Original airdate: May 10, 2000
Ok, so let's continue Dawson's decent into villainhood, shall we? Because this episode really kicks things into gear. Everyone is pissed off at everyone and sad and alone, just as predicted in the last episode. Dawson is staring at the creepy painting he got from Aunt Gwen, Joey is looking sadly at her wall bought for her by Pacey (who is the best), Pacey is washing True Love while being sad, Jen walks out of the house to see she has a stalker and nopes the fuck out of that situation, opting to head back to the safety of her house instead. Jen is all of us.
Back at school, Joey is trying to decide where to eat in the cafeteria but she can't sit with either Dawson or Pacey because she doesn't want to hurt the other (you can hurt Dawson, Joey, no one would blame you). Then Jack looks like he offers her to sit with him but oh no, Andie is there so that's out. I kind of hate that. Why is Andie mad at Joey? That makes me sad.
Dawson then confronts Joey as she's sitting outside and being sad. He wants to work things out with her and Joey asks about Pacey but Dawson shuts that down. I don't get it. If he can forgive Joey, why can't he forgive Pacey? They both like each other equally. I know why; it's because he wants to possess Joey and doesn't give a crap about friendship and only sees Pacey as a rival now. It's kind of gross. He gives her an open invitation to come to his house and watch movies.
After the credits roll, Capeside is getting ready for their annual regatta which has only been brought up this year because they need to bring Pacey's boat into the mix. Gail has sponsored him on behalf of her restaurant to enter the boat race and Mitch is skeptical that this is a good idea in light of what happened. I get that they are Dawson's parents and worried about his feelings, that's the one time where I will understand that worry because parents do that but the way they talk about it, it's like they also believe Pacey did something wrong and it's weird to me. Gail says they spent the money already and it's good publicity but when Dawson asks what they're talking about, she quickly changes her tune and says that whatever he wants, they'll do. Dawson is the creepy kid from Twilight Zone that controls everyone around him, confirmed!
But Dawson decides to be passive-aggressive in this situation and says he's cool and will drop off the flag himself while giving them a warning glare not to cross him again.
Meanwhile Pacey and Krudski are preparing True Love for the race. I can't believe Krudski lasted this long. How did I not remember this?? Anyway, Dawson hands over the flag and Pacey says that if Dawson wants him to drop out, he'll have to ask himself. Then says he's only doing the race to help Gail out and then grossly, Dawson asks "the way you helped Joey?" and like, are you implying that Pacey is going to fall in love with your mother?? Then again, he did go for his teacher but still, in this situation, Gail would be the gross one if she went for it. Pacey says that he's glad Dawson is finally directing his anger at the right person and I feel like his anger is completely unjustified regardless but whatever. Dawson tells him to save it because he doesn't buy Pacey's self-deprecating chivalrous act and honestly, that says more about Dawson than it does about Pacey.
Joey is annoyed that she has to cook pancakes and register people for the race, to advertise for Bessie's B&B. As they are talking, Pacey raises the flag for the Leery's restaurant and Joey looks so excited for a moment. Bessie thinks it's a good sign too. Joey admits that Dawson came to make amends but she didn't feel comfortable if he wasn't willing to work things out with Pacey as well. Bessie tells her to just worry about her and Dawson and that the boys can figure themselves out on their own but thinks that they may already have considering the flag. Joey looks hopeful.
Grams is excited to be making the winner's wreaths with Jen, Andie, and Jack and it's super sweet. Henry is still waiting outside like a creeper with a Please Forgive Me sign. Jack asks what he's asking forgiveness for and Jen says that it's because he was a typical teenage boy with a one-track mind. This kind of bugs me because while that was definitely part of it, I would say the main problem was him being cruelly dismissive of her feelings and wanting to talk to him but whatever, I guess it's only because he wanted sex. Sure. Grams then says that all healthy boys want the same thing and says to err is human, to forgive is divine and then asks if he hasn't paid enough penance. Grams, I love you but this advice feels so wrong. Jen doesn't owe Henry forgiveness but they do need to talk about what happened and I really hope Jen tells him about the not listening thing instead of making it about sex.
Meanwhile, Dawson asks for Jacks help to sail a boat in the regatta. Jack knows what happened last time he sailed a boat, things did not end well and is not interested. Then Dawson reveals that he's entering the race for the Potter B&B and Jack is even more convinced it's a bad idea. This is when Andie jumps in with the rationale that Pacey seized the day so why shouldn't Dawson. Basically, she wants Dawson to enter because she's mad at Pacey for liking Joey and right now, I'm not a huge fan of her or Dawson. Andie thinks Pacey through everything away to be with Joey and that's really messed up. She also accuses Pacey of lying which he really didn't and honestly he owed her nothing considering she cheated on him. Jack reluctantly agrees to help despite thinking that this idea isn't right. I like that Jack's just doing his best to try to be friends with everyone and I also feel bad for him.
There is this very big push last episode and this episode to paint the friends as splintered because of Pacey and Joey but honestly, the only ones splintering the group and emanating tension is Dawson and Andie. That pains me to say only because I actually like Andie most of the time but she's being pretty terrible this episode and last episode. Right now, she's acting like Dawson's minion and I really don't like that.
Dawson then strides up to Joey with a smug smile on his face. Joey thanks him and he thinks smugly, that it's about him entering the dick measuring contest against Pacey...I mean boat race for Joey. She says they can't afford the entry fee but have no fear, Dawson has covered it and this may be my biased hatred of Dawson but this comes across really gross and like he's trying to buy her affections because he's wealthy. Then he gets upset because she's not as excited as he wants her to be and she's like yeah, this isn't a great idea. Then he lies his face off that it's not what she thinks and he totally just wants to help.
Narrator voice: It is exactly what she thinks.
I hate Dawson's smug face when he asks her to sign him up too.
Bessie comes up to apologize and Joey is rightfully super freaking pissed. Bessie doesn't see the issue and Joey is like you're accepting cash and obligating me to be in Dawson's debt you dumb cow. (Is that too mean? It's a knock on her name but I don't actually mind Bessie most of the time. This particular time she sucks the big one though). Joey is like, this is not about friendship, it's about Dawson's ego and him wanting to beat Pacey. BINGO! Bessie is still blase about the whole thing and is like "If two guys want to fight on our behalf then let them." I'd mostly agree with this sentiment except that you should probably see how much it's tearing your sister apart and feel bad about exploiting her feelings for your financial benefit. This is gross.
Joey laments that everything was supposed to stop because she and Pacey broke it off and I feel so bad for her. Bessie does not feel bad, instead she asks her what she expected and gives her some big talk about how this is part of being an adult and that she has to learn that her choices have consequences. Normally, I fully agree with this but like, you're her sister and while this statement is true, it's totally fair for her to feel like shit right now and as big sis, you should probably not be making her feel worse. Also, why is everyone acting like Pacey and Joey did some hugely unforgivable thing?? THEY FELL FOR EACH OTHER. This is not bad or wrong and I hate everyone for making them feel like crap for falling in love. That is some messed up crap right there. Bessie tells her to accept the consequences and do something to make things better and like again, this isn't terrible advice but this implies that Joey did something wrong and I hate it.
Meanwhile, Krudsky is still here and he finally informs Andie that he got a scholarship to go over to his own show now. Thank God, he's finally going to be gone. This scene is really pointing a glaring light on why that spinoff didn't take off because Krudski's acting is as cruddy as his name. Just so bland and emotionless. He's not star material. Dawson sucks but like James Van der Beek is at least interesting and can hold a show, especially with the talented cast around him. This guy is like watching paint dry.
He says he's worried about Pacey and Andie dismissively says that he and Joey brought everything on themselves. Then Krudski has to go and make me agree with him because he's the only one in this episode to question why everyone is mad at them for developing feelings for one another. Andie glares at him and seems to be confused at his correct interpretation of the events. She tells him they were all friends and somehow, Joey and Pacey recked that by falling in love. She then brings up her cheating and is like Pacey didn't show me understanding so I'm not going to show him any and I love you Andie, but no. You can't equate you cheating on Pacey with two single people falling for each other. It doesn't work that way, they are not the same things. He owed you nothing and let's not forget that he was more than ok with you moving on to this bland plank of wood. Krudski asks her to be forgiving so that she doesn't lose her kindness and she seems to be considering his words.
Back at the regatta, Jack and Dawson are screwing everything up and clearly not ready to sail a boat in a boat race. More reason this was a bad idea. If you know nothing about sailing, do not think you should enter a sailing race. Mitch turns up and says a bunch of sailing lingo that neither one of them get which is another bad sign but then he offers to help them. Dawson then puts up his Potter B&B flag much to both Joey and Pacey's annoyance.
Joey tries to talk to Pacey but he's not having it. He asks her why she's apologizing if it wasn't her idea and she's like "because you're obviously upset." and I hate that she feels the need to apologize because Dawson is being an ass. Way to put her in the middle, Dawson. Pacey's actually upset because they haven't spoken in two weeks and the first words out of her mouth are about Dawson. Joey then says that their conversation is going to get harder and he rightfully guesses that she wants him to drop out. Pacey's like wow, everything is going exactly to Dawson Love-Killer Leery's plan, isn't it? If he drops out, he wins. If he stays in, he's in direct competition with Joey and if he wins, he loses because he's made Joey lose. He loses basically every way possible and this is why Dawson is an evil genius bent on destroying love where ever he goes with his top-notch emotional manipulation skills.
Joey doesn't know what to say to this revelation because she's so caught up in his lies that she can't see how awful he is right now and asks if Pacey could talk to him and work things out. Pacey is like tried that, didn't work. Joey asks him to try again and because Pacey is the best he agrees to try again but is upset that it's all that he wants. Still, he agrees to do it because he's awesome.
At the Leery restaurant, Gail is upset that Henry is loitering outside and creeping all the customers out. She wants Jen to get rid of him, stat. I believe she even uses the words "annoying and psychotic" so Henry the serial killer might be officially canon. I don't like that her having to get rid of Henry for the sake of her job has made her accept his apology but here we are and he's taken her up to the roof of the restaurant. He decorated it for her so that they could have a romantic evening, that was a pretty optimistic move on your part there, Henry. I don't really like Jen and Henry, love Jen but hate this relationship. I know the future which means everything he says here about not wanting to be like every other guy she's dated and being the best for her is absolute bull crap and I'm saving you from having to sit through it.
Pacey confronts Dawson and asks what he's trying to prove. Dawson claims he's just trying to help Joey and Pacey asks why Dawson doesn't just take a swing at him so that their feud wouldn't have to involve their friends. Dawson has the gall to say that he's a better man than Pacey because Pacey "moved in on" Joey. I hate him so much. Pacey says he made a mistake which sucks because he really didn't and then says that he thought Dawson, of all people, would understand falling for Joey. Then Dawson laughs like some kind of evil villain and asks if he thinks he has something real with Joey and I want to punch him in the face. Pacey comes back with the fact that if he does, it's because of her own free will which is such a sick burn on Dawson that I feel like I should take up smoking just to take one satisfying drag after that line, it's that good. Pacey also calls him out for giving Joey a selfish ultimatum and just...
To top things off he also mocks their history of watching PG movies in his bedroom and how that qualifies as calling her his soulmate. Dawson says she is and he knew that before he moved in on her. Whatever, Dawson. You don't own her and you weren't dating her. You rejected her. Then Dawson says she was vulnerable after he rejected her and that Pacey is only interested in girls he can save and screw. I would have punched him but Pacey just walks away because Dawson is the worst. I've said this before and I'll say it again, Dawson was never Pacey's friend. This is all stuff he clearly thought of Pacey before he fell for Joey and it's all just coming out now because he wants to hurt Pacey and guilt him into not pursuing Joey because he knows he doesn't have a shot with her. He is the worst type of person who surrounds himself with people who he thinks makes him look better by comparison and he can also feel superior over. Screw Dawson, you deserve better friends, Pacey.
Jen gets home early in the morning and finds Grams awake and waiting for her. Jen says that she spent the night with Henry which horrifies Grams because she probably knows Henry is a serial killer. Jen apologizes that she lost track of time but Grams isn't amused because she assumes that Jen had sex with Henry and thinks she's slipping back into her old life. I hate this because these two have come so far and while I get Grams' fear, this so isn't fair to Jen. They both expected more from each other and it's sad, I want to give them both hugs.
Gail is nervous about the dick measuring contest because she knows her son is going to come up short. Mitch is cool with it because he knows the fight is going to happen regardless and he's proud of his son forbeing the worst sticking up for himself. Gail wants to teach Dawson to fight with his mind and honey, he is way ahead of you. He's just using his mind on Joey to manipulate her like the villain he truly is. Mitch wants to talk about what's going on between them and Gail looks super uncomfortable so Mitch, being Dawson1.0, pulls a hissy fit and walks out.
It's finally time for this boat race that they've been pumping up all episode. Because sail boat races are pretty boring to watch, they've opted to overlay some "badass" music to make it seem more exciting. It just looks silly but they tried. Naturally, Dawson and Pacey end up neck and neck but Pacey, being more experienced with boating handily pulls into the lead. Dawson doesn't like losing so instead of taking the loss like a man, he plays chicken with Pacey, threatening to crash into his boat that he's worked on all year. Pacey ends up turning so that Dawson pulls in first. However, that is poor sportsmanship and cheating so he's going to get disqualified.
Dawson is psyched that he won but Joey is like "If you knew a little bit more about sailing, you'd know that you would be disqualified." and also, like you pulled that move with Joey's family's business flying high in everyone's mind so you failed at both winning and positively promoting the Potter B&B so like, you suck Dawson.
Dawson and Pacey argue and Joey asks them to stop because she's not a damn trophy. Pacey calls Dawson out for being the one to push him towards Joey and Dawson claims it's because he didn't want to get hurt because he still loves Joey. Joey hates everything right now and I cannot blame her, I just want to give her the biggest hug right now. Joey thinks no one is worth all this fuss, especially not her and storms off.
Dawson goes after Joey not to apologize but to say he's glad Pacey kissed her because it forced him to deal with the idea of losing her, which he can't. That's really gross because if you truly felt that way, then you would be able to forgive Pacey but you don't want to because you've built him up in your head as a loser and you can't stand to lose Joey to someone you see as inferior to you, Dawson. Even more insulting, he insinuates that his behaviour today was because he was trying to be like a guy she wants, ie: Pacey and Dawson you are nothing like Pacey. This further proves my thesis that Dawson was never Pacey's friend because if he thought that cheating in a boat race was something that Pacey would do, then he doesn't know Pacey at all. Joey calls him out to, saying that he doesn't really want her, he just doesn't want to lose her.
More juxtaposition of Dawson and Pacey, note how Dawson handles Joey's feelings. She tells him that the last thing she needs right now is someone with romantic intentions for her and he asks what he wants her to do and she asks him to be her friend. He hesitates when he promises to be that for her because he actually just wants to have her and she sees right through this and leaves.
Pacey is seeing Krudski off to his new show where he's destined to bore people into not watching it. Pacey gives him the advice to not sleep with his teacher because it never works out as well as you think and I don't really like that vibe. It should be, don't let a teacher take advantage of your crush on them because they are gross predators who are not sympathetic in the slightest. Sorry, I just don't buy the tragedy of their romance because I see 16-year-olds at my age and they look like babies, adults absolutely know the difference between a teen and an adult and they know what they're doing when they pursue them. Krudski tells Pacey not to give up on "True Love" because it always wins in the end. Foreshadowing!
Grams goes into Jen's room and brings her the dress she wore in the very first episode. Jen doesn't want it because it's not her style and Grams explains that it reminds her of how much Jen has changed since she first came to Capeside. She sees her as a beautiful, poised, confident and mature young woman. Grams thinks that Jen finally sees that she does deserve to be loved and this makes me so sad, you guys. This is Jen's struggle through the whole series and I don't feel like she ever gets a fucking break and this line, this amount of hope just makes me cry buckets because I know what's in store for her and it's not fair. Grams wants to talk to her about the birds and the bees and Jen finally admits that she and Henry only slept together literally but not in the having sex way. Grams is happy and still means every word of what she said to her, it's really sweet.
Mitch goes to the restaurant for a private party and finds out that it's a very private party between him and Gail. Gail wants them to have dinner and discuss where they're at even though they could be open and making money because their relationship is more important than their new business. It's romantic I guess but meh. They kiss and they're getting back together now.
Joey is staring at her blank wall, trying to decide what to paint when Pacey comes up and asks her if she thought he was Dawson or if she wanted him to be Dawson. Dick move but he quickly apologizes when he sees how much it upset her. Pacey offers to renew the lease on the wall and Joey says she really wants him to but she can't figure out what she wants to paint because her mind is a jumble of emotions. Pacey doesn't understand how after Dawson's behaviour, she still even remotely likes him and honestly, same. She begs him not to make things harder on her and he agrees. He wants to ask her one more question and then promises to leave her alone. He asks if she could have ever loved him as a soulmate if it weren't for Dawson. She begs him not to make her compare them and he agrees again. He tells her that he'll renew the lease and that he understands her feelings and that there are no ultimatums from him. The true hero of the show, ladies and gentlemen.
Pacey pulls off the sign that reads True Love from his boat and throws it away but Andie quickly rescues it. She wants to talk to him and he doesn't want to hear her say she hates him. She says that she doesn't hate him, she just felt hurt and betrayed. I don't really understand why but at least she's starting to be a bit less awful now. I mean, they were dating when she cheated, Pacey is only guilty of moving on from their broken relationship but I suppose she's entitled to feel what she feels. At least she's being a hell of a lot kinder now which is the Andie I know and love. He thanks her and it seems they've made up.
Joey, frustratingly, takes Dawson up on his manipulative offer to watch movies together. He in no way deserves this but I kind of get it. Joey is hating how turned over her life has become and has nothing to show for it and there is a comfort in going back to something safe and recognizable. She's even brought ET which is another call back to the very first episode. Dawson is surprised because she didn't like it (valid opinion) but she says it's what she needs right now. They watch the movie but both appear to be pretty damn uncomfortable. Fin.
My theory that Dawson is the true villain of season three is becoming more and more solid. He treated his supposed friend like crap, almost crashed into Pacey's boat to one-up him and impress Joey, and made Joey feel awful for falling for someone that wasn't him. He's the antagonist in his own show. That is a ballsy move on the writer's part and I'm honestly fascinated by this whole arc. Did they know how irreparably they were ruining their main character? Did they want to make him awful or did they actually think he was sympathetic? It just baffles me that they could see this behaviour as justified and not utterly manipulative and horrifying. Dawson uses his friends to further his own needs and cuts them off the second he thinks of them as competition. I feel like every episode now just further proves that he is the worst, not because of my bias but because of the way he's been written. If they wanted him to be sympathetic, they failed hard.
That was Show Me Love. Join me next time to see how much worse Dawson could possibly get in The Anti-Prom. Spoilers, he gets exponentially worse.
Ok, so let's continue Dawson's decent into villainhood, shall we? Because this episode really kicks things into gear. Everyone is pissed off at everyone and sad and alone, just as predicted in the last episode. Dawson is staring at the creepy painting he got from Aunt Gwen, Joey is looking sadly at her wall bought for her by Pacey (who is the best), Pacey is washing True Love while being sad, Jen walks out of the house to see she has a stalker and nopes the fuck out of that situation, opting to head back to the safety of her house instead. Jen is all of us.
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Run Jen! He wants to eat your liver!! |
Back at school, Joey is trying to decide where to eat in the cafeteria but she can't sit with either Dawson or Pacey because she doesn't want to hurt the other (you can hurt Dawson, Joey, no one would blame you). Then Jack looks like he offers her to sit with him but oh no, Andie is there so that's out. I kind of hate that. Why is Andie mad at Joey? That makes me sad.
Dawson then confronts Joey as she's sitting outside and being sad. He wants to work things out with her and Joey asks about Pacey but Dawson shuts that down. I don't get it. If he can forgive Joey, why can't he forgive Pacey? They both like each other equally. I know why; it's because he wants to possess Joey and doesn't give a crap about friendship and only sees Pacey as a rival now. It's kind of gross. He gives her an open invitation to come to his house and watch movies.
After the credits roll, Capeside is getting ready for their annual regatta which has only been brought up this year because they need to bring Pacey's boat into the mix. Gail has sponsored him on behalf of her restaurant to enter the boat race and Mitch is skeptical that this is a good idea in light of what happened. I get that they are Dawson's parents and worried about his feelings, that's the one time where I will understand that worry because parents do that but the way they talk about it, it's like they also believe Pacey did something wrong and it's weird to me. Gail says they spent the money already and it's good publicity but when Dawson asks what they're talking about, she quickly changes her tune and says that whatever he wants, they'll do. Dawson is the creepy kid from Twilight Zone that controls everyone around him, confirmed!
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You will do as I say!! |
But Dawson decides to be passive-aggressive in this situation and says he's cool and will drop off the flag himself while giving them a warning glare not to cross him again.
Meanwhile Pacey and Krudski are preparing True Love for the race. I can't believe Krudski lasted this long. How did I not remember this?? Anyway, Dawson hands over the flag and Pacey says that if Dawson wants him to drop out, he'll have to ask himself. Then says he's only doing the race to help Gail out and then grossly, Dawson asks "the way you helped Joey?" and like, are you implying that Pacey is going to fall in love with your mother?? Then again, he did go for his teacher but still, in this situation, Gail would be the gross one if she went for it. Pacey says that he's glad Dawson is finally directing his anger at the right person and I feel like his anger is completely unjustified regardless but whatever. Dawson tells him to save it because he doesn't buy Pacey's self-deprecating chivalrous act and honestly, that says more about Dawson than it does about Pacey.
Joey is annoyed that she has to cook pancakes and register people for the race, to advertise for Bessie's B&B. As they are talking, Pacey raises the flag for the Leery's restaurant and Joey looks so excited for a moment. Bessie thinks it's a good sign too. Joey admits that Dawson came to make amends but she didn't feel comfortable if he wasn't willing to work things out with Pacey as well. Bessie tells her to just worry about her and Dawson and that the boys can figure themselves out on their own but thinks that they may already have considering the flag. Joey looks hopeful.
Grams is excited to be making the winner's wreaths with Jen, Andie, and Jack and it's super sweet. Henry is still waiting outside like a creeper with a Please Forgive Me sign. Jack asks what he's asking forgiveness for and Jen says that it's because he was a typical teenage boy with a one-track mind. This kind of bugs me because while that was definitely part of it, I would say the main problem was him being cruelly dismissive of her feelings and wanting to talk to him but whatever, I guess it's only because he wanted sex. Sure. Grams then says that all healthy boys want the same thing and says to err is human, to forgive is divine and then asks if he hasn't paid enough penance. Grams, I love you but this advice feels so wrong. Jen doesn't owe Henry forgiveness but they do need to talk about what happened and I really hope Jen tells him about the not listening thing instead of making it about sex.
Meanwhile, Dawson asks for Jacks help to sail a boat in the regatta. Jack knows what happened last time he sailed a boat, things did not end well and is not interested. Then Dawson reveals that he's entering the race for the Potter B&B and Jack is even more convinced it's a bad idea. This is when Andie jumps in with the rationale that Pacey seized the day so why shouldn't Dawson. Basically, she wants Dawson to enter because she's mad at Pacey for liking Joey and right now, I'm not a huge fan of her or Dawson. Andie thinks Pacey through everything away to be with Joey and that's really messed up. She also accuses Pacey of lying which he really didn't and honestly he owed her nothing considering she cheated on him. Jack reluctantly agrees to help despite thinking that this idea isn't right. I like that Jack's just doing his best to try to be friends with everyone and I also feel bad for him.
There is this very big push last episode and this episode to paint the friends as splintered because of Pacey and Joey but honestly, the only ones splintering the group and emanating tension is Dawson and Andie. That pains me to say only because I actually like Andie most of the time but she's being pretty terrible this episode and last episode. Right now, she's acting like Dawson's minion and I really don't like that.
Dawson then strides up to Joey with a smug smile on his face. Joey thanks him and he thinks smugly, that it's about him entering the dick measuring contest against Pacey...I mean boat race for Joey. She says they can't afford the entry fee but have no fear, Dawson has covered it and this may be my biased hatred of Dawson but this comes across really gross and like he's trying to buy her affections because he's wealthy. Then he gets upset because she's not as excited as he wants her to be and she's like yeah, this isn't a great idea. Then he lies his face off that it's not what she thinks and he totally just wants to help.
Narrator voice: It is exactly what she thinks.
I hate Dawson's smug face when he asks her to sign him up too.
Bessie comes up to apologize and Joey is rightfully super freaking pissed. Bessie doesn't see the issue and Joey is like you're accepting cash and obligating me to be in Dawson's debt you dumb cow. (Is that too mean? It's a knock on her name but I don't actually mind Bessie most of the time. This particular time she sucks the big one though). Joey is like, this is not about friendship, it's about Dawson's ego and him wanting to beat Pacey. BINGO! Bessie is still blase about the whole thing and is like "If two guys want to fight on our behalf then let them." I'd mostly agree with this sentiment except that you should probably see how much it's tearing your sister apart and feel bad about exploiting her feelings for your financial benefit. This is gross.
Joey laments that everything was supposed to stop because she and Pacey broke it off and I feel so bad for her. Bessie does not feel bad, instead she asks her what she expected and gives her some big talk about how this is part of being an adult and that she has to learn that her choices have consequences. Normally, I fully agree with this but like, you're her sister and while this statement is true, it's totally fair for her to feel like shit right now and as big sis, you should probably not be making her feel worse. Also, why is everyone acting like Pacey and Joey did some hugely unforgivable thing?? THEY FELL FOR EACH OTHER. This is not bad or wrong and I hate everyone for making them feel like crap for falling in love. That is some messed up crap right there. Bessie tells her to accept the consequences and do something to make things better and like again, this isn't terrible advice but this implies that Joey did something wrong and I hate it.
Meanwhile, Krudsky is still here and he finally informs Andie that he got a scholarship to go over to his own show now. Thank God, he's finally going to be gone. This scene is really pointing a glaring light on why that spinoff didn't take off because Krudski's acting is as cruddy as his name. Just so bland and emotionless. He's not star material. Dawson sucks but like James Van der Beek is at least interesting and can hold a show, especially with the talented cast around him. This guy is like watching paint dry.
He says he's worried about Pacey and Andie dismissively says that he and Joey brought everything on themselves. Then Krudski has to go and make me agree with him because he's the only one in this episode to question why everyone is mad at them for developing feelings for one another. Andie glares at him and seems to be confused at his correct interpretation of the events. She tells him they were all friends and somehow, Joey and Pacey recked that by falling in love. She then brings up her cheating and is like Pacey didn't show me understanding so I'm not going to show him any and I love you Andie, but no. You can't equate you cheating on Pacey with two single people falling for each other. It doesn't work that way, they are not the same things. He owed you nothing and let's not forget that he was more than ok with you moving on to this bland plank of wood. Krudski asks her to be forgiving so that she doesn't lose her kindness and she seems to be considering his words.
Back at the regatta, Jack and Dawson are screwing everything up and clearly not ready to sail a boat in a boat race. More reason this was a bad idea. If you know nothing about sailing, do not think you should enter a sailing race. Mitch turns up and says a bunch of sailing lingo that neither one of them get which is another bad sign but then he offers to help them. Dawson then puts up his Potter B&B flag much to both Joey and Pacey's annoyance.
Joey tries to talk to Pacey but he's not having it. He asks her why she's apologizing if it wasn't her idea and she's like "because you're obviously upset." and I hate that she feels the need to apologize because Dawson is being an ass. Way to put her in the middle, Dawson. Pacey's actually upset because they haven't spoken in two weeks and the first words out of her mouth are about Dawson. Joey then says that their conversation is going to get harder and he rightfully guesses that she wants him to drop out. Pacey's like wow, everything is going exactly to Dawson Love-Killer Leery's plan, isn't it? If he drops out, he wins. If he stays in, he's in direct competition with Joey and if he wins, he loses because he's made Joey lose. He loses basically every way possible and this is why Dawson is an evil genius bent on destroying love where ever he goes with his top-notch emotional manipulation skills.
Joey doesn't know what to say to this revelation because she's so caught up in his lies that she can't see how awful he is right now and asks if Pacey could talk to him and work things out. Pacey is like tried that, didn't work. Joey asks him to try again and because Pacey is the best he agrees to try again but is upset that it's all that he wants. Still, he agrees to do it because he's awesome.
At the Leery restaurant, Gail is upset that Henry is loitering outside and creeping all the customers out. She wants Jen to get rid of him, stat. I believe she even uses the words "annoying and psychotic" so Henry the serial killer might be officially canon. I don't like that her having to get rid of Henry for the sake of her job has made her accept his apology but here we are and he's taken her up to the roof of the restaurant. He decorated it for her so that they could have a romantic evening, that was a pretty optimistic move on your part there, Henry. I don't really like Jen and Henry, love Jen but hate this relationship. I know the future which means everything he says here about not wanting to be like every other guy she's dated and being the best for her is absolute bull crap and I'm saving you from having to sit through it.
Pacey confronts Dawson and asks what he's trying to prove. Dawson claims he's just trying to help Joey and Pacey asks why Dawson doesn't just take a swing at him so that their feud wouldn't have to involve their friends. Dawson has the gall to say that he's a better man than Pacey because Pacey "moved in on" Joey. I hate him so much. Pacey says he made a mistake which sucks because he really didn't and then says that he thought Dawson, of all people, would understand falling for Joey. Then Dawson laughs like some kind of evil villain and asks if he thinks he has something real with Joey and I want to punch him in the face. Pacey comes back with the fact that if he does, it's because of her own free will which is such a sick burn on Dawson that I feel like I should take up smoking just to take one satisfying drag after that line, it's that good. Pacey also calls him out for giving Joey a selfish ultimatum and just...
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*chef's kiss* Beautiful |
To top things off he also mocks their history of watching PG movies in his bedroom and how that qualifies as calling her his soulmate. Dawson says she is and he knew that before he moved in on her. Whatever, Dawson. You don't own her and you weren't dating her. You rejected her. Then Dawson says she was vulnerable after he rejected her and that Pacey is only interested in girls he can save and screw. I would have punched him but Pacey just walks away because Dawson is the worst. I've said this before and I'll say it again, Dawson was never Pacey's friend. This is all stuff he clearly thought of Pacey before he fell for Joey and it's all just coming out now because he wants to hurt Pacey and guilt him into not pursuing Joey because he knows he doesn't have a shot with her. He is the worst type of person who surrounds himself with people who he thinks makes him look better by comparison and he can also feel superior over. Screw Dawson, you deserve better friends, Pacey.
Jen gets home early in the morning and finds Grams awake and waiting for her. Jen says that she spent the night with Henry which horrifies Grams because she probably knows Henry is a serial killer. Jen apologizes that she lost track of time but Grams isn't amused because she assumes that Jen had sex with Henry and thinks she's slipping back into her old life. I hate this because these two have come so far and while I get Grams' fear, this so isn't fair to Jen. They both expected more from each other and it's sad, I want to give them both hugs.
Gail is nervous about the dick measuring contest because she knows her son is going to come up short. Mitch is cool with it because he knows the fight is going to happen regardless and he's proud of his son for
It's finally time for this boat race that they've been pumping up all episode. Because sail boat races are pretty boring to watch, they've opted to overlay some "badass" music to make it seem more exciting. It just looks silly but they tried. Naturally, Dawson and Pacey end up neck and neck but Pacey, being more experienced with boating handily pulls into the lead. Dawson doesn't like losing so instead of taking the loss like a man, he plays chicken with Pacey, threatening to crash into his boat that he's worked on all year. Pacey ends up turning so that Dawson pulls in first. However, that is poor sportsmanship and cheating so he's going to get disqualified.
Dawson is psyched that he won but Joey is like "If you knew a little bit more about sailing, you'd know that you would be disqualified." and also, like you pulled that move with Joey's family's business flying high in everyone's mind so you failed at both winning and positively promoting the Potter B&B so like, you suck Dawson.
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Villain behaviour, i'm telling you all. |
Dawson and Pacey argue and Joey asks them to stop because she's not a damn trophy. Pacey calls Dawson out for being the one to push him towards Joey and Dawson claims it's because he didn't want to get hurt because he still loves Joey. Joey hates everything right now and I cannot blame her, I just want to give her the biggest hug right now. Joey thinks no one is worth all this fuss, especially not her and storms off.
Dawson goes after Joey not to apologize but to say he's glad Pacey kissed her because it forced him to deal with the idea of losing her, which he can't. That's really gross because if you truly felt that way, then you would be able to forgive Pacey but you don't want to because you've built him up in your head as a loser and you can't stand to lose Joey to someone you see as inferior to you, Dawson. Even more insulting, he insinuates that his behaviour today was because he was trying to be like a guy she wants, ie: Pacey and Dawson you are nothing like Pacey. This further proves my thesis that Dawson was never Pacey's friend because if he thought that cheating in a boat race was something that Pacey would do, then he doesn't know Pacey at all. Joey calls him out to, saying that he doesn't really want her, he just doesn't want to lose her.
More juxtaposition of Dawson and Pacey, note how Dawson handles Joey's feelings. She tells him that the last thing she needs right now is someone with romantic intentions for her and he asks what he wants her to do and she asks him to be her friend. He hesitates when he promises to be that for her because he actually just wants to have her and she sees right through this and leaves.
Pacey is seeing Krudski off to his new show where he's destined to bore people into not watching it. Pacey gives him the advice to not sleep with his teacher because it never works out as well as you think and I don't really like that vibe. It should be, don't let a teacher take advantage of your crush on them because they are gross predators who are not sympathetic in the slightest. Sorry, I just don't buy the tragedy of their romance because I see 16-year-olds at my age and they look like babies, adults absolutely know the difference between a teen and an adult and they know what they're doing when they pursue them. Krudski tells Pacey not to give up on "True Love" because it always wins in the end. Foreshadowing!
Grams goes into Jen's room and brings her the dress she wore in the very first episode. Jen doesn't want it because it's not her style and Grams explains that it reminds her of how much Jen has changed since she first came to Capeside. She sees her as a beautiful, poised, confident and mature young woman. Grams thinks that Jen finally sees that she does deserve to be loved and this makes me so sad, you guys. This is Jen's struggle through the whole series and I don't feel like she ever gets a fucking break and this line, this amount of hope just makes me cry buckets because I know what's in store for her and it's not fair. Grams wants to talk to her about the birds and the bees and Jen finally admits that she and Henry only slept together literally but not in the having sex way. Grams is happy and still means every word of what she said to her, it's really sweet.
Mitch goes to the restaurant for a private party and finds out that it's a very private party between him and Gail. Gail wants them to have dinner and discuss where they're at even though they could be open and making money because their relationship is more important than their new business. It's romantic I guess but meh. They kiss and they're getting back together now.
Joey is staring at her blank wall, trying to decide what to paint when Pacey comes up and asks her if she thought he was Dawson or if she wanted him to be Dawson. Dick move but he quickly apologizes when he sees how much it upset her. Pacey offers to renew the lease on the wall and Joey says she really wants him to but she can't figure out what she wants to paint because her mind is a jumble of emotions. Pacey doesn't understand how after Dawson's behaviour, she still even remotely likes him and honestly, same. She begs him not to make things harder on her and he agrees. He wants to ask her one more question and then promises to leave her alone. He asks if she could have ever loved him as a soulmate if it weren't for Dawson. She begs him not to make her compare them and he agrees again. He tells her that he'll renew the lease and that he understands her feelings and that there are no ultimatums from him. The true hero of the show, ladies and gentlemen.
Pacey pulls off the sign that reads True Love from his boat and throws it away but Andie quickly rescues it. She wants to talk to him and he doesn't want to hear her say she hates him. She says that she doesn't hate him, she just felt hurt and betrayed. I don't really understand why but at least she's starting to be a bit less awful now. I mean, they were dating when she cheated, Pacey is only guilty of moving on from their broken relationship but I suppose she's entitled to feel what she feels. At least she's being a hell of a lot kinder now which is the Andie I know and love. He thanks her and it seems they've made up.
Joey, frustratingly, takes Dawson up on his manipulative offer to watch movies together. He in no way deserves this but I kind of get it. Joey is hating how turned over her life has become and has nothing to show for it and there is a comfort in going back to something safe and recognizable. She's even brought ET which is another call back to the very first episode. Dawson is surprised because she didn't like it (valid opinion) but she says it's what she needs right now. They watch the movie but both appear to be pretty damn uncomfortable. Fin.
My theory that Dawson is the true villain of season three is becoming more and more solid. He treated his supposed friend like crap, almost crashed into Pacey's boat to one-up him and impress Joey, and made Joey feel awful for falling for someone that wasn't him. He's the antagonist in his own show. That is a ballsy move on the writer's part and I'm honestly fascinated by this whole arc. Did they know how irreparably they were ruining their main character? Did they want to make him awful or did they actually think he was sympathetic? It just baffles me that they could see this behaviour as justified and not utterly manipulative and horrifying. Dawson uses his friends to further his own needs and cuts them off the second he thinks of them as competition. I feel like every episode now just further proves that he is the worst, not because of my bias but because of the way he's been written. If they wanted him to be sympathetic, they failed hard.
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DJ Khaled says don't ever play yourself |
That was Show Me Love. Join me next time to see how much worse Dawson could possibly get in The Anti-Prom. Spoilers, he gets exponentially worse.
I'm so glad you're back.
ReplyDeleteAw, shucks. Thanks! :)
DeleteI am enjoying so much your Dawson hate. Never change.
ReplyDeleteThe Dawson hate shall live with me until the day I die. In fact, it's been freshly renewed upon this recent rewatch because I forgot just how terrible he was but the end of season 3 certainly reminded me.