Original air date: April 26, 2000
I'm back and ready to recap because, dear reader, you are in for a treat with this one. I like to coin this section of the season, the set up to Dawson Leery becoming the villain of his own show. He's perfectly nice and whiny in this episode but that's because he hasn't been completely driven over the edge yet. Just wait. It's coming. For now, we get to see the set up to the big love triangle of the series.
We start the episode with Dawson and Joey talking about how they are going to spend their spring break visiting his Aunt Gwen. Dawson is not enthused because most kids their age are supposed to be getting wasted and going to tropical locales. I don't know what kids did this in high school, were the writers forgetting that they were not in college? That's still a whole season away, guys. Joey is indignant because she loves visiting Aunt Gwen because it's what they did as kids and one thing this show loves pushing is that because these guys were friends as kids, it means they're destined to be together forever. Gross.
Anyway, next they bump into Pacey and some guy who he introduces as Will Krudski, a guy who they were all apparently tight with but never mentioned before. Why is he here? Is it because Kerr Smith couldn't be in this episode? I need to look this up.
*Google break*
Ok, I totally forgot about this. They introduced this character specifically to introduce us to a new Dawson's Creek spin-off series called Young Americans. How is it a spin-off if it involves no characters from this show? I don't know, it just is and this is how they're going to lazily justify it. Hey kids, watch Young Americans, it stars Pacey's friend! You all love Pacey, right? Well, what about Will Krudski? Please? Please!?
God, I looked up this show and it sounds sooooo boring. Basically it's set in a prestigious summer boarding school and the students also practice rowing on the lake...wait, is that why it's a spinoff? Because of the rowing boats thing that they sometimes do on Dawson's Creek? That and there is a girl with a boy nickname on it, but apparently she's really pretending to be a boy so she can go to an all boy's boarding school because drama, probably. I don't think that would actually work and it just reminds me of another show set in a boarding school where the premise was that it was a boys school that was accepting female students for the first time or something and that was somewhat entertaining but made more sense than a student faking their gender somehow. Wait, I did that thing where I got distracted again, I'm sorry. I should've just breezed past this Krudski character because he's bland and forgettable and will never be seen again.
Anyway, Pacey asks to tag along on their trip because he needs something to do with Krudski and there was no way he was going to be stuck alone with the nobody. Andie shows up overloaded with luggage and Will swoops in to help her. She is introduced and explains that Jack is not going to come on the trip with them because he's bonding with their father which is very sweet but also sad because I know that actor passed away before this episode. They try to set up a thing with Will liking Andie but we all know this character isn't sticking around, skip it.
More importantly, Joey asks Pacey what's up because he was supposed to bail because things are awkward. He tells her he was totally going to but then this random new character showed up to wedge himself into the group and foster goodwill for his new show. Also other reasons that he's not willing to share but us Pacephine shippers know what's what.
At the Leery restaurant, Jen is working as hostess and her serial killer boyfriend, Henry got a job as busboy so he could hang around with her more. Some waitress walks up and immediately overshares about how much she likes Henry and wants to bone him which makes Jen upset. Instead of using her words and saying "hey, that's my boyfriend", she gets huffy and sends the girl to wait on a table immediately. Ok, Jen.
The kids are eating in a diner during a break from their roadtrip and Andie is interrogating Will. This is a good idea because Will reveals that his favourite book is Catcher in the Rye and calls Salinger a God. It's best to find these things out early, Andie, run like hell away from this boy. You do not want to date someone who identifies with Holden Caulfield.
They ask about Aunt Gwen who Joey gushes about because she's an artist and painter who lives life on her own terms. Pacey is giving her googly eyes because of course. Dawson tells them all about how she was married to an uptight lawyer but then ran off with some other dude. Pacey is intrigued because it's a simile to his own situation. Alas, her happily ever after only lasted two years because her new beau died of a heart attack. Andie thinks it's sad but Will waxes poetic about how it's better to spend a short time with someone you truly love then a lifetime with someone who is basically your roommate and Pacey and Joey look uncomfortable.
Back at the restaurant, Mitch and Gail meet up with an old friend of theirs who tells them her husband, Mitch's friend has died. She asks how they are and Gail lies that they are doing great, much to Mitch's discomfort. The lady gives them a speech her husband wrote for their wedding. This is going to be important.
The kids arrive and Aunt Gwen is quirkily dancing and painting as most free spirits do. She happily welcomes Dawson and fawns over how gorgeous Joey has become. Then she recalls meeting Pacey before when he was chasing Joey around at a 4th of July party. I see they're going for a Gilbert Blythe/Anne Shirley dynamic between Pacey and Joey and I'm ok with it. It's not the best message to send anymore but I feel like Pacey has shown he isn't like that anymore and that's the main point of how that trope can work. Kids don't know what their feelings are but as they grow, it might snap in and they change their attitude. I feel like a lot of people forget the growing and maturing part and just go with "boys are awful to you because they like you and that makes their assholery ok" which I am not down with. She then meets Andie and who she thinks is Jack but Pacey interjects that it's just an interloper trying to launch his own show.
Next up, we get to night time and everyone is trying to figure out sleeping arrangements. Due to complete and utter contrivance, the only available place for Joey and Pacey to sleep is together on the bed. There is absolutely no where else they could sleep, nothing to be done about it. The couches in the living room do not exist. This is what I tell myself because I am completely fine with this tropey turn of events. Joey demands Pacey do something and I have to side eye Pacey for a bit because he asks if Dawson will give up his sleeping bag for Joey instead of to him. Like dude, you like this girl, give her the bed. Dawson refuses and no one brings up the obvious arrangement of Dawson/Joey on the bed, Pacey on the floor and again, perfectly fine with this. Screw Dawson. Andie is sound asleep and Will refuses to sleep with Pacey and doesn't know Joey well enough so darn, guess Pacey and Joey are stuck together.
Joey gets overly naggy about him not making any moves on her and Pacey cuts her off with a "get in bed and while you're at it, get over yourself" and I love it. Sometimes, Joey is a bit much. I do like her a lot sometimes though. They argue a bit before finally settling in for the night.
When they wake up, Pacey pulls a bit of a creeper move by moving in close to her and, I think trying to sniff her? Anyway, they meet everyone for breakfast. Aunt Gwen wants to steal Dawson and Joey for a shopping trip and sends the others off to explore the town. She mentions a pool hall which intrigues Pacey and Will and annoys Andie who immediately makes fun of them for wanting to play. She asks if it's a phallic thing because stick and balls. Ok, Andie.
Ugh, back at the restaurant, Gail tries to talk to Mitch about their dead friend. Mitch is not interested in talking feelings because he's a big manly man. He does admit that he wishes he'd called his friend more or vice versa. Gail offers him the speech to read but Mitch isn't having it.
Jen is annoyed that the girl is still sniffing around Henry but neither of them use their words. Like, both of them, it's so simple. "Hey, that's my boyfriend" or "I'm actually dating someone/Jen." Jen instead assigns the girl, Shelly, the busiest sections. Henry asks her if she's jealous and she denies it hard. Then he gets mad about her not being jealous which is absurd. Still, Jen, do NOT piss him off. You will end up in his basement of torture.
At the pool hall, Andie is gloating about beating Pacey and Will at pool. Pacey then purposefully screws up a shot to get the attention of some other guys at the next table. They challenge them to a game despite Andie's protests because she thinks they suck. Bless her for not getting it yet.
Dawson is looking for art for his wall and his aunt asks him about his movie posters. Dawson admits that he took them down because he doesn't know who he is anymore but really, it's because he got one bad review for his crappy movie and gave up. Aunt Gwen moves the convo from Dawson's movie obsession to the fact that she doesn't see them kissing or holding hands which is weird because them dating is fairly recent and they made out like they hadn't seen Aunt Gwen in years so her memories would be of them as kids when they were decidedly not romantic. Unless this show is trying to pull a Boy Meets World ret-con where they were suddenly madly in love and promising marriage from aged 3 or 4. Yuck.
They explain their tumultuous brief relationships and then Joey adds that Dawson then asked Pacey to look out for her which is a weird detail to add in and Aunt Gwen calls her out on it. She brushes it off saying she was just telling the story and it means nothing.
Aunt Gwen asks them why they're not together now and Dawson can't answer and Joey doesn't want to because we all know she's thinking of Pacey and his morning wood. Sorry, that comes later (that's what she said). Sorry again.
Andie is pissed that she was used in Pacey and Will's pool shark scam but is mostly indignant because she thought she was good. Will tries to tell her she is but she's not buying it. He then offers her a part of their take and she looks touched by this or maybe confused.
Everyone is horsing around as they bathe a horse while Dawson and Joey avoid the work and sit up in the barn loft together. Dawson asks her if he seems different just because he took all his movie posters down. Joey tells him that he is because he used to have to be the center of attention and that life revolved around him and now he lets other people shine. Oh, honey, no. Just no. You'll see soon enough. Everything always revolves around Dawson. He says that they make sense in each others lives and always have and Joey looks suuuuper uncomfortable before responding "things change, Dawson." and hells yeah they do. Dawson then tells her that he's forgetting why they're not together and neither answer but the question is answered for us when Pacey pops up.
Joey is talking art with Aunt Gwen. She picks out her favourite piece which is of the cabin they're all staying in. Aunt Gwen tells a story about how she was told to paint her dreams or something and painted that, implying that she's either psychic or saw this place before and insisted on moving there with her new boyfriend. Joey asks Aunt Gwen if she has any regrets about ditching her husband for the new guy. Aunt Gwen says she stayed in a relationship that was safe and comfortable but when she met Richard she felt alive and she couldn't ignore those feelings. She owed it to herself to explore them. This is so obviously an analogy for the Joey, Dawson, Pacey love triangle and I am here for Gwen calling her nephew "safe and comfortable" unwittingly. Having realized that she might have just talked Joey out of staying in a relationship that started when she was too young and is safe and comfortable, she then points out her own favourite painting. A portrait of Joey and Dawson as kids in a big heart. So, she was shipping two kids together? Weird. Pacey comes up behind her but she breezes past him after a quick "hey."
Henry runs up to tell Jen all about how Shelly told him that he could have sex with her any time he wanted and that she really likes younger guys. Someone keep Shelly away from elementary schools, please. Like, I know that she's 16 and he's supposed to be 15 but something about that phrasing sounds gross. Keep an eye on her, is all I'm saying. Also, Henry, this is not the convo you have with your girlfriend but at least he finally used his words and said he had a girlfriend so problem solved, right? Wrong, Jen gets upset because she thinks he's attracted to Shelly and wants to take her up on her offer so she tells him to just do it and not tell her that she is jealous.
Andie has a heart to heart with Will and I just want to say, everyone keeps using his full name all the time and it is getting a bit tiring. We get it, you want us to know him so we'll watch his stupid show, please just have them call him Will. And don't imply that there's romance here when this character is clearly going to disappear after this episode. He reveals a tortured boy background story and I just don't care to repeat it. He's not worth it.
Gail tries to talk to Mitch again but he's too pissy about their lack of marriage to want to. Which is fair, she did cheat on him but then why is he hanging around her all the time? I think it's pretty shitty to pretend to be supportive and friendly just to throw it back in her face that you're not married and it's all her fault. Let's cut away to more important things.
Karaoke night at the cabin! The gang is all singing Louie together and it's adorable. Dawson is too good for it though because he's the worst. Next, someone thought it would be funny to make Meredith Monroe sing again and she at least has fun with Ooh, Child (Things Are Gonna Get Easier) but I think her rendition would physically pain poor Star Lord. She clearly had never heard the song before and was way off tune. Props to her for trying though. Pacey sings Wild Thing and it gives me strange feelings that I don't care to share.
Aunt Gwen then forces Joey and Dawson to sing their "special number" despite Dawson being a killjoy he agrees and they sing Daydream Believer. I'll admit, it's pretty cute but the cuteness is too much for Pacey, who leaves. Joey notices and is upset.
Jen finds Henry and Shelly getting giggly together and is not impressed. She storms over to them and finally uses her words. She tells Shelly that she's fawning over her boyfriend and Shelly rightfully asks why she didn't tell her like the first time she was showing an interest in Henry. Jen admits it's because she has issues before ranting, calling her a slutty wench (boo, Jen. Not cool) and that if she continues flirting with Henry they will throw down. Jen then realizes she made an ass out of herself in front of everyone in the restaurant and asks Henry if he's happy now because she is, in fact, jealous.
Meanwhile, Joey finds Pacey and asks if he's ok and he tells her that he is decidedly not ok. He complains that he can't compete with hers and Dawson's history and she blurts out that they're not supposed to compete, they're supposed to create their own history but then says she didn't mean it.
Joey doesn't know and Pacey tells her that he hates all the uncomfortable unspoken weirdness they have between them. Joey asks why he even came and Pacey admits that he came to be with her. He's about to walk away in frustration and hurt when Joey admits that she felt...it. You know, it. That it. The EL James version of it, if you will (sorry for reminding you she exists). This makes Pacey pause because uh, yeah. Joey explains that it happened earlier in the morning when his "arm" brushed up against her. I see you, show. She felt it and it made her feel alive because hell yeah, it did. Also, callback to the convo with Aunt Gwen where she absolutely talked Joey into pursuing her new feelings rather than staying in her safe, boring, relationship with Dawson.
Pacey is unsure what to do with this information for a bit but then tells Joey that he's about to kiss her. Joey protests but he's like "you can't say something like that to me and expect me not to want to kiss you." which, yeah. However, he gives her fair warning and ten seconds to think about it and stop him if she doesn't want him to kiss her.
Aunt Gwen stops them. Because she's a cockblocker. She looks bizarrely pissed off which is weird because who Joey kisses is none of her goddamn business. Pacey quickly nopes out of this convo and leaves Joey to deal with Aunt Gwen's judgement. Gwen says that she now understands why she and Dawson aren't together but at least has the good sense to say that she can't judge since she left her marriage for another man, whereas Joey isn't even dating Dawson and therefore can kiss whoever she damn well pleases. Joey tries to explain but Aunt Gwen says it isn't her business but implores Joey to tell Dawson because his world would be crushed if he walked in on Pacey and Joey kissing. Excuse me while I don't care because it really isn't his business who Joey wants to kiss. He had his chance and he moved on, she should be able to too. But I do agree that she should tell Dawson because she needs to be honest with her friend about her feelings but I don't agree with Gwen that Joey is being reckless with his feelings. Or that it's her responsibility to manage them. That's garbage.
Andie finds Pacey and tries to cheer him up but it quickly turns into talking Will Krudski up as a "cool guy". We get it show, you want us to like Poochie, I mean Will. Pacey realizes that Andie likes Will and she says it's a good thing for them to move on and he agrees and is fine with it. You don't need to be, he's not sticking around here and Andie's going to be into you again randomly for maximum drama and hurt over Pacephine.
Henry finds Jen in the cooler crying and she says how much she hates crying because it's such a "girl thing to do" I definitely feel this but I hate the implication that crying is girly and therefore weak. Sometimes, we all just need to cry, and that's fine. That said, I do hate doing it unless I'm by myself because I hate an audience when I cry. Henry tries to make her feel better but Jen says he's supposed to be mad but he's not. Jen isn't used to being jealous and doesn't know how to handle it. She's scared of losing Henry because of how much he means to her and how he broke down her walls and made her less guarded and thus more vulnerable. He whispers more sweet nothings and they are officially made up.
Back to Mitch and Gail's boring drama, Mitch finally read the speech and sought out their wedding video. He is waxing nostalgic about what they were and how it's painful for him to remember. This is boring. Did anyone care about these two on first watch? I sure as heck didn't and still don't. They're both awful. They've decided to get back together because their friend dying made their issues seem trivial or something. Next.
Joey finds Dawson and wants to talk because she's totally wanting to explore her alive feelings with Pacey (and also his penis) but Aunt Gwen the cockblocker shows up again to ruin things. Joey says they can talk later and leaves. Aunt Gwen, knowing full well that Joey is interested in someone else, presents Dawson with the portrait she showed Joey earlier and says it's to help him find his way back. Guys, Aunt Gwen likes to stir up drama. She then talks up Dawson's talents and imagination and I'm just like he made Swamp Thing and a movie about his relationship with Joey, and tried to pass off Steven Spielberg movie plots as his own stories to children, are you sure you're talking about Dawson's talent, Aunt Gwen? He says he's lost his inspiration and that it's easy for her because she has so much talent. Gwen says her talent is nothing, all that matters is if you love and the rest comes from that. She tells Dawson to close his eyes and paint his future and with the whole, talent is about who you love and giving him that portrait, I'm convinced that Aunt Gwen is stirring drama because she knows he'll think of Joey and Joey likes Pacey. I think I might have to give Aunt Gwen a mustache to twirl.
Fun trivia fact! Aunt Gwen is played by Julie Bowen from Modern Family and was actually a few months younger than Meredith Monroe who is playing a teenager here. The magic of TV.
Joey finds Pacey again and he tells her that he's not going to kiss her again and asks what's going on. Joey doesn't know and Pacey says he deserves a better answer than that. Joey says she tried to write it off as a hormonal glitch but she can't get it to work and hurt, Pacey asks her if she wants it to work. Joey then admits that she tried to tell Dawson about her feelings for Pacey but she couldn't find the words. Actually, you were cockblocked by Aunt Gwen but po-tay-to/po-tah-to and all that. Pacey asks what she would've said and again, she doesn't know but he isn't buying it. He drops the truth bomb that she's too scared to ask the right questions which isn't how Pacey feels about her because that's super obvious but how she feels about him. Pacey asks her how she feels and Joey says she feels awful and oooof, the feels. I so relate to this. Pacey admits that he feels the same way and that it's eating him up to have such strong feelings for her when he knows it will hurt Andie and Dawson. He also tells her that he can't keep kissing her because he can't always be the one initiating things or giving her the answers.
Pacey then tells her that if she felt even one shred of what he feels for her, they wouldn't even be having this conversation and he walks away only for Joey to stop him because she totally feels the same way.
Aaaah, so cute and also uggghhhh, the feels. I'll take "thing I should have done in the same situation for 200, Alex" But that's a really awesome ending to this episode which is still probably one of my favourites of the series, even if it does bring up some bittersweet memories for me. I adore how much they built up Pacey and Joey this season and it all pays off so nicely in this moment here. We all knew Pacey would kiss her but it was nice that Joey got a chance to show that she wants to kiss him too. This episode is awesome, even if it's besmirched by a character the writers wanted to push on us to lure us to another inferior show.
So...is it weird that I kind of want to check out Young Americans just to see how it turned out and what they were trying to push on us? I mean, it totally failed and I think it only lasted 8 episodes so it's not like it would take up a lot of time. Why am I always so morbidly curious about things that I know are going to be bad? Still, I'm really tempted to track this down and binge it for science but I haven't decided if I hate myself enough yet.
Stay tuned for the next Creek recap with the Rashomon inspired, The Longest Day.
I'm back and ready to recap because, dear reader, you are in for a treat with this one. I like to coin this section of the season, the set up to Dawson Leery becoming the villain of his own show. He's perfectly nice and whiny in this episode but that's because he hasn't been completely driven over the edge yet. Just wait. It's coming. For now, we get to see the set up to the big love triangle of the series.
We start the episode with Dawson and Joey talking about how they are going to spend their spring break visiting his Aunt Gwen. Dawson is not enthused because most kids their age are supposed to be getting wasted and going to tropical locales. I don't know what kids did this in high school, were the writers forgetting that they were not in college? That's still a whole season away, guys. Joey is indignant because she loves visiting Aunt Gwen because it's what they did as kids and one thing this show loves pushing is that because these guys were friends as kids, it means they're destined to be together forever. Gross.
Anyway, next they bump into Pacey and some guy who he introduces as Will Krudski, a guy who they were all apparently tight with but never mentioned before. Why is he here? Is it because Kerr Smith couldn't be in this episode? I need to look this up.
*Google break*
Ok, I totally forgot about this. They introduced this character specifically to introduce us to a new Dawson's Creek spin-off series called Young Americans. How is it a spin-off if it involves no characters from this show? I don't know, it just is and this is how they're going to lazily justify it. Hey kids, watch Young Americans, it stars Pacey's friend! You all love Pacey, right? Well, what about Will Krudski? Please? Please!?
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Look at this wannabe barf-ola |
God, I looked up this show and it sounds sooooo boring. Basically it's set in a prestigious summer boarding school and the students also practice rowing on the lake...wait, is that why it's a spinoff? Because of the rowing boats thing that they sometimes do on Dawson's Creek? That and there is a girl with a boy nickname on it, but apparently she's really pretending to be a boy so she can go to an all boy's boarding school because drama, probably. I don't think that would actually work and it just reminds me of another show set in a boarding school where the premise was that it was a boys school that was accepting female students for the first time or something and that was somewhat entertaining but made more sense than a student faking their gender somehow. Wait, I did that thing where I got distracted again, I'm sorry. I should've just breezed past this Krudski character because he's bland and forgettable and will never be seen again.
Anyway, Pacey asks to tag along on their trip because he needs something to do with Krudski and there was no way he was going to be stuck alone with the nobody. Andie shows up overloaded with luggage and Will swoops in to help her. She is introduced and explains that Jack is not going to come on the trip with them because he's bonding with their father which is very sweet but also sad because I know that actor passed away before this episode. They try to set up a thing with Will liking Andie but we all know this character isn't sticking around, skip it.
More importantly, Joey asks Pacey what's up because he was supposed to bail because things are awkward. He tells her he was totally going to but then this random new character showed up to wedge himself into the group and foster goodwill for his new show. Also other reasons that he's not willing to share but us Pacephine shippers know what's what.
At the Leery restaurant, Jen is working as hostess and her serial killer boyfriend, Henry got a job as busboy so he could hang around with her more. Some waitress walks up and immediately overshares about how much she likes Henry and wants to bone him which makes Jen upset. Instead of using her words and saying "hey, that's my boyfriend", she gets huffy and sends the girl to wait on a table immediately. Ok, Jen.
The kids are eating in a diner during a break from their roadtrip and Andie is interrogating Will. This is a good idea because Will reveals that his favourite book is Catcher in the Rye and calls Salinger a God. It's best to find these things out early, Andie, run like hell away from this boy. You do not want to date someone who identifies with Holden Caulfield.
They ask about Aunt Gwen who Joey gushes about because she's an artist and painter who lives life on her own terms. Pacey is giving her googly eyes because of course. Dawson tells them all about how she was married to an uptight lawyer but then ran off with some other dude. Pacey is intrigued because it's a simile to his own situation. Alas, her happily ever after only lasted two years because her new beau died of a heart attack. Andie thinks it's sad but Will waxes poetic about how it's better to spend a short time with someone you truly love then a lifetime with someone who is basically your roommate and Pacey and Joey look uncomfortable.
Back at the restaurant, Mitch and Gail meet up with an old friend of theirs who tells them her husband, Mitch's friend has died. She asks how they are and Gail lies that they are doing great, much to Mitch's discomfort. The lady gives them a speech her husband wrote for their wedding. This is going to be important.
The kids arrive and Aunt Gwen is quirkily dancing and painting as most free spirits do. She happily welcomes Dawson and fawns over how gorgeous Joey has become. Then she recalls meeting Pacey before when he was chasing Joey around at a 4th of July party. I see they're going for a Gilbert Blythe/Anne Shirley dynamic between Pacey and Joey and I'm ok with it. It's not the best message to send anymore but I feel like Pacey has shown he isn't like that anymore and that's the main point of how that trope can work. Kids don't know what their feelings are but as they grow, it might snap in and they change their attitude. I feel like a lot of people forget the growing and maturing part and just go with "boys are awful to you because they like you and that makes their assholery ok" which I am not down with. She then meets Andie and who she thinks is Jack but Pacey interjects that it's just an interloper trying to launch his own show.
Next up, we get to night time and everyone is trying to figure out sleeping arrangements. Due to complete and utter contrivance, the only available place for Joey and Pacey to sleep is together on the bed. There is absolutely no where else they could sleep, nothing to be done about it. The couches in the living room do not exist. This is what I tell myself because I am completely fine with this tropey turn of events. Joey demands Pacey do something and I have to side eye Pacey for a bit because he asks if Dawson will give up his sleeping bag for Joey instead of to him. Like dude, you like this girl, give her the bed. Dawson refuses and no one brings up the obvious arrangement of Dawson/Joey on the bed, Pacey on the floor and again, perfectly fine with this. Screw Dawson. Andie is sound asleep and Will refuses to sleep with Pacey and doesn't know Joey well enough so darn, guess Pacey and Joey are stuck together.
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Oh well, guess I'll just have to get what I want. Shoot. |
Joey gets overly naggy about him not making any moves on her and Pacey cuts her off with a "get in bed and while you're at it, get over yourself" and I love it. Sometimes, Joey is a bit much. I do like her a lot sometimes though. They argue a bit before finally settling in for the night.
When they wake up, Pacey pulls a bit of a creeper move by moving in close to her and, I think trying to sniff her? Anyway, they meet everyone for breakfast. Aunt Gwen wants to steal Dawson and Joey for a shopping trip and sends the others off to explore the town. She mentions a pool hall which intrigues Pacey and Will and annoys Andie who immediately makes fun of them for wanting to play. She asks if it's a phallic thing because stick and balls. Ok, Andie.
Ugh, back at the restaurant, Gail tries to talk to Mitch about their dead friend. Mitch is not interested in talking feelings because he's a big manly man. He does admit that he wishes he'd called his friend more or vice versa. Gail offers him the speech to read but Mitch isn't having it.
Jen is annoyed that the girl is still sniffing around Henry but neither of them use their words. Like, both of them, it's so simple. "Hey, that's my boyfriend" or "I'm actually dating someone/Jen." Jen instead assigns the girl, Shelly, the busiest sections. Henry asks her if she's jealous and she denies it hard. Then he gets mad about her not being jealous which is absurd. Still, Jen, do NOT piss him off. You will end up in his basement of torture.
At the pool hall, Andie is gloating about beating Pacey and Will at pool. Pacey then purposefully screws up a shot to get the attention of some other guys at the next table. They challenge them to a game despite Andie's protests because she thinks they suck. Bless her for not getting it yet.
Dawson is looking for art for his wall and his aunt asks him about his movie posters. Dawson admits that he took them down because he doesn't know who he is anymore but really, it's because he got one bad review for his crappy movie and gave up. Aunt Gwen moves the convo from Dawson's movie obsession to the fact that she doesn't see them kissing or holding hands which is weird because them dating is fairly recent and they made out like they hadn't seen Aunt Gwen in years so her memories would be of them as kids when they were decidedly not romantic. Unless this show is trying to pull a Boy Meets World ret-con where they were suddenly madly in love and promising marriage from aged 3 or 4. Yuck.
They explain their tumultuous brief relationships and then Joey adds that Dawson then asked Pacey to look out for her which is a weird detail to add in and Aunt Gwen calls her out on it. She brushes it off saying she was just telling the story and it means nothing.
We all see through you, Joey |
Aunt Gwen asks them why they're not together now and Dawson can't answer and Joey doesn't want to because we all know she's thinking of Pacey and his morning wood. Sorry, that comes later (that's what she said). Sorry again.
Andie is pissed that she was used in Pacey and Will's pool shark scam but is mostly indignant because she thought she was good. Will tries to tell her she is but she's not buying it. He then offers her a part of their take and she looks touched by this or maybe confused.
Everyone is horsing around as they bathe a horse while Dawson and Joey avoid the work and sit up in the barn loft together. Dawson asks her if he seems different just because he took all his movie posters down. Joey tells him that he is because he used to have to be the center of attention and that life revolved around him and now he lets other people shine. Oh, honey, no. Just no. You'll see soon enough. Everything always revolves around Dawson. He says that they make sense in each others lives and always have and Joey looks suuuuper uncomfortable before responding "things change, Dawson." and hells yeah they do. Dawson then tells her that he's forgetting why they're not together and neither answer but the question is answered for us when Pacey pops up.
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Hi there, I believe you two asked for a reason? |
Joey is talking art with Aunt Gwen. She picks out her favourite piece which is of the cabin they're all staying in. Aunt Gwen tells a story about how she was told to paint her dreams or something and painted that, implying that she's either psychic or saw this place before and insisted on moving there with her new boyfriend. Joey asks Aunt Gwen if she has any regrets about ditching her husband for the new guy. Aunt Gwen says she stayed in a relationship that was safe and comfortable but when she met Richard she felt alive and she couldn't ignore those feelings. She owed it to herself to explore them. This is so obviously an analogy for the Joey, Dawson, Pacey love triangle and I am here for Gwen calling her nephew "safe and comfortable" unwittingly. Having realized that she might have just talked Joey out of staying in a relationship that started when she was too young and is safe and comfortable, she then points out her own favourite painting. A portrait of Joey and Dawson as kids in a big heart. So, she was shipping two kids together? Weird. Pacey comes up behind her but she breezes past him after a quick "hey."
Henry runs up to tell Jen all about how Shelly told him that he could have sex with her any time he wanted and that she really likes younger guys. Someone keep Shelly away from elementary schools, please. Like, I know that she's 16 and he's supposed to be 15 but something about that phrasing sounds gross. Keep an eye on her, is all I'm saying. Also, Henry, this is not the convo you have with your girlfriend but at least he finally used his words and said he had a girlfriend so problem solved, right? Wrong, Jen gets upset because she thinks he's attracted to Shelly and wants to take her up on her offer so she tells him to just do it and not tell her that she is jealous.
Andie has a heart to heart with Will and I just want to say, everyone keeps using his full name all the time and it is getting a bit tiring. We get it, you want us to know him so we'll watch his stupid show, please just have them call him Will. And don't imply that there's romance here when this character is clearly going to disappear after this episode. He reveals a tortured boy background story and I just don't care to repeat it. He's not worth it.
Gail tries to talk to Mitch again but he's too pissy about their lack of marriage to want to. Which is fair, she did cheat on him but then why is he hanging around her all the time? I think it's pretty shitty to pretend to be supportive and friendly just to throw it back in her face that you're not married and it's all her fault. Let's cut away to more important things.
Karaoke night at the cabin! The gang is all singing Louie together and it's adorable. Dawson is too good for it though because he's the worst. Next, someone thought it would be funny to make Meredith Monroe sing again and she at least has fun with Ooh, Child (Things Are Gonna Get Easier) but I think her rendition would physically pain poor Star Lord. She clearly had never heard the song before and was way off tune. Props to her for trying though. Pacey sings Wild Thing and it gives me strange feelings that I don't care to share.
Aunt Gwen then forces Joey and Dawson to sing their "special number" despite Dawson being a killjoy he agrees and they sing Daydream Believer. I'll admit, it's pretty cute but the cuteness is too much for Pacey, who leaves. Joey notices and is upset.
Jen finds Henry and Shelly getting giggly together and is not impressed. She storms over to them and finally uses her words. She tells Shelly that she's fawning over her boyfriend and Shelly rightfully asks why she didn't tell her like the first time she was showing an interest in Henry. Jen admits it's because she has issues before ranting, calling her a slutty wench (boo, Jen. Not cool) and that if she continues flirting with Henry they will throw down. Jen then realizes she made an ass out of herself in front of everyone in the restaurant and asks Henry if he's happy now because she is, in fact, jealous.
Meanwhile, Joey finds Pacey and asks if he's ok and he tells her that he is decidedly not ok. He complains that he can't compete with hers and Dawson's history and she blurts out that they're not supposed to compete, they're supposed to create their own history but then says she didn't mean it.
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We all know what she means, she just needs to use her words |
Joey doesn't know and Pacey tells her that he hates all the uncomfortable unspoken weirdness they have between them. Joey asks why he even came and Pacey admits that he came to be with her. He's about to walk away in frustration and hurt when Joey admits that she felt...it. You know, it. That it. The EL James version of it, if you will (sorry for reminding you she exists). This makes Pacey pause because uh, yeah. Joey explains that it happened earlier in the morning when his "arm" brushed up against her. I see you, show. She felt it and it made her feel alive because hell yeah, it did. Also, callback to the convo with Aunt Gwen where she absolutely talked Joey into pursuing her new feelings rather than staying in her safe, boring, relationship with Dawson.
Pacey is unsure what to do with this information for a bit but then tells Joey that he's about to kiss her. Joey protests but he's like "you can't say something like that to me and expect me not to want to kiss you." which, yeah. However, he gives her fair warning and ten seconds to think about it and stop him if she doesn't want him to kiss her.
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Folks, she doesn't stop him. Feel free to squee now. |
Aunt Gwen stops them. Because she's a cockblocker. She looks bizarrely pissed off which is weird because who Joey kisses is none of her goddamn business. Pacey quickly nopes out of this convo and leaves Joey to deal with Aunt Gwen's judgement. Gwen says that she now understands why she and Dawson aren't together but at least has the good sense to say that she can't judge since she left her marriage for another man, whereas Joey isn't even dating Dawson and therefore can kiss whoever she damn well pleases. Joey tries to explain but Aunt Gwen says it isn't her business but implores Joey to tell Dawson because his world would be crushed if he walked in on Pacey and Joey kissing. Excuse me while I don't care because it really isn't his business who Joey wants to kiss. He had his chance and he moved on, she should be able to too. But I do agree that she should tell Dawson because she needs to be honest with her friend about her feelings but I don't agree with Gwen that Joey is being reckless with his feelings. Or that it's her responsibility to manage them. That's garbage.
Andie finds Pacey and tries to cheer him up but it quickly turns into talking Will Krudski up as a "cool guy". We get it show, you want us to like Poochie, I mean Will. Pacey realizes that Andie likes Will and she says it's a good thing for them to move on and he agrees and is fine with it. You don't need to be, he's not sticking around here and Andie's going to be into you again randomly for maximum drama and hurt over Pacephine.
Henry finds Jen in the cooler crying and she says how much she hates crying because it's such a "girl thing to do" I definitely feel this but I hate the implication that crying is girly and therefore weak. Sometimes, we all just need to cry, and that's fine. That said, I do hate doing it unless I'm by myself because I hate an audience when I cry. Henry tries to make her feel better but Jen says he's supposed to be mad but he's not. Jen isn't used to being jealous and doesn't know how to handle it. She's scared of losing Henry because of how much he means to her and how he broke down her walls and made her less guarded and thus more vulnerable. He whispers more sweet nothings and they are officially made up.
Back to Mitch and Gail's boring drama, Mitch finally read the speech and sought out their wedding video. He is waxing nostalgic about what they were and how it's painful for him to remember. This is boring. Did anyone care about these two on first watch? I sure as heck didn't and still don't. They're both awful. They've decided to get back together because their friend dying made their issues seem trivial or something. Next.
Joey finds Dawson and wants to talk because she's totally wanting to explore her alive feelings with Pacey (and also his penis) but Aunt Gwen the cockblocker shows up again to ruin things. Joey says they can talk later and leaves. Aunt Gwen, knowing full well that Joey is interested in someone else, presents Dawson with the portrait she showed Joey earlier and says it's to help him find his way back. Guys, Aunt Gwen likes to stir up drama. She then talks up Dawson's talents and imagination and I'm just like he made Swamp Thing and a movie about his relationship with Joey, and tried to pass off Steven Spielberg movie plots as his own stories to children, are you sure you're talking about Dawson's talent, Aunt Gwen? He says he's lost his inspiration and that it's easy for her because she has so much talent. Gwen says her talent is nothing, all that matters is if you love and the rest comes from that. She tells Dawson to close his eyes and paint his future and with the whole, talent is about who you love and giving him that portrait, I'm convinced that Aunt Gwen is stirring drama because she knows he'll think of Joey and Joey likes Pacey. I think I might have to give Aunt Gwen a mustache to twirl.
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Now look here, Joey. You're gonna date Dawson, see? Muahahahahaha! |
Fun trivia fact! Aunt Gwen is played by Julie Bowen from Modern Family and was actually a few months younger than Meredith Monroe who is playing a teenager here. The magic of TV.
Joey finds Pacey again and he tells her that he's not going to kiss her again and asks what's going on. Joey doesn't know and Pacey says he deserves a better answer than that. Joey says she tried to write it off as a hormonal glitch but she can't get it to work and hurt, Pacey asks her if she wants it to work. Joey then admits that she tried to tell Dawson about her feelings for Pacey but she couldn't find the words. Actually, you were cockblocked by Aunt Gwen but po-tay-to/po-tah-to and all that. Pacey asks what she would've said and again, she doesn't know but he isn't buying it. He drops the truth bomb that she's too scared to ask the right questions which isn't how Pacey feels about her because that's super obvious but how she feels about him. Pacey asks her how she feels and Joey says she feels awful and oooof, the feels. I so relate to this. Pacey admits that he feels the same way and that it's eating him up to have such strong feelings for her when he knows it will hurt Andie and Dawson. He also tells her that he can't keep kissing her because he can't always be the one initiating things or giving her the answers.
Pacey then tells her that if she felt even one shred of what he feels for her, they wouldn't even be having this conversation and he walks away only for Joey to stop him because she totally feels the same way.
And then they kiss |
Aaaah, so cute and also uggghhhh, the feels. I'll take "thing I should have done in the same situation for 200, Alex" But that's a really awesome ending to this episode which is still probably one of my favourites of the series, even if it does bring up some bittersweet memories for me. I adore how much they built up Pacey and Joey this season and it all pays off so nicely in this moment here. We all knew Pacey would kiss her but it was nice that Joey got a chance to show that she wants to kiss him too. This episode is awesome, even if it's besmirched by a character the writers wanted to push on us to lure us to another inferior show.
So...is it weird that I kind of want to check out Young Americans just to see how it turned out and what they were trying to push on us? I mean, it totally failed and I think it only lasted 8 episodes so it's not like it would take up a lot of time. Why am I always so morbidly curious about things that I know are going to be bad? Still, I'm really tempted to track this down and binge it for science but I haven't decided if I hate myself enough yet.
Stay tuned for the next Creek recap with the Rashomon inspired, The Longest Day.
1. omg baby Damon Salvatore in that Young Americans poster though
ReplyDelete2. hell yeah on the Salinger red flag
3. "but Pacey interjects that it's just an interloper trying to launch his own show." *cry-laughs forever*
4. every time you refer to Henry as a serial killer, I die. you have murdered me so many times, you're Zelda-exclusive serial killer
5. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE MY SHIP, now with consensual kissing!
6. yup yup yup it is not Joey's emotional burden to carry stupid Dawson's feelings
7. I am squicked that Aunt Gwen is younger than Andie. wtf is wrong with TV casting directors
1. Holy crap! I knew he looked familiar, I just couldn't place it.
Delete2. Salinger is the biggest red flag, just under men who identify way too much with Fight Club.
3. I was quite proud of that line, so thank you. :)
4. I'm sorry...but he's totally a serial killer. :P
5. Pacephine 5evah!
6. Dawson is the worst, screw his feelings.
7. No idea but to be fair, Meredith Monroe is like 30 here and probably shouldn't have been cast as a teenager to begin with. So Aunt Gwen is slightly more accurate casting than Andie's casting was. (I do really like Meredith as Andie though, she's adorbs and looks super young anyway).
8. OK, ok, I'm tracking it down and subjecting myself to Young Americans. FOR SCIENCE! (and to see baby Damon Salvatore because honestly that's what convinced me and not stupid Will Krudski).
true story: there's a play called Dog Sees God, and it's about the Peanuts characters in high school and it's angsty and frankly kind of mediocre but where I'm going with this is the off-broadway cast was stuffed with Hot Young TV Actors, including baby damon salvatore and america ferrara and eddie whosit from the America Pie movies. eliza dushku was originally in it too, but she had left by the time I saw it (apparently the producers were awful and the entire cast was miserable). also the only good performers in it were the woman (not a Hot Young TV Actor) playing Lucy (Eliza's part) and Keith Nobbs, playing total stoner Linus. this story was in no way interesting, I just wanted to brag that I have a playbill with baby damon salvatore in it.
DeleteI am so glad that these recaps are back!! I only recently discovered them and I was gutted that you stopped at A Cinderella Story. So thank you for your return!
ReplyDeleteYoung Americans is complete and utter trash, but it does also feature baby Matt Czuchry (Gilmore Girls, The Resident) AND baby Charlie Hunnam (Sons of Anarchy) so it's worth watching for them alone.
On the topic at hand though, I think Pacey makes up for his impromptu kiss in the previous episode with his slow count to ten in this episode, AND his insistence that Joey kiss him first for once because it matters how she feels. Yay consent! Just another reason why Pacey > Dawson (as will be evidenced later in The Anti-Prom) not everyone on this show understands consent. In fact, I'm surprised that the writers even managed to get these scenes out in this episode, given their weirdly murky history around consent issues.
Absolutely! Pacey is all about the consent and I love it. Even when he acts questionably, he usually owns up to it and apologizes and makes sure the other person is comfortable. I'm glad to be back at it, I just love revisiting this show and comparing my teen views on it with my adult ones.