My Guest Spots

Here are some reviews I did for other blogs.

Once More With Extreme Prejudice
I was asked to guest write about a few episodes of Veronica Mars with my good friends Zelda and Daniel, over at their blog and was more than delighted to oblige. If you want to check them out, they've also done the entirety of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Veronica Mars - s2e06 - Rat Saw God
Veronica Mars - s2e05 - Blast From the Past
Veronica Mars - s2e03 - Cheatty Cheatty Bang Bang

Snark Squad
I was asked to guest write for a couple of episodes of Gilmore Girls for the Snark Squad. It was an honour and lots of fun but very challenging to recap such a verbose show. The charm of that show is the quick witty dialogue which is really hard to concisely display in a recap without being overly long or boring. Hopefully, I fared ok. The Snark Ladies go over a bunch of different Pop Culture in book, tv and movie form, if you care to check them out. Their write-ups about Babysitters Club and Sweet Valley High are a nostalgia bomb of awesomeness.

Gilmore Girls - s1e20 - P.S. I Lo...
Gilmore Girls - s1e11 - Paris is Burning
