on to be even worse by saying that he didn't care about Jack, he only planned this whole evening because he wanted to get her back and he thought that if he made everything perfect, she'd pick him. And ok, I present to you the line that cements Dawson as the villain of this whole show:
Um, ew! What she'd be missing? Absolutely nothing, you manipulative, self-centered dolt. The writers had to know they were making him the villain with this line, they just had to. I feel like everyone in the writers room hated Dawson as much as I did and with Kevin Williamson gone, they just decided to torch the character because he's the worst anyway, might as well just drive that point home.
He then grossly goes on to tell her that she'd be missing everything and then he goes in to kiss her??? Surprisingly, she doesn't bat him away instantly because I sure would have. Especially since he follows the kiss up with: that's how this evening was supposed to end. Dude, you are gross and I hate you. He then walks away from her, as if she lost out. I just hate him so much.
Henry has walked Jen home and she tries to dismiss him. Henry is pissed because she made such a big deal about not having sex when she was planning it all along. Oh my god, there are too many NiceGuystm in this episode and I'm already exhausted from dealing with their supreme leader. Can we not with this argument? How are you concerned about sex when your girlfriend is pissed at you for leaving for the whole summer without telling her until you were pretty much about to go? Jen tells him this and he tells her that his decision to go to football camp had nothing to do with her to which she's like "exactly". He threatens her with a full-on break up because of this because he's tired of fighting for her. I mean, he does do grand gestures all the time but he is a crappy boyfriend all around. This really isn't a threat, it's doing her a favour. Please leave and never come back, Henry. Go kill someone else.
Meanwhile, Jack stops Ethan at the train station to apologize for his behaviour at the prom. Ethan is not really having it and tells Jack that if he really wants to kiss him then he's going to have to do it. He doesn't want to do it for him and spare him his fears. No one is around so Ethan dares Jack to kiss him but Jack can't do it. Poor Jack. Ethan leaves.
Andie and Pacey are walking together and Pacey is apologizing to her. He really did ask her because he wanted to go with her but when he got to the prom, he realized that he wanted to go because Joey would be there. Andie surprisingly understands and says she's sorry that things didn't work out for him. She sadly says that he at least got to dance with her and right here is the difference between Pacey and Dawson, Pacey is extremely sorry that he hurt Andie and begs her to tell him what he can do to make this up to her because he knows he did something wrong by taking her when he wanted to go with Joey. Dawson probably would have blamed Andie for not realizing that he obviously wanted to go with Joey and that she should've known it was just a friend date. Because he's the worst.
Andie says that Pacey can't give her what she wants but that she's fine with that and she's not mad at him. She just feels really bad for him. Pacey tells her his plans for the summer are to cruise around the world on True Love after finals are over. Andie asks him if he's told Joey how he feels and Pacey says he did but Andie says that he can't leave without really telling her. Andie pushes him to tell her he loves her and to fight to get her back because if he doesn't, he will regret it. Aw, poor Andie. I'm glad they redeemed her because this is honestly really big of her to do considering her feelings for Pacey. I wish I'd had an Andie in my corner during my whole ordeal.
Joey meets up with Dawson to return the diamond earrings. She says they're beautiful but that she's not quite sure they're her. (Hello quick callback to Pacey's words and how much they obviously meant to her). Joey admits she felt something when he kissed her but it's something that she's sure will always be there. She also tells him that she can't choose and that she's going to ask him the same thing she asked Pacey and that's: "Please don't make me. I'm not ready and I can't do it." Let's see how Dawson reacts to this. He smugly says that it's ok, he'll wait because he's certain that she's going to pick him. He did a bunch of soul-searching and what he found was her, so obviously, she's going to pick him too in his mind. Look, this is just more gross manipulation and guilt-tripping because now she'll feel even more pressure to not pick who she really wants to date to spare Dawson his stupid feelings because for some reason, everyone on this show has to manage Dawson's feelings and make sure he's happy.
Meanwhile, Gail asks Mitch to marry her and he says yes. The end. Sorry, I just don't really care about these two. Next episode is the season finale where we finally get Joey's choice in the matter of Dawson vs Pacey. I think it's pretty obvious who she wants and who she'll pick based on just this episode, let alone the rest of this season but stay tuned to find out in True Love.
We're back in the Creek after a brief delay. Life just doesn't let me write sometimes and I've got to say, it feels crappy when I can't. I'm excited to dive back into this (see what I did there?) and continue to look at Dawson's descent into madness. This time we look at The Anti-Prom where Dawson becomes even more emotionally manipulative than before and Pacey outshines him in every conceivable way to the point where I don't understand how Dawson had any support back when this first aired. But surprisingly, he did.
Hack Writing Tip: if you want people to get really invested in two characters being together that have no chemistry, just use the word 'soulmates' as much as possible and people will die for the ship.
Anyway, the episode starts with Joey and Dawson bantering about how invested Joey is in her homework. Dawson comes across his usual douchey self by calling her neurotic and when she says she prefers to think of her neuroses as quirks, he kind of dismissively says "well, whatever works for ya." and I'm well aware that this is supposed to be cute banter but Dawson is the worst and considering his past behaviours, I choose to read this as condescension but your mileage may vary.
Dawson then launches into asking her to junior prom which considering everything that has happened and considering the fact that Joey asked him to be her friend and not a romantic partner, I'm already pissed on her behalf. Of course, Dawson claims that this is just a friend thing and lays it on thick about how he doesn't want to go with a random person where it will mean nothing but wants to go with his oldest and closest friend and that they made a pact to go together if neither one of them has a date. It's really gross because I can see his NiceGuytm routine from a mile away. Joey, run like hell, he is not wanting to be your friend and you know he's going to get butthurt when you don't kiss him like he wants you to after all the "nice" things he did for you to have the perfect prom.
Joey suggests just not going but of course, Dawson lays it on even thicker about how they made this promise because it obviously means something to them and how it's a rite of passage and blah blah blah. Look, proms are not as grand as they make out on TV they're literally just a school dance that you wear fancier clothes to. I don't know, I had fun enough at my grad dance but I've had way more fun doing other things. Joey caves and agrees to go but requests no cheesy corsage for herself and no ruffled blue shirt for him. He agrees.
Suddenly they spy Mitch and Gail making out so they're back to making out inappropriately in front of their kid, I guess. Cut to opening credits.
Joey bails out of that awkwardness as quick as she can which is completely fair. Run girl, run as far from the Leerys as you can get. Gail says Dawson must want to talk but Mitch tells her to head on to the restaurant while the men talk. I'm overexaggerating but it seems a bit odd that Gail is dismissed from this important convo.
Mitch instantly regrets his decision to have this discussion alone because Dawson immediately gets pissy about it. I say it like that but it's actually pretty fair. Mitch says that the thing between him and Gail isn't just casual and Dawson looks hopeful for a minute, asking if they are getting back together. Mitch then blusters about how they haven't really talked about it and Dawson is like leave me the f out of this then. Which again, is absolutely 100% totally fair. It's weird being on Dawson's side...I don't like it.
We next get a scene between Pacey and Andie. She's studying with him at Dougie's house but she feels like he wants her to leave. He assures her that he doesn't but that he just feels sad sometimes. Andie tries to cheer him up by telling him to get out there and start dating again. She then mentions that he should go to prom and that they could even go together, you know, shot in the dark, if he wants and all that 'just tossing it out there off the top of my head' awkwardness that means she actually really wants to go with him to prom. Pacey is surprised she doesn't have a date and then asks her if she wants him to ask her to go. She says that she just wants him to be happy but Pacey doubts that going to prom will be a magic happiness elixir for him and suggests she go with one of the other guys who she said asked her already but hadn't decided on yet. Andie tries not to show that she's super disappointed and in fact had no other suitors and really wanted Pacey to ask her.
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Yeah, yeah, totally cool. Cool cool cool, so many guys asked me. So many to choose from. I didn't even want you to ask me anyway... |
Meanwhile, Joey is telling her sister all about how Dawson friend guilted her into going to prom and how she's already freaked out about it because even though he promised it to be just friends she is also onto his NiceGuytm act and knows there are romantic implications. Bessie is like, of course, there are and of course, it's going to reignite the fight between Dawson and Pacey. Joey calls Bessie out on being a useless advice-giver as of late and I so agree. Bessie tells her to give her a problem that has a solution and she can give her an answer and Joey realizes the colossal amount of shit she's in.
Joey: You're right. I mean, no matter what I do, somebody gets hurt. Including me.Oof, the feels! I again want to give her a gigantic hug because yeah, there is no good answer when you're thrust in a situation like this. It's easy for me to sit back and be like, "who cares if Dawson gets hurt? He's the worst." but the reality is that he is her closest friend and that is really hard to throw away.
The next day Andie is fuming over the prom and Jack asks her what's up. She fesses up to wanting Pacey to ask her but he didn't and now has to go alone. Or she could not go? Jack is also like, better to go alone than with an ex-boyfriend. I know they just care about maximum drama but like, why would Andie realistically think Pacey would ask her? They're broken up and while she did eventually come around, she belittled him quite a bit over the Joey situation. It's just a little abrupt is all. She claims she's completely over him but wants to go with him because it will be safe. Jack isn't buying it so, to deflect, she asks Jack what he's doing. Jack is taking Ethan but doesn't want to go up to buy the tickets because then he has to declare he's taking a guy in front of close-minded high school kids.
Meanwhile, Jen is blathering about how outdated and dumb proms are and Henry is like "wait, you've never been to a prom before?" Um, how many proms can you go to in the States? Very few freshmen get invited so it's not that bizarre that someone the appropriate age to go to one has never been. This is all just a way for Henry to deduce that she actually really wants to go and ask him and he says he'd love to go. Just don't go anywhere alone with him, Jen. You never know where he'll take you.
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I'm just saying, maybe get your own drinks for the night, Jen. |
Jack tries to buy his ticket and it goes exactly as awful as he assumed it would. The girl even dusts off the old chestnut 'the definition of a prom date is a boy and a girl." just, you know, replace prom date with marriage and you have the same argument chuds have been making for eons. She goes on to be even more disgusting asking him what he plans to do at prom and then lists EVERYTHING THAT EVERYONE ELSE WILL BE DOING. See, it's only gross if you're gay and doing it, it's normal for the straights. I want to punch this fictional character in the face. Let Jack have a fun time with his boyfriend. I hope things have gotten better for gay students and they're allowed to bring whoever they want to their dances now. This makes me sad.
Dawson comes up then and asks if Jack is ok. Jack says he's fine and then storms off. So, Dawson continues to the same girl who refused to sell Jack tickets. I have to have another quick rant for a second because she says "the theme of the dance is couples" and that is the fucking most boring, exclusionary, stupid theme for a dance ever. Like just "couples" not famous couples, historic couples, movie couples, just "couples". That theme is garbage and everyone on that planning committee needs to get a life. Anyway, she asks for his name and the name of his date and he smugly says his name and Joey's. Pacey overhears and is not happy. The girl coos about the happy couple getting back together and Dawson agrees. Do you see?? Didn't I tell you he wanted more and the friend guilt trip thing was a ruse??? Joey, run!!! This will only end badly for you. To top things off, Dawson gives a pointed look to Pacey as he walks out and it's gross.
Joey and Andie have rallied to Jack's defense already and swear they will get him free tickets to prom and have the snotty ticket seller have to apologize on her hands and knees. Jack appreciates their support but he doesn't want to go to prom anymore. They both tell him that he has to because it's political now but that's exactly why Jack doesn't want to bother. He's sick of everything in his life having to be political when everyone else gets to do them normally. This really breaks my heart because it really drives home the point that while assholes are whining about marginalized people "making everything political" it's actually the people telling them they can't live a normal life who've done so. It would be wonderful if Jack could just go to prom with his date but he can't unless he makes a stink to be treated like a fucking human being. It's a problem that still rears it's ugly head today but for all the whining and moaning reactionaries do to slow progress, progress still happens and they can all suck it. Still would be nice if we could move things along faster by not having to explain to mouth breathers why people should be treated like people but at least good ideas win out in the long run.
Joey and Andie offer to fight for him but Jack just wanted to go to prom and doesn't have it in him to fight. Andie doesn't want to go if Jack doesn't go and neither does Joey. This, of course, makes Dawson unhappy. Did I forget to mention he was here? He's here, he just didn't bother to chime in until his perfect reunion "friend" date with Joey was jeopardized. Say it with me now, Dawson is the worst. Anyway, he suggests a better idea than boycotting (by better I mean, an idea where he still gets to parade Joey around as his date) and that idea is an alternative prom. Both Andie and Joey like it and Jack agrees that he's in for that as well. Dawson is smugly pleased.
Dawson begs his parents to host a highschool party at their fancy fish restaurant. Both Mitch and Gail are impressed with how much he's thought through on this idea but Gail wants to know why he wants to hold his own prom. Dawson grossly says that with them making big changes, he has his own big plans he wants to make happen too. Basically, he is totally using this as a way to get Joey to go out with him again. The NiceGuytm energy originates from Dawson Leery, let me tell you. His parents let him know that they will both be at the prom to see if that scares him off but Dawson is ok with it because he'll do whatever it takes to manipulate his friend to go out with him again.
After he leaves, Mitch wants to talk about his and Gail's relationship but she is more preoccupied with who put cayenne pepper in the marinara sauce. I'm here for her indifference to Mitch's feelings, to be honest but cayenne pepper is awesome.
Jack and Andie are selling anti-prom tickets like gangbusters which makes persnickety prom ticket girl upset. She tells them they're going to hell and they laugh her off which is exactly the response to give to someone like this.
Meanwhile, Jen is watching Grams fit Henry into one of her grandfather's old suits which is kind of sweet but kind of creepy. Just rent a tux, Henry. Or can't you borrow one of your own relatives' tux? This can't be healthy for Jen to want to go to a dance with a guy who's wearing her grandfathers' clothes. Grams excuses herself so Jen immediately wants to talk to Henry about prom sex which doesn't help my creepy feeling of this scene. Thankfully, Jen wants to make the decision not to have sex at prom because she doesn't want it to be rushed and forgettable. Henry looks disappointed but agrees not to while asking if they will eventually have sex. Jen says they will. I think she should avoid having sex with him like the plague.
Pacey asks Andie about the anti-prom and she immediately gushes about being able to throw her regular prom ticket in the ticket girl, Barbara's face because she was snotty to her for going alone. Pacey is confused because he thought Andie had a ton of guys who wanted to go with her. Whoops, busted! Andie admits she didn't have any and she lied because she didn't want Pacey to ask her out of pity. She's happy to go to anti-prom with her friends and to support her brother. Pacey tells her that it wouldn't have been a pity ask because it's an honour and then he asks her to prom.
It's the day/night of prom and Dawson is picking Joey up. He thinks she looks incredible and Joey looks a bit uncomfortable with the compliment and tells him that it's just a dress. This kind of harkens back to the beauty contest episode of the first season where she rejects Dawson because he only noticed her after getting made up and didn't see who she was as a person was special before that. Just saying.
Bessie snaps lots of pics and then asks Dawson where the corsage is. He tells her that he and Joey had a deal that there wouldn't be any but that he had to bring something. He presents Joey with diamond fucking earings. Nothing says "friendship" like giving a girl your mother's expensive diamond earrings on loan, right? Joey looks incredibly uncomfortable and Dawson has the gall to handwave away her misgivings and tell her to put them on.
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She looks so uncomfortable, it's hard to watch. |
At prom, Jack is visibly nervous and Ethan tries to lighten the mood about them wearing the same thing. He then assures Jack that they don't have to dance or anything and I feel so bad for Jack. Everything he does is seen as a big deal and a statement and all he wants to do is dance with his partner just like everyone else is doing with ease. Joey and Dawson arrive and Jen compliments Joey on the earrings to which she shyly thanks her (Joey has grown up a bit since first season) and Dawson smiles smugly because he adorned her with the thing that people notice and he wants a cookie (ie for Joey to date him now). Ugh.
Pacey and Andie show up and both Joey and Pacey look awkward and sad. Dawson quickly invites Joey to dance. Pacey can't take his eyes off Joey though and she can't keep her eyes off him. When lightning strikes and two people connect, getting in between them or telling them they can't date does not erase those feelings. I don't know why Dawson thinks he has a shot with Joey when she's still struggling with unresolved feelings for Pacey. Just be her friend like she asked and stop expecting her to be able to turn her feelings on and off like a switch.
Jen asks Henry what he's thinking and he defensively says that he wasn't thinking about sex. That sounds exactly like something a serial killer would say...I mean someone who was thinking about sex would say. Henry is a serial killer.
Ethan thanks Jack for having the courage to bring him to the prom. Ethan says that for all his bravado, he's never had the guts to bring a date to anything like this. Instead of taking this as a compliment, Jack freaks the hell out that he didn't want to actually be here and was only here because of his false rhetoric about self-actualization. I don't really get this reaction but then, I haven't ever had this experience. Maybe this makes perfect sense but I thought it was nice that Ethan was praising his courage.
Jen says that she and Henry can talk about more than sex and suggests they talk about summer vacation. She wants to do a whole bunch of stuff together but Henry drops the bomb that he's going away to football camp all summer. Jen is pissed that he neglected to tell her until now and he seems confused. She tells him that he ruined the night and there is definitely no chance for sex now which confuses him further because he thought they already decided there would be no sex but surprise! That's just what Jen said to alleviate pressure so that the chance of sex would be spontaneous but now there is zero chance. Way to go, Henry. You just found out that you lost out on sex you didn't even know you might have but now definitely won't.
Pacey is dancing with Andie but he keeps glancing longingly at Joey. Joey meanwhile, is dancing with Dawson and finally decides to ask him why he really brought her here because her NiceGuytm radar was going off the charts. She calls him out for taking her here so that he could throw jabs at Pacey but Dawson claims that he didn't even know he'd be here. Joey calls bs because she sees him giving looks to Pacey and she understands the subtext of those looks and says he might as well scream over the PA that "she's mine! Ha! I win." It's nice when characters do my job for me because now I can just say, "what Joey said."
Dawson says that he wasn't thinking that at all. He was actually thinking worse! That Pacey doesn't have the right to show up to his mother's restaurant at the prom he organized. Just...the writers knew they were trashing Dawson's character, right? They're doing this on purpose? Or did they just think that people would still like Dawson after this? I never liked him before so this is just making me think that on any other show, Dawson would be the antagonist who keeps fucking up everyone's life for his own amusement. I hate him so much.
Dawson says that he never excluded Pacey and hasn't said a word to him. Joey says that it hasn't stopped him from parading her around like a prize he's won and Joey needs to stop doing my job for me because she's pretty good at it and it's making me insecure. Joey says that he doesn't care what this all is doing to her which is so true and so uncool. He tries to reset everything by telling her that they're just Dawson and Joey at the prom having a good time. She is not having a good time though and she immediately tells him that she needs a breather. I love it.
Joey finds Jack outside and asks him if he wants to make a run for it. He jokingly agrees and they laugh. She asks him what he's doing and he says he's hiding from Barbara. Not the actual Barbara but the ingrained fear of the criticisms Barbara threw at him. It's preventing him from having a normal and fun time with Ethan and he also acknowledges that he treated Ethan like crap so he won't get to turn things around. Joey tries to offer him comfort and Jack accepts but also doles out sage wisdom of his own that it's not cool to hide from the things you want. Joey just wants everything to go back to normal where they were all friends. Jack says that she has to set the example because Dawson and Pacey aren't going to do it themselves right now. Joey wants to hide a little longer. Jack agrees and they hold hands. It's really sweet.
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Take note of her bracelet, it's important. Trust me. |
Gail packed an overnight bag because she wants to stay the night but Mitch doesn't want her to because he doesn't know where they stand and he doesn't just want to be a warm body to her. Gail finally suggests they talk about it and Mitch says he doesn't want things to stay undefined. He wants her to define it for once.
OMG!! MY FAVOURITE MOMENT OF THE SEASON IS COMING UP!!! Ok, Ok, it's cool. I'm fine. I'll calm down. Here we go. Joey asks Pacey to dance and he agrees and his face lights up and I'm already squeeing so much but it gets so much better. Joey looks nervous but genuinely happy for the first time this night. Pacey asks her why this feels so right and Joey jokes that it's probably because of the dance lessons they took. Remember the dance lessons?? That feels like years ago...because I wrote about it years ago (whoops). Still, I love me a callback. Andie walks in to see them and looks crushed and I feel a little bad about how happy I feel to see Pacephine dancing but I'm sorry, Andie, they are just too cute and MY FAVOURITE PART IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN. Please step aside and let it happen.
Pacey comments on her expensive earrings and asks her where she got them because they are not her. THEY ARE SO NOT, OMG!!! Joey looks a little hurt that he thinks she couldn't wear something so nice or because Dawson gave them to her but Pacey says that neither of those reasons are the reason he thinks they aren't her.
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I'm sorry, I'm Kristen Bell gets to see sloths level of happy crying right now. |
He then points to her bracelet and says that this is her. You see? I told you to pay attention to her bracelet, I told you!! Just..just wait. It gets better. So he tells her that it's simple and elegant and beautiful and so her and I love that so much, I can't even. But it gets even better because she tearily says it was her mother's bracelet and Pacey says he knows because she told him. He then recounts the story of how she came down the hallway wearing a blue sweater with some snowflakes and he was bugging her as per usual so she said, "look Pacey, I just found my mother's bracelet so can you cut me some slack." I love this moment and I really wish that the writers had actually written it in because I would bow down to them forever for that kind of callback payoff but honestly, Joshua Jackson just nails this expository delivery so well that I don't even care that it's an off-camera story for this moment because next, we get this beautiful moment where Joey is surprised that he remembers that and then he says.
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Excuse me, I need a moment because I'm dead. I died of joy |
They dance together in happy bliss for a hot second while Andie and Dawson look on sadly. Joey sees Dawson and stiffs up which Pacey immediately recognizes and looks at her, as if to check to see if she's alright and she looks crushed because what started as her trying to make sure they were all friends has dissolved because these two cannot bury their feelings for each other for the sake of other people, nor should they have to.
Joey runs after Dawson to apologize and in typical NiceGuytm fashion, he yells at her for dancing with Pacey at the prom he specifically organized for her. Joey rightly calls him out for his bs about tonight being about friendship and so it shouldn't matter who she dances with. Dawson corrects her and says that tonight was about moving forward. Sorry, Dawson, you specifically said it was about friendship and I have the receipts, ie: the beginning of this episode. He then has the gall to ask her what she thought he meant because she couldn't have thought that friendship was all he wanted. Um, except that friendship was all she wanted so you shouldn't have expected that she'd want more. She was very, very clear with you on that both last episode and the beginning of this one. You are an absolute asshole, Dawson.
He goes on to be even worse by saying that he didn't care about Jack, he only planned this whole evening because he wanted to get her back and he thought that if he made everything perfect, she'd pick him. And ok, I present to you the line that cements Dawson as the villain of this whole show:
Dawson: You have to pick somebody, Joey. I just wanted to remind you what you'll be missing if you didn't pick me.
Um, ew! What she'd be missing? Absolutely nothing, you manipulative, self-centered dolt. The writers had to know they were making him the villain with this line, they just had to. I feel like everyone in the writers room hated Dawson as much as I did and with Kevin Williamson gone, they just decided to torch the character because he's the worst anyway, might as well just drive that point home.
He then grossly goes on to tell her that she'd be missing everything and then he goes in to kiss her??? Surprisingly, she doesn't bat him away instantly because I sure would have. Especially since he follows the kiss up with: that's how this evening was supposed to end. Dude, you are gross and I hate you. He then walks away from her, as if she lost out. I just hate him so much.
Henry has walked Jen home and she tries to dismiss him. Henry is pissed because she made such a big deal about not having sex when she was planning it all along. Oh my god, there are too many NiceGuystm in this episode and I'm already exhausted from dealing with their supreme leader. Can we not with this argument? How are you concerned about sex when your girlfriend is pissed at you for leaving for the whole summer without telling her until you were pretty much about to go? Jen tells him this and he tells her that his decision to go to football camp had nothing to do with her to which she's like "exactly". He threatens her with a full-on break up because of this because he's tired of fighting for her. I mean, he does do grand gestures all the time but he is a crappy boyfriend all around. This really isn't a threat, it's doing her a favour. Please leave and never come back, Henry. Go kill someone else.
Meanwhile, Jack stops Ethan at the train station to apologize for his behaviour at the prom. Ethan is not really having it and tells Jack that if he really wants to kiss him then he's going to have to do it. He doesn't want to do it for him and spare him his fears. No one is around so Ethan dares Jack to kiss him but Jack can't do it. Poor Jack. Ethan leaves.
Andie and Pacey are walking together and Pacey is apologizing to her. He really did ask her because he wanted to go with her but when he got to the prom, he realized that he wanted to go because Joey would be there. Andie surprisingly understands and says she's sorry that things didn't work out for him. She sadly says that he at least got to dance with her and right here is the difference between Pacey and Dawson, Pacey is extremely sorry that he hurt Andie and begs her to tell him what he can do to make this up to her because he knows he did something wrong by taking her when he wanted to go with Joey. Dawson probably would have blamed Andie for not realizing that he obviously wanted to go with Joey and that she should've known it was just a friend date. Because he's the worst.
Andie says that Pacey can't give her what she wants but that she's fine with that and she's not mad at him. She just feels really bad for him. Pacey tells her his plans for the summer are to cruise around the world on True Love after finals are over. Andie asks him if he's told Joey how he feels and Pacey says he did but Andie says that he can't leave without really telling her. Andie pushes him to tell her he loves her and to fight to get her back because if he doesn't, he will regret it. Aw, poor Andie. I'm glad they redeemed her because this is honestly really big of her to do considering her feelings for Pacey. I wish I'd had an Andie in my corner during my whole ordeal.
Joey meets up with Dawson to return the diamond earrings. She says they're beautiful but that she's not quite sure they're her. (Hello quick callback to Pacey's words and how much they obviously meant to her). Joey admits she felt something when he kissed her but it's something that she's sure will always be there. She also tells him that she can't choose and that she's going to ask him the same thing she asked Pacey and that's: "Please don't make me. I'm not ready and I can't do it." Let's see how Dawson reacts to this. He smugly says that it's ok, he'll wait because he's certain that she's going to pick him. He did a bunch of soul-searching and what he found was her, so obviously, she's going to pick him too in his mind. Look, this is just more gross manipulation and guilt-tripping because now she'll feel even more pressure to not pick who she really wants to date to spare Dawson his stupid feelings because for some reason, everyone on this show has to manage Dawson's feelings and make sure he's happy.
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You better make me happy, or I'll write another movie about how mean you were for dumping me! |
Meanwhile, Gail asks Mitch to marry her and he says yes. The end. Sorry, I just don't really care about these two. Next episode is the season finale where we finally get Joey's choice in the matter of Dawson vs Pacey. I think it's pretty obvious who she wants and who she'll pick based on just this episode, let alone the rest of this season but stay tuned to find out in True Love.
You wrote "(Joey has grown up a bit since first season)". While I agree with that, she has also become extremely less assertive. There is no way the season one Joey would let Dawson emotionally manipulate her like he is. She'd say whateva, whateva, I do what I want.
ReplyDeleteI'd say that's partially true but she has also been warn down by Dawson over the seasons. Season 1 Joey was filled with frustration at not getting Dawson and was able to use that anger to call him out. Also, she knew she could say what she wants to him and not push him away because they were only friends, there wasn't a lot for her to lose.
DeleteBy this point, she's been in two tumultuous relationships with him and she put herself out there for him and been rejected. Their relationship is already fragile and she has the added worry that if she doesn't give him what he wants, she will lose their friendship forever which is a scary prospect given that he's pretty much her only friend. That can feel very isolating. It's frustrating because she could have friends in Andie and Jen but with Jen especially she kind of keeps them at a distance.
I do hate that she let him kiss her after he was an utter douchenozzle to her. I really don't think there are many girls that would welcome a kiss after the way he behaved towards her.
oh man, we're so close to Dawson's stupid cryface I cannot wait
ReplyDeleteDawson's stupid cryface has been delivered. :P