The Glee Re-Watch begins...and other blog news

Alright, so I've been thinking as I am recapping Dawson's Creek and noticing all of it's flaws and perhaps, dated ideologies about love and women, and men, and gays, and...everything, that I would take a look at a current show and see how well it is dealing with many of the same issues but with a fresh perspective. Dawson's Creek aired 10 years ago so, how are we doing today? Have writers learned from past mistakes? Has continuity improved now that we've moved past the archaic and out-dated notion that you absolutely must be home at 7pm on a Tuesday night on the night that a new episode is airing and are able to view episodes whenever the fuck we feel like it?

Well, all that and more will be answered during the big Glee Re-Watch spectacular. I was going to get started straight away and just launch into the recaps but because I know I have certain feelings towards a character, I thought I should make this post to address the elephant in the room.

I need to, my house just isn't that big, guys
So, I am just going to come right out and say it. I don't really like Finn as a character. Actually, I liked him fine, in fact I liked all of the characters early on, flaws and all, but later on they all go through their periods of just being loathsome and I'm going to call them out on it. That being said, given the fact that the actor who played Finn tragically passed away before the end of the show I just wanted to stress that while I may say some negative things about Finn as a character, I do not mean any disrespect to Cory Monteith or his family in any way. So, regardless of how I feel about Finn, that does not reflect how I feel about Cory which is not really much of anything because I didn't know the guy. I'm sure that he was a very nice person though and again, I mean no disrespect when I criticize the show or the character he played.

With that out of the way, I can't wait to get started on the recapping goodness. I've already re-watched the pilot episode and my god, I almost cried because I forgot how great it was back then. It is such a different show now but I guess I'll get to that when I get to it.

In other news, the next Dawson recap is almost done and ready to be posted as well as some very special Valentine's posts that hopefully will just lead to fun discussions rather than my untimely death because lets just say, I've got some unpopular opinions. Stay tuned for my Top Ten Worst Couples and my Top Ten Best Couples which will be coming out next month. Until then, here is a cute and innocent kitteh:

Please don't kill me?


  1. Okay, so first? My lack of comments on your posts is entirely the fault of my RSS reader which has apparently been hoarding up all of your posts from the time I added your blog to my reader in, like, September. Because I now have a ton of unread posts and they're all from your blog. WEIRD.

    I'm pretty excited about the Glee recaps. I stopped watching once Rachel et al graduated, but the early days OH MY GOD THE EARLY DAYS. So good.

    Also, I kind of feel like I should do my own best/worst couples post for Valentine's Day. Because that sounds FABULOUS and I can't wait to see what's on the list!! :)

    1. Oh my god, please do! We can make it a theme for Valentine's month where everyone talks about their favourite and least favourite teen couples!

      No worries about the comments. Is it bad that I work on websites for a living and have no clue how to work RSS? [uhoh]

      Oh, you have no idea how bad Glee gets. For some reason, I just couldn't quit the show and now that it's in its final season, I just feel like I've got to stick it out till the bitter end. Truth be told, I actually enjoyed the first two episodes of the last season, the third not so much but they only have a few episodes left so here's hoping that they can keep it together and not go off on too many weird plot points.

    2. I had the same issue Melbourne did - I just got an email today with the last gazillion posts. I wouldn't know you were still updating if you didn't advertise the posts ... elsewhere. They didn't even show up when I visit the blogger homepage where you're supposed to see a feed of all the blogs you follow. Who knows? It's done it for both of my blogs too, so probably some glitch in the platform.

  2. *falls over from excitement* I WANT ALL THE THINGS

    1. Yay! You and Daniel should do a best/worst couples list too! Join in on the fun!


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