Original air date: February 15, 2010
Back again for another Gleecap and in this episode, Sue tries to create division within the glee club in a bid to break them up and shatter Will's dreams. Let's see how well that works out for her.
Brief side note: I have vivid memories of the voice over last episode recap guy talking rapidly before saying "And that's what you missed on GLEE!" Yet, the guy sounds the same as I remember but for these episodes so far, it sounds like he's dozing off or something. It's weird. Am I misremembering or was the rapid fire delivery something that was added later? It's been a while since I've rewatched this series and I feel like I'm going insane every time he starts in on his recap.
On to the episode, we start with a slow-mo fight scene between Will and Sue and it's the best thing ever. Will voice overs that he looks crazy and doesn't recognize himself. He's ashamed that she's turned him into her. Sue meanwhile adores everything about this scene like me, and says that even in the heat of battle she looks elegant, regal even. Then their voice overs start fighting which is awesome meta humour.
Everything started when Figgins called them into his office and they lie their faces off, saying that everything is going great. Figgins looks suspicious and I honestly am not sure if he's in competent mode or bumbling mode because he switches between them often and when you think he's not getting it, he's on the ball but when he seems on the ball, he suddenly switches gears and does something stupid. Anyway, he warns them not to curry favour with the students and cause division so that's exactly what they're both going to do this episode.
Will does so by asking what they would like to do even though he looks less than interested in their suggestions. Going so far as to say that he's not looking for the amazing Harry Shum Jr. to pop and lock and excuse you, good Sir, but you do not speak for the rest of us who might very much want to see this man dance because he rocks at it.
They are also told not to pit the students against each other and naturally Sue says, not to Figgins, that she wants to do this while telling Figgins that she wouldn't think of it. In a cut away, she is already told by Quinn that he wasn't taking Mercedes or Mike seriously and she is absolutely going to use that. Figgins ends the meeting by asking them to hug it out which neither wants to do and results in a fake hug where they whisper threats into each others' ears.
Quinn is freaking out at her first ultrasound and Finn is with her. The nurse asks them what they want to do with the baby after it's born and I honestly have to give Finn props for saying that whatever Quinn wants to do is fine. That's pretty progressive, too bad he isn't the father and has no say anyway. The nurse tells them it's a girl. Will is apparently in the waiting room and Finn comes out to tell him that the baby is fine and he thanks him for driving them. I mean, that's nice of Will but it feels very over stepping of bounds but then again, the kids' parents don't know and who else could they turn to so I'm only slightly side-eyeing this.
Finn then complains that he has all the stress of the pregnancy but none of the control so I take back the nice compliment I gave him last paragraph because even though he said it's Quinn's choice, he's hating that it's her choice and is seriously saying that he's carrying all of the stress when Quinn's life is going to get completely destroyed the minute she starts showing, everyone will know and she will take all of the shame people try to throw on her, all while growing a human child in her womb. Fuck you, Finn. You don't even know what stress is.
UGGGHHH!!! Jacob Ben Israel has shown up to completely ruin my day. He tells Rachel that she's the hottest girl in the school which sounds sweet but I'm sure he'll ruin it in about two seconds (I also assure you that his delivery of that compliment was in the creepiest way possible thus negating any of the niceness it could've had). Rachel agrees and gives him an "ew" and I love her so much. Jacob reveals that he knows about Quinn's pregnancy and Rachel tries to deny it. Then Jacob says that he also heard that she's just upset that "Finn didn't choose [her] to carry his litter" and I really hate his character. Did they try to make him as gross as possible? Because they succeeded. Rachel storms back to him and asks him what it will take for him to not run the story and he gets creeper smile and I get seriously ill.
Sue tricks Will into letting her do things her way, which is splitting the kids up, touting her group as an elite glee club that she dubs "Sue's Kids". Will assumes that she'll pick all the football players and cheerleaders but Sue starts calling out a different group of kids in a very Sue way.
For those not in the know, that's actually Santana, Artie, Kurt, Tina, Mike, Mercedes, and Matt. Sue tells Will that she doesn't want to be a part of a group that discriminates against minorities. Will is pissed.
Meanwhile, Terri's terrible sister (I so wish they were twins for the wonderful alliteration that would have made) tells her to tell Quinn not to vaccinate because she's pretty sure the vaccines made her kids stupid. I'm kind of floored that anti-vaxxers were already being mocked back in 2010, I thought that was more recent. Why has this decade felt like a century? Anyway, Terri says she could use the vaccination money for an organic crib mattress and just...can we talk, America?
Ok, do you know how much we pay up here in the cold North that is Canada for vaccinations? I sure as hell don't because I never see a bill for it. We do not pay. We go to our doctors, we get a shot and we leave. Because vaccinations should not be a luxury, they are a necessity to keep our elderly, infant, and vulnerable people safe. This is a huge problem and I don't get why many Americans have this mentality of everyone being healthy is bad because "I don't wanna pay taxes". I guarantee you that I pay less in taxes than American's pay for their healthcare needs. It's sad and honestly, is probably why so many people have latched on to the grift that vaccines are bad somehow because if they believe that, they can save some money. Sorry for the tangent.
Will hangs up the phone on Terri because her sister Kendra is awful but also because he's mad that she's making big baby decisions without him and how excluded he feels from the process. He hasn't even felt the baby kick. How bad is their marriage that he like never, ever touches her to figure out that she's wearing a fake stomach? Will complains that the only time he's been to an ultrasound is when he took Finn and Quinn to theirs and Terri asks how the baby is because it's going to be theirs, unbeknownst to Will. He tells her it's fine and going to be a girl which is oops, because she told him they were having a boy. Will demands to be taken to the next ultrasound.
Finn asks Rachel what she did to get Jacob not to post the story and she says that her dads will have to use her college fund to pay for intensive therapy which both grosses me out and makes me intensely sad. Especially when Rachel quickly amends that she doesn't mind because she did it for him. Finn promises to make it up to her someday.
Jacob then swoops in to reveal exactly what she did and be creepy and gross as he's wont to do. He asks for another pair (meaning of her panties *hork*) and she asks what's wrong with the ones she already gave him. I feel gross having to type out his answer but he's mad that they still...have a tag on them and that he's mad because he wants...ugh...Rachel Berry panties...meaning used because...you know what he's going to do with them. I can't.
Then he threatens to leak the story unless she gets him the underwear and says he feels an urge to kiss her so he tries to go for it. Thankfully, Rachel stops him but it's still massively gross. Look, I get it. The joke is that he's supposed to be gross and creepy but honestly, what's the joke? Like what is funny about what he's saying? Nothing. This is actual stuff that actual creeps say and they are not harmless losers so there is really nothing funny about just having a loser character say gross things. Please can we stop this "joke"?
Sue's Kids are anxiously awaiting their first meeting with Sue. Sue makes a racist joke about loving minorities so much, she's thinking of moving to California to become one, I've made a comment about her style of humour before so I'mma just leave this one or we'll be here forever. Sue then brings in some brass players because she thinks it will help and gives them their song. Hate On Me which is an R&B song and then she asks Mike to do his pop and lock moves. The kids look so excited and it's really nice. In the narrative of this episode, Sue is the antagonist but she's making a fucking point right here that is hard to ignore. In two seconds, she's given them a song selection that they requested and encouraged another student's talent. Is Sue a better coach than Will by accident?
They perform Hate On Me and I miss these performances where they're just singing together and it's not always a big production, they're just a group of kids having a blast, singing and dancing together. It's so low key and joyous. Will watches them from behind the door like a creeper and I think basically agrees with my sentiment above that Sue is actually encouraging these kids and doing it better than him. I mean, her goal is shit but in this moment, she's actually making these kids happy.
Oh no, he's just mad that she took the piano out when it's his time to work with his kids. She is not interested in his complaints and insults him. She apparently also burned his sheet music. You know, it's kind of funny that right after the scene where she's made the kids happy, they have to make her absolutely awful to make sure you know she's still the villain, despite actually listening to what the kids want to sing. She vows to take him down because she doesn't trust a man with curly hair, it disgusts her.
Meanwhile, Terri tries to make amends with Will but he's already flipped and thinks she's wonderful for carrying his baby and that's all he can expect from her. To Terri's credit, she says that she doesn't want her sister's marriage and seems to want to be better. She gives him the advice to get tough and play duty with Sue because Sue is threatening Will's job.
Sue is charging into her Cheerios practice while giving an interview about how she instills fear in her kids to gain their obedience or something like that. She then commands Quinn over to her to tell her where the rest of the Cheerios are. Quinn reveals that they aren't academically eligible because Will flunked them. I really hope those girls deserved the flunking and he's not purposefully flunking them to get back at Sue because that's kind of gross to punish kids for your personal squabbles. Sue is livid.
Sue confronts Will in Figgins' office and thankfully, has a quiz where one of the Cheerios has spelt her name wrong and answered every question with a drawing of a sombrero so yeah, definitely needed to be flunked. Also, pretty sure this is Brittany S. Pierce's quiz he's holding, even though she's not specifically named. Figgins confirms that most of the Cheerios have tested as functionally illiterate and that is a huge fail on their education system rather than on Sue's part, in my opinion. Will says that he's not going to be a part of passing them just so they can be on the Cheerios when they don't deserve it and then calls out Figgins for his uselessness. It's very true and he quickly agrees and says Sue is in the wrong. How long until he flip flops and helps Sue out though?
Sue rounds on Figgins when Will leaves and threatens to release that video of Figgins posing for anti-embolism stalkings but jokes on her because he uploaded it himself and it only got two hits. Sue's bargaining chip has been demolished. Sue is furious and attacks children which is kind of hilarious but also...she should probably be fired.
Meanwhile in Will's class, Finn hands Quinn a note about what to name their baby. The name? Drizzle. He explains that it's because he likes that weather the best because it smells like rain but you don't need an umbrella. It's sweet but a hideous name. Quinn gets pissed because she doesn't want to name their baby because she doesn't want to keep it and that makes a lot of sense. Finn gets mad that Quinn doesn't want to talk about anything to do with the baby and says it's happening to him to. Quinn very rightfully points out that it's not, at all because she's the one carrying it to term and he can go about his life as normal. Finn then tells her that he wishes she were a little more like Rachel and ooof, that is such a low blow to Quinn. Like, yes she can be bitchy but what a shitty move to compare her to a girl who obviously has a crush on him and who he seems to be into too. Finn is entering Dawson Leery levels of bad boyfriending right now and he's only not as bad because Quinn is a pretty bad girlfriend too. Finn says that Rachel cares about his feelings and sticks up for him and Quinn and then tells her about the underwear thing. Quinn laughs and points out that she didn't do that for her at all. Quinn then says she knows that some guys cheat on their wives or pregnant girlfriends but asks him not to do it with her. That makes me all kinds of sad.
Are straight girls ok? Are we ok? I don't like that message at all that men are expected or understood to cheat while their partner is going through all the horrifying and uncomfortable changes of growing their child and that the women should be ok with it as long as they don't cheat with someone they think is better than them. I don't know, I just hate that idea. I feel bad for these kids and they're only fictional.
Next we cut to the sweetest performance of the kids all performing Ride With Me by Nelly. I love it so much because it really just looks like a bunch of friends hanging out and having a good time. I mean, it's weird that all of the kids seem to be so close with each other when we know a bunch of them actually hates each other. This is one of those scenes that seems more about the actors than what's happening in show but I'll allow it because this is just precious:
They reveal that they've been having covert group singing and dancing sessions and that if they're caught they'll be in trouble. Sue and Will are kind of awful. They quickly break apart to go to their separate rehearsals. Will comes in as the Sue's Kids are leaving and says he misses them. Then he rallies his kids and says he has a song for sectionals. The kids interrupt him to say that they hate what glee club has become. Will then puts all the blame on Sue which is true but he's sort of to blame as well. He's definitely been stoking the fire and honestly, Figgins sucks too because after Sue's display earlier he should have seen the light and given Will the glee club back and barred her from ever stepping foot in the school again.
Rachel and Finn get the lead of this song which upsets Quinn, obviously. They sing No Air by Jordin Sparks and some guy who I'm fairly certain is only known for beating women. Rachel and Finn perform it while she paws all over him which upsets Quinn even further. Quinn steps up on Sue's previous orders and complains that the rest of them have to sit in the background and sway like props. She then says to Puck and Brittany that she thinks Sue was right about Will, he clearly doesn't like minorities. They buy it and decide to switch over to Sue's Kids.
Terri is looking ashamed at her fake belly when Will comes home and asks what's for dinner. She says they can just order takeout because she's not feeling well and he stops her and says that when she's home first, he expects her to take care of dinner. I mean, she is taking care of it but I guess it's fair she could order it before he gets home so that it's there sooner. Terri is turned on by his forcefulness and he thanks her for his attitude change because he feels great and stood up to Sue. He also tells her that he made an appointment with her doctor so he can finally see the ultrasound.
Will goes into school the next day to find out that standing up to Sue failed as she poached more of his kids. He has three left and is very upset. Sue says that when he passes her cheerleaders, she'll give him back his glee club but he refuses to back down.
Terri and her sister confront her doctor and Kendra threatens him so that he'll play along with Terri's fake pregnancy scam. They are going full force into this sham, I'm sure it will work out well for Terri.
Meanwhile Quinn confronts Rachel about her crush on Finn. She demands that Rachel back off from flirting with him. Rachel apologizes but accuses her of cheating which makes Quinn scared for a second until Rachel reveals that what she's talking about is Quinn being Sue's mole. Rachel tells her that Sue is only on Sue's side and does not care about Quinn. This sends Quinn into a musical style inner monologue/song thing with You Keep Me Hangin On by Kim Wilde. Her voice isn't the best but I have a soft spot for this performance if only because I love the song as sung by Vanilla Fudge.
Then we cut to the three glee clubbers left, performing their song in front of Will, Sue and the larger glee club, Sue's Kids. Rachel starts the song and gets past the first line when Sue gives up and tells the rest of the kids to leave. Finn asks if there's a fire and Sue says the problem is there isn't any and accuses Will of boring her kids to death. Will loses it and unleashes his anger on Sue who dishes it right back and soon, we're at the slow-mo scene from the beginning.
Finn yells at them to stop and says that if they wanted to hear mom and dad fight those of them that still have both parents would just stay home on payday. Mercedes readily agrees and says she's more than just a minority for Sue to exploit. They say that glee club was supposed to be fun. Rachel then says that it would be an honour for her to teach the rest of the club how to storm out of a room and invites them to follow her lead. I love this running gag of Rachel always storming out dramatically and the fact that she's proud of it.
At the doctor's appointment, Will is upset that Dr. Wu is putting up a curtain between him and his wife's stomach. He then says he's just stressed from work and they focus on the ultrasound. Dr. Wu is less than impressed at having to perform this charade but is still doing it. Waving his wand around as a DVD of someone else's ultrasound plays. Terri then coughs so that Dr. Wu will tell Will that he made a mistake and actually they are having a girl. He must have misread the previous sonogram. Sex Education time on Glee again! Obviously he's lying because of the charade but let me just inform you that very rarely, like almost never will you be told you are having a boy and have it turn out to be a boy. It's much more common for the mistake to be saying you're having a girl but actually having a boy. I don't know why that is but yeah, if you're told you're having a boy, you are 99% going to have a boy. I remember this from the prenatal class I took where a woman said she was told she was having a boy but was hopeful it was a mistake and they were having a girl and the instructor was like "Oh, honey no. You're definitely having a boy." But you know, more kind and less entertaining. That's when I learned that little tidbit I just imparted on you.
Terri is scared that Will is disappointed but he's just so damn happy at having a beautiful baby girl. She tells him that no matter what happens, she wants him to remember that at this moment they love each other. That's not gonna fly, Terri.
Will and Sue meet to talk about the situation. Sue has decided to step down as co-chair of glee club. She doesn't think it's for her and hate when kids get emotional. She wants to stay on in an overseer capacity where she wants to see his set lists and he agrees but is still suspicious it's a trap. It most definitely is a trap. Will then agrees with what I said earlier about how Sue was partially right to recognize those kids as minorities but then equates that to being in glee club which is a little overboard but whatever. As he's talking to his club about how they need each other, Sue interrupts and reveals that she knows Quinn is pregnant. She then says that it's going to be all over the blogosphere by the afternoon.
Rachel confronts the creeper, Jacob, about why he spilled the beans when she fulfilled her end of the bargain for his sick fantasies and I wanna be sick again. It's revealed that Sue found the underpants in his locker and I was going to question why on Earth he'd keep them there but I know the future horrors that await this character and yes he absolutely has no shame in whacking it off in school. He spills the beans immediately when she threatens to out him as a transsexual which is yikes. Jacob says he'll kill the story but Sue tells him to run it.
Finn is consoling Quinn by the lockers. Rachel is upset as she watches this. Then we cut to the kids performing Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne. It's a nice performance, I remember other people loving it but it's not one of my favs. That being said, it's still a solid performance and Quinn looking like she's about to cry through the whole things gives it a nice emotional punch. Check it out below.
This episode was still a lot of fun, in spite of the grossness of Jacob Ben Israel grossing up the place. It furthered the story nicely and increased the stakes for the characters. Quinn being outed as pregnant is still a gut punch because you know how much worse things are going to get for her and it sucks. The weight and the amount of shit that society puts on young girls for their sexuality is awful and needs to stop. As horrible as Quinn is shown to be sometimes, I just want to give her a hug throughout this whole pregnancy storyline. I'm really enjoying this revisit of the show so far because I ended the series really hating it, it's nice to remember why I first enjoyed watching this show and it's moments like the one above or just the fun of seeing two adults tear each other apart over a glee club. Good stuff. Stay tuned next time when we Gleecap Mash-Up.
Back again for another Gleecap and in this episode, Sue tries to create division within the glee club in a bid to break them up and shatter Will's dreams. Let's see how well that works out for her.
Brief side note: I have vivid memories of the voice over last episode recap guy talking rapidly before saying "And that's what you missed on GLEE!" Yet, the guy sounds the same as I remember but for these episodes so far, it sounds like he's dozing off or something. It's weird. Am I misremembering or was the rapid fire delivery something that was added later? It's been a while since I've rewatched this series and I feel like I'm going insane every time he starts in on his recap.
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It's time for a throwdown! |
On to the episode, we start with a slow-mo fight scene between Will and Sue and it's the best thing ever. Will voice overs that he looks crazy and doesn't recognize himself. He's ashamed that she's turned him into her. Sue meanwhile adores everything about this scene like me, and says that even in the heat of battle she looks elegant, regal even. Then their voice overs start fighting which is awesome meta humour.
Everything started when Figgins called them into his office and they lie their faces off, saying that everything is going great. Figgins looks suspicious and I honestly am not sure if he's in competent mode or bumbling mode because he switches between them often and when you think he's not getting it, he's on the ball but when he seems on the ball, he suddenly switches gears and does something stupid. Anyway, he warns them not to curry favour with the students and cause division so that's exactly what they're both going to do this episode.
Will does so by asking what they would like to do even though he looks less than interested in their suggestions. Going so far as to say that he's not looking for the amazing Harry Shum Jr. to pop and lock and excuse you, good Sir, but you do not speak for the rest of us who might very much want to see this man dance because he rocks at it.
They are also told not to pit the students against each other and naturally Sue says, not to Figgins, that she wants to do this while telling Figgins that she wouldn't think of it. In a cut away, she is already told by Quinn that he wasn't taking Mercedes or Mike seriously and she is absolutely going to use that. Figgins ends the meeting by asking them to hug it out which neither wants to do and results in a fake hug where they whisper threats into each others' ears.
Quinn is freaking out at her first ultrasound and Finn is with her. The nurse asks them what they want to do with the baby after it's born and I honestly have to give Finn props for saying that whatever Quinn wants to do is fine. That's pretty progressive, too bad he isn't the father and has no say anyway. The nurse tells them it's a girl. Will is apparently in the waiting room and Finn comes out to tell him that the baby is fine and he thanks him for driving them. I mean, that's nice of Will but it feels very over stepping of bounds but then again, the kids' parents don't know and who else could they turn to so I'm only slightly side-eyeing this.
Finn then complains that he has all the stress of the pregnancy but none of the control so I take back the nice compliment I gave him last paragraph because even though he said it's Quinn's choice, he's hating that it's her choice and is seriously saying that he's carrying all of the stress when Quinn's life is going to get completely destroyed the minute she starts showing, everyone will know and she will take all of the shame people try to throw on her, all while growing a human child in her womb. Fuck you, Finn. You don't even know what stress is.
UGGGHHH!!! Jacob Ben Israel has shown up to completely ruin my day. He tells Rachel that she's the hottest girl in the school which sounds sweet but I'm sure he'll ruin it in about two seconds (I also assure you that his delivery of that compliment was in the creepiest way possible thus negating any of the niceness it could've had). Rachel agrees and gives him an "ew" and I love her so much. Jacob reveals that he knows about Quinn's pregnancy and Rachel tries to deny it. Then Jacob says that he also heard that she's just upset that "Finn didn't choose [her] to carry his litter" and I really hate his character. Did they try to make him as gross as possible? Because they succeeded. Rachel storms back to him and asks him what it will take for him to not run the story and he gets creeper smile and I get seriously ill.
Sue tricks Will into letting her do things her way, which is splitting the kids up, touting her group as an elite glee club that she dubs "Sue's Kids". Will assumes that she'll pick all the football players and cheerleaders but Sue starts calling out a different group of kids in a very Sue way.
Sue: Santana, Wheels, Gay Kid, Asian, Other Asian, Aretha, Shaft
For those not in the know, that's actually Santana, Artie, Kurt, Tina, Mike, Mercedes, and Matt. Sue tells Will that she doesn't want to be a part of a group that discriminates against minorities. Will is pissed.
Meanwhile, Terri's terrible sister (I so wish they were twins for the wonderful alliteration that would have made) tells her to tell Quinn not to vaccinate because she's pretty sure the vaccines made her kids stupid. I'm kind of floored that anti-vaxxers were already being mocked back in 2010, I thought that was more recent. Why has this decade felt like a century? Anyway, Terri says she could use the vaccination money for an organic crib mattress and just...can we talk, America?
Ok, do you know how much we pay up here in the cold North that is Canada for vaccinations? I sure as hell don't because I never see a bill for it. We do not pay. We go to our doctors, we get a shot and we leave. Because vaccinations should not be a luxury, they are a necessity to keep our elderly, infant, and vulnerable people safe. This is a huge problem and I don't get why many Americans have this mentality of everyone being healthy is bad because "I don't wanna pay taxes". I guarantee you that I pay less in taxes than American's pay for their healthcare needs. It's sad and honestly, is probably why so many people have latched on to the grift that vaccines are bad somehow because if they believe that, they can save some money. Sorry for the tangent.
Will hangs up the phone on Terri because her sister Kendra is awful but also because he's mad that she's making big baby decisions without him and how excluded he feels from the process. He hasn't even felt the baby kick. How bad is their marriage that he like never, ever touches her to figure out that she's wearing a fake stomach? Will complains that the only time he's been to an ultrasound is when he took Finn and Quinn to theirs and Terri asks how the baby is because it's going to be theirs, unbeknownst to Will. He tells her it's fine and going to be a girl which is oops, because she told him they were having a boy. Will demands to be taken to the next ultrasound.
Finn asks Rachel what she did to get Jacob not to post the story and she says that her dads will have to use her college fund to pay for intensive therapy which both grosses me out and makes me intensely sad. Especially when Rachel quickly amends that she doesn't mind because she did it for him. Finn promises to make it up to her someday.
Jacob then swoops in to reveal exactly what she did and be creepy and gross as he's wont to do. He asks for another pair (meaning of her panties *hork*) and she asks what's wrong with the ones she already gave him. I feel gross having to type out his answer but he's mad that they still...have a tag on them and that he's mad because he wants...ugh...Rachel Berry panties...meaning used because...you know what he's going to do with them. I can't.
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I also feel icky |
Then he threatens to leak the story unless she gets him the underwear and says he feels an urge to kiss her so he tries to go for it. Thankfully, Rachel stops him but it's still massively gross. Look, I get it. The joke is that he's supposed to be gross and creepy but honestly, what's the joke? Like what is funny about what he's saying? Nothing. This is actual stuff that actual creeps say and they are not harmless losers so there is really nothing funny about just having a loser character say gross things. Please can we stop this "joke"?
Sue's Kids are anxiously awaiting their first meeting with Sue. Sue makes a racist joke about loving minorities so much, she's thinking of moving to California to become one, I've made a comment about her style of humour before so I'mma just leave this one or we'll be here forever. Sue then brings in some brass players because she thinks it will help and gives them their song. Hate On Me which is an R&B song and then she asks Mike to do his pop and lock moves. The kids look so excited and it's really nice. In the narrative of this episode, Sue is the antagonist but she's making a fucking point right here that is hard to ignore. In two seconds, she's given them a song selection that they requested and encouraged another student's talent. Is Sue a better coach than Will by accident?
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Just look at Mike's happiness that he can do his dance. Adorable. |
They perform Hate On Me and I miss these performances where they're just singing together and it's not always a big production, they're just a group of kids having a blast, singing and dancing together. It's so low key and joyous. Will watches them from behind the door like a creeper and I think basically agrees with my sentiment above that Sue is actually encouraging these kids and doing it better than him. I mean, her goal is shit but in this moment, she's actually making these kids happy.
Oh no, he's just mad that she took the piano out when it's his time to work with his kids. She is not interested in his complaints and insults him. She apparently also burned his sheet music. You know, it's kind of funny that right after the scene where she's made the kids happy, they have to make her absolutely awful to make sure you know she's still the villain, despite actually listening to what the kids want to sing. She vows to take him down because she doesn't trust a man with curly hair, it disgusts her.
Meanwhile, Terri tries to make amends with Will but he's already flipped and thinks she's wonderful for carrying his baby and that's all he can expect from her. To Terri's credit, she says that she doesn't want her sister's marriage and seems to want to be better. She gives him the advice to get tough and play duty with Sue because Sue is threatening Will's job.
Sue is charging into her Cheerios practice while giving an interview about how she instills fear in her kids to gain their obedience or something like that. She then commands Quinn over to her to tell her where the rest of the Cheerios are. Quinn reveals that they aren't academically eligible because Will flunked them. I really hope those girls deserved the flunking and he's not purposefully flunking them to get back at Sue because that's kind of gross to punish kids for your personal squabbles. Sue is livid.
Sue confronts Will in Figgins' office and thankfully, has a quiz where one of the Cheerios has spelt her name wrong and answered every question with a drawing of a sombrero so yeah, definitely needed to be flunked. Also, pretty sure this is Brittany S. Pierce's quiz he's holding, even though she's not specifically named. Figgins confirms that most of the Cheerios have tested as functionally illiterate and that is a huge fail on their education system rather than on Sue's part, in my opinion. Will says that he's not going to be a part of passing them just so they can be on the Cheerios when they don't deserve it and then calls out Figgins for his uselessness. It's very true and he quickly agrees and says Sue is in the wrong. How long until he flip flops and helps Sue out though?
Sue rounds on Figgins when Will leaves and threatens to release that video of Figgins posing for anti-embolism stalkings but jokes on her because he uploaded it himself and it only got two hits. Sue's bargaining chip has been demolished. Sue is furious and attacks children which is kind of hilarious but also...she should probably be fired.
Meanwhile in Will's class, Finn hands Quinn a note about what to name their baby. The name? Drizzle. He explains that it's because he likes that weather the best because it smells like rain but you don't need an umbrella. It's sweet but a hideous name. Quinn gets pissed because she doesn't want to name their baby because she doesn't want to keep it and that makes a lot of sense. Finn gets mad that Quinn doesn't want to talk about anything to do with the baby and says it's happening to him to. Quinn very rightfully points out that it's not, at all because she's the one carrying it to term and he can go about his life as normal. Finn then tells her that he wishes she were a little more like Rachel and ooof, that is such a low blow to Quinn. Like, yes she can be bitchy but what a shitty move to compare her to a girl who obviously has a crush on him and who he seems to be into too. Finn is entering Dawson Leery levels of bad boyfriending right now and he's only not as bad because Quinn is a pretty bad girlfriend too. Finn says that Rachel cares about his feelings and sticks up for him and Quinn and then tells her about the underwear thing. Quinn laughs and points out that she didn't do that for her at all. Quinn then says she knows that some guys cheat on their wives or pregnant girlfriends but asks him not to do it with her. That makes me all kinds of sad.
Are straight girls ok? Are we ok? I don't like that message at all that men are expected or understood to cheat while their partner is going through all the horrifying and uncomfortable changes of growing their child and that the women should be ok with it as long as they don't cheat with someone they think is better than them. I don't know, I just hate that idea. I feel bad for these kids and they're only fictional.
Next we cut to the sweetest performance of the kids all performing Ride With Me by Nelly. I love it so much because it really just looks like a bunch of friends hanging out and having a good time. I mean, it's weird that all of the kids seem to be so close with each other when we know a bunch of them actually hates each other. This is one of those scenes that seems more about the actors than what's happening in show but I'll allow it because this is just precious:
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Yay, fun singing session! |
They reveal that they've been having covert group singing and dancing sessions and that if they're caught they'll be in trouble. Sue and Will are kind of awful. They quickly break apart to go to their separate rehearsals. Will comes in as the Sue's Kids are leaving and says he misses them. Then he rallies his kids and says he has a song for sectionals. The kids interrupt him to say that they hate what glee club has become. Will then puts all the blame on Sue which is true but he's sort of to blame as well. He's definitely been stoking the fire and honestly, Figgins sucks too because after Sue's display earlier he should have seen the light and given Will the glee club back and barred her from ever stepping foot in the school again.
Rachel and Finn get the lead of this song which upsets Quinn, obviously. They sing No Air by Jordin Sparks and some guy who I'm fairly certain is only known for beating women. Rachel and Finn perform it while she paws all over him which upsets Quinn even further. Quinn steps up on Sue's previous orders and complains that the rest of them have to sit in the background and sway like props. She then says to Puck and Brittany that she thinks Sue was right about Will, he clearly doesn't like minorities. They buy it and decide to switch over to Sue's Kids.
Terri is looking ashamed at her fake belly when Will comes home and asks what's for dinner. She says they can just order takeout because she's not feeling well and he stops her and says that when she's home first, he expects her to take care of dinner. I mean, she is taking care of it but I guess it's fair she could order it before he gets home so that it's there sooner. Terri is turned on by his forcefulness and he thanks her for his attitude change because he feels great and stood up to Sue. He also tells her that he made an appointment with her doctor so he can finally see the ultrasound.
Will goes into school the next day to find out that standing up to Sue failed as she poached more of his kids. He has three left and is very upset. Sue says that when he passes her cheerleaders, she'll give him back his glee club but he refuses to back down.
Terri and her sister confront her doctor and Kendra threatens him so that he'll play along with Terri's fake pregnancy scam. They are going full force into this sham, I'm sure it will work out well for Terri.
Meanwhile Quinn confronts Rachel about her crush on Finn. She demands that Rachel back off from flirting with him. Rachel apologizes but accuses her of cheating which makes Quinn scared for a second until Rachel reveals that what she's talking about is Quinn being Sue's mole. Rachel tells her that Sue is only on Sue's side and does not care about Quinn. This sends Quinn into a musical style inner monologue/song thing with You Keep Me Hangin On by Kim Wilde. Her voice isn't the best but I have a soft spot for this performance if only because I love the song as sung by Vanilla Fudge.
Then we cut to the three glee clubbers left, performing their song in front of Will, Sue and the larger glee club, Sue's Kids. Rachel starts the song and gets past the first line when Sue gives up and tells the rest of the kids to leave. Finn asks if there's a fire and Sue says the problem is there isn't any and accuses Will of boring her kids to death. Will loses it and unleashes his anger on Sue who dishes it right back and soon, we're at the slow-mo scene from the beginning.
Finn yells at them to stop and says that if they wanted to hear mom and dad fight those of them that still have both parents would just stay home on payday. Mercedes readily agrees and says she's more than just a minority for Sue to exploit. They say that glee club was supposed to be fun. Rachel then says that it would be an honour for her to teach the rest of the club how to storm out of a room and invites them to follow her lead. I love this running gag of Rachel always storming out dramatically and the fact that she's proud of it.
At the doctor's appointment, Will is upset that Dr. Wu is putting up a curtain between him and his wife's stomach. He then says he's just stressed from work and they focus on the ultrasound. Dr. Wu is less than impressed at having to perform this charade but is still doing it. Waving his wand around as a DVD of someone else's ultrasound plays. Terri then coughs so that Dr. Wu will tell Will that he made a mistake and actually they are having a girl. He must have misread the previous sonogram. Sex Education time on Glee again! Obviously he's lying because of the charade but let me just inform you that very rarely, like almost never will you be told you are having a boy and have it turn out to be a boy. It's much more common for the mistake to be saying you're having a girl but actually having a boy. I don't know why that is but yeah, if you're told you're having a boy, you are 99% going to have a boy. I remember this from the prenatal class I took where a woman said she was told she was having a boy but was hopeful it was a mistake and they were having a girl and the instructor was like "Oh, honey no. You're definitely having a boy." But you know, more kind and less entertaining. That's when I learned that little tidbit I just imparted on you.
Terri is scared that Will is disappointed but he's just so damn happy at having a beautiful baby girl. She tells him that no matter what happens, she wants him to remember that at this moment they love each other. That's not gonna fly, Terri.
Will and Sue meet to talk about the situation. Sue has decided to step down as co-chair of glee club. She doesn't think it's for her and hate when kids get emotional. She wants to stay on in an overseer capacity where she wants to see his set lists and he agrees but is still suspicious it's a trap. It most definitely is a trap. Will then agrees with what I said earlier about how Sue was partially right to recognize those kids as minorities but then equates that to being in glee club which is a little overboard but whatever. As he's talking to his club about how they need each other, Sue interrupts and reveals that she knows Quinn is pregnant. She then says that it's going to be all over the blogosphere by the afternoon.
Rachel confronts the creeper, Jacob, about why he spilled the beans when she fulfilled her end of the bargain for his sick fantasies and I wanna be sick again. It's revealed that Sue found the underpants in his locker and I was going to question why on Earth he'd keep them there but I know the future horrors that await this character and yes he absolutely has no shame in whacking it off in school. He spills the beans immediately when she threatens to out him as a transsexual which is yikes. Jacob says he'll kill the story but Sue tells him to run it.
Finn is consoling Quinn by the lockers. Rachel is upset as she watches this. Then we cut to the kids performing Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne. It's a nice performance, I remember other people loving it but it's not one of my favs. That being said, it's still a solid performance and Quinn looking like she's about to cry through the whole things gives it a nice emotional punch. Check it out below.
This episode was still a lot of fun, in spite of the grossness of Jacob Ben Israel grossing up the place. It furthered the story nicely and increased the stakes for the characters. Quinn being outed as pregnant is still a gut punch because you know how much worse things are going to get for her and it sucks. The weight and the amount of shit that society puts on young girls for their sexuality is awful and needs to stop. As horrible as Quinn is shown to be sometimes, I just want to give her a hug throughout this whole pregnancy storyline. I'm really enjoying this revisit of the show so far because I ended the series really hating it, it's nice to remember why I first enjoyed watching this show and it's moments like the one above or just the fun of seeing two adults tear each other apart over a glee club. Good stuff. Stay tuned next time when we Gleecap Mash-Up.
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