Original airdate: October 21, 2009
You would think that with an episode called Mash-Up, there would be plenty more fun mash-ups that continue the greatness of the Vitamin D episode. Spoiler, there are no mash-ups in this episode. Not a single one. You are a title of LIES, Mash-Up!
Joking aside, let's get into the episode proper. We start with a slushie-eye view of going down the hallway, we move past all the usual victims of the dreaded slushie facial but are surprised when the slushie lands in Finn's and Quinn's face. They are not pleased with this turn of events and though Finn gets angry, the hockey guys are not backing down. They are not cool anymore because he got Quinn knocked up. You know, I don't think I've ever seen a show that has treated the guy who got a girl knocked up like this, normally they are praised and just the girl is ridiculed. Progressive???
Meanwhile, Will is confronted by Emma and Ken in the lunchroom. Ken immediately says that despite the fact that Emma refuses to tell anyone, including her mother, that they are engaged, they are getting married. I found this scene funny when I first watched it but more and more on rewatch, I just find it sad. Like, I don't particularly like Ken Tanaka but goddamn it, I feel really bad for him. Emma's actually pretty cruel. How did I ever sympathize with her? Is it because Jayma Mays is cute? Probably but I see past your Bambi eyes now, Emma. I see right through them to your hideous rotting deer corpse of a soul.
Too much? My point is, she's kind of awful to Ken and wants no one to know she's getting married, not even her own mother or see that they're getting married. But the big deal with them approaching Will is that they can't agree on a wedding song. Emma wants I Could Have Danced All Night, from My Fair Lady (which gets a lot of gushing from Will about how romantic it is so the tension of them being perfect together is increased), but Ken wants The Thong Song by Sisqo. Remember Sisqo? He was a big thing for a hot second in the late 90s/early 00s. Anyway, they want Will to do a mash-up between them. Good luck, Will. The results of that will be monstrous. Spoiler alert, we never get this mash-up which I believe is a crime worse than even wanting to do this mash-up in the first place. Don't tease me with a trainwreck and then fail to deliver.
Quinn is cleaning Finn up (even though she also got hit a bit) while lamenting their loss of status in the school and the rest of the glee club is terrified that their only cool buffer is now seen as just as much of a target as them. Which can only mean their slushying will worsen. Will bursts into the room then and gives them one of his famous assignments. Emma and Ken's horrid request has given him the idea to ask the kids to figure out a mash-up using his favourite song Bust a Move. The kids call it old school and I feel so fucking old right now but Will charges past and requests that they perform it now. None of the guys want to sing so Will steps up to the challenge and it is...it's kind of...it's pretty bad but I think my nostalgia wins out just slightly because I love this song. I mean, my kid seemed to freaking love this version because he requested I rewind this bit like 4 times, each time he would attempt some of the dance moves so I guess it's catchy enough for a preschooler. But for the rest of us...
Also, Will should keep like 500 feet away from Quinn at all times because the creepy, twirl and cheek grab thing he does to her while singing the lyrics "want to sex her" is a huge yikes from me. I get that they're acting and all adults but in the context of this show...Will step over there where Chris Hansen is waiting for you.
Later, Finn and Quinn are in Emma's office to ask her for advice on how to be cool. She actually manages to win me back a bit here because her guidance isn't that horrible. She kind of tries to make them think about why it's so important for them to be cool. Of course, she ruins it by getting distracted by Will who is making goofy gestures at her and signals that he wants to give her dance lessons after school. She says that sunglasses are sexy while Quinn is pouring her heart out and gets confused. Emma tries to save face by telling them that they should wear sunglasses because they're cool which is not horrible advice but not good advice either. Finn agrees though and Emma comes to her senses and tries to give them good advice about not trying so hard.
Later, Emma is walking down the hallway in the world's poofiest wedding dress. I remember this being hyped up so much in the commercials, this was the big teaser sneak peek for the episode. Everyone freaked out. The reason she's wearing it? It was her cousin's and Emma remembers how her sister got dancing lessons but never wore her dress so that on her big day, she was completely thrown off. Emma wants to practice dancing in her dress so she'll be prepared. Kind of anti-climactic. We are then treated(?) to another Will!Rap. My god...it's worse than Bust a Move. Like, at least that one is fun and everyone can sing it and be relatively ok but this? It's atrocious. I think my libido shriveled up into a corn cob when Will did the bro chuckle part of the song. A thing I hate normally but the hate is amplified when it's coming out of Will's mouth. You know that laugh? The "ah hahahaaa" I can't do it in writing form just here's a gif of what I mean:
Emma looks like she's going to cream herself the entire song too until they eventually fall on top of each other. Emma blames the song (completely fair) but Will says she needs a new (read: less fluffy) dress. Ken is watching them and looks most displeased.
Finn is trying to call the plays at practice and the guys refuse to follow him. They question his leadership skills since he joined Glee club and knocked up Quinn. Finn gets pissed when one of them insinuates that he wasn't man enough to do the job and wonders if someone else snuck in there and did it for him. It's funny because it's true but Finn doesn't know that. He tackles the guy anyway. Ken breaks up the fight and is not pleased. Ken is even less happy to learn that Puck has missed practice to work on something for glee club. He mandates a special extra practice and schedules it for exactly when glee club is supposed to practice. Good job, using the kids to fight your battles, Ken. McKinley High has the worst teachers, I swear.
Meanwhile, Rachel is practicing in her room and singing Christina Aguilera's What a Girl Wants but shock! Puck is in her room with her and playing the guitar. He quickly voiceovers that he knows this looks weird but pretty soon they're making out so we understand why he wanted to practice with Rachel. Puck then informs us that basically his mother wants him to date a Jewish girl and since Rachel is Jewish, he basically decided why the hell not?
Can I be real for a second? I totally shipped this. I thought perhaps this might turn out to be the new Joey/Pacey ship since Finn kind of sucks. It doesn't last past this episode and they don't make Puck anywhere near as good as Pacey was and Mark Salling is nowhere near as charming as Joshua Jackson anyway...also nowhere near as good looking. What really kills it on rewatch? Knowing what I know about Mark Salling and his...disturbing arrest. This is gross and I can't watch this. Rachel deserves better.
The next day we see another slushie making it's way down the hall towards Rachel but we're surprised again when it's revealed that it's Puck and he's giving her the slushie to drink. He got her grape because he knows that's her favourite flavour since last time he chucked grape on her, she licked her lips first. It's...bizarrely thoughtful but sorry Mark, you're a pedo and I hate you.
They're making out again but Rachel is uncomfortable because she really wants to be kissing Finn. She claims it's because he doesn't have the guts to sing a solo in glee and so at the next glee meeting, Puck gets up and sings Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond. I get that the song works as a serenade to Rachel but I don't see how he ever thought this would mash up well with Bust a Move. All the selections are fun but thinking of them as suitable matches for that song just doesn't work and I don't understand why they used this premise at all. Just have them try out new songs that express themselves or something. I'm sorry, just salty that there are no actual mash-ups in this episode.
Finn thinks the sunglasses are working for him and Quinn but nope, they get slushied immediately. This time, by his own teammates. They threaten to throw more unless Finn quits glee for football.
Sue appears doing one of her Sue C's It segments. Afterward, Rod the news anchor confronts her and asks her out for fondue. Cue the other teaser for the episode, Sue and Will...dancing!? TOGETHER?? Yes, they are dancing together because Sue wants to practice swing dancing because Rod is into that and asked her to be his dance partner in a competition. She's in a fantastic mood because her date went so well and it's kind of cute to see Matthew and Jane have such a blast dancing together. Uh, I mean Sue and Will. They address the awkwardness in convo considering the last episode was Throwdown. I mean, she also outed Quinn to the whole school and he's going on about how great she's been to her so I guess she's calmed down a lot? She also let's slip to Will about Ken's ultimatum to the football team.
Will is angry and confronts Ken about this but he's an idiot and thinks that Ken is mad at him because he doesn't like his choice of wedding song. Ken blasts him for being so clueless and finally spells it out for Will that Emma likes him and that Ken feels like the consolation prize. Will tries to say that Emma is totally into him and Ken is like, no she's not and I'm kind of sad for him again. Just barely, he kind of sucks. Will admits that while he never led her on, he never discouraged her crush on him so...he's not clueless, just kind of awful. I can't get too harsh on him because I've totally been there and when you're in a relationship that feels safe but ultimately isn't making you feel the greatest and someone gives you that bit of something you were missing, it's so easy to get wrapped up in that boost in self-esteem and not really consider the other person's feelings. It sucks though and it is wrong to do to someone. Will tells Ken that he doesn't have to worry about it anymore and asks if he can have his Thursday spot back. Ken is not backing down and wants to make the kids choose who's first place and who's the consolation prize. It's super shitty all around.
Rachel is chatting Puck's ear off about the Tony's and he looks completely bored. He asks what she thought of his solo and she gives him constructive criticism before catching herself and telling him he did great and that he's an amazing performer. She's proud to have him on her arm and then he promptly gets slushied.
We next see Rachel very tenderly washing the goop out of his hair and honestly, their scenes together are a heck of a lot less troubling than her relationship with Finn has been portrayed. I still can't get behind this because of the grossness but I can see why I gravitated to this before I knew. I dig these types of bonding scenes. Puck feels awful about how he threw slushies at her and he sadly tells her that he hates the feeling of being slushied so much that he's going to pick football over glee. Rachel understands but seems sad about it.
Meanwhile, Will is waiting for Emma to come out in her dress at the bridal shop. She comes out in a very chic Audrey Hepburn-esque dress which is the perfect segue into them trying to dance and Emma sings I Could Have Danced All Night. Will is also bad at keeping his promise to Ken because he cannot keep his eyes off of her. You know, one thing I never thought of until now? Why, if there are going to be no guests and no witnesses at this wedding. Do they need to have a first dance? I mean, you usually do that at the party part of the wedding...in front of your guests. Why is this plot even a thing?
Will lets it slip about the football ultimatum which is a bit of a dick move because he's not telling her why Ken is so mad at him or has made this ultimatum. Don't get me wrong, it's shit regardless but like he didn't make it out of nowhere.
The glee kids wait and it looks like none of the football guys are coming. Suddenly though, both Mike and Matt show up and then Puck, to Rachel's delight. She even asks him if he's absolutely sure because this decision means he'll get more slushies in his face but he says to bring it. Alright, in spite of who is playing Puck, this is really sweet and I'll take a guy that will do this for you over an indecisive weenie like Finn any day. Puck still sucks though. Finn is the only one who doesn't show because he also sucks.
We are back in the slushie-eye view as the glee kids duck for cover but the slushie eventually comes to Kurt and it's revealed that Finn is the one holding it. He doesn't want to throw it at him but like, he's still doing it. Kurt throws the slushie on himself so that the other football players won't beat Finn up so Finn is just weak-willed all around and Kurt is awesome. Kurt tells Finn to GTFO and ask himself if any of his football friends would do that for him. Then he commands the girls to get him to a day spa.
Sue shows up at the news station in a full-on zoot suit but she finds Rod making out with his co-anchor. He asks what she's doing there and she tells him that she wanted to show off her outfit and Rod tells her that the men usually wear the suits.
Rod basically tells her that they were never exclusive and this serves to piss Sue right the hell off so that she goes back to her former ways.
Puck is watching the football practice when Rachel shows up. Confusingly, even though she seemed happy that Puck showed up to glee practice, she doesn't think their relationship will work out and admits it's because she likes Finn. She then points out that he obviously likes Quinn since Rachel sees him check her out when she's checking out Finn. Puck just says that Finn and Quinn will never break up basically saying that neither one of them has a shot with their crush but Rachel has hope. Puck doesn't know why girls don't like him and Rachel rightfully points out that he's a dick. She tries to talk to him but he blows her off.
Will comes to talk to Finn and Finn refuses to come back to glee. Will tries to convince him that choosing glee is the right choice and that he's letting other people make his choices for him. This is a fair assessment, except that Will is also kind of trying to make choices for Finn right now. Will says that Finn reminds him of himself which is a thread that will run through the entire series and get progressively creepier as time passes. He then begs him to come back to glee because it's where he belongs. Like, I've heard him sing...if he likes doing it, fine but I wouldn't say he's meant to perform or anything.
Finn talks to Ken about how he doesn't want to decide between football and glee and asks if he can do both so he can be a better leader. Ken looks unmoved by his big speech but it gets through to him because Ken pretends like he needs to cancel Thursday practice anyway because he needs to get other things done at that time. Finn is super happy.
Sue rampages through the hall and asks Will to get him the setlist she requested and threatens to buy him a cute kitty cat, let him fall in love with the kitty cat, and then punch him in the face. She then confronts Quinn, fires her from the Cheerios and calls her a disgrace.
Will goes to talk to Emma and apologizes for not being able to create the wedding mash-up they requested. He says he just can't get the songs to go together and Emma says it's because they don't go together. Basically, they're talking in metaphors about her relationship with Ken. Emma says that they're both good songs though and he agrees. She thanks him for the dance lessons and he leaves.
At glee club, Will has treated all of the kids to slushies to celebrate them being whole, yet again. They all apologize to him for not being able to figure out a mash-up for Bust a Move. Will says it's fine because he thinks whatever lesson he was trying to impart on them has landed. I'm not sure what that lesson was but ok, Will. He then gets brain freeze and says he can't even imagine what getting hit in the face with a slushie would feel like. This makes all the kids get evil grins as they approach him with their slushies. Will tells them to go for it and is initiated as one of the losers. It's kind of a sweet moment.
This episode feels kind of lackluster and feels like filler which is bad considering this was planned as a short season and honestly the filler gets so much worse than this later on. How many more ways are they going to have the glee kids split up or have their team threatened to be shut down? A lot, actually and the glee writers will wring any plot point as dry as they can possibly get it. I'm also still disappointed at the lack of mash-ups when we were promised something pretty epic at the beginning. We never get the Sisqo/My Fair Lady mash-up and we never get to have a mash-up with Bust a Move and that sucks. I mean, the first would have been terrible but it would have been a beautiful trainwreck and I'm sad to not get it. Oddly enough, the best song of the episode is Bust a Move in spite of my griping but that could be because of nostalgia and now how happy it makes my son. Worst song is Thong Song because there is no saving that cringe-fest. Rachel singing What a Girl Wants was cute as hell too.
Not much to say about this one but the next episode is Wheels which I remember really liking but also being perplexed by one plot point in it that the writers never really fix. Stay tuned.
You would think that with an episode called Mash-Up, there would be plenty more fun mash-ups that continue the greatness of the Vitamin D episode. Spoiler, there are no mash-ups in this episode. Not a single one. You are a title of LIES, Mash-Up!
Joking aside, let's get into the episode proper. We start with a slushie-eye view of going down the hallway, we move past all the usual victims of the dreaded slushie facial but are surprised when the slushie lands in Finn's and Quinn's face. They are not pleased with this turn of events and though Finn gets angry, the hockey guys are not backing down. They are not cool anymore because he got Quinn knocked up. You know, I don't think I've ever seen a show that has treated the guy who got a girl knocked up like this, normally they are praised and just the girl is ridiculed. Progressive???
Meanwhile, Will is confronted by Emma and Ken in the lunchroom. Ken immediately says that despite the fact that Emma refuses to tell anyone, including her mother, that they are engaged, they are getting married. I found this scene funny when I first watched it but more and more on rewatch, I just find it sad. Like, I don't particularly like Ken Tanaka but goddamn it, I feel really bad for him. Emma's actually pretty cruel. How did I ever sympathize with her? Is it because Jayma Mays is cute? Probably but I see past your Bambi eyes now, Emma. I see right through them to your hideous rotting deer corpse of a soul.
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Look at that cold, dead stare She's plotting to murder Ken in his sleep, I tell you |
Too much? My point is, she's kind of awful to Ken and wants no one to know she's getting married, not even her own mother or see that they're getting married. But the big deal with them approaching Will is that they can't agree on a wedding song. Emma wants I Could Have Danced All Night, from My Fair Lady (which gets a lot of gushing from Will about how romantic it is so the tension of them being perfect together is increased), but Ken wants The Thong Song by Sisqo. Remember Sisqo? He was a big thing for a hot second in the late 90s/early 00s. Anyway, they want Will to do a mash-up between them. Good luck, Will. The results of that will be monstrous. Spoiler alert, we never get this mash-up which I believe is a crime worse than even wanting to do this mash-up in the first place. Don't tease me with a trainwreck and then fail to deliver.
Quinn is cleaning Finn up (even though she also got hit a bit) while lamenting their loss of status in the school and the rest of the glee club is terrified that their only cool buffer is now seen as just as much of a target as them. Which can only mean their slushying will worsen. Will bursts into the room then and gives them one of his famous assignments. Emma and Ken's horrid request has given him the idea to ask the kids to figure out a mash-up using his favourite song Bust a Move. The kids call it old school and I feel so fucking old right now but Will charges past and requests that they perform it now. None of the guys want to sing so Will steps up to the challenge and it is...it's kind of...it's pretty bad but I think my nostalgia wins out just slightly because I love this song. I mean, my kid seemed to freaking love this version because he requested I rewind this bit like 4 times, each time he would attempt some of the dance moves so I guess it's catchy enough for a preschooler. But for the rest of us...
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Kurt is all of us |
Later, Finn and Quinn are in Emma's office to ask her for advice on how to be cool. She actually manages to win me back a bit here because her guidance isn't that horrible. She kind of tries to make them think about why it's so important for them to be cool. Of course, she ruins it by getting distracted by Will who is making goofy gestures at her and signals that he wants to give her dance lessons after school. She says that sunglasses are sexy while Quinn is pouring her heart out and gets confused. Emma tries to save face by telling them that they should wear sunglasses because they're cool which is not horrible advice but not good advice either. Finn agrees though and Emma comes to her senses and tries to give them good advice about not trying so hard.
Later, Emma is walking down the hallway in the world's poofiest wedding dress. I remember this being hyped up so much in the commercials, this was the big teaser sneak peek for the episode. Everyone freaked out. The reason she's wearing it? It was her cousin's and Emma remembers how her sister got dancing lessons but never wore her dress so that on her big day, she was completely thrown off. Emma wants to practice dancing in her dress so she'll be prepared. Kind of anti-climactic. We are then treated(?) to another Will!Rap. My god...it's worse than Bust a Move. Like, at least that one is fun and everyone can sing it and be relatively ok but this? It's atrocious. I think my libido shriveled up into a corn cob when Will did the bro chuckle part of the song. A thing I hate normally but the hate is amplified when it's coming out of Will's mouth. You know that laugh? The "ah hahahaaa" I can't do it in writing form just here's a gif of what I mean:
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Full disclosure, Cody Ko is hilarious and a master at mocking the fuckboi laugh |
Emma looks like she's going to cream herself the entire song too until they eventually fall on top of each other. Emma blames the song (completely fair) but Will says she needs a new (read: less fluffy) dress. Ken is watching them and looks most displeased.
Finn is trying to call the plays at practice and the guys refuse to follow him. They question his leadership skills since he joined Glee club and knocked up Quinn. Finn gets pissed when one of them insinuates that he wasn't man enough to do the job and wonders if someone else snuck in there and did it for him. It's funny because it's true but Finn doesn't know that. He tackles the guy anyway. Ken breaks up the fight and is not pleased. Ken is even less happy to learn that Puck has missed practice to work on something for glee club. He mandates a special extra practice and schedules it for exactly when glee club is supposed to practice. Good job, using the kids to fight your battles, Ken. McKinley High has the worst teachers, I swear.
Meanwhile, Rachel is practicing in her room and singing Christina Aguilera's What a Girl Wants but shock! Puck is in her room with her and playing the guitar. He quickly voiceovers that he knows this looks weird but pretty soon they're making out so we understand why he wanted to practice with Rachel. Puck then informs us that basically his mother wants him to date a Jewish girl and since Rachel is Jewish, he basically decided why the hell not?
Can I be real for a second? I totally shipped this. I thought perhaps this might turn out to be the new Joey/Pacey ship since Finn kind of sucks. It doesn't last past this episode and they don't make Puck anywhere near as good as Pacey was and Mark Salling is nowhere near as charming as Joshua Jackson anyway...also nowhere near as good looking. What really kills it on rewatch? Knowing what I know about Mark Salling and his...disturbing arrest. This is gross and I can't watch this. Rachel deserves better.
The next day we see another slushie making it's way down the hall towards Rachel but we're surprised again when it's revealed that it's Puck and he's giving her the slushie to drink. He got her grape because he knows that's her favourite flavour since last time he chucked grape on her, she licked her lips first. It's...bizarrely thoughtful but sorry Mark, you're a pedo and I hate you.
They're making out again but Rachel is uncomfortable because she really wants to be kissing Finn. She claims it's because he doesn't have the guts to sing a solo in glee and so at the next glee meeting, Puck gets up and sings Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond. I get that the song works as a serenade to Rachel but I don't see how he ever thought this would mash up well with Bust a Move. All the selections are fun but thinking of them as suitable matches for that song just doesn't work and I don't understand why they used this premise at all. Just have them try out new songs that express themselves or something. I'm sorry, just salty that there are no actual mash-ups in this episode.
Finn thinks the sunglasses are working for him and Quinn but nope, they get slushied immediately. This time, by his own teammates. They threaten to throw more unless Finn quits glee for football.
Sue appears doing one of her Sue C's It segments. Afterward, Rod the news anchor confronts her and asks her out for fondue. Cue the other teaser for the episode, Sue and Will...dancing!? TOGETHER?? Yes, they are dancing together because Sue wants to practice swing dancing because Rod is into that and asked her to be his dance partner in a competition. She's in a fantastic mood because her date went so well and it's kind of cute to see Matthew and Jane have such a blast dancing together. Uh, I mean Sue and Will. They address the awkwardness in convo considering the last episode was Throwdown. I mean, she also outed Quinn to the whole school and he's going on about how great she's been to her so I guess she's calmed down a lot? She also let's slip to Will about Ken's ultimatum to the football team.
Will is angry and confronts Ken about this but he's an idiot and thinks that Ken is mad at him because he doesn't like his choice of wedding song. Ken blasts him for being so clueless and finally spells it out for Will that Emma likes him and that Ken feels like the consolation prize. Will tries to say that Emma is totally into him and Ken is like, no she's not and I'm kind of sad for him again. Just barely, he kind of sucks. Will admits that while he never led her on, he never discouraged her crush on him so...he's not clueless, just kind of awful. I can't get too harsh on him because I've totally been there and when you're in a relationship that feels safe but ultimately isn't making you feel the greatest and someone gives you that bit of something you were missing, it's so easy to get wrapped up in that boost in self-esteem and not really consider the other person's feelings. It sucks though and it is wrong to do to someone. Will tells Ken that he doesn't have to worry about it anymore and asks if he can have his Thursday spot back. Ken is not backing down and wants to make the kids choose who's first place and who's the consolation prize. It's super shitty all around.
Rachel is chatting Puck's ear off about the Tony's and he looks completely bored. He asks what she thought of his solo and she gives him constructive criticism before catching herself and telling him he did great and that he's an amazing performer. She's proud to have him on her arm and then he promptly gets slushied.
We next see Rachel very tenderly washing the goop out of his hair and honestly, their scenes together are a heck of a lot less troubling than her relationship with Finn has been portrayed. I still can't get behind this because of the grossness but I can see why I gravitated to this before I knew. I dig these types of bonding scenes. Puck feels awful about how he threw slushies at her and he sadly tells her that he hates the feeling of being slushied so much that he's going to pick football over glee. Rachel understands but seems sad about it.
Meanwhile, Will is waiting for Emma to come out in her dress at the bridal shop. She comes out in a very chic Audrey Hepburn-esque dress which is the perfect segue into them trying to dance and Emma sings I Could Have Danced All Night. Will is also bad at keeping his promise to Ken because he cannot keep his eyes off of her. You know, one thing I never thought of until now? Why, if there are going to be no guests and no witnesses at this wedding. Do they need to have a first dance? I mean, you usually do that at the party part of the wedding...in front of your guests. Why is this plot even a thing?
Will lets it slip about the football ultimatum which is a bit of a dick move because he's not telling her why Ken is so mad at him or has made this ultimatum. Don't get me wrong, it's shit regardless but like he didn't make it out of nowhere.
The glee kids wait and it looks like none of the football guys are coming. Suddenly though, both Mike and Matt show up and then Puck, to Rachel's delight. She even asks him if he's absolutely sure because this decision means he'll get more slushies in his face but he says to bring it. Alright, in spite of who is playing Puck, this is really sweet and I'll take a guy that will do this for you over an indecisive weenie like Finn any day. Puck still sucks though. Finn is the only one who doesn't show because he also sucks.
We are back in the slushie-eye view as the glee kids duck for cover but the slushie eventually comes to Kurt and it's revealed that Finn is the one holding it. He doesn't want to throw it at him but like, he's still doing it. Kurt throws the slushie on himself so that the other football players won't beat Finn up so Finn is just weak-willed all around and Kurt is awesome. Kurt tells Finn to GTFO and ask himself if any of his football friends would do that for him. Then he commands the girls to get him to a day spa.
Sue shows up at the news station in a full-on zoot suit but she finds Rod making out with his co-anchor. He asks what she's doing there and she tells him that she wanted to show off her outfit and Rod tells her that the men usually wear the suits.
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I have used this line so many times |
Rod basically tells her that they were never exclusive and this serves to piss Sue right the hell off so that she goes back to her former ways.
Puck is watching the football practice when Rachel shows up. Confusingly, even though she seemed happy that Puck showed up to glee practice, she doesn't think their relationship will work out and admits it's because she likes Finn. She then points out that he obviously likes Quinn since Rachel sees him check her out when she's checking out Finn. Puck just says that Finn and Quinn will never break up basically saying that neither one of them has a shot with their crush but Rachel has hope. Puck doesn't know why girls don't like him and Rachel rightfully points out that he's a dick. She tries to talk to him but he blows her off.
Will comes to talk to Finn and Finn refuses to come back to glee. Will tries to convince him that choosing glee is the right choice and that he's letting other people make his choices for him. This is a fair assessment, except that Will is also kind of trying to make choices for Finn right now. Will says that Finn reminds him of himself which is a thread that will run through the entire series and get progressively creepier as time passes. He then begs him to come back to glee because it's where he belongs. Like, I've heard him sing...if he likes doing it, fine but I wouldn't say he's meant to perform or anything.
Finn talks to Ken about how he doesn't want to decide between football and glee and asks if he can do both so he can be a better leader. Ken looks unmoved by his big speech but it gets through to him because Ken pretends like he needs to cancel Thursday practice anyway because he needs to get other things done at that time. Finn is super happy.
Sue rampages through the hall and asks Will to get him the setlist she requested and threatens to buy him a cute kitty cat, let him fall in love with the kitty cat, and then punch him in the face. She then confronts Quinn, fires her from the Cheerios and calls her a disgrace.
Will goes to talk to Emma and apologizes for not being able to create the wedding mash-up they requested. He says he just can't get the songs to go together and Emma says it's because they don't go together. Basically, they're talking in metaphors about her relationship with Ken. Emma says that they're both good songs though and he agrees. She thanks him for the dance lessons and he leaves.
At glee club, Will has treated all of the kids to slushies to celebrate them being whole, yet again. They all apologize to him for not being able to figure out a mash-up for Bust a Move. Will says it's fine because he thinks whatever lesson he was trying to impart on them has landed. I'm not sure what that lesson was but ok, Will. He then gets brain freeze and says he can't even imagine what getting hit in the face with a slushie would feel like. This makes all the kids get evil grins as they approach him with their slushies. Will tells them to go for it and is initiated as one of the losers. It's kind of a sweet moment.
This episode feels kind of lackluster and feels like filler which is bad considering this was planned as a short season and honestly the filler gets so much worse than this later on. How many more ways are they going to have the glee kids split up or have their team threatened to be shut down? A lot, actually and the glee writers will wring any plot point as dry as they can possibly get it. I'm also still disappointed at the lack of mash-ups when we were promised something pretty epic at the beginning. We never get the Sisqo/My Fair Lady mash-up and we never get to have a mash-up with Bust a Move and that sucks. I mean, the first would have been terrible but it would have been a beautiful trainwreck and I'm sad to not get it. Oddly enough, the best song of the episode is Bust a Move in spite of my griping but that could be because of nostalgia and now how happy it makes my son. Worst song is Thong Song because there is no saving that cringe-fest. Rachel singing What a Girl Wants was cute as hell too.
Not much to say about this one but the next episode is Wheels which I remember really liking but also being perplexed by one plot point in it that the writers never really fix. Stay tuned.
I just keep watching that gif of Kurt over and over
ReplyDeleteI also remember forgiving Emma a LOT on my initial watch, and I think it's all got to be due to my then-love of Jayma Mays, but you're right, she's monstrous.
I remember really liking Puck's cover of Sweet Caroline but everything related to him is so tainted now.
That Kurt moment is one of my favourites. lol
DeleteI also did because Jayma is so likeable and I still like her at times but all the jokes about how much she hates Ken but is marrying him makes me uncomfortable. Girl, you have other options than a married man and a man you can't stand. Thankfully she gets to play the field a bit later on.
Same. I really liked Puck in this episode too but once you learn the truth about Mark, you can't unlearn it and it will forever ruin the good moments he has in this show.